Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/211

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BUR Cant, of Giendy. 4th, ia to Cot. Baron, of Strachan. It also appears that one of tho dane., Jean, was remarried to Sir William Forbes, the InS baronet, of Moneymnsk. Alexander Burnett, eldost son ased apparent hoir of his father, Sir Thomas, as. Jean, dan. of Sir Robert Arbutlanott, of that ilk, luther of the first Vieeonnt Arbuthnott, by whoas he loft at his decease r. p. three eons and one dan. i. Sir Alexander, who e. his grandfather. Ii. Thomas, iii. Robert I. Joan, iii. to John Skene, of that ilk. Sir Thomas was o. by his grandson, II. See ALexasenrn, of Leys, who rn, a den, of Centts, of Wester Conil, hy whom ho had a son and sneeroser, III, Sic Tnoaias, of Leye. This gentlemen was nsembrr of the Scottish parliament for the co. of Kineardine, frnan 1703 until the final dissolution of that assembly, and dietingelehed Dt’nnxnD, SIR Ggonoe, Bert. of Welbampton, himself by his melons hostility ts the mesenro haute, B. L. fur tisat en., formerly SEP. for Lymtngton, of the Union. lIe ass. ltaa’garet, dan. of Robert, 2nd Viscount Arbnthnott, by whom he had, with three dens, (of whom ths’sldest aces so. to Sir William Seton, ef Fitmedolen; the otsly dan, of Sir Georgo Dnckett, Dart. a. his 2nd, m. to Sir John Carnegie, of Fitarrew ; aid the 3rd, father as 4th baronet, 17 Slay, 1356. itt. ts Allardiee, of that ilk) two anile, 1. ALExANOER, Isle heir. n. Wninriaei, of Criggie, whe et. Jean, dan. of Rsmelt, of The name of thto tamily is ef purely Saxon eotnpennd. In Cowtess’n, tailor of Leys, by whom he had two sons and Beanesday Desk, Williana beard anal hisbrothcr are recorded three dens.; 0 Teonas, his taste, of as-Item efteravards, as as holding latads at llliftett, Bucks, nsadcr bshort de Tedeni, 6th hart.; 2 Janice, capt. royal marines, ache et. a den. of Sir William Fnrvie, Bait., hot left no leone ef the afterwards railed Alhint, l.ord ef Itclvoir(s follower of WtLLtAM dana., the tat, an. the Rca’. JIr.Aiakin, minister of the peanuts ef land). Simosa Ilerrerdo, a grandacan at one nf the Gospel, at llontrose t fIts 2nd, it. — Smith, merchant in Aberdeen; and the 3rd, sat. let, — graser, sott of Frasteis do L’as’ard, in right of his wife, Jtawtsia de Wrsxhalle, Fraser, of Frindracts, end 2ndly, — Reid, nserchant its possessed the estate of Itootohalic, Wilts, ahont An. 1181. Aberdeen, and left three dens. Me was a. by his eldest son, IV. Sic ALnxAetnnn, who m. a dan. of Bnrnett of Cesetown, of the eo. of Bucks end Leiocster, held the lsrdships of toter of Lays, by whom he had three sons anal tn-s Stretheme, co. Leiocstor, of Clifton, cs. Baacks, and of dans. ; the 1st and 2nd sons d. befere their father, snats.: Oakley, cc. Bcddea’al (wlsich loa’dslnps were gnanted to hins ths 3rd, RonenT, wee his father’a heir. Ties eldest dan. sat. by lItany III, an. 1214. These lands, which had belonged Gesegs Bnrnett, of Kemnay; the 2nd tts. Alexander Alterdeen, to the ,lbinis, eeehcatsd to the crown aspen the treason of Catrnbnig. Sir Alexander was a. by his only anrdying of IVihltaen do ,tlbini, the 3rd, ahent the end of the reign eon, V. Ste RossnnT, at whose dsosass nan., the henonrs of Sydeasham, of Tythmereh, Nerth:smpton (lay which naorriao the family devotvad upon his cousin-german, VI. Sin Tnnatas, eldest sen of William ‘Bnrsaett, of Criggte, d. .ep. before 1100, andeneden.. Joanwa )hcirta herbrethero), second sen of the 3rd baronet. This genttenaan ni. avho sat. 5275, Themas Rcyncs (ache obtained thereby the Catherine, 4th dan of Charles Ramsey, Req ., .nit sister of lordehips of Clifton, Strathcrn, Oakley, dc., rand, in conseqaaence Sir Alexander Ramsay, Barenet, of Baimsita, and by her (who ii. lOUse. a799) had issue: I. Rosena, his sneceasor. For’msuy coaatnrics this familylsave been landed proprietors It. Alexander (afterwards Sir Alexander Ramsey), of Balmain, ins the soiath-avcatern parts ot Hanetashire. Otic of the msst sit. Thomas (twin with Alcxandnr), b. 30 Jnly, 1757. emitient peters of the naoussstcry of tihrietohnroh, Twynham, ta. Wilhsm, a genemt in the army, 6. 19 geb. 1762, who 6. Haute, was a member of this farsily, vie., Jaahn Itoarard, e in 1839 he was for man3’ years e liont.