Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/300

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COL COLON SAY. COLONSAY, 11tnON (Duncan McNeiIl, P.C.), of Colunsay and Oransay, in tile CO. of Argyle, an the peeraae of the United Kingdom, 6. in 1794. This eminent lawyer and judge was asimatted to the Scottish bar in 1816, anC was sheriff ot Perthnhare from 1824 to 1834. He was solicitor-general for Scotland fa-om Nov. 1834, to April, 1835, and from Sept. 1841, to Oct. 1842, frona which time till Jnly, 1846, he was lor,l a,lvocate. lie was chosen dean of the COLQUHOUN, SIR JAalEa, of Colqnhonn and of Faculty of A,lvocatee in 1843, and continued to hold Loss, eo. Dnnabarton; 1. in 1801 a. his father, 3 that appointment till he was made a lord of session and jnetieiary in May, 1851. He was appointed lord justice general in May. 1852, which office he has Jnne, 1843, Jane, 2nd dan. of Sir Robert Abereromby, lately resigned. He was H.P. for Argyleehire frona 1843 to 1851, and svas made a P.C. in 1853. He was May, 1844) baa a esso, raised to the peea’age 26 Feb. 1867. kin cac. Dawn Macants., of Crear, and son of Neil! Macnets, of Anchenan, representative of a yoongsr branch of Macneil! of Tiso origin of this family is envoloped in the obscurity of Taynish, exehangsl in the year 1760 the lands of Crone an’! remote anhqnity, and has hooas variously traced by uncertain others, for the islands of Colonsay and Oransay. Me a. in 1676, Mary, dais, of Lachlon Macneil!, of Tirfergos, and had Ilot althosagis las the absence of distinct historical records five son,, 1. MatcOLsi, his saecesssr. ii. Neil! of Macneil!, of Ardaohy. ni. Archibald. cv. sheeter. v. John. The oldest san, Maneotsi MacswiLL, of Cotsnsay, ci. Barbara, dan. of Cana’bell the Lcms,s.ssx fasssi!y, ths importasst hereditary office of eoronor of DonstaiTnage, by whims he had three sons, a. Donald, of Colosoay, is. Miss Macneil!, of Belfast, by sehaan The first authentic record we havn been sblo to discoder lie had an only son, Archibald M’Neill. of Celonsay, who ,a. of tho CoLquaaouses of Asses, is to be fn,and in a charter of in 1796, fleorgiana-Anne, elslost dan. of (leorge, ath Earl Maldoweas, ar,l Earl of Lennox, who sneeceded his father, of Oranard, ansi o’ho sold the eslalo of Colensay 10 his Alwyn, tho 2aid earl, in 1223, containing a grant of the cousin Js’ls,s 11’Neill, Esq. Ia. ALexaxneo, of Oran,ay. isa. Asgns. The 2nd san, ALExANDeR MsexEaLt, of Oranoay, os. Mary. dan. of Dnmbaetosashire, (ipso whiels occasion he gave sap the name Alexander M’Doagalh, of M’l’angall, and had six sons, a. ,Tnns, of Celonsay. a,. Malcolm, late of [lie E.T.Co.’s sorvice. an. Janses, sleeeased. iv. Donald, ltessl.-esl. 91st foot. v. Alexander, ,leeeased. vs. Arelubalsi, dcoeased. The elslrst son, Jaux M’Nn,tt, Esq. of Colonsay, ci. Ilester, dan. of Dnnean descended, lie was a. by his eldest son, )l’Neill, of Donmere, and had issue, I. Alexander, of Colonsay, Is. 17 Jan. 1791, who ss.24 .Jmse, son, Saw Jonas CoLqoaiouN, was governor of tho castle of 1130, Anne-1’lizalseth, 4th daa. and eo-l,eiress of John Dosobartoss durisig tlsc uaiasority of Jasses 0!. His son Carstai,’s, Essi. ot .Seraifors! Green, Esssx, and Warboys, Co. lTantiagdon, and laad isssac, 1 .John—Carssairs, naajor in rho amsy, b. March, 1871; 2 Alexander, 6. Fel,. 1034, ms. Frances. 