Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/205

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PUN BUNBURY. BuanuRy, SIR CHARLES-JAMES Fox, of Stauney hail, so. Chester, high sheriff of Suffolk in 1868; 1,. 4 Feb. 1809 ; a. his father as Sir Henry cm. 2ndly, 22 Sept. 1830, Sicily-Louisa (who ills 8th bart., 13 April, 1860; as. 31 Slareb, 106)), dan. of Ccl. the Rein. George Najmior, by his May, 1844, Frances-Jehanna, dau, Richmond. Shod, IS Starch, 3863. Sir Itenry ,t 10 April, of the late Leonard Homer, E sq. the present t,art. 3ttitrac. This family, of Norman origin, was originally cnlls,i a lccpsrit’s face, or, limo lla’les, pjo., Imilird, gsld. Sr. FIamEE, but adopted the name of Bunbury in the 13th Biiitm—Sooton, Bury St. Hdnounds, and Slildenhsll, Snffclk oontury from the manor of Bnnbury, part of thoir lands S050n7’, Cheshire. obtained at tlse Conquest. From PATIO DC BUMBURT, Lord of Bunbury, living temp. Tows 11,-c .me—IS, Eaton Place. EDWAnD II., linsally Sprang, HENaT B0NE0RY, Esq. of Stannoy (from his half-brother, Benjamin Bunbury, dosceoded ths BnNunars of Jfoyle, so. Carlow), who m. Ursula, dau. of Sir John Bayley, Rot. of Heddosdon, in Salop and dying in tOsI, was s. by his son, I. Buaeuey, Esq. of Stanney and Bminbmiry, who was created a Baronot, 29 June, 1651. Sir Thomas em. Sarah, dau. of J01,0 Chotwode, Eoq. of Oakley, Co. Stafford, by whom ho had osvsrmil children and dying in 1682, was a. by his only surviring 500, II. Sin HrmW, who ,o• Mary, dan. of Sir Hendrick Eytsis, Knt., one of the Welsh jmidgos and was s. 20 Des. 1687, by his eldsr surviving Son, III. Sin HENaY, H.P. for Chester. This gentleman m. i. Slcavvoe-31.srrnew, t. June, 1041. Snoannab, only dan. of Sir Thomas Hanmer, SIP. for the co. Flint, by whom lie had four sons and five daun. lie d. 12 Feb. 1732-3, and was a. by his older surviving non, IV. Sip. CHAaLE5, H. F. for Chester, who dying mom. About the time of the Rebellion in Ireland, AD. 104), the 10 April, 1742, was a. by his brother, V. Tns RET. Sin WILLIAM, who m. Eleanor, dan. and coheir estates of Anghor, by the intermarriage of of Vore Graham, Esq. of Wix Abbsy, Essex,5 and by ARcHIEALD RIcaAansoa with the dan. of Sir James tier (who d. 6 Fob. 1020) had issne, I. Tuossss-Cmsesrs, his successor. ii. Henry-William, 0, in 1750 (the celebrated caricaturist), of St. George Riehardssn, Enq., by his wife Elira Eunbisry, ci. in 1771, Catherine, don. of Kane-William liorseck, eldest dau. of Benjamhs Bmmbury, Req. of ibe so. Tipperary), Etq., captain royal engineers, and had tire sons, I Cusi,sns-Jonn, an officer in she army; 0,. is Nor, in 1775, Miss Rlisa Richardson, and had isons, 1773 ; 5,. 11 iss Frances Davison (vhs o,. lndly, Thomas Jaaios-Slcavrs, late baronet. Sydenham, Rsq.), sod din 1700, s.p. 2 1{exav-Enwaao, 7th baronet. He it. in 1011. I. Susan, ma. to Henry Scams, Esq. of Thurlow hall, in II. Sm JAMEs MLRvYN, F. in 1781, who to. in 1030, Margaret, Suffolk. is. Annal,rlla, so. 1st, Is Sir Patrick Blake, Sari.; and Sndly, eo. Tyrone, and had issue, to George itoseawen, Esq. of Si. Peter, Isle sf Thanet. Sir William d. 11 Jn,so, 1764, and was a. by his eldor son, VI. his Tnoaias-CuAasrs, of Barton, cc. Suffolk, SIP. for that county forty-three years; F. in May, 1740 ; m. 2 June, 1762, Lady Sarah Lennox. dan. of Charles, 2nd ii. llary. Puke of Richmond ; which marriage was dissolved by act Sir James anaumed,by sign manual, 20 April, 1822. the additional of parliament, in 17764 Sir Thomas d. iii 1021, and was a. byhis nephew, VU. Sin HENET-EDWARD, K.C.ll., and lient.