Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/220

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EVil Ilirhard Fai’nser, l1aq. ; ansI 1. 5 Nov. 1811, having had issue (Isis widow A 9 Slay, 1827), I Diehard, 0.15., rear-admiral RN.; so. its 1811, Sarah, dna. of James Sykes, Esg. and dviiig, 1037, left issue by sum. Augustus, in holy orders, rector of Rirkby-Muhlory, lies (ssho iS. 11 Aug. idOl), P,iehard, conan. RN.; 0. is 1802; ,S. at sea, in cessa— sound of 11.31. stoop, “Chasspiuis,” 30 Dee. 1843. James, capt. in use arssv ; is. in 1003 ; ‘5. May, intO. John, its Is,] orders, vicar of Elnaolone—l lar,lsssek, (ileneesles_slsis’e, anti ehalslasss Is site Duke of Sot her— land; 0. iii 1004; so. 0 1kw. 1820, ltavv, dan. of William or. William, in holy ordeis, cedar of Stoke Talmage, lliehardsoa. Esq. of Leallsorlseusl, and by her (who si. 1842) ha_s hasI issue, I loins, eapi . I Oils foss, 0. in 1822 an. 21 <let. laGs, Susan, dan. of F. Clsiuppini, Esq. smol ]sas 1usd isssse, Ada—Mary. and A ssy—tlelsssa, 5. an infaiat, SI A 0g. 10081 2 Williams—Gerard, 1115’ feet, Is. in 1837; I A ugesla, ,t. CC 55.; 2 Mary ; 3 Ada—Illaaclse ; 4 Faaay S Lucy; f Ensily, d. lass. Witlksm, 0. in 103. 2 John, an oflieer in sIte army. 1. Mary-Anne, ‘5’. 4 Juno, 1034, be the late Jehn-Blsnkinsopp 3 tlenr3-, in holy- orders, rector of Slaslon, t,eireslersisire in. 1803, Margaret, eldest duss. of ‘Iliesnas Posrdisnls, y;5q. assd 8. 1 $21, leaving by her (who us. 1813) issue, liens), coussal at Ilayti, 5,. 1801 ; si. 1034, ElienbettiJoarphisse, 01113- dais. Cf .Jamnes—llyron liradley, 21.15., aisd His lordship, srtsu seas an admmsiral MN., asmd was an eatra by her (5dm ,l. 1050) has, henry, 0. 1035. George. is. in 1835. Francis, 0. in tub. Eltnat,eslm, si. to 1830. In George-Oteclsfurt Clarke, Esq., Cssatiso—24 Gss. 1043. Arssus—Arg., throe hsndets, enhanced, asd 1. 21 Slarcli, 18y2. Frances. iv. George. ii. Prances, dun. and so-heir of Elton Levell, ti’s. Sssppsrlers—Tws horses of a ehssnnt colour, ppr., Iseefs, Esq. of Notlimsglmuns, amid had isssss, Isabella, ss. to Count I’arasioini-Capollh; P. iii 1034. , Osabetin, so. 155, so henry, 4lh Earl of Carlisle’, and 2udly, Is Sir William llusgraee, t;asl. of Itealon Casllr. lOis lordship ,f. 9 Aug. 1726, assd was a. hy Isis eldest soss, WmLLmsse, 5th Isaross, 0,2 Nov. 1722. This us,] ‘lensass having killed Williasss Chaworth, Esq., in a duel, 26 juts. 3700, was ai’rssigssed luef ore his peers, us Wostsssisister Itail, 30 stud 17 April febosviuag, amid Is sund gssittv sf imaaiaslaughter ; hsst elssiiuing Otis laeuofit of the statute of Enara_on VI., iso was dinelaargod sson shssa1y payisag his Oees. lIe so. 28 Msu-ch, 2747, Eliaul,sth, dau. of Charles Slosw, Esq. of lisothssrpo hail, Norfs’lk, by wbons (svho 1. 