Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/325

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C RA Margaret, us. in 1768, to Alexander Gibson-Wright, Esq. of Clifton Hal, co Edinburgh. Elizabeth, us. in 1770, to David II enter, Keg. of Blackness. The 2nd eon, WILLsAas Gsnsose, was a merchant in Edtnbnrgh, and 4. in May. 2897, leaving issue by his wife, Hary.Ceeilia, dan. of James Balfour, Esq. of Pilrig, I. JonN, a merehsnl at Banlzic. IT. JApees ef whom presently. sit. ‘3 illiam, niastcr-attondanl at Posnt de Cello, Ceylon; Cs. Miss Sharp, of Madras, and has issae, I Margaret, us. Is William Ilseper, Req. of Ceylon. 2 Mary, us. to Robert Lnxmoare, capt. lUlls feet. Iv, Alexander, inrrelsaos sl i)anlese. V. Arclsibald, a merchant in Edinburgh vs. Lewis, of Ceylen, us. Cardiac, daa. ef Dr. Layard, dean of Bristal, and has issue, 1 William-Charles, 2 Tlsensas. 1 llary. 2 I.onisa. 3 Charlnite. 4 Caroline. vss. ‘Thomas, 4. in 1809. vsss. Ilessry. ix. Andrese-llitehell, us the naval service of the RICo.; us. Barbara, dan. of Capt. ltnbert Tlsomsan, aisd has issne, Robert and Mars’. z. Cecilia, so. us 1807, to John Thomsen, Esq. The 2nd son, I. Sin JANe5 GIBson-CRAIG, of Rizzartsn, in Midlothian, clerk of the signet in Scotland, b. H Oct. 1761, was created a Jlarnnet, 00 Sept. 1531. Ho us. 14 Sept. 1700, Anne, dan. Tise elder son, of J. Thomson, Req. of Edinburgh, and had issue, Wse.ts.sai, present baronet. Jamee-Tlsosuson, clerk of the signel, 0. in 1701; ia. 23 Nov. 20 Oct. 1732; at. Anne, dau. stf James Verner, Req. of 1841, Jane, 2isd sian. of Sir Jelsn-i’. Crant, and widow of Cel. Church Hill. co. Armagh, and had issue, Fenuingtau, which lady sI. 21 April, 1 963 Mary-Cecilia, vs. Ca William Kayo, Esq., barrisler-at-law. Margaret-Christian. Anne, us. 1020, to Jehn-Ray Mackenzie, Req. of Newisall and is. Jesiala, 0. in 1773; in hsly orders, reeler of 3lnlralser, en. Cromarcy, and by him (who 1. 1810) had an only elsild, Anose, Countess of Crnmartie, (eec 15tH tilt- past), ns. 27 Juno, 1849, to the Boise of Sntherlnnd. Cecilsia-Ilelee. Joenna, Helen, us. 22 Sepi. 1824, to Riggs Andrews, Esq., Q.C., Coos- us., created a Bareaoi in 1839. missioner of llankrnpes at Exeler, and a bencher of the s. Charlotte, us. to use 11ev. Gilbert Austin, reeler of 2Iay- Middle Tesnple, and has an only child, Anne-Clarissa, as. 2 Aug. 1066, Is the Rev. C-H-P. Ferguson-Dane, 4th san of Sir 11.-B. Ferguson-Davis, Dart. Jensima-Causphell, es.9 July, 1861, taHoe Rev. Henry Fisiser. su. Anne, us. tlse late ilt. lIen. Claarleo-Kcndal Rssshe, lord— Sir James assumed the additional surname and arms of iv. Sarah, us. 1st, to lion. Williaossoe ; and 20613’, cc Count CRAIG, in virtue of the provisions of the entail made by V. Bolissa, us In ,lohe Ssssyly, Esq., lt.C., hsandster-at-law; Robert Craig, of Riecartan, dated 19 Ang. 1810. He a!. 6 March, 1020. Cs’eatissss—I0 Sept. 1811. Arms—Quarserly: 1st sod 4th, erm., on a fesse, sable, tlsree I. Sm PniLmr CnAaara’oN, M.D., P.B.S., etsrgeoa-geneml crssseenls, erg.; 2nd and 3rd, go., three keys, fesseways, or. t’r,ef—A knight en horseback, helding in his dexter hand a Ireland; 0. 