Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/180

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EEl s. Slary-Sophia, as. 17 Aug. 1841, to John-Lee Leo, Seq. of Sir. Eroadhead was e. by his son, ttillingtan Somerset, and of Orleigh Court, Derun. Ii. Charlotte, as. 4 Sept. 1845, to horace ttochfort, Esq. of 115mev Bxoauuasn, Esq., t. in 16S2-2. This gentleman Clogrenano co. Carlow. iii. Jane-Sarah sa. tst, 4 Jan. 1838, to Ilugh Italbech, ttnq. 5 of which family of Faruborough Warwickshire, who 4. 8 June, 1849; Ondly, Junw-tttdnAen BaswcKMAw, Seq., is. Anne Bhogley, 10 Dec. 1853, to Capt. Sir Charles Iloaham, U.N., Neil., above-mentioned, by whom be had an only son, who ci. 31 Dec. 1855; and Srdly, 30 Aug. 1960, to Capt. Tssconoae-Itnasav ExIxcKasAa, Esq. of Brettou, 6. Sept. William Armytage, R.N. iv. Catheriue-LOaisa, as. 16 April, 1837, to the late l1c’ury 1741, who aseumed, by act ef parliament, in compliance Itoh, Esq. of HolbraOk Itouss, Samersetshire. V. Fanny-Caroline, as. 20 Slay, 1845, to J.-Walrond 71 alrond, Esq., the surname and arms of Beusnnesu. This gentle. Seq. ef Bradfirld, Devon, SIP. for Tivecton. Lord flridpert si. 6 Jan. 1860, and wan a. by his eon’ Holly Grove, in Windsor Park. He vi. in 1701, Story, dan. ALExaicuen-NeLI0N, now ViscouNT Pm ecro nT Ceealioas—Viseaunt Jlridporl, S July, 1888; ttarsn Bridport, auditor of the Exchequer, feesp. JsasEe I.), and had issue, 12 Aug. 1794; patent af barony in remainder, default of male Tnn000ex-l4ExaT, his successor. issue, to the Hen. Samuel Hoed (late baron); and after him, to Capt. Alexander Stood, U.N., father of Sir Alexander Flood, Start.; and after Captain Stood, to the late Sir Samuel hood, Ban., SIP. fer 1.Vestosinsler, wise 1. isssseless. Arias—AZ., a fret. arg.; en a chief; or, three crescents, so. Creel—A Cornisis choogh, ppr., su;sperting wilh the dexter Slary-Anue, as. 29 Aug. 1709, to Sir Johss-Dsshweod Ring claw an anehar, ar. Se2sjserfere—ltexter, Neptune, ppr., mantled, vert, suppartsng Str.Ereadloeadd. lOSIareh, 1S1O, sndwaoe. tsyhte eldestsen, with the left arm a trident, and resting the right npen an anelser, or; sinister, a sea-tion, arg., supporting with the sinister Tuas’ueue-Hxwav BensuuEs.n, Eeq., 0. 2 Dcc. 1767; paw an anchor, or. tfatle—Steady. seal—Cricket St. Thosssas, near Chard, co Somerset. TestIs Ilassee—l2, Wimpole Street. & .a BRINCKMAN. ]3RSFCKSIAN, SIR THEODORE-HENRYLAVINOTON, Brinrhman, also included in the royal license, capt. in the of Monk-Brotton, 00. William - Augustus, 0. 10 Gct. 1802; late capt. in she 7th York, 0. 17 Jan. 1798; irs. 1st, 1 Aug. 1829, Charlotte, only dass. of Riugley, liens, in the 90th foot, t. 26 Dec. 1SOI; if. in 1651. Francis-Godoiphin, let Lord Godol! ileury. rear-admiral U.N., t. 25 April, 1806; as. Sties Egan, S /f phin, astd siater of the Duke of 4i/1 (who cl in 1838) 1. TnnonoRx-timeav, late capt. 17th regt., b. 32 Sept. AIim-ed, 9. 16 Aog. 1969. 1820; m. 15 July, 1661, Cecilia-Augisota, yonngent Story, vs. in l94S, to ttaroo Girard de CoOlsern. dan. ef Francis-Nathaniel, 2nd and present Starqness Cenyngham, and has TueonoaE-Fa000ss, 5. 26 Slay, CharleItle, ci. in 104S, to Jelin-W. Pane, Esq. of Wermsley, 1852. II. Fredcriek.John, ensign 2nd West India regt. 0. 17 Feb. Sir. Bruadhead 4. 12 Dec. 1820, and was s. by his eldest son, 2032; if. 19 Feb. 1SSI. us. William-Edward, t. 25 Nev. 1823; rn 13 Sept. 1659, new Sic Tsenouexa-blsaeuv-LAvlNoTew Bxiannenie, Dart. Stary.Alieo, eldest dan. of Rowland-E.Rgerteu Warburton, Crealdeu—tO Seps. 1021. Esq. ni Arley Hall, and has issue. sv. Arthur, in holy erdere, 0. 