9 Nov. 1760) ho had, Wmu.tmsi, ss. Jtuiana-Elisabrlh, dan. of his uncle, Admiral Byron; assd d. 22 June, 1770, leaving a soss, Wus.s.issr, wlso was killed us Curstea, is 1794. nsAl)uana, and } both is. s sos. His lordship 1. 10 May, 1700, and was s. by his groat- nephew (refer to descendants of Admiral the Htsu. John CADOGtN, EA0L (Henry-Charms Cadogan, P.C.), M3-run, 2nd son of tIme 4th lorst), Osoour-Gnnnos’, 0th haross ; Si. 22 Jan. 1758, at Hones- Visconnt Si hnleea, Baroms Cadogan, of Oakley, so. street, Cavondish-squas’o; who, through his mother, claimed Bucks; anti Baron Oakley, of (,‘aversham, in Oxfordulsiro; uiosseist froua tIme royal hosios of Stussrt. This saoblorsan, Coinsaoi nf blue Royal Wost;oismster Middiosox Militia; the illustriotts laoel, was etlnsated at the fi’se school, 6. 15 Feb. 1812; e. his fatiser, as 4th earl, 15 Sept. Aberdeen, at harrow selsool, stud at Trinity College, Casts- 1864 ; m. 12 Joly, 1836, hio cousin, Mary-Sarah, bridge. lIe 1asil,hiolsed his fisst oollectious of verses, smatilted 3rd dams, of the lato Hon. and Rev. Geraid-Valsrian Hears of Istleisco,s, in 1007 h’oglL.h Bas’sis anti Scotch Bsohss’r,’.i follsswed tss 1009, and after that earsie, iii lVolleo(oy, Di)., amud lsas Isad, 1012, 0085/s Unset,?, snrceedod by Ste Bride sf Abysses, The t. Gcoaos.hlrssav, t’bsossssi Cheiern, nsajor Royal Westnaism. Giasar, The Cerea v and the rest of tho splendid seriso sf pusnas, which ended svith the latter eamalses ‘f Don Juan, The svild aud snthsssiaotie tenaparaiiaent of his lordship indnrei him to assist in psnrso anti person the canoe of Greek iasslepossdenee ; asasi he, isa 1822, ossgagesl isa Itse mm. Artbnr-Cumarles, Bent. 3rd Mhddleoex militia, 5. 29 warlike struggle ttaess going on betsrooss tlroers and Tm’key, lstut after nsssela isioistssl asavl bodily oxertion, las eassglsl a mum. Ceeil-Jssmes-Gesrge, Bent. RN,, I. 27 Starch, 1840. severe cald ansi fever, frosis Ilso effects sf wlsicls Iso died at Iv. t htarleo-tiesrge-hhenry, 5. 14 June, lObO. Missolsasghi, 19 April, 1024. Ho as. 2 Jsus. 1015, Anne-Isabella, I. Emssily-Framsres, d. in 1842. esssly shfld of Sir lial1shm-Milb;sislse Nool, Burt., ansi B ,casiassss is Chsariotte- Gosm-glana-Slary. Wntcswnusvn (see lVs:auTwonen, ltsnntc, issfra). t’y whoims (svho il. 16 May, 10<50) ho had oise dan., Anx-Arotsaa, 0. 10 Dee. 1815; os. in 1035, La WBthsm, Earl of Lssvalaee, and si, 17 Nov. EtvsTAac Gu.nnovnn, Prince st Ffem-lys, fesmusder of the 4tb 1052. A selsaration frosaa lady ilyaoii, ssismeritosl sit laor part, tooh p’are soon sites’ the birth sf isis child, utah Es rd Royal Tribe of Wales, bad several svssas, osie csf whona, Myron almost isssisaoslisstcly aftorwarsis departed froiss lsis t’,anwo_sas or, lord of hereford, tore; Arg., isative conaatry, tss