Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/198

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BUC His grace’s hononrs, however (Scottish arid English), were llargaret-Ilsrriet, sss. in 1832, to Charlss, prcscnt Earl forfeited, upon the execution of the duke, 13 July, 1685 while those enjoyed by the duchess in her own nght (Dukedom llarrirt-Jnnct-Sarals, ssi. 29 llarels, 1842, is use Rev. g, of Ducclourit by creation, and oarldona of Buccleucb Sioere, 11.0., reeler of l5ritlendess, Kent, son of the Rot’. 0. by inheritance) remained unaffected by the attahider. The lloorc, prcheoetary of Canterbury, and has issue. surviving issue of thin union wore JAMES, Ens-i of Doikeith, His grace it. 20 April, 1809. and Hcxnv, created Earl of Debos-ahsc, Viscount licrssisboge, C,’o’tiees—Lord Scott of Rsseclcurli, 16 Shards, 1606. Each and Baron Scott, in 1706, which henours became extinct. of ttuocleueh, Ii Sieroh, lilt. liuske of Ruccteueh, Bc., with the 4th carl, hi loll. The duchess si lssdiy, Clsarleo, 1673. Earl of Deumisasrig., Bc., 1682. Duke of Quoonsbory, 3rd Lord Cornwallio, and, at her demise, 6 Fob. 1722, was Be., Itoh, ho Scotiaed. Earl of Donrssster acid Daron ‘h’yne. o. by her grandson, FRaNcis, as 2nd disks (son of the Earl of Dalkeitis, by Csiastes 11., (vie., quarterly ; lutasd dlii, Fi’ossce and Henrietta, 2nd dan, of Laus’rneo ilyde, Earl of Rochester) E,usule ,si(, quanlerly ; 2ed S’csile,id ; Ird, Ii’etrusd,) ehobrssssed ilie grace obtained a restoratioss of tho Eurldom of Don- by a listen sinister, org.; Sad, or, ou a send, ae., s mcdlet of castor and Barony of Scott of Tynedale, the English hononro nix poisits, hetsreesu lure crescents of this field, for SCOTT; of Ide grandfather, the Duke of ,Monmouth, by act of parliament, Irut, quarterls-, 1st and dOt, org., a Isusman heart, go., crowned in 1743. He us. 5 April, 1720, Lady Jane Douglas, of the field, for Ilorstas; Did and led, ae., 5 bond heiween oldest dan. of Jamee, 2nd isuko of Qssoonsbssry, by whom six eross-erossiets, fiirhte, or, for lIso; lise whole of this iso had louise. }‘s’asseio, Earl of Dalkeiths, who, pre-deosasing slusarler seitisiss a hss-shtsre, or, citarged with the double tees— him, loft, by isis Couinteos, Cas’olisso,° eldest dais, and eo heir sore of icatland, go. of John, 2nd Husks of Aggytl and Greenwich, a son HENRY, Ci’rsf—A stag, trippant, ppr., etlirod and esuguled,or. - and a poottsnmosso dau., Fnsnoes, us. to Archibald, Lord Ss’1s4ssrle,’o—Turo fesssaies, nobly attired in antique hshshe, Douglas. The Duke of Dsseelouoh sit. 2ssdly, Mine Powell their tteods plsnnes of three ostrich focsthers, of she last. but by that lady had iso issue. His gsncc U. 22 April, 1751, Seote—Dallsciih, East Paris, and Snscaton, nose Edinhnrgh; and n-as s. by Isis grandson, HENRY, 3rd duko, KG., and ItT. ; b. 10 Sept. 1746. His Huwhith, eo. Seilsirk; Branxhehnu. cc. iloxbcsrghut Lang]eo5tn, grace sa. Ia 1767, Elirabeth, dan. of Georgo, Duke of end