Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/174

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BOY 4 Henry, governor of Daminira, sa. Elizabeth, don. of Cal. Lee, of lianbury, Co. Oxford, and a. in 1797, leaving an only ohitd, Sfary-Anno-l’iorpoiot. 5 Edward, a. s’oas. 1 Anno, ci. or is. S Mary, so. in 1763, to the Rev. Nathaniel Preston, of Swainslown, en. Month, and had lassie, Anne, so. in 1797, Jssbn hiadmsser, of Wilton, aesd wan a. by his son, to Sir George Talbol., of llrifast, han. and Mary, as. in 1794, to the lion. Wifliam-tlrodoriok, 5th san of George, 3rd Viscount Sliddlolon, and ri a.js. t. Etiaabolh, sic. fo Charirs Lansbart, Esq. of Painslown, Co. Stn FRANCIS Bovaroa, high-sheriff of Yorkshire in 3596. Sloath. Lard Idoyne ci. 16 Sept. 17d3, and was a. hy his grandson, war a. by his omdy onrviving son, Gusosvus, 2nd vioooss”t, at whooe deonsoe, unos. in 1740, I. Sin MATThEw Bovnvsn-, Not, of Barntston and Boymston, the honours dovolvosl ssps’n Ida oouotn, Fanurnica, 3rd viscount, who ,e. in 1717, Elizabeth, astit, parlirnsctot in the reign of CaraLra I.,rrud oidrd with dau. nf Benjanain hindloy, Esq.,but dying without issue, in thc repnlshicaas during thr civil war. Hr icc. 1st, Francea, 177d, was a. by his brother, RICRARn, 4th viserttsct, 9. 24 March, 1724 ;is, Ceorgiana, da,s. of Sir Henry Griffith, Nut, of Burton-Agnes, in Yorkshire, 2nd dast. of William Bury, Eoq. of Shannnn Grove, 00. (see Buoar’s R4isscf Bo,’anmlage), and bad several children, Limerick (by the Hon. Jane Mooro, dau. of Charles, Lord of whom Tollamoro, and sistor and heiress rf Charles Stoore, Earl of C’harleville an,l Baron Tssllatnora, whose honnnrs expired Fnevrma, was hIm snrcessor. 17 Feb. 17si4), by whom he had, Gusravus, his successor. Charles, ot. in 1784, tIcs daa. of Cbrisloplaor-ltirst’an Lisler, Esq. and a. in 1794. Richard, 5. in 1774. Cathenino, as. in 1773, to llngb-Slonl gonsery Lyons, Esq., and is siaoo deceased. Mary. Barbara. Sophia, ‘a. tst, to Wittians-Jrhn Leswe, Esq.; and Sadly, to Dorothy, so. IC John Anlahy, Esq. of Etton, co. York. henry ttenaoll, Bsq. Anne, is. to Thosnas Crayon, Esq., and sI. in 1929. Ills lordship ci. 30 July, lIfts, and was a. by his eldest son, lie us. fndly, Katbes’ine, dan. of Tbotoaa, Viscount }‘ah’fax, Ousvnvue, 5th vioeoutst, S. 2) Dee. 1149 ; so. 1 April, 1773, bust by her haul no surviving issue. He ci. 101040, and was Silartha-Slafilda, only dan. of Sir Qnaile Somerville, Bart. of a. by his cl,leot ama, Semors-illo, eo. Mcafh, and had, GuvrAvro, OtIs visoaonl. Richard-Sosnerviltr, tl.N., S. I Jone, 1779. Sarah, oslo 1809, ta lice Roy. Goorgo Shook, and ci. 2flfarch, 1949. Goorgiaaa, as. to hoary Woodgato, Faq., wtta is since doceased. Silo lordship ‘i. in 1010. ] his wi,iow on. 2nrlly, Sir Thomas mu. hoary, rector of llarnsston, Os. 1st, Dorothy, dats. of Alexnoslrr Webb, hdssrt. ; and ci. in 18253. Ilis older son, Gnooovoo, 6th visroont, 5. 12 April, 1777; as. Man’irt, only dan. of ilonjamnims Bangh, Bog. of Bnrwarton House, oo. Saiop, and by her (who a. 5 Nov. 1014) loft at his 1. Fs’anoes, cci. to George Whieluceto, Esq. dccoaoe, 10 March, 1545, an scaly snrvivhsg son and hew, Gs’svnvra-Forncnsoa, prooeait visoonnt.. f’ersfiooo—Baron in use peerage of irelaad, 20 Oct. 1715. Viscoaal, 20 Aag. 1717. Baron of the United Kingdons, 11 IV. Sm Pnewose. This gctstlemomi wits SIP. far Hoydon, Ang. 1806. A rosa—Qaarlerly s tol and 4115, arg., brlweoa two chevran amsul rrc,,rsler of hteverloy. He as. in 1791, Francrs, dams, of nels a ciaqnetoil, all brlwrcss three cross-crosslets, filehy, sa., James lleldothwayte, Eoq.,and grauddan. and aole hsireaa of for ti00000L; 2nd and 3rd, go., Ilirro cinqssofoils, pierced, eras., Sir Willi,ssn Cobb, Ksst. of Otteringbam,smd had, isstee aliss, for HeMaLvox. Urrsi of llroaELt—A goat, fassanI, org., collar gemett, and s. Gnsrrsvss, isis heir. chargcd on use body wills an esraltoti, sa. C,r,,t of l4axmLTox—flsst of a focal eoronel, or, an oats, u. Conatanrs, as. to Ralph hlultomm, Esq. and ci. in 1765. frocled, of Ibe first, ansi prstctratcd transversely in tSr main elem by a framor—sasc, all p’r. Sssjspsrt re—two saersoiai,ls,, hair rlistsevrllcd, or, cads Sir Francis ci. 16 Sept. 1739, and was his son, teisliag in the exterior hand a sairrsr, of the last. .ilI,,tie—NCC tinseo, nec Sterno. Srate—hlraaeeprtlt Castle. ro. I Oarham Brorwarlon hail, ncar and dyhsg 22 Got. 1761, was a. by his only ehlld, Ladlow, Salop; and Stactatlan, Ca. Slcath, Ireland. Posse Hassao—Sl, llelgravc Sqoarc. BOYNTON. TioyNvny, SIR HENRT,BART..Of VII. Sun (iOlFO’ITOS, who is. bs 1756, Ams,sa-Ihania, dan. of Barnieton, CO. York 8. 