Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/258

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C H A 2 John, arch bacon of Kilinorc, ci. Enphemia Gordon, lied. after enjn3 lug the peerage nssre than half a eentnry, of l(cnmuire, co. Ilsionfriea, and had ssooe, William of Renown, A tldone, as ho as. twice, and 21 .Tnly, 1730, and was e. by his oldest sssrviviisg sot,, had lassie, John, his heir; James. commander RN. Janes, 3rd visznnnt. This nobleman si. Elizabeth, only Thomas-Gordon, rector of lialyloughloc, Meatmoath dan. of the Itt. lion. Francis Bernard, of Castle Hahen, en. ; Lncy. wife of 31. lystar, Esq. Eophosaia, C,srk, sno of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas in sit. let, is, Col. Find-. lam-, md Ondly, to J. Vary Ireland, by whom (n-ha 55, 2ndly, Thonsas Adlecly, Esq,), and Mary-J1:inl, a. lot, to Ft. Colt, Eat., and he had two sons ; the yoanger, Franets, who ns. Mary, 2ndly, to the Her. Wm. liattcrsl’y. The eldest son, only dais, of John, Lord Byre, was lost, as-ith his lady, John-I ‘aol ft ill, licni. -col., of Blsoinfisid, Co. isflnt child, and servant, in a hnrnicnne, on his passage to Westnseatls, high-oh’ nsf of the en. Rorc,osinson in lrel:sstd tram London, in Nov. 1775, to fnlfil his parlianientary 10211, so. in I s2 s, Anise—I .ovell, dan. of tames llory, Fsq. if Nazing, and 1. :; Feb. ls3, haning l,a’l i’rancis-Williaiu. 0. in 152t5. call. 44th foot, ii. t’aalfe,ld. Fin 1763; and Eleanor, svhn sa, William, 3rd Earl 19 Juno, 1523, of sroon,ls roocHed the previous of Wicklow, and ti. in 1807. The viscount ci. 21 April, 1724, day at Ocliastopil ; llotcrs, salt. 7th liads as mv. F. in 102;), a,. 2 11cc. 1537, Carnlino-Henniotte, and waso. by Ins only snrviving sun, dan. ol Olilliass Magil. Faq. of LytCeton, eo. Jaisms, 4th viscount, If.P., F. 16 Ang. 1728; eroated Eann Westmrath ; henry, F. in 1031; St. (leorgo, Ii. in OF Cnans,eaisssr, 23 Dee. 1763 ;rn.2 Jnly, 1768, itaI-y, dan. of 1037 ; Joins, bent. 41 at list, F. in 1039 ; Anna— Thomas Ilieklnan, Esq. of the en. Clare, by whom (whoa. Julia, a. to Major Francis Winter, Bengal Arniy in 1807) ho had issue, Fanny Eliz.d’eth, si. to Major llcnry-Ltiw Ilaydas eli; Chnstina, a. to Capt. W.—A. Jlasnwarsng Mary: Lacy, aS. to Capt. VIsas. Yelvortan Bagny; •. Fnaserss-WsLntssr, 2nd earl. ant Angnota-Fl’ sconce, a’. 23 .Iulv, I 003, to N—F. is. limoav, of llockloy, es. Amnsagh, F. 28 July, 1778; sensetinue Prcsl,’n. l1sq. ci Swaisston. co Heath. Thonaao Gordon, commodoro Fl. N., to. in 1002, Then— chosia, d,,n. ni W. Talbot, Es,j. of Mount Tathot, and 1. in 1821, le’soiag a son, the Rev. William Canlfeild,rertorof 31n11,,hiffi-,and fonrdaas., Anne, ss. to Rev. Thos. Goft; E’iplsonna, ,o. 1st, to b-I - Peed, and lndly, to Ssoonol Waring, Esq. ; ArabellaKatherine, 01. to ltcyn’’l’la i’i3 tin, JIB.; and Grace-Gordon, so. to 3V.