Drunslans’ig Castle, Dsnssfriesslsire; Ilielsmond, Susroy Montagu, by whom (who U. 21 Nov. 1827) ho had two none Tnsu’ss J/ouee—Slootsgu house, WOitehahl. and four dane., vie., i. CoaELes-Wss.t.sAsi-llcaoY, Eel usfDeP,eitlu. ii. llonr,u--Jamee-Seolt-llealogrs, urlso e. lo lice Rarou- ef SlexTAer, upon lice desssise of isis grandfsslhser, the Duhsc of .Olontsi7su. Ills lerulship, K 10 Dcc. 1176: si. 22 Xcv. EUCRAN, EARL OF (David - Stuart Et-skino), and 1804, Jasse-Margarel, dan. of .tsvhitiaht, Lord Bungles, Lord Cordroeo, Co. Stirling, in the peerage of Scotland, and li’ bar (urho d. 10 Jon. 1059) lss’l lunar, I Laev-Efleahells, ,s. in Id2, to Cuopalriok-Alcxandsr, Earl of linac. 2 Mary-Margaret, iii. lit 1040, Ic Licnt.-Col. Frederick ci. 27 April, 1849, Aguos-Gs-ahaiu, don, of the late Clhilsis. S Jane-Caroline, ,t. isnia. 16 Jails, 1046. 4 Careosse-Ger,rgiaca, s. in lSif,, leslie lab Georgc-SV’lliam I. SuInLEY-Gunuocs-STOART, Lord t’ord,’sen, is. 29 Feb. 1620. Hope, Esq., 31.1’. Lord llantagu, cs. 30 Oct. 1045, when lbs Eu-oily of ii. Albany-Stuart-Starr, fs. 24 Feb. 1952. Olontagu expired. i. Mars’, ii. to Jassseo-sieerge, Earl of Csns’town; soil d 1023. is. Llieahelh, i,s. 9 Hoe. 1750, to Alexaiislcr, Eas’h of hence, in Scotland, cats be traced to the time ef WILLIAM TOE sod d. in 1037. us. Caroline, a. to Charles, llarqnrso of Qucenobuvy. iu. itarriet, iii. iii 1806, to Wilhissns, ills Sharguess of Lot bias of the lands of the Cusmyne, the farmer earls. On the aeil d. in 1133. Ills gs’acc the Disks of Bncelcnels, at the decease of William, demise of this nobleman withent legitimate isstuc in HOd, 4th Duke of Quoensbury, withont issue, 22 Dec. 1810, c. to the Earidom of Buehau passed to (the eldest son of hOe that dukedom, to the lharqcssenate of Dumfs’iaoslurs, the brother, Robert, Duke of Albany, by his 2nd wife, Hnriolha, Eas’ldom of Drusulanrig and Sanqnlsar, the Viseonssty of dau. of Sir William de Keith grand marieebsh of Scotland) Nitlu, Thortbolwohi, and Boos, the lordship of Donglae, of his nephew, Kinmout, Sliddbebis, and Dos-nook, w-ith the Barony of Jonee STEWART. This nobleman, s great mttitsuy character, Drumlanrig, asud considerable estates in the co. Dnmfrice. nnder the Duke of Clarenre, at Deango. in Aujou, 22 il[amh, agreeably to the limitation of the patent creating thont 1421. Tn this engagenuent the Duke of Clarence was slain, hononro in 1708, and in virtnc of an entail executed by the having been shinned and unluorsed by Buehan himself, with 2ud Deko of Qsseenoboss-y. Ho si 11 Jan. 1812, and was e. a blow of his neare. For this exploit Cnsnnes VII. eon’ by his older son, CuARLes-WsLLiAos-HENRY, 4th Duke of Dueobcueh ard ferrod upon him the sword of constable of Francs. The Otis of Q’srensbury, K.T. ; b. 24 Slay, 1772 ; who hail been earl fell at the battle of Vemeuih, 17 Aug. 1324; leavisg by summoned to parliament in 1887, as Baron Tycirdale. llis his wife, Lady Eliesbeth Douglas, an only dais,, Margaret, grace cs. 22 March, 1765, Harnet-Kathcrine. youngest dan. who uis. George, lnd Lord Setan. At his lordship’s decease, of Thomas. lot Viscount Sydney, by whom (who it. 94 Aug. the Earidom of Dachsn devolved, according to the limits’ 1814) he had issuc, George-llcns-y, 5. 