Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/256

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CHA III. SIR ARTHUR, so. in 1609, Everilda, dan. of George Tliornhill, Esq. of Fixhy, ro. York, and dying in 1737, was I. HeNRY GHAMRRRLAIR, Esq., having previously filled e. by his only surviving son, IV. SIR GEORGE, who ci. lii May, 1730, Philadelphia, dan. ens situations of consul-general and ehargd-d’affairee, in of John Dighy, Faq. ef Mansfield Woodhause, en. Nottingham, Brazil, was created a Baronet 22 Feb. 1828, lIe an. tat, in and re-heir of her brother, John Digly, Faq. of the Jan. 1725, Elizabeth, dan. of — Ilarrod, Enq. of Exeter same place, and by her (svho d. in 1703) had issue, I. Tno,sias, his successor. ii. Ge.rgo-William, lt.N. ; it usia. 3 Jan. 1SOl. lIT. Arthur, o. to Anus-Eleanor Shulto. lv. William, it. oTis. v. Digby, in hols’ orders, rector of Thormaut’y ; iii. Elizabeth, dau. of ‘1 heusas Itobinoon, Es,1. ef Wolburn, and Sir Henry iii. 2ndly, 2 June, 1013, Anne-Euigrnia, dau. of left, 1 Lucy, in. to Rev. Arthur Cayley, rector of Norinanby, William Slorgau, Eeq. of London, and by that lady (who d. who it. .2 April, 1848. 2 Dorothy, ‘a. to the X’eu. Archdeacon Wrangharn. 3 Prances-Elizabeth, ‘a. to Thomas Smith, Ml). VI. John, is. Catherine, ilau. of Richard Langley, Esq. of 1842, Ehzahetb-Jane, dan. of the late Capt. Basil lIall, Wykeham Abbey; and if. in 1818, leaving, 1 George-St. Luke. 2 Catherine. 3 ltarriette. Nevile-Bowies (Sir), K.G.B., major-geTs. Indian army, 0.10 s. Frances, so. to the 11ev. John Cayley, of Low Stall, Crawf,’rd-Trotter, coi.Indian army, C.B., commanding let Brom1,tsu (if a branch of the family doaceudod from the 2od son of the lot baronet), and was mother of Johu, whose a,,o was Edsvard-Stilliugfieet Cayloy, Eaq. of Thomas-hardy, major Todtan army, chief magistrate Wydals Mouse, SIP. Sir George it. at the age of 84, in 1791, and was s. by his Louisa-Margaret, oldest dan. of J. Bsldoro, Seq., of the eldest son, V. SIR Tuoslia, 0. in Aug. 1732 ; who Ta. in 1763, Isabella, Chai-lcs-Frangie-Faleon, major Indiass army, Bombay ntaff dau. of John Setan, Esq. of Parbroath, and by her (who if. Ia 1828) had issue, Geoses, 8th bsr,,net. Etioohrth, Ta- to Beojamin Blaekden, Esq. of High has isauo, Neville-Francis, 0. 14 Jan. 1256, and diary- Wyeoiubs. Philadelphia-Sarah’s. to BarrySlaler, M.D.; and it in 1029. Isabella, ci. to l,auaeel:t Sliadweit, Eoq. Anne, is. to the llev. George Wsi-sloy. Sir Thomas it. 13 March, 1792, and was a. by his son, VI. Sis GEORGE, 8. 27 lIce. 1773; on 0 July, 1792. Sarah, He it. 31 July. i029. His oldest son, only dan. of the Rev. Go’s-ge Walker, of Nottingham, II. Six HENRY, 1’. 2 Oct. 1796, an officer in the royal PRO., and late president of the I.iterary and Philosophical artillery; an. 11 Slay, 1226, harriet, dau, of R. Slnllen, Esq., Society of Mauehester,and by her (who d. 8 Dee. 1924) had, lieut.-r,,l. 1st royal regt. of foot, and hyber(whoit. 16Apr11, I. Biosv, present baronet. s. Anne. u. Isabella, m.2SGet.1822, teSirThemxs-ChartesSvyle,tlart. I III. Emma, ci. 30 Aug. 1823, to Edward-Stillingitcot Cayley, Es’j of Wydale itouse, eo York, LIP.; and it. 2 Aug. 1848, having by hizn who it. 28 Feb. 1862) had, 8 Edward-Stilliogttcct, “f Wydale, en. York (err Bucies’s Ursuha-Jane-Sliza, so. 17 Sopt. 1850, to William, 2nd son, L’iajr,t 13 ot,’y), 8.70 1 lily. 1924. 2 George-Ji:ha, 8. 26 jan. 1820; oi. 11 Sept. 1860, SlaryAnne-Frances, eldest dan. of Ilontogn Wilmot, Esq., and granddau. of Sir H: ‘bert Wilniot, hart, of Osinastoss, Sir Henry it. at Bermuda, 8 Sept. 1843. by whom he has icons, thigh, t. 6 Sept. 1661; mid Arthur, 0. 3 SCl. 121:2. 3 Charles-Digby. It.N., 8. 