-esl. of the 14th man of ennsiaienable settolsotic leantitig, elected pt-icr by tho foot, and eqncrry tn GEOCGE III. ; and i. Catherine, ci. to eornmtanity, in Oct. 1397. His clcetien rereivod the rsyal Alexander Forbes, Req. of Sehirns. Sir Themes Bnmntt si assent, by letters patant, nuder the great seal, on the 21th in May, 1703, and was s. by his eldest son, VII. Ste Ronnnr, 6. 20 Boo. 175-I, an officer in the royal of that nannib. Ho ct. about 1412, and his remains tic Sects fosiiors, wise servedthronghontthn firstAmsrieasswar. eaatomhcd in that splendid prioa’y church, with the following Ms was taken prienner at Saratoga, where General Burgoyne esagiotri Theelogie, priorta decitni ned bstjns Reelsoim.” snrressdered the British army to General Gates, in 1777, JonwlimneAnn, Esq., who at. 1502, and was buried in the He as. 16 Sopt. 1791, Margaret-flalrymple, 4th slats, of priory church of Chriet-ohurch aforesaid (his will in dated Gsnsral Rlphinsteno, of Login Elphinstonc, cc. Aberdeen, Ang. 5, 1502); left issue, two esno, s. Robert, who 5. static., and by her (who d. 18 March, 1919) had issno, s. Tneaias, his ssteoessor. it. Ai,rxasuan, late baronet. sea. lIsbon, b. 24 jan. 1735; killed by an accident, 5 Sept. three costs, Ralph, Edmund, and Joins. The oldest son, 100L as’. William, captain RN.; 6. 1 Aug. 1790; d. 10 April, three darts, and one son, George Bsss’read, Req. of Wethansptsn, 1840. v. Jasses-Hessw, present baronet. s. llsry, al. 9 Felt. 1858. is. Slargaret, a. 29 April, 1920, to Capt. Tlsomaa Ramsay, all his free lands, &c.”) His otaly sets ussad sucoessor, 2nd sstt of the isle Sir Alexander Ranaaay, Bare, of Bat- MiLan Bueaano, Esq. of Waihaniptest, snayor of Lymingta’n, main, and 5. 17 Jan. 1820, less-tug a son, Thomas, il-N. Sir Robert 6. tat Jets. 1917, and wsa a. by his eldest son, VIII. Sic Teostas, b. 22 Aug. 1778; lord-least, and sheriffpadncipnl Rdmasnd. The eldest esu, of the shire of Kincardine, who a1. If geb. 1819, TnossAs Beenno, Esq., 1. 1983 ,‘ a?. iaoteetate in his and wan a. by his bmther, IX. Sin At.exaaruee, H.R.5.C.S., 6. 17 Dec. 1789; a1. cites. administration in Sept. 1659, aasd was sole executrix of 20 Match, 1950, and ayes a. by his brother, the present Sin her father-isa-law, Ralph Basrrsrd, gsq.) Ite left two sons, Jaseea.Hoee BURPeTT, present baronet. Ca’catistt—21 April, 1026. Aa’ass—Arg., three holly leaves, its chief, vest, and a ltstnttag ilents in 1718). The eldest sets, bent, its base, sa., gamislted, go. Cleat—A hnnd, with a knife, pmiiing a vine-Iree. ppr. &tqassa’lea’a—A Isigistander in a hunting garb, aasd n hound. .3Tetls—Viroseit e-nlnere sirius. Seol—Ceathos Castle, to. ttincardtne. - 161 BOR BURRARD OF WALITAMPTON. ii. 13 Oct. 1305; sit. 3 Jan. 1339, Isabella, Riitcitgc. thsCoxqrenen,tewhotn the llaarqucoen madeoxtensiec shove brothers, its. Jsaltsna dc SIclIts, whose sets, Sir Simon lila non and successor, Sin Sussex cc Bonann, high ehcriff of Rhsg Joex). Ito as. Tilsrgerota, dan. of Sir Aetclini de he acqnired ether landed ostatcs), and had four sons, who of this naarriege, the parisla of Clifton, ins the hnndred of Newport, Bucks, took the name of Chiften-lieynes). inscription to hio usensery, “Teethe Johannis Berard, 5508, and was bus-ted at Lymtngton; and is. Jonee, heir ts his brnther, buried at Lymiugton before 1542, leaving llelpla Baurrard, Esq. (will dated 12 April, 1049), left io.satc, mayor sf Lyneiugton, 1174, 1184. lIe d. Boo. 1185 (will 1asotyod 19 Eels. 1586); lie left three dasas. assd Otto OStt, (“ to whom aasd his heirs for eyes’, he Lcqaaeathed 5399 (avill proved 0 Oct. Sf19), left issue, five sons, viz., a, Thantes, ta. John, ass. William, sa’. Daniel, v. father’s lifetime. (Joyce, his acidow, tsek oct letters of via., l’mossas, saseorseor to hts gs-andfathor ; eel as. George (ganndtather of George Bnreard, Esq., 31 P. for Lyansng tosa, 1f98, assd of Johis Burrard, Req., hsgh shorsif fst Tstossea Bunnano, Req. of W’alhaanptam. and of Old Palace Yard, Vt’catnsiasster, 9. If 11 ; sat. Ehiaahcth, dan. oaf Gregory Isham, Req. of bsrby Bettor, Northasnptonshirc 5. 1661, leaving issue two seals, s. John, (heir, throngh his mother, ta the enliate of Derby Manor, which he cold in 14s2), liosst.-col. ef infantry, K