Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/303

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C0LVILLE 05’ Cutnoss, BARON (Charles-Joists Colyule, P.C.), in the peerage of Scotland, a representative lord, master of the bnekhounds; 6. 23 Nov. 1818 ; s. his uncle, as 11th baron, 22 flee. 1849; hI. 6 June, 1853, the Hen. Ceoile-Katherine-Mary, oldest dan. of Robert-John, 2nd Lord Carrington, and has, t. CHARLES-ROBERT, JI,esle,’ e,f CefeCh, b. 26 April, 9854. n. Stasiey-Ceril-James, 8. 21 Feb. 186]. iii. A sao, 8. 22 Feb. 1867. e. Rianche-Cecile. ItIitcagt. Of thie ancient Scottish family, which deduces its descent The eldost some, from Pn,mp na COLVILL, of Oxenhame, in Rexburgh, who Jonn, 10th baron, adseiral sef the White; 5’. 9768 ; en. 1st, lived in the 12th eontnry, we shall eomennsee with SiN JAaIne COLVILL, only sen of Sir Jasnee Colvill, of 14 Oct. 0700, Rliaabsth, dan. of Prasseie Ford, bat by Oehiltree, and grandson ef Robert Cclviii, steward to hor (who ,t. 981!’) had 110 seerviving issue. lie m. lndly, MARGARET, Qeeen of JAMES 111., who is. Janet, 2nd dan. ii Oct. 1841, the lion. Assne Lan’, sister of the Earl of Elmsborough, of Sir Robert Douglas, of Lorhieven, and had iee,se, Jaasxs (Sir), his sseeeeesoc. Alexander, ohs had a charter of the whole abbey ef C,slross, 1167, and was thence styled CoanssesoAvsa os’ Creases. 2nd and led, gee, a fessc, cheqsy, acg. and sa., He was appeinted one ef the judges of Session in lola; ae,l for LssnsAv. dying is 1097, was s. by his son,’ JeeN, of Wesles-esnnbrio, of whom hereafter. Sir James Cclviii ,5. in 1580, and was s. by his elder aess, Sen Lrssss Cos,v,res, of Easter Wemyos, who lead served shoulder a riseb, all ppr. in the wars of France under HErsav THE GREAT, with high Sfelle—Ossblier ae ptrie. repntation. Ho had a chaster of Cuiross, Vallcyfieid, &c., erected hits the temporal Barony of Csslrsse, 28 Jnne, 1199, and was created a peer of parhameut, 20 Jan. 1609, by tbe title of LORD CoLvirLa sf Cslress, with remainder to his leeirs male whatsoever. His lordship sx. 1st, Isabel, seed dan. ef Patrick, Lord Rnthven, by whom he had an ossly surviving son, RoDEnT, and a dan., Jean, who es. Sir James Campboli, of Lawore, axed was mother of John, Earl of Loudoun, Iced high chancellor of Seotlassd. Lord Ceivillo rn tndly, Eilen Sleaw, s-diet of Robert Mosebrsy, of Barnbesgie and dyiesg in 1620, was o. by (the son of Robes-b, mnoter of Colville) his grandson, JAMEs, 2nd Lord ColvillIe ; who ci. withoset isone, in 1640, when the title devolved npos his cousin, Joan COLvILLE, of Weotereumbrie, as 3rd boron; but this gentlemaee did not aseesmo the title, neither did his sos, ANDREW Corves,ra, of Hinsardine, 4tls bae-oes ; who n-as COIIRNRMERE, VISCOUNT (Sir Wollington-Tleses’y professor of divinity at Sedan. He wae o. by his son, JOHN, 5th baron; who also deehnod aesseenisg the titie. Stapleton-Cottssn), of Tlhssrtpnre, its flee East Indies, He se. 6 Nov. 1683, Mary, Seed dan-cf Oh’ George Preston, ef and of Cnnsbormoro, in the on. Palatine of Chester, Valisyfleld, by whom he had tn-s eous, and was o. by the Baron Combermere cu Cnmbormore, cc. Clsc’stor, and eider, ALEXANDER, 6th baron, who likewise declined to soseeme a Baronet; eol. in the army, late 7th drag. guards, the peerage. hOc ss. Mary, dsn. of Sir Chae’les Ershine, formerly UP. for Carrirkforgses; 6. 24 Nssv. ISIS, Lord Lion king-at-se-ms. by whem he had five sons and s. lois father as 2eed viseotseet, 21 Fob. 1865; Nt. six dane., and waco. by his eldest son, Joan, 7th baa-on, ass officer in the army. This genticmase Sir George Sitwell, Bnrt., axed has isssee, claimed the bareesy, but was refused npoee the grosend that t. Rossar-WaLLIN0T0N, 5’. 