1008, aged 10. WaLvre--FaAxrio, present chute. John-Donelas, is. 13 laIr, 1885; on officer in Ihe army; JAMEs STEWART, called liberty Jaiusco, 2nd son of Sir sss. Ii llarcls, 183, Alicia—Anise, eldest clan. ol John James Stewart, the Black Knight of Lorn, by JANE, Queen Spottinwoode, Eeq. of Spotlhwoods, cc. thi-rueiek, and ,5. Jais. of Scotland, mothsr (by JAMES I.) of JAMES It.; and by his loGo. Anne-Elieohetls, if. us na. 13 Aug. 1844. Cbarlotfc—Atbiehs, iii. is IsIS, Iii .8asnes—Thsomos, ‘s’iueossnl. JOHN, 3rd sarI, who was s. by (the daus. of his eldest soe, Stopfaci, afterwards 4lls Ees’l of Cosurleson ; and s1. 30 Feb. John, meeter of Duchsen, killed at the battlo of Pinkie, 1828. Iaaliella-Marv. is. in 1037, to use lien. Peregrine-Francis 00 Sept. 1547) his grsnddeu., Cost; and ,l. 9 Ocs. 102;). RelIcense-F raiseos, it. in 1814. 11cr lsslyehtp is. 2o,ll, cisc lligtst lien. Charles Townshead, Roneac D000LAs, Earl of Duchsn. Hio lordship wan s. brother of Cuss-los, 1st Hat’qucss Tiiwstsisend, soil by his oen, was creased flaeoaess Coiseasriru, with eessairsds’r to lice JAMEs D500LAa, who was served heir to his father, in issue male tuy her 2sd tusba,nul s last dying osithent such 1591, ussder the desigustioss of ‘‘James Douglas,” and to issue, in 1184, the dignity expired. She loft by Ihal gentle. his mother in 1708, as “James, now Earl of Duchon.” sass a daa., Tlue Its. Atsee Tosrsishsessd, sehso as. itiehsard Wilson, Esq. Dnskfasrd, and dyhsug in 1601, left an only child and heiress, of Tyroae, in ‘irchassst. 748 I1UC ilesusnoy, and U. 0 Jan. 1046. dale, 14 Feb. 1082, is Ragland. ..4i’ceo—Quarteriy: 1st saud 4th, Ito itoyal Arms of King seills an hsssperial erosen, or, and on a eltief, or.., tisree mullets verb, ihoir nuder rahii’s ac. shin sspperssost org , and ores JIu’lbe—Amo. Dotsglubon, Noeihssniplonslsire; such lteocdiesi, ltaale. B U C H A N. 6. Nov. 1815; lately cus officer in the army; Jomee Smith, Eeq. of C’raigoud, Stis’liugshire, and has issue, IL 111 ChIfif. The EAOLDOM or DUCOAN, a dignity of great antiquity LioN. It was conforred by King Runersx II. en his 3rd son, Sun ALEXANOER STEWANT, who had also a proportion attained high reputation, by the defeat of the English, tion, upon Murdac, Duke of Albany, and reverted to the crown, by tise forfeittsrn of that nobleman, the next year. The dignity was next ecnfsrred upon male descendants the Earldom of Dnchsan was enjoyed until the decease of CuRI5TIAN STEWANT, Countess of Duehan, who espousing Eobsrt Douglas, 2nd eon of Sir Robert Douglas, of Loch’ leven, that gentleman became, in her right, His lordship iii. Margaret Ogilvie, che’s. of Walter, Lord litAnY DountAs, Conntcss of Duchan. Thus heiress et.