asisiels las never retsss’sasd. Ills lsss’slstai1s three bssars’ beads, nsnpsl, sa., Iusngned amsd tnsked, or; and ssssnnscd, on his ssaai’risage, slso asielitissusal sssrnanso of Us ‘EL, frOm hiuss shcris’csl lsefove that of llya’oss. At his decease, the tsssroisy dsvol resh Eons, ssf Dsitygasr, cc. Drocon (up Gnss’rmrn ap Llewelyas sspon Isis first son_sims. (Itevort to Adsssisat Bys’ema, Suit sosa aia Meredith Dsngoeh ap Ilsswell, Ls,rd of Penbnulit, ap of the 4th lerd.) Gr,ooox-Asmsusas, 7th huron, who was 0. 8 Navels, 1780, asid Casln’gssn up Elystan. The uOseee-smssmnsd Bees ap Griffith vs. 10 March, 1816, Elinabeth-Mary, dan. of tlss alc Sssehevesclh was father of two sons, IrvaN ac tfoss, ancestor of the Chaisdos-Pole, Es,1. ef Radborso, ce. Derby, and had issus, i. Gcoonn-Aissow, present peer. is. Fasnnamco, M. A., barrister-at-law, late follow of All Parry, 5V;u,s.uaau up am, ,,f Olwyn Cavlogaua, ma, Issucy doss. Sossis, Oxford, 0. :1 Fob. 1822; as. 10 Ang. 1611, OtaryJana, and hctr of John Gnnter, Their son, dan. of thse lots llov. Willtaiaa Weseonsb, vector of 170 C A P Langford, Essex, and sO. 4 April, 1061, baring had George-Fredoricis-Wulliam, 0. 27 Dee. 1019 ; CharlesErnest, 0. 26 SOur. 1001; Eva-Lusy-Slary, and llargaretAlice. Oseieostsrsldre; 0. 0 Juno. 1820; so. 0 July, 1812, Ensdsrica, yonngeot dass of Oho late Tdeut,-Gsn. Sir Thonaao IteM ahous, Mart., 11 CM., amad has bad Angnsttss-Wtltiamn, i. 26 Fels. 1056; Clasmd. is. 13 Jun. 1061, 1. 4 Dee. 1801; a son, 0. 17 Fob. 1803; CoeB-Goerge, 1. 17, and ,i, 26 Des. 1007; Itubel, Leiha, Ethel, and Mary. Oxon, 5. 11 Oct. 1831; so. 4 Feb. 1857. Mary, dan. of sise-Clsaneellor Sir Riehasd T. kimsdersley, and has had George-Aneon, t. 3 Slurcls, tots; EricWilliana, 1. 01 Sept. IsO’s, 1, 21 Sept. 1001< Richard-Charles, 0. 4 April, 1883, ii. 20 Sept. 106-u; a son, 0.21 Nec. 1808; Amy-Mary, A 27 Sept. 1004, and two ether dano. Coulson, Esq. ef M1onkinsopu Castle, so, North. esnuborlanel, (See Brows’s La.ssmfe,i iCes, 1,75.) n. Geesgiana. ssu. 0 June, 1642, to Charles-Rowland Palmer1 51 orewsosl, t6sq., oldest son of the late W.-F. Ilerewuod, Ess1, of Alfretoo Park, Derby. lord-lo-waising to the Queen, sS. I Ilarrh, 1808, and srss a. ly Ins eldest son, Gceaon Asisems, 6th ansI present Loan Bnaos. gu. Cscet—A estrasaid ssittm her ceumub and mirror, all or. JJs;So—Crede Byron. C A P 0 (1 A N. 4. 9-ki a capt. of the yeomen of the guard; her Middlesex militia, b 12 lIar, IS4O; so. 10 Slay, Ins;., Be.stm’ix-Jmsne, 4th dais, of Willissm, fnd Earl of t’rssven, amid has a eon, 0. 29 Dee. 1066 ; and a sun, 0. 31 Jmsne, 1809. Jane, 1841. 31111 tftflt’. Sitsy-It, Lord sf ltmsilth, up Ltowelyn, O.ord of RnGth, up Gwyns, formerly’ of Garth, anl WsLLuAau am’ Rsr.o, whsse 50mm, lay Jamse, d,un. of Wiffiam