7 June, 1779; was created a Rars,net in 1939; brokeis spear, or. Melts—Vine Des et vines. Seai—Ricearten, Idid-I,othiau. CRAMP 3? 0 N. GRAIIPTON, SIR JilUN-FIEI,’NtiSTWISLETON, Bart. of Dublin, Sept. 1860, Ia Vfilhians Gssre, Esq., 1:319 higlst siragetses, K.G.B., a diplomatiet of dintinction, Berry; 2 Selina - Katherine; 3 ChssrlePe - Twist-tess; 4 late H.B.M. envoy extraordi’ Georgina-Fmma-Ehizalsctls; 3 Pasnola-Aslelaide-Aliec; and nary and minister-plenipotentiary i. Assna-2lssria, sa. to Pr. Le Clerc, surgeesz to the Constabulary to Rnseia, and now to Spain; 1. 12 Aug. 1807; 8. his father, ae 2nd hart., 10 Jnne, 1858; ate. 31 March, 1860, Victoiro, 2nd dass. sv. Adelaide, us. In Itessry Jephson, Rsq. of M.-W. Balfo, Eeq. of Dublin, Sir Philip 1. 10 June, iSIS. from whom he was divorced on her petition in 1863, Cs-colloss—l832. Arose—Se., ass esquire’s isciseel, ppr., nsc— and who wae no, in 1864 to the Duke of Fries. 3Ltzocac. Jones Cnsaivroos, 0. in 1688, son of John Cmmpton, of go.; the first quarter a lieu, Isassant, az. Crest—A deess-Ison, South Cottiughsen, Notte, who settled in Irelassd, lemp. ranapanl, or, lscldissg its Isis pssw a helmet, close. ppr. Hells— CnAmsLesII., by Catherius-Stons his wifn, us. a dan. of Capt. Forlesss pesee aninssun. Seal—Legh Dray, en. ‘lVscklow. John Crossisy, and d. in 1729, leaving, Tnn Rev. Jnseee CnAMrrow, rector of Headford, ce. Gal- way, and Archdeacon of Tusm; who us. in 1731, Chas’lntto, dan. of F. Twieleton; Esq. of Rroughtou Csstls, co. Oxford, and aunt of Thomas, Lord Says andSele, and had, 5. Joust, his heir. as. Ceril, rector of Ceug, diocese of Team, m. Nicola-Mary, youngest dan. of the Rev. Jeremy 3lsrsh, rector of Aeheurv, (grandson of Dr. Francis Marsh, archbishop nf Dssbilas), and has issue, 275 CRA 1 Jalsn, 21.0., prefessar of llaiesla lledics i5 time Cellego of Physicians, I lsLldiu ; us. Clesrlntle, slats. of J,slsss Js rais White, Esq. of Ilallyollis, sod si. lsavissg, Crsilis, us. to Wus. Rsstlss’an, Ess1., 1111’, cc. Kil,lssrc. 2 Joshsls, us. Anne, sl,s,s. of Italil. Sanss’lrre ; and 4. leering Cecil— henry, liessl. 20,1 Slslfssrd militia’, 2laoia—Nsrala sssssl .lane—’fwisleten, us. lo — II all, Essi, en. Westtz,’smlhm. 3 Jcrensy, eapi. SIlls subs, 4. ofa ss’sssss,l rerri ed at lt.ssbajr’v. 4 I’lsilip—Ceeil (‘fise ill. II 555.), I’.C., I 1..] 1,, hslo 2u’l justice of ,list’ cnssrt of Qtserss’s Pearls its lrs’hsssd, b, 1 73 ; tsp— pnsnled snlieiter—gcsscrcl Str lot lassd, I s::2; sssst raised so use bench, 1931, frens whis’ls he rolired in lass. I 079: Ist, Sidney, dun, of J.