Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/271

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CHO 4 Goorgiana, so. in 1837, to the Maroheso Tootloro Carlo peerage of the Uuited Kingdom ; Earl Cholmondemy, Strezoi, of Lavsoehio, in ‘l’nsrony, and has issue, 9 Lydia-Constantia, so. in 1841, to Arthur Stow, Esq. in. Walter, of E’lainbornugh, ox York, 5. 6 Dcc. 1771; so. 1st, Ramptwich, co Chester, iu thc peerage of England; in 1801, Frances, 2nd dan. and co-heiress of Jdaaisnihian cud Baron Newlsurgh, in the lain of Aisglnsey, us Western, Esq. of Cokothorp Pork, en. Oxford, srhirls lady S. in 1836. lie as. 2ndls-, Sarah, relict of Sir Fronois the peerage of Groat liritain Viscount Clsolsison— Boynton, Fort., and 5. 26 Rev. 1839, leaving, I Waiter, as. in 1844, Catherine, 3rd dan. of Thomas Thornhill, the peerage of lrolarsd ; is. 1C Jass. 1792; sic. let, in Esq. of Woodleys, cc. Oxford. 2 Edward-Rowland, as. in 1811, Mary-Catherine, 2nd dan. Cohn Campbell, by whom (wise si. 12 Oct. 1815) lie of J. harrison, Esq. of Pecklinton, to. York, ssn,l is had no issue. His iordsisip ass. 2ndiy, 11 May, 1810, deceased his svidsw a,. 2ndly. 2 Stay, 1553, t,t.-Oen. Lady Susan Somerset, 4th dau. of henry-Charles, Speneer-Stanhope, ml. lath mgi., and 1. in the July following. 6th Duke of Beaufort. Tim mssrquesn a. as 2nsl marquess, I Frances, ci. 11 Slay, 1826, to Charles-Cottrell Vernier, Esq. of Itenshain, en. Oxford. 2 2 Nov. 1833, to Henry Boynton, Esq., eldest He had been called by ssrmmons, iu 1821, to the eon of Sir henry Boynten, Fart., and S. in I 841. iv. hienry-Eustatins, 8. 31 Ang. 1777; a’. in 1502, Mary, liii lordship is joint hereditary GItEAT CHAMEFItLAIN eldest dan. of the Rev. Edmund Cartwright, Dii., F.R.S., os ENGLAND. of Wobnrn, eo. Bedford, and if. 20 May, 1840, hating had mine, I henry-William, 8. in 1809; 5. 101818. 2 hugh-Edwin, t. 2 Starch, 1511. 3 Algernen, k. in 1806; rI. in 1835. 4 John-htenry, 8. 1818. I Frances. 2 Jnlia-Enstatia, din 1816. i. Elloabeth, or. in 1781, to her cousin, Strickland Freeman, dying without issue, tIre loniship of Csslns,sssstelei, &c., devolved Esq., and she and her husband beth 5. in lb’JI. ii. Charlotte, S. sssses. 2 Jasse, 1833. iii. Juliana-Sabina, rL 21 Sept. 1849. iv. Soplsia-Letitia, as. lit, to Capt. James Calder, rf the 21st hleochissos, Earl of Cheater. Tins Willirsus, wlso, iu right of lancers, who was aeridentally drowned in 1805; and Zndly, his mother, was Romeo af iIaljae. left three soils, viz., to Capt. Glmscott. She sI. 2 April, 1809. Sir George 5. 13 Jan. 1808, oral was o. by his eldest son, VI. Sm WitLiasi, who sras 8.12 March, 0753, and s. 15 April, 1778, lienriella, 3rd dan. and co-beiross of Nathaniel Cholmicy, Esq. of Whitby and Howshaan, cc. York, by whom (who ii. 26 beorsng then the name of David do Malpas. The second March, 1827) he bad issue, Walter, 8. 10 Feb. 1780; d. 15 April, 1798, Gusset, presont baronet. Arthnr, 8. 25 Feb. 1781; as. 15 July, 1894, to Anne, dan. of James Sawden, Esq. of Langtoft, and 5. 27 Nov. 1863. Edmond d. yosmg. Eusrarhins, 0.9 Jane, 1787; 5. in June, 1840, Joho, 8. 24 Jan. 1791 Nathaniel-Constantine, 8. 7 Sept. 1802; in holy orders, lt.A.; RoBERT, havirsg, by the gift sf his fathes; the lordship of vicar of Eeighten, and perpetual curate of llessingby, Yorkshire; Cns’, assd fixhsg his residesscn there, assumed as. 22 Oct. 1839, Charlette-Danvers, den, of 5.-It-f. the snrs,anoe thersfrsm. Ito sss. Mabel, dan. of Sir Robert Becker, Esq. of The Crove, New Radnar. Henrietta. Caroline, sa.9 Oct. 1811, to the late William-Feanris-Lewndes mxcv lit., aud from hius wn 1sass to his lineal descendant, Stone, Esq. of Brightwell Park, Oxferdehire. (Ire Reset’s Riesssnn no Cnur,rruwestrv, wIse ci. Eleanor, 5th dau. Leaded Or,rlmy), and 5. 11 April, 1867. Eusrna, Se. 12 Slareh, 1839, to tlse Rev. Edward Trevenen, sf Sir Thomas Dutten, nf Dutts,n, and sister and co-heir uf of Drewesteignton, co Devon, who 5. 