Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/250

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C A ‘F of the United Kingdom; Baron Catheart, in tie peerage of Scotland a. ae 3rd carl and 12th bar. in, at the decease of hie father, 15 July, 1859. his lordship, b. 15 Nov. 1528, late an officer in the 23rd foot; to. 2 April, 1850, ldhzaheth3lary, eldest dan. and heiress of the late Sir Sausoel Urompton, Dart., anti has had, i. ALAN, Lord Gr,c,,oek, I. 15 March, 1556. is. Cisarles, Is sa Ike. iSIS. Gsorge, 8. lii Inns’, 1 Si11. t. Isabel, who ii. 19 Nov. isIs. is. 1’, cilia. its. Ida. mc A dan. ILiHflgr. The antiquity of thts family in Scotland is attestod by the tact that ltstiNALos’s Dr. KoTtseaor sippraro a subscribing witness Lord Catheart, srho serveri as aido-de-eamp to the Duke to a gnnst ho Al,,,,, the son of Walter fl.ipifrr Itogis. of the potri si.sge of thu ol,,srel, of Itrth,c,srt ti this snoisastcry of Paisley, in the year 1178. From this Reinaldns lineally attai,ird the rs,ssk of liostenarit-gcnrrah is, the army, ansi was dcocrn’ie’l Sir. ALAN Carneana, K,st., whose valos,r at the battle of 51 July, 1770, and seas s. by his elder son, Loodonn 14111, hi l.io7, is thi,ss rocorilod “A knigl,t that litre was in his rout, IV,e’IIs ,so,l sviihit, ssolsoao,l ,,,oh stout, Cotirtroos o,sd fair, sad of gosil fists, Sir Alan Call,sart was his stains.’’ Lord hours observes, in reference to those lines, that it is expeditims to Cispesslotgrss, a,,d seas resv,ss’nled, on bin retnrn, pleasas t to trace a fatally likeness hi an .asscient pictsn’e. 3 Noe. 1887, by receiving a IIs’itiah peerago, as Vioreusf Sit’ .Ua,s oi. a sister of Sir Donros Wallace, of Ss.mdrnns, Cobfcorl suit Bisrsti Orct,isek. He was advassced, 16 J,sly, and oat c. by isis son, ALAN Dr. Esv,neesv, whsoos groat-grassdoon, Sir. As,aa C.sTnexssv, Not, was ors’atrd Boron Catheorl, New York, and undo of tho 1st Earl of Minto, and bad, by Jaasr.s II. of Scotland, in 1447. His lordship, who was i. W’illiam, capt. ll.N., hIS June, 1782, it. 5 Jnnr, 1804. wardess of the W’oot Marches, sit. Jam’t Maxwell, ann wos ii. CnAssxs-ilrnnxr, Aid earl. s. s, mao time bof’iro 12 Aug. hISS, by l,is’zrandoon, Joas, 2nd Lord Catlicart, celia to. 1st, hlas’i’aret, dan. of us. Frcdrrick, of Crnigangilbaa, rob, in the army, knight John Keoisody, of lllairs1sileas, aid sad on ossly son, .5 last, master r,f Cathe:srt, who fell st Flsddess, in lit, leaving a sos,, wlso o. ltio grassslfathrr. His lorilolsip ‘a. Sssdly, iv. George (Sir), O.C.R., b. in 1794, heat -gen. in the ars’y, sad Margaret. dais. of Willian, hiotiglas, of lirtissslans’ig, and had several other elnldrein He it. in 1111, and was o. by 1 lope., anti lemaihy-licist. of the T,isosr ef I.ssdsn. Sir George his grandson, AlAN, iird lord. This ssoble,nass so. Helen, eldest dan. of William, and Lord Scmpnl. lie fell at the bottle of Pinkie, 18 Sept. 1547, a,,d was o. by Ins only scsi, ALAN, 4th lord