-15. Stokes, Esq. Robert, capt. H. N., ,1. leaving issue. James, nsajnr-gon. H. E.I.C.S.,C.13., lIP, for Abingdon, 5. Elizabeth, ci. nsa,. in 1820. F. to 1756,,, lot, Lotitia, dan of Lient. -Con. Ilis lsrdship, a diotingssivhed patriot, was commander-in- 11. Stafford; and iindly, Annie- Rachel, dan. of chief of the velnnteor army of Freland, 1778. He d. 4 Aug. Major Illakc. ll.E.I.C.S and had issue by both 17;sS, assd svsss e. 12’ his elder sass, marriages. llajor-Goo. Canlfeild d. in Nov. 1h12. i’RANS’I5-W5LL5A3I, H.P , ass Irish representative peer, F. His sosi, llcsiry Minrsi,n, capt. 4tla European 2 Jan. 1773, aissl is. 6 Fob. 1800, Anne, youngest dan. and cavalry, so. 20 lot. I °63. Susan, slats, ui Con. (8cm-ge cs-heir s,f the late William Rermingham, Esq., of Ross Hill, Campboll, and a. 1 Oct. 1804, having bean lost in co. Galsvay, and had issue, the “Prsia,” The 2nd, hot eldest surviving sois, WILLIAM, 2n,l s-isconnl, espoused zealenoly the can se of M’illsasn-Fmneis, F. in 1002; ci. in 1807. WILLIAM against J,s.siva. Ilis lordslsip as. Anne, only days. llbacia-llehosica, F. is Jan. 15171 ii. isa,,,. 4 Starch, 1827. of Di-. Janses 31.srgotson, archbishop of Arnsagh, by whom Emily-Charlotte, 0. in 1800; d. nose, in Oct. 1629, ho had, with five dane., five soas to survive infancy, viz., I. JAMES his heir. II. Thonsss, governos of Annapolis,,?. lcssp. Gnome I. its. Charlos, rector sif Donagiseary, Armagh, so. Alice, dan. asides heir of John lleusi,,o, Esq., and had isaac. The Janvs llns.vNnnx, the 3rd and present earl. eldest ssn and heir, Janses Csnlfcil,l, Esq. of 0mm- cairue, ca. Tyrsne, who Is. Catherine Burgh, of Old- town, was father of Janus Caislisi 1, Esq. of Promeairno, Earl, 22 Dcc. 1782. Baron of the United Kingdom, 12 Feb. svho o’. in 121st, harriet, dan. s,f Sir Edward At’sse—Barryof ten, arg. and gu., on a canton of the second, Crofton, MB. of Moat Park (a’ CannoN, B.), and left a lisn passant-gnar’iant, en. at his decease two ssns and one dan., viz., 1 Enssaon llorsvo-,, ns,w of Drnmcairno, is. 22 Feb. Cs-cal—A dragon’s head, erased, gn., gorged with a bar 1007 ; ss. 26 April, 1220, Charlotte, dan. of Piers Ceale, genuelle, erg. Esq., and by her (who sI. II Nov. 1840, has isono, I James-Alfred, heist-cot. esyal Tyrsoe fasilires, late capt. t’oh’lstteans guards, 0. in 1030; as. 2 Feb. 1222, Assnotta, younger dan. sf Lssril t’asl lesssaine, and tics a dan.. C,,n.stanos 2 llarcos-l’iers-Francis, 8. 2 Nov. 1s40; and 1 Harriet t’h:srlotte. 2 William Gorges-Crofton, ass officer, 18th regiment, a. Square, Bublin. at Ceylon In 1018. 