Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/21

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TIlE ROYAL FAMILY. xix Hand, ,o. to Iipasv V., Duke of Saxony (sornamod Pbs Lion. See house or Guam) and if. 1189. Eleanor, rn. to As,punso VIII., King of Castile, and if. 1214. Joan, rn. let, to WILLIAM II., King of Sicily; and 2ndly, to Raymond, Count of Toulouse, and d. 4 Sept. I 195. The King d. 6 July, 1159, at Chinon, noar Tours, in France, and was interred at Fontevraud, in Anjou he was a. by his eldest son, RiCHARD, styled tho samo as HENRY II., and surnamed Camr de Lion, is. at Oxford in Sept. 1157, so celebrated as a soldior of the Cross. This monaroh, also King of Cyprus and Jerusalem, who was crowned 3 Sept. 1189, on. 12 Slay, 1191, Berengaria (who el. without over coming to England), dan. of SANcD0, King of Navarre ; Richard rl. o. p. 6 April, 1199, hoing slain by an arrow from the Castle of Chslus, in Limosin, which he had invested; he was buried at Foutevrand; the sovereignty was assunsed by his brother, JOHN, styled “Joannes Rox Anglin et Dominue Hibernitn, &c.,” and surnamed Lctrklond, is. at Oxford, 24 Dec. 1166; crowned 27 Slay, 1199; betrothed n’hen young, in 1173, to Alice, elder dan. and co-heir of Humbert, Count of Maurien, now Savoy, which princess d. before the nuptials. King John in, 1st, isabel, dan. and heiress of William, Earl of Gloucester, from whom he was divorced ;* and 2ndly, Isabella, dan. and beiresa of Aymer Taillefer, Count of AngoulSme. by whom (who nt. 2udly, Hugh, Lord of Lusignan and Valence, in Poitou, and dying 1246, was boned at Fontevraud); he left at bis decease at Newark Castle, Notta, 19 Oct. 1216, HENRY, his successor. Richard, crea’ed Karl of Comwall,f and cIrcled in 1256, King sf the Romans and of Almains; as. let, in 1210, Isabel, 3rd dan. of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and co-hoiress of her brothers, by whom he left no surviving issue. lie os. lndly, Sanonia., lrd dan. and co-tciress of Raymond Rerenger, Count of Prevence, by whom he had, Kdsuos,d, who s. to the Earldens ci Cornwall, but d. withent issue; and Rkhard, if. anm. The King of the Rcsnans on. a third time, but had no other issue. Joan, as. to ALEXANnEa 11., King of Scotland, Eleanor, as. let, to William, Earl of Pembroke and lndly, to Simon Hontfort, Earl of Leiceeter, by wham she was mother of the Lady Eleanor Honifort, wife of Llewelyn ap Griffith, Prince of North Wales. (Sec Euwaan 9.) Isabella, m. to Faanonssca tl., Ensperor of Germany. KIN0 JoHN was buried in Worcester Cathedral; be was a. by his eldest son, as HENRY THE THIRD, styled in the latter part of his reign “Rex Anglim, Dnminus Hibernim et Dux Aquitanin,” leaving out” Dux Normanite,” is. at Winchester, 1 Oct. 1206; crowned 28 Oct. 1216; no. 14 Jan. 1236, Eleanor, 2nd dau. and co-bemoan of Raymond Boronger, Count of Provence, by whom (who, after the king’s desnise, took the veil at Ambresbury, in Wiltshire, and d. a nun there, 25 June, 1291) he left at his decease, at Bury St. Edinunds, on the 16th Nov. 1272, Knwaan, his saccessor. Edmund, surnamed Craeehloark (8. 