1227; it °•2’- 1844. iv. Sarah-Phila:lelphis, ei. 18 jan. 1927, to Sir William Crest—An eagle, displayed, ppr., the dexter claw rceting Worslry, Mart. at t4viugham, so. York. v. Catherine, ci. tat, 19 May, 1931, H-It. Beaumont, Seq. on an armilisiry sphere, or. (4th son of Co. Ileanmont, of Bretton Hall, Yorkshire), 20 olls—Spre et fides. who 1. in 1838. She a. 2ndly, Capt. Jas.-Anlaby Legaril, RN., K.T.S. VI- llary-Agnes, is. 7 Aog. 1846, to James Alexander, CHANDOS, MARQCEII8, SfC BucatanHAsI, RUSE. M.D., oldest eon of Thomas Alexander, Eaq. of Eden- bridge, Feat. Sir George it. 15 lIes. 1857. Creoti,’a—20 April, 1601. 4res—fAeo’rding to Sir IV. Bugdale’s sketch, with crest, in his Vialtotin sf the ea. York, lelio)—Quarterly arg. and Ta., a bend, gu., charged with three mullets, if the trat. Crest—A deiai-lion. rampant, or, charged with a bond, gu., thereon three mullets, arg., in the paws a hattie-axe, as., handle of the see’asd, with ass sroaiuairtal tuft on it. gold. j]i,Ilc—Perluooso ae to,ioI’raa mea sidera sanguine eurgent. Smt—Bromptou, cc. York. C H A ill l)E R L A IN. CT1AITnEnLAIN, SIR HENRYORLANDO 5. Slesi-rsesuI11CHARD, 0. 123. - Ronnirr, of T.ourlon, TI. Henjaisin.Ropcrt, h’ 1265. 0. 15 Dee. 1823; late of the 23rd I. Bara-Ilarguerite. }Lf1IcdgC. Welsh fusiiiers; one 3rd hart., The parent stock of this family fionriahed throslgh several - on the death of hio father, in geaorations, in and Taear the town of Itinckley, in Leioestcrshire. 1843; ot. 3 Fob. 1357, Marion dais, of John Wilson, Req. of by JOTIN CHAPMAN and his brother WILLIAM, ,inder the 1)undovau, LaTtarkolsiro, anti hae HIONR Y-llA1n I.TitN.ETtteoLL, 5. 22 auspices of their coiTsin-german. Sir Walter Raleigh, through Nov. 1857 ; to’in eons, 5. 29 May, oliose influence John obtained granite of lands ha the so. 1863; Slarguoi-itodjraida.Itlarjon, Ferry, which, 011 the fall of his patron, he woe obliged, and Ursula-Harriet-Mary. C H A 3LtIlcBgr. (winch marriage was dissolved by act of parbament in loll) and had ieeue, 14 essay, 2nd baronet. William-Augustus. t. in 1797; it. in 1806. Eliza-Caroline, iii, 2 Dec. 1819, to Rear-Admiral the Hon. Charles-Orlando Bridgman, 2nd sen of the Earl of Bradlerd. at Versailles 38 Dee. 1867) had, William-Charles, capt. R.N., 0. 21 April, 1018; is 19 June, H. N.,and has liasil Hall, 8.16 Oct.1950; Henry, 8.1 Jan. 1292; and Houston-Stewart, 0. S Sept. 1055. Jan. 1820. cog. Bengal cavalry, 8. 9 Slay, 1021; ‘a- Nv. 1842, Elizabeth, dais, of — Be Wilt, of the Cape of Good hope. at Luekoow, 0. 13 Sept. 1222; oi. at Agra, 17 Oct. 3849, Bengal civil service. corps, somnisnidiog 23rd reg. l’unjaub iofantry, 8. 9 Oct. 1876; an. 3 June, 1252, Slerianne-Ormsby, eldest dan. of George-iL Brury, Seq., of the Hadras civil service, and Cecil aAnuo-h’ereeford, ci. Jlareb, 1060, to Aa-butbsiot - Chai-lea (hlths’ic, Csq. Harriet-Mary. ltatberino-Coehrane. 1200) had surviving issue, HRNRY-OOLANnO-RosiIR-e, present baronet. Edward-Augustus-Frederick, Is. 19 Jan. 1642; si. 24 Nov. 180;i, at hriebaaa, Queensland, Australia, Sophia, 4th dao. of Capt. E.-E. Pym, RN. of the late ltichard Walker, Seq. of BiTry, Lancashire, and if. in 1537. Ann:, hello-A ,ine. Creotisa—22 Feb. 1822. ,drsio—Gu., within an orb, org., charged with eight mullets, so., an armillary sphere, or. C H A P M A N. CHAPMAN, SIR BRNJAHINJAMES, 1-lint, of Kiilna Castle, in tIm eo. of Vostmoatli, S. in Feb. 1810; late M.P. for Co. Wostmcath ; so. Maria, dan. of Richard Fotherstorihauglt, Eaq. of Roekvinw, Westmcatb, and has, The b,’ansh settled in Ireland woe oetabllehed there from pecuniary difficulties, to dispose of to the tot Earl of Cork, receiving in return the large sum, in tboTe days, of 206