2nd dan. of tloar-Adn,isal Tallsot; 3 llnnean, ii. 7aly 1636; 4 Malcohoa, h. Marcia. lard i Cecil-Anne 3 Helen; grandfather, 3 Hester-Mary. Alexanslee MeNeihl, of CaRaway, aee1ssired Gigha, the anrie,st hissasessiess of his elan. a,. Doaeav. create,! P,caoa (‘oo.asay. as above. eai. John (Sir),, [‘C, fsrnseely oneoy and minister as-as nnhsequently appsisstcd sheniff-pninripal of Dumbarton. plenipotonliar to the esnel of Persia, 1. 1793, mis. 1623, Elizabeth, 4th dae. of Joh,s W’i!son, fits1., whets laity 5e, 36 Nov. loCH. iv. Olalesil,s,, lie,st.—eol. Madras naovc cavala’y, noel nacinbee Ses,tland. lie was hilcowise one of a commisnion deputed of the military hoard. v. strshsb’(d, IV. S. l’ireetor is, Claaneery. vi. Forbes, asaere!aant in London. The second son,, is the lsrceent [5550 Cotoxaav, C OL 2nd, arg., a sinister Is and cooped fnssewaya, in chief, gn., on a base, waey, as., a salmon naiant, of the first; 3rd, or, a galley, lace oars in saltire, go., on a chief of the second, three molheta of Ihe first; (las whole within a bordere, erm. (‘real—A saiailed ama and hand Isolding a dagger, ppr. .s’p1ser5ero—On either side a Highland deerhoand, ppr. Molls—Vineere asic anon. Ses,t—Colcnsay, co Aegyle. C 0 L Q U H 0 U N. kIllrar, traditions. 101(0 ssf these traditionary accounts can now be anthenticatod by psssitiee and satisfactory proof, it is certain, at least, that cite nanse is very ancient ; isnd tlaat this family held a lai’gc pnspssrtiots of tlse territory of Dumbartonsh!ro by clsartea’s fnsss tlae erosvsa, lsavissg also acqsaired, from (corssnatssr) of tisat county. lands of Luse in favour of GsLssonE, tiac son nfJLaLDoNeas, who lived in the reign of Wantaasi the Lion. in the reigaa of Ae,nxaxnen 11., Uaapoaanoa ste Kilpafrirk obtaisaod a geassi of the lasads alad barony of Colqnboun, taa of Kilpatrick, and assumed the name of CoLqunoow of Celqalasasss. Froiu bins descended, Saa Ronnasv ne COLQUHOL’N, who so. the dan. and heiress of Sir Hsatssphry, of Lnss sines which time the family have borne the nanso and designation of Cotquwouse, ef f’elqabaa ant of Lass. From this Sir Robert sevem! other fansilies esf the ssatne of Coa,qunooss, in Dnmbartenahire, are Saw Roan-nay Cotqunousi, effhal ilk and ef Lass, whose Stalerslan, who was one of the hostages for the ransom of Janarn I., s1. before his fathsr, leaving a son, who z. his San Jo,ia Conq000uN, tho eon of 3lalcohm, a man of the most eaniaetat abilities, iseld tl,e high official sitaatioaa of comptroller of the Exchequer, from 3463 emtil 1369. He shire, and received a graiat of the !assds of Rosemeath. !n 1474, he seas elevated to the rank of great ehansherlain of to Rssglassd, with f,sll powers to negotiate a marriage between tlse i’ri,aee lloyal of Scetlasad and the Prineeas Cicily, dau. of Eisag Enwaro 1V. Sir John acquitted himself cc well ia this slelic:ste altdr, that he was soon afterwards appointed gnverasor of flnnsbarten Castle far life, with very extensive posveaw asad ho received varions grants of lands .de,s,s—Qnartet’ly, 1st and 4th, as., a lion, rampant, org.; in consideration of bats iiaportant public services. Tn 1479, Jo Fob. 1836. Sir Jaanes is los’ddiesst. of, and was SIP. for the en. Dnmbaa’toia Irons 1837 to 1841 m. 14 Past, of llirkenbog, and by her (who ci. 3 Janice, 6. 70 March, 1644. (‘,ss5isma—26 Feb. 1567. 250