16 Jan. 1215, Karl of Lancaster; who as. lot, in 1269, Avelina, dan. and heiress at William de Fortibas, Karl of .Albesaarle, bnt had no issue. He as. 2ndly, Blanche, Qneen-Dewager of Navarre, and dan. ef Robert, Count d’Artois, by whom he had, I Thomna, who inheriled the Earidom of Lancaster, and acquired that of Lincoln by intermarriage with Alice, dan. and heiress of Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln. This prince win beheaded in the 15th year of Enwaasn II., and was a by his brother, 2 Henry, in the Karldona af Lancaster, who sos. Hand, dan. and heireso ef Sir Patrick Chaworlh, Ent.; and dying in 1345, left one son and six dans., viz., Henry, created Duke of Lancnster, who d. in 1160, leaving two daus. and co-heiresses, Hand, ,ss. in 1339, to William, 9th Duke of Bavaria; and d. op. Blanche, as. te John of Gaunt. (See Enwaan 111.) Blanche, os. to Thomas, Lord Wake of Lydell; and d. issneless. Hand, in. 1st, to William de Rnrgh, Earl of Ulster, by whom she had an only dan., Elizabeth, who so. Lionel, Duke of Clarence. (See Knwaan Ill). The Lady Hand as. 2ndly, Ralph de Ufford, joshes of ireland, brother of the Karl ef Suffolk, by whom eke had a dan., Hand, no. to Themas, son of John ds Vere, Earl of Oxford. Eleanor, os. isv, to John, Lord ileasunont; and 2ndly, he Richard Pita Alan, Earl of Arundel. Joan, so. to John, Lord liewtray efAmobne. Isabel, abbess of Ambresbssry. Mary, as. to Henry, Lord Percy. 3 John, Lerd of Beanfort, d. op. Margaret, m. to ALEXANnER Ill of Scotland. Beatrix, so. in John de Dreux, Duke ef Brittany and Karl of Richmond. KIN0 HENRY III. was buried in Westmis’ster Abbey ; he was a. by his eldest son, as EDWARD THE FIRST, styled the same as HENRY 111., is. at Westminster, 17 June, 1239; crowned 19 Aug. 1274; m. 1st, 1254, Eleanor, dan. of FERDINAND III., King of Castile, by whom he had surviving issue, Knwaan, created Pniacz up Warps soon after his birth. Eleanor, so. let, ALFseusau, King of Arragon; and lndly, Henri, Cosate de Bar, in Champagne, France. Margaret, sos. to John, Duke of Brabant. Joan, of Acres, ns. lit, to Gilbert de Chare, Karl of Gloescester; and after his decease to Ralph de Illonthermer. Mary, a nun. Khoabeth, m. 1st, to John, Earl of Heiland, Zealand, and Lord of Priesselaad; and Sndly, in Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex. Dy ths latter, tho princess had issue, Jona, Earl of Nereford, Lord High Constable, K.B.; chap. in 1335. Nra,pnnvy, Karl of Nereford, Lord High Constable, E.G.; ,l. nasa. in 1361. WILL5AM, Earl of Northampton, who had a son, Hcnnnrv us Bonus, Earl of Hereford and Northampton (father of two dana., Alianore, wife of Thema,, Duke of Gloucester, and Mary, as. to King HENRY IV.), and a dais., Ehzabeth, who sos. Richard Filaalan, Earl of Arundel, and was mother of Thonsas, Karl of Arssndel, who d. a. p., and three dane., Eliaabelh, as. 1st, to William ds ltonlacnte; 2nsily, to Thomas, Lord Slowbray; lrdly, to Sir Gsrard Afflels and 4thly, to Sir Robert Goaaeil, Eat.; Istargaret, as. to Sir Rowland Lenihall, and Alice, sos. to John Charlton, Lord Penis. Ailanore, as. to James Bntler, Karl of Ormonde; and through this marriage the distingoisised families of BuTLER, TarnoT, Nannn.oss, BuLKELEY, Lewsa of Llsodalos, Itunnea of Kiaosel and Dfaes’bea, Sc. derive Royal Descsnt. Margaret, m. in hugh Coeerlenay, Earl of Devon. The King us. 2ndly, 8 Sept. 1299, Margaret, dau. of PHILIP III., surnamed Ike Hardy, of Francs, by whom lie had, Upon the ground ef consangsnns , her grandfather, Robert, Earl of Gloucester, having been an illegitimate eon of King Heroavi. - Ky Beatrix, niece of Cenrad of Cologne, King of the Ramans he heft an ilrgitinsats son, Richard, ancestor ef the Cernwalle, Barons of Rorferd, in Salop.