Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/315

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cope most extraordhiary persons, oither that or any other ago hath produced, with respect to tho groat and just acquisition of estate that ho made, and the public works that ho bogan and tinished, for the advancement of the English intoroot and the protestant roligion tn Ireland, as churches, ahnshouses, freo-sohools, bridgos, castles, and ton-sss, viz., Lismore, Tailaghe, Cloghnikilty, lnnyskecne, Castleton, and Randon, which last placc cost him £14,060; insomuch, that when CROMwELL saw those prodigious improvements, which Iso little expected to find in Ireland, he declared that if there had been an Earl of Cork in every province, it would have been impossible for the Irish to have raioed a rebellion. And whilst he was carrying on those solid works, he lived in his family at a rate of plenty, that exceeded those who consumed great estates in the lavish ways of rn-ordered excess. His mstts, God’s providence is my inherttnnce,’ shows from whence he derived all his blessings, the greatest of which was the numerous and noble posterity iv. Charles, 8. in 1775; ,l. ento.Nov. 1008, he had to leave his estate smto.” He was a. by his oldest I. Lucy-Isabella, so. in 1793, Is the lien, and Her. George eon, Receraen, tnd earl. This nobleman, having se. hi 1635, The earl so. Sndly, 17 Jan. 17Sf, Stary, yosusgoot dan. of Elizabeth, daa. and heiress of Henry Clifford, 5th Earl of John, lot Viscount Galway. Rho hirdohip ,l. in Get. 1798. Cumberland, was made a peer of England, 1 Nov. 1614, as (The countess,’?. 30 Slay, 1840.) his eldest surviving non, Baron Clifford, of Laeratsorssgh, co. Tent; and ft March, Ecaauan, 8th eari, K.P., a general officer in the army, F. 1664, rreated EARL OF BURLIN0rON; in which honoswn he 21 Oct. 1767; 5,. 9 Get. 37:5, loahelia-itonnietta, trd dao. of was a. at his decease, in 1697, by (the oldest surviving son Williana Pcyntz, Esq. of blitlgbouo, Ilerks, l’y whom (who ef Charles, Lord Clifford, by Jane, yesmgest dan. of William, d. 29 Nov. 1843) he had, with ether issue, svho if. oni,., Duke of Somerset, and great granddau. of Edward, Duke of Somerset, emcle of Enwaen VI.) his grandson, CnaLEs, 3rd Earl of Cork and 2nd Earl of Burlington, who Ca. Juhinna, dan. and heh’oss of the Hon. llesry Noel, of Lnffenham, ca. Rutland, 2nd eon of Baptist, 3rd Viscount • 2 William-George, late lheut.-col. Csldelream gds, ii. 1838. Campden; and dying in 1703, was e. by his only son, Ricseann, 4th Earl of Cork and 3rd of Burlington, 14G., F. 15 April, 1691; so. 11 March, 1716, Derethy, elder dan. and co-heir of Wiliiam, llarquess of Halifax, by whein he had three dana. His lordship claimed, in 1717, the Barony of Clifford, as great-grandson of Lady Elizabeth Clifford, dan. and heir of Henry, Lard Clifford; and the House ci Peers acknowledged and confirmed his lordship’s right thereto. This nobleman was eminent as a munificent cncourager of literatnre and the fine arts, and