Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/34

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nil THE ROl AL FAMILY. Prawnsweig (now Brunswick), and the county of Northeim, and was invested with the ?ifargraviato of Tueia, and all the dominions of his aunt-in-law, Mathildis, wife of GUELPHO Vt. He died by poison in 1135 or 1139, and was succeeded by his son, hENRY THE FIFTh, surnamed The Lion, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, who added to his possessions tho counties of Mecklenburg and Luneb,n-g, by conquest from the Sclaves. But neglecting his duty to the Einneror FurnEascic Baunxnosea, and joining the Pope, he was publicly proscribed in 1150, and despoiled of his Saxon and Bavarian dominions by the neighbonrhig princes, who combined against him. Henry still retai,ie 1, however, Brunswick and Luneburg, but was obliged hy oath to absent l,imsolf from (ieriuauy for three years, wheii he repaii-sd with his second consort, Maud, to the court of her father King iisxiiv II. of England; and tlnougla that monarch’s intercession, obtained permission to reti,rn home in 1155. but n-as agdn driven i’ite England in 1189; he returned, however, en the same year, and died on the 6th August, iD’S, leaving issue by his sceond wife, the English princess, threo sons and a daughter, viz., Hexnv, ef Echo. Otto, rf Brunswick, elected emperor in 1195; erewurd in 1208; and ,l. issueless in 1218. William, Duke of Luuebnrg, sunca,ncd Llsi,espadn, 5. at Winchester, in England. ldeehtild, a,. te Henry Borewen, Prines of Wenden. The eldest sen, HENRY (surnamed Losgus), of Zehle, was Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1195 to 1215. This pines partitioned his father’s domiudone hstwesn his brothers; and after his decease, his nephew OTHO (eurnamed Pee;’), son of William of Winchester, who was first created Duke of BrunswickLuneburg, laid elaina to Brunswick as heir male; but his claim being di.sputed, he established it by his sword in 1228, and styling lninsolf Duke of Brunswick, gave and confirmed in that principality many privileges. The prince married Matilda, daughter of ALnEnT II., Elector of Brandenhurg, and from him descended WILLIAM (son of Ernsat Plea, of Zells), founder of the new house of Luueburg, who was born 4th July. 1535, and succeeded to the government in 1559. This prince married Dorothy, daughter of CnlcesTsaw Ill., King of Dennaark, by whom he had seven sons and eight daughters. The sons having agreed ansongst themselves not to divide the dtikedom, determined that one only should marry, and decided by lot the individual, at the caine time they agreed to reign primogeniturely; and those engagements they adhered to inviolably, to the adinh’atiou of all Europe. The matrimonial prize fell to GEORGE, the sixth brother, a great nulitary commander, who married ha 1617, Anne-Eleanor, daughter of hnwie V., Landgravs of hlesse-Darnistadt, by o-hona ho had (with four daughters) four sous, viz., CnaIsTmete-Lr.wis, the eldest, who became Duke of Zeus; but dying issoehess in 1685, was s. by ins next brethsr, Groans-WiLLiAM, of Calenberg and Ghlttbagen, who is. Eleenora d’Esmars, daughter of Alexander d’Olhre,mss, by whom lie left an only dan., Sepbia-Derothsa, the unhappy eenssi-t of King Gooaoo I. of England. JoreN-Fneoea,ea, who s. to Caleoiberg and Gsttingen (the Hanovem-ian deminions, upon the demise ef his broths,-, George-William. This prince bemme a mthelle, and ii. in italy, in 1872, leaving four daos. EaNssT-Aeoesxes. The youngest son, ERNEST -AUGUSTUS, became Bishop of Osnaburg in 1662, and succeeded, upon the dendso of his brc,the,’, John-Frederick, to the Dukedom of Hanover. This prince, a military comneander, was made ninth Elector of the Empire, on the 9th of December, 1692, under the title of ELECTOR 05’ HANOvER, and GnAan MARSnAL of the Empire; not, however, withont considerable opposition from six of the other Electors, having the support only of the Eleetom-s of Saxony and Brandenburg. His Serene Highness married 5o1,hia, daughter of Frederick, Elector Palatine and King ef Bohemia, by the English Princess ELIZAnETn, daughter of King JAMES I., and had issue, Geoaea-Lewms, who ascended ths British throne nn,ler the title of Geoaoe I., in the right of his mother, the Eleetress Sernix, who had been declared successor to the crown by the Act ef Settlement passed on the 0th of alllevh, 1702. TIer Serene Highness, who was esteemed a lady of geeat wit and sound jndgment, 0. at llanover en the ath of Jono, 1724, about seven weeks p,-ier to the decease of Qneen Axas. Frcdoric-Aogustus, an Smpsrial general, killed in tile war with the Turks in 1690. Maximilian-William, general of the Vsnetians, who embraced the doctrine of the Church of Theme, and became the Emnpe,-or’s genersi ; il. in 1702. Charles-Philip, eel. of an imperial regiment of dragoons; killed by the Turks in 1090. Cbidstian, drowned in an engagement with the French in 1701. Erns’-t-Angnstns, Bishop of Osnabnrg, created Duke of York and Albany and Eam-1 of lOiter, mm the 5th of July, His, and invested with tile Order of the Garter. He ,h. nan. in 1715, wben his heno,sra bceanis extinct. Sophia-Charlotte, is. in 1094, to Frederic, Elector of Brandenburg, afterwards King of Prussia; and ,l. m 1705. The Elector, Erneet-Aogustos, died on the 23rd of Jannary, 1693, and was succeeded in the Electorate by his eldest soil, GEoanE-LEwIs, who became subsequently the FIRST BRITISH MONARCH OF THE HOUSE OF GUELPH