—ll.—C. Rresc:se. Esa.. assd cs’ssshs 1,1 die 2larquess of Sligo. She ,t. its 18:19. Judge Crus,i1tissst us. 2udly, Margaret, slats, of Jelsss I Isslft’, Req., and 1. liog. 1961, having ]sa’l l’y lser cisc cidid, U’eoll—Pisilil’, “Iso ss as 1. 1947, and ‘6. 9 Sell. 1866. 2 Cecil, iss 1ssl erslrra, reelssr sf Ilillssessu, in Wcsl mealls, us. Jane, dan. of Sir George lUmen, halt., and tI April, 10113, lsavseg lssts] issssc, George—I Hi dsms, lsas’risls’r—at—lssw, us. Bet’. 1817; l’lnlip, 3l.D., us. Las-in,t I.ssnlst’ri : .Jtslsn—’l’wizzleiess— BiLlets, CE. ; lltsltrs’l—lls’os’y, cssps 2nsl Qsseen’s Iles’als, so. Jane, 1—563, Cssllserisse—Sssi.l:s:s, tlssss. ci’ssl.—Gcn. Slid— sllesuere, C. I;.; Tlsa:ssas : Lssaisss. 4. ssrus. ; ,lsss:e, us. In Wsllians itapping, los;.: isv; ll’’sss’ieltss. I Jane, m. l’s the Ron. John Wit-si, assd 4. leaving issue. 2 ClsarI’slle, es. to Ilse lice. Cisristeidser itnasell, and 51. ls’aviug issssc. 3 Elizabeth, ea. is Sir William Ds’llsans,l]ster king stf arms, whoa!. in 1821, leaving iassas. Site 4.30 Jun. 1u38. 4 Frances, ass, to Sasssssol Walker, Req., assd Isas issue. Jonat CRANOTON, Esq. of llcrrton Sqssare, Dublin, 0. Mr. Cramptnn ,d. in Aug. 1792. Ills 3rd seu, La the forces, and surgeon in ordinary to Her Majesty in he us. 12 May, 1802, Solina, 3rd dan. af Patrtck-Hamiltou Cannon, Esq., late sJ the 12th light dragoons, and by her (who is deceased) had isssse, m. Jon’c-l’snastrs-T’.ssLeToa (Sir), K.C.hl., present haronel. mm, JasiAn, 21.A,, in lsnly orders, reelor of Kiilcslser, Enuiskillen, 0. 1809; us. 1823, Ins cssssiss, Elizulselhs, slssst. of tise late Rev. Jesiuh Crasepstse, reeler isf llsslealser, en. Linserids, ssnsi Isas issae s 1 Darnllseu—l le,sdcllss-l8’aller, is. 12 eldesl eon of use laic Wilhiassa Gore, lDsq. sf llnyaIa, co. 6 Eegsnie-Ehizabelh. depOt, Fhwnix Park, Dalolin. si. Seliua. iii. CIsarlettc. Bacon nra lines, passacl-gusuahuol, or ; in chief, a ruse, avg., seeded, gold, harhtssd, vert; a rasstan, quarlerl)’, of tise elsird and C1IANBORNE, VISCOUNT, 866 SALISBURY, MARQUESS OF. CRLNLEY, VISCOUNT, 8ff ONSL0w, EARL. s.Jonat, harrister-at-laso : 0. 17 Nov. 1762: us-in 1512, Louisa, daos. of OJeel.—Geo. Wiliana I’yors, of time royal enginces-s 1 and sI. leaving isssse, I ,Jelsn_ltiennes_Tseisls.ttsa. in holy orders; cii. assd lsns issue, I Asese—1bas’ia ; 2 Clsarlette. J.isneriok; sa. Deretisca, dass. of John WaIler, Esq., of Castleleovn ; and 4. leaoissg llsree daes., I Elizahclh, us. to Iser etsusin, tise Rev. Jsssiah Cramptou; 2 Anne, 4. ones.; 3 CnlIserine. nontis, en Kuldare; and is deroasosh. H. Eliaabeth. chief-j ustlee ci tise Qtsoen’s lionel, in ireland; si. 17 21 sty, ]S57- Mimi, of 3liian, chef de-Iscigatle in tlse llzlhun ames’ and 4. leaving issue. T2