Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/308

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CON C ONYN U 11AM. Coyyyon.tsi, MARQUESS (Sir Franei-Nathaniel Convn”hain), Tue Riouv lion. Heaiev CaavyouAai, captain of horse Earl Cenvnghain, Earl of Mount Charles, on the Irish establishment, and H. P. irom 1727 until Viscount Slane, Cunyngham, and Mount Charles, elevate,l to the poertge of Ireland, by the title of Baton and Baron (‘onynghaiu, iii the peerage of Ireland; Baron Minetrr, of Ilinster AlLey, en. Kent, in the peera”e of the United Kingdom; KU., U.C.H., and P.C., a lient.-gen. in the army, and vice-admiral the coast of Ulster ; 6. 11 June, 1797; a. 23 April, Eoq., lIP. for that co. ho l7el. His lordship sa. in 1774, 1524, Lady Jane Paget, dan. of Henry-William, lot FlIlen, omsly dan. and heir of Sideman Merrot, Eoq., but Marqneee of Angleoey, and has leone, i. Gr.aaoe-llranv, Earl ef used Charles, majer and except the llsrony of Conymiglsamn, which devolved, according Iient.-col. 1st 11th-guards, 5. 1 Feb. 1815 ; m. 17 June, Fuayela Pieiepos-v-llt,ss-ena, as 2nd barest. This noble- 1914, LislyJane-St. 1laiir-lllauehe—Ntaihopo, enly cRud malt i’s. 10 March, 1758, Ehsaheth, eldest dau. of the Right of Charles, 4th Fbol t4 Ilarrington, and has issue, I ilesnv-Ensacis, Viaeoael SInce, 5. 1 Oct. 1817. 1 Blarehe. 2 Cenrianee-Angeta. 3 Jaae-Seyoteer. 4 Elizabeth-Hand. 1 .5 (laii. ii. Francis- Nathaniel, Bent. RN., late SIP., 8. 24 Sept. 1831; ,e. 18 Sept. 1537, Ooorgina-Charlotte, lBs dan. ef Lord Tredegar. I. Jane, a. 19 My, 1040, to the Ut. lien lord Chnrchill. ii. Franees-Carelina—Maria, Ia. 1 Issue, 1847, te Gustavus— William Lbmbart, Es,1. of Ilean Pare, Os. Heath. in. Elizaheth-Georgitota, sit, Dec. 1549, to G.-L. Bryan, Esq. ef Jonkinst,ovn, co. Kilkenoy, H.P. iv. Cecilia-Augusta, in. IS July, 1861, to Theodore-Henry, eldest son of Sir T.-lI.-l. Briuckman, hart. His lordship a his father, as 2nd marquess, 28 Dee. 1832. 3tinrgr, The ancient faunly of Conynghano is eriginally Scottish. Ills lordship, on inheriting the title and estates of his uncle, WILLIAM Covvvonni, bishop of £trgyll in 1119, left a son, assumed the snvnamo and arms of CoNvNenAsI. Ho if. WicLical CONYNGUAM, of C’ eyngham-head, who had twe lI Slay, 1787, and wads, by his son, cons, WILLIAM, whe s. at Conynglsaea-head, an,1 was created Ileauv, 3rd baron, 0. 16 Dcc. lies, who was created a Reread of Eeoc ‘feolia; and ALnx.vnen CovvvGn,sM, who, entering into holy orders, Viseoenb seyegJsaie, of Slonnt Charles, 6 Bee. 1709; an,1 resteovang into Ireland, was appointed, in lei I, the first Viecoenl slIest I Charles and Earl Ceapoghaia, 1 Nov. 1797; protestant minister of En ocr ,m,1 Killymtod, oo. Banegal, Visesoab Blanc, Rail of diesel Chaste,, and Maanoss and made dean of lLplioe on the consecration of Dean CoNvaonAsr, 21 Jan. isle, all in the peerage of Ireland. He Adair, as bishop of Kilhaloe, in May, IttlI. Dean Conynghans was made a peer of the United Kingdom, as Baron Jdieoler, settled it H’ atut Charles, ow Donegal, svhioh estate ho of Jiioster Abbey, es. Zeal, 17 June, 1021. His lordship held by lease from the Earl of Annaudalo, and ie. Marian, was a gemmeral ,shoer in the aa’my, a knight of St. Patrick, elan. oh’ Job,, Murray, Esq. of Throughton, by when, lie bad 5 July, 1794, Ellsabwth, dao. of Joseph Bsniaon Eoq., and twenty-seven children, of which fon,- sona and five dane. by hcr (who 1. 10 Got. 1861) had issue, survived infancy. lie it ii, IeeO, and was a. by his eldest surviving son, Sin 2tLeenv CoNvwonaas, lint., whe was appointed, in FaAseio-NaTsiasoIEL, present peer. lees, liont. .gen. of tIm ordnance in Ireland. This officer AIl’eri-Drniioa, 5.21 Oct.1909, K.C.I{., g.S.A., ssme iliac secretary lbeght ‘n the side of WILLIAM at the Byne, Limerick, dc. aeol fell in a rcneeunt,,r will, the hia1,j,,sreeo, near Colooncy, en. Shgo. He m. Mary, (bol. of the Right Rev. Robert Leslie, bishop of liaphoc, and sins s. by his only surviving sit, hlearr CoNYleon.OM, lIP. for tlse ca. Bonegab, captain in