-gou., a dOstmguished C,-esltoo—I0 August, 1797. British officer, who saw much service and had a ..drsms—Qnortertym 1st and 4th, scm., a rlmsss mask, between gold medal for his conduct at the battle of Maida; he was, two Isoparito’ fares in bend, between two bendlots, so., for from 1000 to 1816, tinder-Secretory of State for the Ws,,’ Suxsuer 2nd and 3rd, ac., on a fesse’, erg., t,dllresn an Department, and for eome years H.P. for Suffolk, and was ancient ship, lbs sails furled, in slmisf; and in bass, a ealitor, a P.A.S. Sir Henry was h. 4 May, 1778, and ma. let, 4 April, Creofe—Smnemar m in front of a tree, ppr., on a nmounl, 1007, Lonisa-Emiha, da,i. of General the Hen. Henry- yen, a leopard’s head, maly of six, org. asd so., transfixed Edward Fox, by whom (who d. 1020) he had, t. Cnannse-Jsarea-Fnx, present baronet. ii. ROWAnO-MERBERT, H. A., bar-at-law, formerly SIP., K in July, lOll. 151. Henry-William St. Pierre, 8. in Sept. 1812; eel. in the army, G.E.; as, 30 Nov. 1852, Cecilia, dan. sf Lt.-Gen. Sir George Napier, K.C.H., and has issue, Henry-Charles- John, 8.0 Jan. 1050; George-Edward, t. October, 1057; William-St-Pierre, 8. 17 Jan. 3059; and E,nlly-LenisaMargaret. Iv. Riebard-Hanmer, 0,. in Pee. 1011, R.N. ; ci. 39 Dec. 0000, Sarah-Snsauua, dan. of the late Robert-Clement Sconce, Esq., and d. 3007, having had issue, BUNBURY. I— i. Matilda-Anne. ii. Olivia-Emma. 3tiiicagc. RIcoAsosoas, who were of Scotland, obtained the castle and Erakiue. Mis grand-nephew, I. WILLIAM RlrnsansoN, Esq. of Angher, eo. T5wone (son was created a MAEOIeET Os’ IReLAND, 30 Aug. 1707, He s’s. Anne. Sites, Leilis. Sir Willlano rt. 20 Oct. 7070, and wass. by his son, dan. of Joho-Corry Slontroy, Rsq. of Favor Royal, DUE I Itenry- Fox, Fin Oct. 1030. 2 Robert-Francis-Argyle, F. in Dcc. 1040; .1. in 1811. 0 Certl-Itanmner, ,mlhcor 71st foot, F. in Feb. 18-15. 4 ltsbert-Clement-Seonro, F. in Jan. 1847. 5 llerhert.Napicr, F. in Feb. 1051. I Lonisa-Harriet-Cooietinms. I Fra,scoe-Snoanna. 2nd wife, Lady Sarah Lennox, da,,. of the 2nd fluke sf 1660, and was s. by his eldest son, SIn CoAnero-Jaurs-Pox, Coeolbi,,—29 June, 1681. Amcms—Arg., on a tim-nd, sa ,three chess rooks, sf time field. C,v,,t—Tws swsrds, aUtOcratic, passing thrssgh time mcclii of JJ,,tt’itmnmumei i’m VitO nilmit. RSCHAR050N - BUNBURT, THE Rsv. SIR Juoa, of Caetio Hill, cc. Tyrono, 1. 10 Oct. 1813; 8. as 3rd baronet, 4 Nov. 1851; tie. 1838, Maria, dust, of William Ankotell, Esq. of Ankotell Grove, cc. Monaghsn, and baa issue, 1. Joox, present boroset. ii. Williams, 8.8 Jane, 1817, ci. in 1957. New eeltled in Austrmitis. in. Alfred. I. Diana. sumnnmo and armo of BONCUaT. He d. 4 Nov. 1993. a bull’s beast, sommped, or, for lcmeoasnsow. hy two arrows in saltier, also mpr. JtmrNASusoN: a lion, rampant, erm., in the mmmlii a trefoil, slipped, vort, behs’een the fore-paws a torteano, charged with a srees-crosslst, or. Mettc—Virt,ss paret robnr. Sso-to—Coslte Hilt, so. ‘I)’rsnr, and Ktlfcaclr, co. Tipperary. 4 BURDETT. — BORDETT, Sia ROBERT, of Foremark, cc. Derby, 1. 26 April, %L 1796; a colonel in the army; r. as 6th baronet, on the death of his father, 23 Jun. 1844. 5 By his wife, a dan. and co-heir of Samuel Warner, Eomi. of Holbrook Hall. t Lady Sarah m. Indly, the Boo. George Nagier, and woo mother, by him, of Ccl. Napirr, the eminent historian of the Peninsular war 155