svh,e ‘1. iti 1018, and was o, by his gnsndson, ALAN, Sths hss’d. This ,sohlemast i. fos’ has second wife, Jean, dan. of Sir Alexander Colqnhonn, of Lisss ; and dng in 1025, seas o. by ids son, ALAN, Otis horil semi us. Marhoss, dass. of David Bsswohl, of Anchinlock, and was o. by his eldest son, ALAN, 7th baron 8. in 1017 ; urho ‘a. Elioabeth Palrymp!e. dao. of Viseonnt Stdr, l’y wIons ho had, with v. Adolpbiss-Frederiek, capt., b. in 1803; ni. 2 Jaly, 1832, otls,’r elsil,lres,, his oorc’snnir, at isis decease, its 1711, Cnxs LOs, 8th boss’s,. This ssobli mssss ilistissgutished bin-’— self as a military offics’r, iii 1715. p:ss’ticnlarly at thr battle ii. )hary.Elieahcth. oF. 12 April, 1862. of Shurid’mnir. He sisbocqnrtitly flied ootne high offices sit. Angosta’Sophia, it. in 1046. in tile cossrt of 0501100 ii. mats Istrilolals lissviug been His lordship, a gen. officer in the army, cul. of the 2nd lifegnards, a1ipoi stud eomn,a,sdrr-i,,-elsirf of all tiso Etitieh forces in A,sterioa, cmbarkr’l at Spitltoal, in 1748, is,st it. at sea, on the 20th of the folloo’i,sg Dec. He ii. lot, in 1718, Marion, Asyhsrn, and vice-adnairal of Scotland, u-as for soms time only eldld of Sir Johss Schaw, of tis’een,sek, by whom he anshassador at St. Petorsborgh. and it. TO Jane, 5541, when hal a oats, t.’nAoLus, stat two clans., Eleanor, wifu of Sir .7,sl,ss H,osstoss ; and SI sr3’-Anae, w’ife of William, Ott, Lord he was e. 1 y his eec”s,d hut eldest snrvieissg son, Nal.ior. He us. Sadly, Sirs. Sabinr,° widow ef Joseph CnassLeA-MLsRiuAs’, Imish earl, K.C.B, and K.S.W., 8. 21 S:ii)iie, Fog. of Ti’i,sr, bitt by that lady (who us. after his Dee. l73. I-his lordship was a disthgnisbed mthitary dnro,sse Liutit,-Col. llagb Macgtnre, assd 4. 1789) be had us sheer: hue wuto a general in the as-soy, cal. hat dragoongutarhs, isotte. He was o. by his son, C,IANLEA, 914, baron, i. in 1711 who was foraconsidrr_ n,ansler of this forces in Scothasid, was at ono period able time ambassador to the Cot,s’t of Russia. lie o,, gorem-sior-gunorah astd cesssnaander-in-et,ief in B,itish North 21 July, i7si, Jane, ds,s. of Lord Arcl,ihal,l Honsiltsis, and Ames-tea; io. iii Frassec, 59 Sept. 1515, aisd re-near-led in graod’lr,. of Whthss,, ‘1 tls lithe of l’lansiltan, by whom Engluusd. 22 Feb. 1519, Henrietta, and dan. of Thomas (wlia d. is 1776) iso list isot,e, 5. Ws Ls.1A55-SoIsAw, 1st earl. is. Charles—AlIas. cal, in site arniv I. iss 1789,’ it. in 1709. its. Arrhtih..sld-hlasnilton, in ltsl1’ ‘irdes’s, lurohonulssrv of si. Angnstnu-Mnrray, co. geenadier-gnardi, 8.18 Ang 1830, TwIt 8. is I 164 u . in 17110, l’rausocs-lIe,sriena lass. of us 28 Nov. I500,Jeait-Mary-Ords,onhy dan. of Lord Bolton, leSs, l’teuss,slhe, Esq., by tshout, (soisa it. its April, 1521) i. Ehieaheth, us. in 1543, to Col. Sir John Douglas, K.G.B he has boil, 1 -(rehihald’Wjlhja,n, 8. its 1796 5. i’i ISIS. 1 8 rasoes-Lessisa. CAT 2 MsrianneElioabchls, it. in 1851. I Cati,eris,e-Sehiaa, to. 4 Nov. 1819, is Robert Smith, Esq. of Cslenhnrst llsnse, co. Chester. 