Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/208

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BUll Charlotte-Catherius-Franees, in. 31 Aug. 3632, to the Rev. _____ BURKE OF GLINSK. Gilbert Blackburn, vicar at Long Ashtou, and iaaeumbent of Whitehurch, Somerset. Catharine-Etizabeth, 5. 30 June, 1000. Mariaane—Catleuiue, ia. in 1 638, to II. Bowden, Req. of Grosvenor-place. Sir Montsgn-Roger ii. in 1-17, aol was s by his son, OX. SIR JOHN-OI0NTAGU, Ia. 17 Oct. 3796 ‘as. 26 lIce. 3831, Mary-Harriet, eldest dan. of William Gare-Langton, Eaq., SIP., snd had issue, JolsN-SloNTaot’. present baronet. Mary-Caroline, in. 1 Feb. 1029, to Lisnt.-Cot. RobertBruce, 3rd soi, of the tate Sir Jansea-]tsbertaon Brneo, Ban. Sir John, who ss-as a captain and colonel grenadter-gssards, The family Be Bergh, or Burke, has, since the veRne sf 5. 17 March, 1626. Crenlias—i6Jnty, 1611. Ar,ss—Gn., a chevron, or, liein’een three talhnts, arg.; on in Ireland, nuder Sxmeeaonniv. It held, by conquest and a elsief ersabat tied, of the last, as many nsartls-t_s, az. ti-cot—A talbnt, sejnst, or, ears, on., and plain collared, gil. regal grant, seholn territnriee in the ens, Gaiway, Maya, Es jJs its. &et—Ss,ttou Park, en. Peifard. BURGOYNE. Bu1100vNR, Stit JOHN-FOX, Dart., rendered Ins estate to Qiseesa K,,az.setLs-n, and toamte a Cclv gramal O.C.R., KITS., C.B.S., DCL., tiy patetat. Its iT 1 Jan. 1598, tsiscsl of 51 ad instil’s country. grmd ofli cci if the Legion of Honour. lIe as - tim lee; by- lila first wife lie trial a ass, Enassan, isis heir nnd first class of tile ilIedjielie, apparent ; and by his second, Finds, three sans, via., Feagh or field-marshal in the army, diteetor of testes, of tasmanian Castle, en. Galway; Itcury, of Clogh, es. works aIld constable caf the Tesrcr Gala-ny; nail Witlssa, of Kilnelag. The sea and heir, of London, slId bent. allel enst,aarotolerunt Kills, 1551. of Dial 01-email Ilsy of Mo, nyu, and at. edit of tite Tetvnr Hamlets 310 lila, lrsvisag a son amid Iseir, one of the colonels-commandant of 1, Sin Unete llenisr, Knl. of Glinak, who waa created the corps of Royal Engineers, ii. 24 a Baaosnv or Iasc.swn, 2 Aug. 1628. This gentleman ie. Jesly, 1782; was created a Jiaroni-t Cathsem-isse, 4th dais, of Theebald. 1st Viaennnt Dillon, by 18 March, 1856; tat. 31 Jan. 1821, Charlotte, dao. u-hem ln had a dais., Lleauor, who is. Edmn’ad Burke, and ce-heiress of Ccl. Hugh Rose, of Holme, Naitn. Esq. of Kheorasn,a, asad a sa,n, his easeeeeasr, shirs, anti has issue, i. lTacn-Taoro, capt. RN., 0. 19 July, 5833: has the the articles of Lin,ea-ick, ra. Imasay, dna. i f Col. John Kelly’, iietsri.s Cross, asad is a ks 1 fl be Le7i,ei , ,f 11 s’ias’nr ci’ Shree,a, hut had no issue ; tlse title and estates reverted, as. 21 Aug. loLl, I5velyi,-Lnnra, 3’ililageet ‘i.,u. of Vies- at his dcceaae, in 1768, to his Isalt-ba-ether, Admiral Sir tlaldwin Wake W’alksr, hart. I. Margaret-Anne, as. 7 Jais. 187,4, to the He,a, Gssrgs cuitsst Dillon, and sitter of the Ceumateva of Clannicarde, end Wruttssley,espt. SIB .,3r,l sonsf Jshss, lord Wrottssley. had issue, Ii. Anne-Maria, so. 21 Oct. 10.51, to Williaiu-Knottesford I. l’raxus, lilt heir. Gnetton, Req., and d. to lia,lia 22 June, 3652. Mr. ii. TsiiiioaLt, 5th bait. Gretbata also at in I,i,hia, the Caine 5-ear. The5’ left a ciii. ,v. Itiekard, who as. Jlairgaret Cbevera, of Itillyan, es. iii. Selina-Henrietta. iv. Caroline-Mary, ia. 1634, ts Jlaj’ir Gsergs-Mentsgoe Stej’fcarsl, It. K., consist ,if lord t’nurtass-u. tie ii. 7 August, 1000. v. Charlotte-Arthur, if. 1536, vi. Elieabeth-Mnntagu, is. 17 July, 1656, to EdwardSsbasti an Vt o,dhsose, Ksq. vii. Knsily-Georgtna, iii. 22 Aug. lSalO, to lbs Rev. James Archer Spurgeen, minister if P,irtbind Chapel, Soothsinpion. Sir John Rorgoyne, a alistinguished officer, servsil with