as the friend n. John, 8.13 Starch, 1803; so. 16 Dee. 1811, the iton. Cecilia of Pope he will be ever remembered. He rl. in 1713, anti leaving as only surviving dan., CHARLOTTE,’ who ha’I so. ‘William, 4th Duke of Devonshire, and inherited the Barony of Clifford, alt his lordship’s other English honoure ceased, while those of Ireland devolved upon his kinsman, JoHN, 5th Earl of Orrery, in Ireland, and Baron Boyle of Marston, in Groat Britain, as 5th Earl of Cork (rrfor to Roger, 3rd son of the 1st Earl of Cork). His lordship a. 1st in 1729, Lady Henrietta Hamilton, youngest dan. of (icorgo, 1:1. Robert—Edward, SIP., b. in .9larrh, 1809, l:eol.-eol. Coldstreans Earl of Orkney, by whom (svha d. 12 Aug. 1731) he had issue, CRARLE5, Fisrooat Doogarstae, 6. 1729, who so. Sosassah, daa. of lcenry Roare, Esq. of Slonrhead, cc. Wills; and dying 1759, in the lifetime of his father, left an only child, HENRIETTA, who so. John, 1st Baron O’Neil, of Shaees Castle. HAMILTON, Viscount Dosgarvan at the decease of his elder cv. Riehard-Careneish. in holy orders, reeler of ldorelcnliigoht. brother. Elteabelh so. 0349, to Sir Thomas Worsley, Dart. The earl m.2ndly, It June, 173t, Margaret, dan. and sole heir of John Hamilton, Eaq. of Coledon, co. Tyrone, and by her ladyship (who d. in Oct. 1752) had, Eo.,who a. as 7th earl. Lucy, so. to George, Sib Viscount Torringten. Catherine-Agnes, ci. seasa. His lordship distinguished himself in the republic of letters, Mis lordship ci. 78 June, 1050, and was a. by his grandson, and was the friend of Swift, npsn whom, and whose the present and 9th earl. writings, he published Remarks.” He d. 16 Nov. 1762, crsoilose.s—Earen Boyle of Voughatl, 10 Sept. 1616: Earl 01 and was s. by his oldest .sisrvtving son, HAattmoN, 6th earl, who d. anso. in little more than a liaron of Bendon liridge, aed Viscount lioyle of Kinalnseaky, year after his father (1,7 Jan. 1754), when the honours 28 Feb. 1617; tori of lirrerl’, S Sept. 1660—all in hue peerage devolved npen his brother, Eneamen, 7th earl, t. in 1742; so. 1st, in 1764, Anne, dau. 1711—in the peemge of Great Britain. of Kelland Courtenay, Esq. of Peinaford, cc. Devon, by A cv,es—Per bend, ercnellie, arg. and go. whom he bad tosne, I. Richard, Fioeaoal Dosgoi-saa, ti. young. Ii. Ennnnsn, Vioeeesnl .Dsegarros, Sib earl. - III. Coarlenay (Sir), vice-admiral, K.G.H., 6. in 17W; so. ie 1799, Carolina-Amelia, dan. of the Isle William Poyntz, Esq. Msllo—Gods providence is ney inheribanre. of ldidghsm, cc. Berks, and by her (who if. 70cr. 1851) left, Seal—Moreton Hence, sear Fromo, Somernclvhire. 1 Ceurtensy-Edsonnd-Wihinso, rear-admiral, 5. 3 Aog. Tows Hei,sc—1, Grafion Street, Bend Street. lt66; re. 12 Nov. 1936, Slarj, dan. ef W.-Wallaee Ogle, COR F.sq. of Caissey Earls, Nerlhanihertand, and lead a dan., srho ii. young in 1851. i1ear-Ad,niral liesle ‘6. II Feb. 1859 his widow so. Iedly, at lane, II Jaly, 1060, 30. l’aol de Sleeombe, judge in the Tribunal de l’remtt’re Isistauce at Reurn. 2 Charlee-Jehn, 8. 