18 Jnne, 1811; 5’. 2 Jane, 1966, it was not upon the roll at the time of the Ueeion. lie appealed howovor, to the Hoesse of Lords, whihis camo to a is. Riehard-Sossthweil-Georgd, heed. Seots-fnsilier geeardo, determination in his favorer, 27 May, 1721. lb se. Rise Johnston, an Irish lady, by whom be had issue, ALEXANDra, his ooeoessor. George, as officer in lbs army; S. miss. JOHN, 911s taren. Cisaries 0. esesos. - James, capt. ION., who perished, with au list crew, en thr ‘‘Snnderlasd,” at Posdicherry, he llti, and sO. us,’,’. Margaret, 55. te PaceS Castlemas, Rag. of lboreley, to. Sin Groace COTTON, Rest., Esqeeire eu thee body Is Ring Gioneesier. Eliasbetie, as. to Robert Petrie, itsq. Lord Colvillo remmanded a regiment at the siege of Cartbagena, aleleey of Jietsedietine monks, f,,eses,lr’i i’s 111.’), ise that and S. there in 1741. He was s. by bis eldest eses, neonas’th’s ,‘cign. Sir Ceos’ge was viee-cisanshtrlain sf the ALEXANnER, 9th baron ; who distissgeisbcd hhnnself as a beetseheld to Prince RD5VABD, ansi a nsrmher of lice privy naval officer, and attained in 3770, the rank of vice-adneersi council. TIc sue. Mars-, dam of John Onley, Req. of Cestesley,. of the White. His lordship set. Lady Elizabetb Maefariane, cc. Nortbamptos, and was o. by his esely sees, 253 29 July, 1544, Ssesan-Aliee, oldest dan. of the late Charletie-Anse, only don. asd heiress ef lies late Jacob Flelrber, Esq. of Peel hail, and Chftss, lancashire. 8. 9 Oct. 1849. t. Snsan-Carohne-Mary, s;e. 1 Jan. 1847, to Liosst. -Ccl. Cecil-Lennox Peel, yosengest o,.ee of the late Right Hoe. Laeereneo Peel. it. Hooter-Alice. IL med ge. heNRy VIII., seated hiensolf at t’snshstressere (farneesly ass COL C 0 LVI L L E. C 0 H relict of Walter Maefserlase, of Maefarlane, seed dats. of Alsx aseder, 6th Earl of Keihe, by whose (n-ho ,J. in 1704) he bad no issue. lIe S. Ii May, 1770, aed nsa a. by his hcotlser, JOHN, 0th bacon. This neblessase was an officer in thee army, and engaged esesetantly iso seth e aervies. lIe as. ies 1718, Otsos Webber, by svhoss he left at hie decease, in iSis, 1. loan, late lord. is., O.C.R., CCII., and IL’f.S., grE. is the anny, seed cot, of lIes Otis fsse a distiogsstslse,t osheer in lice late war 8. ise 1770 ; use us. its i0i 0, ,Tase, dulcet stass. sf Williane Stare, Scsi. of Caldo-ell, io Ayrshire, (ass Ilusas’s L,,n,l,d f?e,strg,) and 0. 27 March, is-il, icaviseg leg her, echo sO. in Slay foilsecisg, issoc, I CisAarae-Jence, present hirer. 2 Willeajn-Jasecs, 5’. is 1027; heat -rol. hale ride-bsrigsde s-1es wills Isis sisters, seas ashvssersb to the preeesb racy ol a learoo’a yo’sssgor cleilsirra); se 20 Jan. 1017, Georgiansllary, dssa. of gvan Oeaiilir, Nsq. of Doclsloer, an,t less Artisser-Eds-ard-Wiilliaen, 8. 20 Nov. 1017, and StoryCathee-ine. I Anne-Aoselia, tue. 29 Jniy, 1870, to lice late Prasris-Jack, Viseonset Ncwry asesi Olsrne, cots ot lice Fart of Itilsnorc9-. 2 Calleerese-teorathes, s. 2 Oct. 1801, to Sir Jolen Sisncon, Race. 5 Gmrgians-Clenecnlieo, se 19 Jnhy, 1861, ha Josepls Rut5- way, Scsi. of Foirlaws, Scvc,s,,eslss, Erect, I. Anne, oe. is 1802, to Janses 0orsytis, Esq., rapists of dragoons, who is deceased. is. Catherine, Os. to tiee 11ev. Roger Pranklassd, seise l. in isle. Ohs ,t. he Sept. 1841. but byber had no loose. Ibis lordship, a representative peer of Scetlsnd, sf. Lee. 1849. Hiswidow, 10 May, 9 S1, AnaQsartrrly 5 let and 41h, arg., across neoline, sa., icr Crest—A hind’s head, eonpesb, ax-S. Ssspporless—Dexler, a rhinecrces, ppr.; sinister, a Hoe-onles, revered with a lion’s atm, leoldieg cc bee exteeeer Towms Heseac—42, Sates Piece. C 0 H BE R LI E B E.