4 l°eileriea. S Cl,arlstle. hi hssluelha-Seqdna, ci. 1 Nov. 1829, to Sir Saninel Crontptoo, hart. 7 hdioabelh’Sarals, so. in 1842, to Reiert Staarl, E,q., capt. 7th royal fosiliers. SIte rev. prehale si. II Oct.. 1811. iv. Gnouan. i. Jasic, oi. lo John, 4th Dake of Athell and it. in Noa 1791. ii. Short’, to. in 1774. to the gollanr Sir Thomas Grahass,, the hero of Ilarossa, ‘she was created 17 11 a)’, 1814, Lor,l 13 isrd,olt, a looroge which Leeasste extinct at his dest1, without issoe, lii Doe. 1543 she it. in 1192. us. Lossisa, Coonsess at ilonsiholsl in her asun right, so. ish, losil, Earl of Ma,isSrlsh and Sndty, I lie lion. ll,uhert-l-’islke C res-ille, brollies of George, 2nd Earl of llroohsc and Wannick and it. in Jaly, 1611. of Cnmbcrhisid, at the battle of Fontessoy, 90 April, 1745, iisveste,1 withs the order of the Thistle. His lordship it. WmLsaAse-Senxsv, 10th, bares,, NT., NAN., K A., N.S.A., and K.T.S., b. in Ang. 1755, who, baa’ing adopted, liko Ids asseestsrs, thr prefesoiois of arnss, attai,sed the rink of major—grsseral its 1794, aissl of hicssfenant-ges,eral in 1901. Ia 1557, has hisrulehsip was appoissted eomenassder-ha-chief of the 1814, to the digsoty of EA5L CATUCAnT. He ma. 10 April, 1779, Ehieabeth, doss, of Andrew Elliot, Esq., governor of of the ltns,ian order of St. Aas,e, 8. 29 Des. l158 us. he Orb 1037, Jane, dan. and heir of Qneetin Sl’Adan,, Esq., amid a,sn,ned the sansasne of Ib’Anxsi t ho it. S Iiarch, 15555. for souse hiissc eosstisiaisder of this forces at Itse Cape of Good Cahiscarl, tots, cossisnauded hiss 4ih Division of the British army in the Crimea, fell at Ilso bathe of tnkerntan, 5 Nov. h814. lie u,. 12 Slay, 1014, Lsdy Georgians Greville, Sass. ol Lossisa, Ceanhess of Shansfleld, and hor 2nd husband Ihe lion. Itahert Grerit Ic, an,h hail iussse, I Goerge-Crovillo, hi. in 1832; it. in 1141. 1 Jane. 2 Lonisa-Margaret, it. in 1839. 3 Geargiana-Mary, 0. in 1815, 4 Alice, it. ass. 13 Jnns, 1853. a Emily-Sarah (lion.), maid of hononr to the Qncsn. 6 Lonisa. 7 Anne. Margoret, and dan. of William-F. Home, Esq. of Paxton House, en. Dero’isk. 5, Losnsa. mesisher of tho Board of General Officers, a rommissiosser of the Royal lhilitary Collego and Royal Military oesnetime gsversssr of Edinburgh Castle, assd eons— Mother, Eoq , and bad issue, 5. ALass-Fusniroseso, preocest earl. an-h bat a dan., 8. 1 March 1008. eldest son of this hate Lient. - Con. Sir Neil Dongimo, KGB. mm - Henrietta-Losoisa-Franres. in. Adelaide, .,. 13 July, 1850, to John Rassdohphns de Traffard, T’.sq. of Cr,,ston Hall, Lancashire, 2nd son of tIme late Sir Thsnias-.boocph do Tr.iffsrd, Dart. The earl ii. 16 July, 1819. ‘I’hrus is Ihe tadu’ of solsess site essoasr,l(s,ars- store- is tell of hiss--isis lees ooshs,eol tsr sass’ yooro lie h,or Isis: itu,stanul Cot. Shog’siee, in a lone castle isi else ha sseases at iretinul. 2.1)