10 Slay, 1066 so. 78 July, t6i9, Zaeyniha dan. of the lab Gee. Sir Lerenne Sloee, and hao issue, Slerdannt Charles. it. lob; Lionet-Cavendieh-liirhaed, 8. 1051; Cecil-William, 5. 1851? llemy-Charirs, 5. 1547; William-George, 5. 1039 ; Ernset-Fatrirk, t. 1Sf 0; AudreyGeorgiona-Flerenre, anti kleansr-Luey. 3 Caveedish-Speneer, 5.13 Slay, 1514, lale capt. 72nd; 19 Dee. 1844, those-Susan, dan. of Lieul.-Cel. C. Alexander, reyal eegineere, and if. 31 Nov. lao°, having hail issue, Cearhenay-Ediennd, 8. 1845; Charlee-Caaendieh, 8. 1a49; and Caroline-1.oniea. I Carolina (Ihe lIon.) for nsony years Staid of lionoor to Queen Adelaide. 2 31ar3’-t.eoisa. Sir Conrlenay ‘1.21 Slay, 1844. Bridgensan, and ci. in 1801. I. Cnaaui.m, Vi.seennlDsopsrras, ii. SPec. 1010: ,a. 10 Slarch, 1822, Catherine, yenngest dan. sf William, 2nd Earl of llewth; and ti 25 Aug. 1234, hosing had, I Ricnano-Ecaeusn-ST. LAwRENCE, present earl. 3 Edmund-John, major 85th fool, 1,. 28 Nov. 1831 ; in. 24 April, 1866, Ida-Waldrgraee. dan. of Ito late General and Lady Annette Money, and niece of trances, Countess Waldegrave, and has a dan., 8. 22 July, lofT. 1 Loedea-Careline-glizat,etht. so. 3 June, 1o03, to ArthurAlgernen, 6th ant present Earl of Essex. 2 Mary-Emily, so. 24 July. 1887, to William-E. Itope-Vere, Esq. of Craigie Itoh and lilaehsrood, N.h. (“e pool herEvows, E. or, sot? liuese’o Londc,? C,,,?ro). and has issoe. do Roe, sister of Lord do Roe, and has issue, 1 Gerald-Edmund, F. in June 1840: lienl. rifle brigade; on 23 July, 1884, Ehienbetle-Theresa, 5th dae. of CharlesChe’ttlopher, lot Barl tel Cotlenlesni. and has had a eon It. 20 .tnly, 1865, a dan., Lctlire-ClearI,,elr, ti. an infant, 24 July, 1867; and a date., b. 27 Hay, laos. 2 Robert, it, in Is4l. 3 Edmnnd-llontagee, 1,. 17 July, 1545. I Geerghana-tJheia, so. 16 June, 1869, to Rear-Admiral Idehord-Robert Qoin, li.N. 1’’ HEAOrORT, M. or”. guerdse so. 23 Get. 1814, Georeriana, yo;sngest dan. of Abraleaen-Wildey Roharts, Esq.; ned ii. at Varna, 3 Sept. 1t34, having hod, I Estenund-tisbarls, 5. in 1946. 2 liobert. 8. ls4I. 3 Geergr-Vere. 8. 1833. I Emily-Cecilia. 2 Charlotte. eo. Somerset, and chaplain in ordinary to the Queen. F. 28 Feb. 1812; us. 23 Sept. 1045, Rlcanor-Vere, yeungett don. of Alex. Gordon, Esq. of then, and ieee teeuo, 1 Randileon-Riehard, an s,Mcer 23rd fool, 8. 3 Feb. 1848. 2 Chanles-,Iohn. 8.1849. 3 Aleernon-Edn’ard-Ihiehard, b. 1824. o gleaner-Isabelln. 2 leahehlo-Albinha. Cork and Viscount Dancarvan, tOilet. 1626: liaren of hmrhifl, of ireland. Baron Eoyle, of harden, Ce. Semereet, 5 Sept. Crest—Gut ef a duml coronet, or, a lien’s bead, per pale, ereneilie, arg. and gn. Supporters—Two lions, per pole, crrnellsiO; tbe dexter, gRand arg.; the ehuheter, org. and gte. °The brothers and sisters of the present Earl of Cork have “ Her third non, Lnnn (tconuz-Anuuevce-Ileseux CAvrxnien, been given by reyal licence the precedence of the yeunger none having inherited her oetates, was created EARL OF BURLINGTON and daughters elan carl. in 1831. (Sec DRveNeueRR, B. or.) 265