2 llarols, Capt. Rielsard Parkbus’nt, lint by hcr (n-ho as. hndly, the 1811 a. isis fathor, no 1085 hart., 11ev. Cbaa.-Drake hlansard, and ci. 51 March, loss) hr had 28 Aug. 1814 ; m. let, 2 Nov. no irene. This gesmtlensrsmo who was esteemed amongst the 1833, Lonisa, 2nd dan. of Walter most acrumpltsboul of hie time, totally seelssded himaolf Stuiukland, Esq. of C’okothorp frona society for oevot’ol years before bin dcatb (ito July, Park, Oxfordohiro ; and 2ndly, VIII. Sma F’osxrta, 5. 26 March, 1777 ;sa. June, 1815, Miee 7 Feb. 1843, Harriet, 2nd dots. Bmscktros,t. h:,sst dying s.p., Ii) Nov.1912, sva,s a. by his brother, of Thomas Loghtfoot, Faq. of IX, Sun hiewuv, 5. 22 March, 1718, who us. 1 Jan. ISIO, Sevenssaks, Kent, by whom he Mary, dson. of Capt. Gray, assd muieee of Wno. Wataomo, Eaq. laos snrvivimmg 100110, m. HENRY-S0MERvII.E, 5. 23 J,stso, 1544. m. Catbcnino-Marnhe, so. 31 July, 1800, to Capt. William Mnserndcn, Ott hnesaro. 124 BOY llenTnoLOm.mmiw on BOYNTON, who, it is stated, was lord of ihe 000nor of Boynton in 1007, was ancestor of MeTTmscw BovaTnaz, Eaq., who ns. Attnr, dau. of Sir Stn TmmssM,os Bovx’rox, H.P. for Boronghhridge, and high- sheriff sit Yorkshire, in the reign of ELtrenevu. lie was a. by his osms, This grntlcnsaa Os. Dorothy, dan.and cr-heiress of Christopher Place, Eoq. of htalnehy, and dying 9 April, 1617, who woo creatcd so Bssros,et 23 Slay, 5615. Sir Matthew sole beircss of her brother, Sir Henry Griffith, Hart. ldallhrse, as. Eliaabclh, daa. of Robert Stapleton, and lefttwo dans., his co-Iseirs, via., 1 Eevsunnmrsn, so. to Richard Talbot, Earl of Tyrconnel, creatcd by J,rseca II., after his abdication, J4smlse of Tyreom,nol. 2 Isabella, us, to Wrntworhh Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscomsoon, the oetobraled poet. Ehioabesh, uss. Ia John llcron, Esq. Shargaret, usc. to John Bobisssoo, Esq. of Ryther, Yorksbire. II. Stn Pnexous. This gentleman Os. Constance, dan. of WiBiam, Vtocc,uni Say and Sele, and bad with other irasso, r. William, Os. in 1661, Elizabeth, fan. and co-heiress of Jetsms hlcreard, Esq. of Itingslon-sspon-tluIl, and had, I Gesersvtm, who a. his grandthtber. I Sisry. 2 Cotsstaoce, sss. Richard Itirkobaw B.D. Mr. Boyntoo it. in 16ff. Anions, Esq. of lssrlsans, and had, Peexoss, who inhenilod as 4th baronet. lie sss. Sadly, Ilargarot Ilobinson, who d. ,vilhosmt issae SIr Francis ii. in 15183, sonol was a. by his grandson, Ill. Sims Gusrnrmu, at whose deeoaoe, 22 Dee. 1731, without isssse, tlse tittc dcs-olved upots his comssin, mm. Frasucts, sss. Chanhotle, dass. of Sir Warton-Pennyman Warsoa, Rart., aod tad a son, l”rsacia, ‘rho left issee. V. Mn G,smresTss, whsu us. 5 April, 1741, Annr, 2nd den. sf Thomson White, Erg, of Walhingwells, co. Nottingham Vt. Mn tintrnsvn, who ss. is Slay, 1162, Charlotte, eldest dots. of Praisci.s Toplsam, LID., judge of thr Prorogetive Court of York, bnt host mso bane. He os. Sndhy, Shary. eldest dais, of James l-letstethovsuyto, Erq., by svhom (who re-mam’s’ied Johsa Pam’khssrot, Esq. of Cateohy Alsbey, and S. 13 Slay, 1833), lie haul thrre nuns, Gumresvn, Fnexoms, end Iiexnv. She d. 6 Jasm. 3779, and seas a. by his eldest son, 1801), wtcn the title devolved smpors his brother, of Dover, capt. RN., by whom be had aurviving issue, IIENRY, presrnt hsaronet. Gniulilim, in holy orders, reclor of Barnoston, or. Tort; 5.4 Nov. 10111 us. 1 Oct. 1840, Setioa, 3rd dsa. of Wihlinas Waltins, Log. of lladby House, co. Narthanshulon, and ham