the s-eyal engineers in the Psni,tsola from 1809 to 1814, and in North America in 1814-15. lIe was svoondcd at Burgos and St. Sshastia,i. He seas a lieutenaist-gensrsl on the staff’, and second in command of the British fnrccs sent to the Crimea, and was for his service-s created a Baronet. He received thc Peninsula gold cross with one clasp for Badajos, Salamanca, Nive, and St. Sebastian; and the silver medal with three clasps for Bosaee Cu iaiad Rodrigo, and Nivslle, lie had the Crinsean medal and clasps for Sehastepol, Balaclava, and lnkermann, and the Tnrkiah ioedad anti is knight of the various orders mentioned above. Arsss—Cu., a chevron, or, betsvsosa tha-sa tdbots, st.sta’at, avg. ; en a chief, esalaisttled, of the last, tlsrce tnai-tlcts, so., a bsrdnre, was y, eruatse. (Scat—A talbet, sejant. or, caveat, sa., collared, gsa., charged m. Hoasora, mum, to Lneas Dillon, Req. with a beudlet, wavy, sinister, alsn gu. Melts—Bear and fnrbesir. Tsaaat Hssao—’S, Pesnbridge-sqnars, llaysasater. 11UIIKE, V,acot’NT see CL.ONRIeAI.Dti, Maaucea or. I of Johams, RIo Karl of Ch-isrieavde ; hut ,f. uithnut issue, B UR BORER, Site JOHN - Laoagr, Baronet, of Glinsk, co. Galivay, a his father, as i2tls laartq’ 30 Oct. 1865. IL hiesnv III. and Euwanu 1., been esteemed one of the most elaaitsnt nail powerful if the Angle-Norman settlers Raaeoasmou, Tipperary, and Limerick; and en extended wore its psascssisns, that its very cadets became pereens of wealth, and were l’onndero of distiugisiahed hansee themselves San Bescex Besee, KnI., JIseJIa rid, Lord of Claneouesr, a aaah Glinsle (sen of William florist SIsel iavid of Claneenew, by 0,-eec, Ins si-tIe, dan. sf ‘t’i’ige Onsets O’Kehly of Aghrim) our. Enisesu BURKE. Req. of imlaglavedagh, es. ltnaesuamon. a.. II. Sin Faust-an, a’ho sins a. tsy Isis eldest son, Ill. SIR ULIeR Tlala gentlesasan. wlss v,as included its lv. Sso done’, who a Jams, clan, of Tlsenhald, 7th Vie. III. tlmsaenv, 7th bait. Gatu’say, smad bad issne, 3 JOuN tSir;, kiat6ht of St. Jago, in Spain, of white, p ceetatly. S Michael, a,- atad hi act isa-s tetas. latest and William, S Wiltiasa, of Keelognes, cia. Gala-ay, is. t762, Margarsi, dan. of Thomas Coleman, Req., and by her (who sI 1826) loft at his decease in 1796, two tons and tu’n dane., viz., Rtensnn, ef Ksolsgimen, as. 1792, Elizabeth, widow of William Bei’mtngham, Req., and eldest dan. of John Croghan, Esq. a’f Craghsma, no. ltosesmamen Iby ttautihda Bernuitigbaam, hats wife, On,,. of 25 ajor Bcrmitaghatu, si Balgama,es. C :alu-aygs-eat-gm-eat-gnand-es, nt Raehsard de Bermingttameaa ,Liat’cl Altaemtry); amad dying Ang. 1810, left a sian snat sueeeosnr, the present Wim.eaau lOcates, Rsq. of Kmeknsgitr, en. Galwsay, 6. 20 Msarch,1791; who a’,. 2-tasty, lSlbFanny-Xave,-ss, only dan. of Tho,nns Tneken, Rsq. el Brook Lodge, Sussex, by Marianne Isis u’ife, half-ulster sf Cardisml Wieemnn, amsd day, of Jsmues Wtvrtna,s Esq of Sovilte, by tIetone, hit firsl wife, sister of Genes-al O’llsnsbn, last viceroy of Moxtea’, anal has had, I iliekard’Chnistsphser, 0. laity-, 1028, accidentally drowased at Siejeu, Svesmphalia, dali. 1251 -‘2 Thomaslleaary, 0.21’ hay, 1828; :1 William, its hasty orders i-f the ehnm’ch of Rouse, 0. 1811; 4 Theshiald-tlnbert, 0. Slareh, 5822, capt. 18th foot ; S t’iaarhes-Alfred, C.B.; 6 Aaagaiataes-Niehslaia ; 7 Uhta-k-,udelin ; 1 Illariaia,,eAlms-Alice. William, au. Matilda, dan. if William, Bad Earl of llowsh, and hind hassme. llargarst, us. ti ‘aVillismsa, hnih Earl of itnwtb, Itary, st to Slartin lttrwan, Faq. of lJlindwell. v. John. I Sir John’s will is dated 1721, amid he was a. at his deceass - by hais shiest elan, V. Smn Fes-res. This gentleman si. Letitbi, eldest dan. I whereupsms the title devolved sapams Imis beotbea-, Vt. Sin Tisnotaem.ta, m lnmaatic, who ass ,. by his brother, 11(8