2 lbarriet-Anna, Ia. 24 Jane, 10:7, to William-John French, Esq. (s jsosl, ljv Fans 5, e, B.) Charles, the 3rd olin of the lion, and 18ev. Charles Caniloud, in. and hal a son, il,sss-s, 115 holy ‘‘rdcrs, who vi. Anise, ‘1:10. of JAn It’ ti e, F’.eq.. ati’l lid by hicr a cots, the Right Rev. Charis / ‘aalfeil’l, 0. 13., bishop s’f Nassau, Rah’,m is, who s.. 6 Fob 1832, siraco-Ansie, 4th dan. ‘f the late Sir Richard l;ligh ot. Go”rgo, lt,srt., md ,/. 1082, ic lying isoac. The 4(1, os’s, of tisi 11015. Ftc v. Charles— Cwslf, sit, J. ‘his, was ancestor of the proselat St. Geolge— Fsauscis C:snll,ih,l, Esq. of I)sssaman Castle,° cc. Ito’s— esranaon, h. S March, 1806; ss.IlAssg. 1610, lIon. SusannaAnne Crolton, eldest dan. of time late Sir Edward Crs,fton, Mart., assd has St. George-Fnsveis-liol’src, b. 1631 ; is. 11 Felt, t’tO, T,ossioa- Osiss, only sOon. ni Tia’ ‘sans-Russell Cramptos. Es,i. ‘if Kensington; Alfrod-Ilosiry; EsnilySusan, as. to Capt tionry i.swthcr, SIP. ; and Fanny}‘lsrenoo. Iv. John, M.P. v. Henry-Charles, wits as. 111am’, dan. of Bryan Gunning, CnAgLz,voLLg, EAnL op (Charles-Williana-Franeis Esq., and had isaac. The sisters of tl, present St. George-Francis Canlfeild, Ireland ; fm. 16 May, 1552; z. his father us 4th Earl, Esq. of Donaman, are F’rasscrs llcnricvtss, ,o. irs 1827, to l’redorick -Hamilton 19 Jan. 1559. C,,rnswalh, gsq. of Delhury Itoh, en. Salop, eldest son of This family derives inatemnstly from the extinct house Dr. Cosmewahl, Bishop of Worcester. Rssrrsat, is. in 1830, to Le Cemie Achille de Lamarre. 2d8 C II A duties as member for the borough of Charlsnsout. lIe (Francis) left isssse, Colonel James - Eyrs liP, for the cc. Armagh; so. 10 A’sg. 1819, Elizabeth- llargaret, 2nd days. ol Bndwelh llrowne, Esq. of Rsdsins, co. Mayo, and ii. 4 March, 1o02, having hsd issue, I Jaares-Moevnnux, present peer. 2lhesscy-Wilhans, tin 1822, d, Granted on Feb. 1864 _o Fclm. iso, the precedence “I the I Mto’garot-Zoe, ss. 3848, ycosnger son assd dan of Jehss-Cstlvert, 2nd snls ci this 16 ‘1 l:stc Sir Jas. Stronge, Dart, an .n - JasIcs-WILLIAM, v;soa, I CssljitFl, 8. in Ang. 1861 ci. 15 Jan. 1827. The e:srl was created Berets Clsarlemssst, of the United Kistgdsm, with I-enaaissder to his brother ,,sud isis male issue, Ii hal’. 1st?. The es,rl ci. 26 Dec. 1883, and as he left no issue, ho n’as e. in all ins hereditary hsnonrs by Isis nephew, Cccaltsno—Daron, 22 Dec. 2620. Viscennt, 8 Oct. 1665. Soppnriecs—Twe dragons, gis., wings endomed, sa., oarh gorged with a bar gemetis, arg. Mstls—Deo does ferre comitante. Fcola—Rsxl’ssr ugh, Mey, cc. Tyrnne; and Stsnino, Fair- view, near hinblin. Tone Jfooscs—49, Eaten Place, London ; 22, Rntland C II A B LEVI L L E. 3Lillcafic. of llnonn, Boness Tstllasssmss-e nod Earls Clsanleville, which Bunj-), Viscount Claai’leville asad Baron Tullamnome, nf ‘Jullaruoone, in the King’s Co., in the peorago of