10 June, 1846. Anise, es. 12 April, 1814, to the Itov. Francis Simpson, 9t.A., feudal lord, vicar nfCamnaby end Eoynton,Yerkshirn, andsl. 7 5ept.l868 Ssse bun CneoMeansLov, was a military character of Priscilla, ci. 16 Jane, 1819, to Charles Winn, Esci. of Nostell eminence irs the migu of Iloxnv VIII. tie was five times Priory, co York, Isabeila, 5. 12 Jely, 1814. Sir William 5. 8 Jan. 1834. t’reafian—30 July, 1641. As’aro—Qaarterly, 1st and 4th, go., two esquires’ helmets in Stalpao (by Agisos, his wife, sIan. and ee-beir of John Dirsl, chief; in baee. a garb, cv; between the hel,s,sts a Ileor-de-lis of of Chorltess, by Catherine lsts wife, aunt o,rd heir of David the last, issnant from a crescent, ermine; for Cnnsnir,ey: 2nd de Msdpss). Sir Itugh sI. 8Jass. 1998-7, and wsss o. by his son, and 3rd, Ia., a chevron between three leopards’ fares, or, for Sin Heon, of Chalsnoudeloy; who as. WersTwowrn. t9eol—A full fronted helmet with bars, erg., thereon a garb, Mary. only dan. ansi hsir of Clsristaplssr ITelf,,rsl, of lId. or. CHO Vienount Melpas, Baron Cholmoisdeley of deley and Baron Nowhurgh, of Kelis, no. Mouth, in Oct. 1812, Caroline, 2nd dan. of the late Liosst.-Gon. at the decease ef his father, 10 April, 1827. hoarse of Lords, in Isis lather’s barony of Newburgh. JLtllcztgc. At the ttme of the gosserssl onrvsy, the lurdship of Cobrsrrenslrlci fermod part ef the 1s0550naieirn of Ronarmv, son of Hveu, Basass of Msslpan, which Robert on his tiuly dan. er,d lsnireas, Lcyvsee, who married Escnaan ox Ils;s.waus,, whose as,’,, isv grsusdnrsrr, Vs’iLLsAa, to Ils,Lwant,, so. Beatrix, don. of Rasssslph de Tho dod oou. Fitz-Nignl, Baron ef Hsltnu, ansI wee o. Isy his sass, Sin If unu na Cuutrounsnrs,esu, wlrss lived us the reign of Jehss Button, who st. hs minority. Ths graisds’su of thin sheriff of Cheshire, as ales sheriff of Fhiutshire for aome yeora, sod a long time one of the two only depnty-ileutenants of Cheshire. Ito s’s. twice, bsst had issue enly by his first wife, Arsuc, dsu. arid cs-heir of Gessrge Domrussu, of fsnd. This lady had a groat c,,rstest with George hislfssrd, of Newborsugh, oheut tho larsds wlsieh had descended to Isor by her father, whicls errdured ,sbssut 40 years, but was at length settled by the rnosti,stiorr s’f friends. Lady Cisolmoudeley, tsr her widewhoud, susislud at Olulford, which slso rebuilt and nsrlnsrgsd, ansI wao styled by JAMEs I., from ths spirit she hail evirsesd ins the bofare-isserstioned suit, “tire bsld lady of Cheshire.” By Sir Ihugh Cholmendetey she had six onus and tlsree daus., of which, n. Enszwv (the eldest sen) inherited Chelmendeloy. Ii. Hugh. ss. Mary, dan. of Sir John Dodaiile, nf Dodville Cootlr, on. Cam, amveu, and dying in 1690, left, with junior issue, Rooaev, whn n. his ursele. sri. Thsmaa, ef Yale Royal, an,esnter ef Lerd Dolamere. TIre elrtsst son, Rrxsnv Cs,es.Mnsonor.rv. Esq. of Chohinerolsloy, was created a iboronet, lb Juno, till, and advanced, in 1628, to the peerage ef lrslan’l, ha Urn dignity of Vioessnl C8o1- rasn’leley, ef Kills. lIfe lnr’lship was ei,r,,lle’t asanrsgst the hareno of England, hi thE 21st CiianLEs 0.55 Lar’l (‘bobsrssede1e ’, ef IVic/se M,,lbassk, eel’s” only ccliii .1l’ea’plwicls; arsd f,u-ther advanced, the i,sxt year, to tire E,rrl,lssss of Letrs,lom. ITo ci. Catherine, don. ef Jolsis, LonI Stmmhope Davin, whn, from being clerk, em secretary, to the Earl of Chester, was sometimes written, Le tierl, and sometimes sit Msslpon, having e. his fatlscr at Malpas, after the Fred- dora ef t’hestor was snisexed to the mrswrr, served tIre office of sheriff for the en. ef Chester, 36th HExRv Ill., sen of this Rosin, Verne. having seated himself at Egortoo, left the srnmnamn of Egcmlan te his descendaists, whence the numerous emhstsrt families of Egerton, in Cheshh’e. RoBERT, ef whom presently. Richard. itlelle—.& Ia volontd de Dice. Seol—Royntsa, Yorkshire. Posers Hsssne—l 23, Fieeadifly. C H 0 1., M 0 N B E L E Y.