Elizah’ebh-hlonriotla, ci. Is Charles, 10th ilarqaess of Ilonuly; Lord Monntjey’s regiment. Wlee,, Jasmeo decirod his army ibarm’i,’t-Sboria, ta. 22 Bee. 1832, to Sir William-Meredylh te shift for itself, Captain Couynghi:ua prevailed upon five h,us,lro,l of his regiment he re,u,dn ,,nite,l, as,d with, them oltbred his services he WILLiAM. lie became subsequently a major-gems., and foil, ii, hIlt-f, at St. Estevaos in Spain. liens. Mary, dan. of Sir J,.d,n Williams, hart. of Minoter C,ert. en. Kent, en,l widow of I ‘barbs, l.ord Shelbiune, C,’ee,siee,—naron, 1911cc. 1780; Viseoo,st, 6 Bee. 1789; Earl by whom he get a very ceuaiderable l(roperty, (old had and VisroonI, 5 Nov. 1007; Sbarqness, ac., 22 Jan. 1916—Irish issue, I. IVitsiasm, his successor. ii. liees-s’. iii. Mary, en to the Right lbs. Francis llurl,ea, of Ben— Ceeil—An nnietun’s head, erased, erg., armed and maned, or. craggy, ea. Clare, 11.1’., sos ef Franch Burton, Esq. ol Saijssr1era—lloxtor, a horse, arg.. maned, hoofed, end charged 258 CON Ilnecraggy, liP., by Alice his wife, den. of Thsmss Tilsoc, Esq.. and grandsec of Sansuel Burton, Esq., whose youngest son, itesja,sio, was aseesior of the Burtens, Baronet,. The iluseraggy family is a younger branch of lie ancient house seated at Longner, co. Salop. The issue nf this marriage dras I Fnavrms Pieeeorre-Bus’ees, who s. his uncle in the peerage. 2 Willian, Burton, SEP., teller of the Exchequer, and a privy-cooncillor in Ireland, sobs inheriting, at the deceaae of his uncle, Ileory, Earl Conyoghein, the family estates, en. tloiegal, and of Slane, Ce, Meath, as,nmed the name asd am,, of Cosyeenaai. lied. enla. 11 May, 1790. I Mory, S. anon 2 Alice, ia. to Sir George Gore, Bert. Gem,. Conyngham was o. by his elder son, SVILLI,sii CuNYSGHAM, Eeq. of Slane (an ostato forfeited, in 1041, by Lord Slane), who was o. at his decease by his brother, 65syeghaia, of ;lioonl Charleo, es. macgal, I Got. 1711. his lordship waa created J’heooal 6’onpeyhons, 20 July, itae, toid Reel trail Boeoa Conysghaia, 19 Don. 1780, the barony to deseemsd, in ease of failurs of m,de iaauo, to his nephew, Francia Pierpcut-Iburton, of Oloncraggy, eO. Clare, dying s. p. 0 Apiil, 1781, all isis hnno,,ra became extinct, to the limuit,stiom,, tipon the above-mentioned lIon. Nathaniel Clomuents, and sister of Robert, Earl of Leitrim, l’y whom (who ,f. in 1814) he had issue, i. hlcsav, his soeressor. ii. Feaacio-Netlsaniel (Sir), G.C.ll., csl. of the Chars militia (twin with his brother); o. in 1801, ValentinaLctitia, 2nd dso. of Nicholas. lot Lord Choncorry; and it. 27 Jan. 1912, leaving issue by her (who d. 4 Feb. 1844), 1 hlenry-Sboart Burton, Esq. of Carrigaholt Castle, co. Clare, 0. 14 Sela. 1808; a,. 14 daly, 1810, Alicia-Mary, only dots. of the lbov. V. Simpson, D.B., and has issue, Francis-Natliaaiel-Vabcnhine, t. in 1042, si. 1066, Madensoisolle do ltsvigo, dau. of the Dae do htovigo; WilliamConyoghesn-Vandelcnr, 0. 1846; lbenry-Siaart, 0. 1849; l.nry-Aane, a. lotl, to Capt. Ormoby Rose; Vahentinahenrietta, ‘a. 1000, to Francis W.—Loso, Eoq. Elizabeth— Cecilia; and another dasi. 2 William-Caayngham, 0. 31 Bee. 1809. s. Catherine, so. in 1781, to the Rev. J.-S. Fermor, deceased. ii. Eliona, so is 1777, to Sleworl Wobdoz, Esq. ul. hleisrietta, it. onao in ilareh, 1831. one of the representative peem’a of Ireland. He sit. Ilonry-Joseph, Rail of Jlseisf Charles, 5. 6 April, 1791; 8. en(o. Ia 1024. of lcgatien at Berlin; lus lordship having succeeded ho the property of his uncle, this late Win-Joseph Bonison, Req., 51.1’., of Denhies, assnnse,b, by myal licence, 4 SepL 1849, the sarnsnis of Bevisov only, and was created Besiow laivnrsnaisi,i’ssn. (See itol bible.) sad d. e. p. 24 Asg. 1859. Samues’viBe, Ban., now Lord Athlnmney; and if. op. 1 Dec. 1841. Tho marquess it 28 Ben. 1822, amid was e. by his older sorvivimig aan, Fa.eNcIe-NATesANmnL, presetS Sberqness. boneurs. halsey (tlnibed Kingdom), 17 Jane, 1821. Aes’e—Arg., a shahe-ferk, between three mullets, sa. on 11w brtasl soith an eagle, displayed, or; sinister, a buck,