0 Jan. 1559 ; so. 19 April, Creel—.7 pair of wings, quarterly, org. and oc. 1S54, Teuisa.Georgiana-Edith, eldest dan. of the late JI,sil,s—Perseveranda. Rev. ltessry Rotchinson Swinney, vicar of Cnddesdnss, Seal—SI. Leouord’e, Windier. and principal of the Theological College, and by her T,’lccs Iloiue—40, Berkeley Sqhsre. (who it in the Punjaub, India, 2d Aug. 1507) has a dais, a. Prances-Grace, ra. 16 Sept. 1856, to John-George Johss. stou, Seq. only nasa of the Rev. P. Johnston, of Wemb. worthy, North Devon, and has issue. He at. 2ndly, 18 March, 1841, Aunabella, clau. of the late John Corbet, Req. of Sundorne Castle, eo. Salop, which lady d. 23 Jan. 1864. Sir Theodore, who represented the borough of Yarmouth in parliament in 1820, and was created a Baronet, 30 Sept. 1831, has reaumed the family surname of BRtNcHMAN, in lieu of his patronymic Broadhead, by royal licence, in July, 1842. 3Liitcac. In the 7th Jsaaxs 1., that monarch granted, by letter,- ,., 0. 11 Aug. 1533, as. June, 1t57, latent (dated 29 Feb.), the manor of Hretton, Tl,ssten, or Mowa-Ben-rocs, in Yorkshire, to George Weod and Jehn st Re’bert-Ceerge, 0. 7. Sept. 1515; s’s. 24 July, 5860, Ilroodhead, principal freehelders ci Burten, in truet for the freeheldera at large ; and the trustees assigssed the rights thu, conveyed to them, hy separate grants, te each freeholder of the manor. The trassdsen of the grantee Breadhead, Jons lleoannsan, of Slonk-Bretton, living in the reign of CUAELEn II., left a nsn and a dais., vie., s. HENaT, his successor. n. Slorgoret, iii. to John liisgley, ci Bsltou-npsn-Dearne and Gnesen I, from Hanover, and 4. 21 Oct. 1 P41, leaving, by his had issue, I William tlioglay, who ci. without issue. 2 Henry Bisigley, ii. also issoeless. I ANNE Bsaocna, of whom hereafter, as heiress of she electoral palace, Hanover, the elector sad eleen’ess standing Bingleys. lire. Bingley 4. in 1706. 130 BET d. 15 Nov. 1754, when his eshates passed to the Brinckinane, with the testamentary injunction of Henry Broadhcad, man resided for same time at Deneanter, and afrwarda at aud heir of Jehn Bingicy, Esq. of Geldthorpe, in the parish of Delten-npon-Dearsae (the patersoal estate ci SirJehn Bingtey, John-Richard, a ccl. iii the army; 0. 14 Jao. 1772; so. in 1006, Anne, dou. of Gen. Ross; but by her, who d. in the same year, had no issue. Charles, if. e. p.20 July, 1803; ass. Harriet-Anne, dan. of the Itev. Mr. K’cighley. Hart. of Wesi Wyconsb. H.P. fer Warehom, said afterwards for Yarmouth ; vs. 15 Stoy, 1707, Elieabeth, dan. of William-Gordon Stocdougall, Esq., dcseesaded frem the Stacdeugalis of Lom, and had issue, Ts,n000nn-Hewsv-LAvSNOT0N, created a Baroneh, as above. Jshn-Richard, has ossunaed by royal licence the eumame ci Basaressaw enly, late cs;’l. in the 60th rifles; 0.24 Dec. 1798. Celdsiream-guords, t. S Stay, 1800. hussare; eul Aug. 1828, Louisa-Auguslo, dau. of the Hen. Sir Charles Pageb, 15CR., and has issue. and has issue. George, in holy orders, vicar ol West Wycombe, Bucks, 0. 19 May, 1007. Flicobesh, ac 25 Slorch, 1621, to Sir George-Henry DaehwoedSting, Bsrt., who 4. 1862. Fensiy. co. Oxford. and ,l. 19 Stay, 1425. Araao—Arg., three hills, sc. quartering Bsoaonssu. B B I S C 0. Bulsod, SiR ROBERT, of Crofton Hall, co. Cumberland, high sheriff of that co, in 1868; 6. 17 Sept. 1808 ; a. his father as 3rd Bart. 27 Dec. 1862; us. 10 July, 1832, Anuie, 3rd dan. of George Rimingtou, Esq. csf Tyne-Field House, eo. Cnmber. land, and has issue, Slary-Elicabeth,widsw of Captain R.-Newsbam Pedder, 10th humors, and eldeot don, of SirW.-H. Feilden, Hart. Lydia, yeungest dou. of the hate John Spencer, Seq. of Whitehaven. * Ianhilv of 3rlrzrlimau. TRE000BE, BABON BsswcxssAN, came into England wish wife, Elicabehh Ducheres (to whom he wos so. 10 July, 1703, in Ihe electoral palace at Hanover), ta’s sons, George-Charles, 0.3 Dec. 1705; baptized in the church of the spoasors; sI. i. p.21 June, 1139. Jooie-Escssssn, 0.21 April, 1710; naturaliced by act of parliamcut; married, sa steted in the text, to ANNE-BINOLET.