Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/364

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DEF 2 lVilhiasn, capt. in the Roseensmtn militia, is. Miss Fethes’— sins, ni Braeklin Castle, in Wcslinealh, and had, George-Williams, capt. 92nd regl., st. in Upper Canada. Thessas-Felhersten French, seIne es. Elsashelli stanley, ansi left, Jehn-Felherstsn, J. 1a54;Thcs.-lvilhans; and lsmay. 3 Robert. 1 Jane. 2 Alicia. 3 Sarah. i. Marsha, is. to lisa Very 14ev. lIens Waists. Arthur French usasle his soul I Assg. 1756, susd it was peeved lv. Eliensiset is, it. nisia. 13 April, 1769. ‘In seas e. by his sell, Josia Fnrseis, Faq. ef br-s rh I ‘ark (Sinus Phu), who Mr. Preach ,t. 24 Nec. 7820, and was a, by his son, represented the causity f hose’ ‘snsean frssss 1743 sunlit the time ci his st’s,th, iss 1773. in ss hich cone- lie seas esrewisesl, tegeiher svitb his I sstlser, Itabers, sn his passs55 trees Usiisod Kissgdem, 10 Slay, 1829, and obtained subsequently, tlsihliu te i’as-kate. lie was to have Press sailed ta the 5 April, 1821, the tsareuy of Ltn Freyssa, of Ceolas-iss, nIna in house sf peers, ,ss I.’ rd I sssssqar. lie ,,s. Alien, class. ci he peerage of the Unitcnl Kissgdam, with remainder to his I Instph Crawford. l’S’q. of Suewhiil, in the cc. Ferusanagl p brothers and their mnile issue. Mc inn. hill, Mnry, dnts. ci t,ut having isa issss,s, was 5. tsy Lie Israther, An-nra Frssen, Esq. of French Park, diP, far the cc. wlscss the first created bssrcny beeasuo nxTsFCT, but the llcseennsssess, esliasci si the Fresseh Pam-b assd P astlereagh seccuel deceived oss his lsin,tber, v,slussleers, whss refused te accept the peerage premised to Jo;sn, Sisd Lssrd de Frcyna, rector of Grange Sylvse, eo. isis trssther. lie vase 1. 2 Assg. 1778 aspi s. (lieessee Kitkesny, whod.a p-lit Aug. listi, sud n’ass, by his brother, dated itS Jssne, 1765) Aheia, dau. ci Itiehard Mageisssis, Eeq. CuAness, 3rd Lord lie Freyne, who seas 9. in 1792; of ltsshhn, ef the hsese ssf iseagh, by whesa he had issue, and si. in 1811, Iliss Catheriisc Slices, and had inane, s. Aevssrn, isis heir, 31.1’. is. I tsehard, a esnsssstssiener of the Beard ci Works in Dublin sI. sen. at lads, Sn, Ang. lsll. in. John, in hssly ersies’s. lseais ci Elpisin svhe se. gssnity, dan. Lord lie Freyese sf. 28 Oct. 1168, and was e. by his eldest ef itiehard ltagennis, Lap. and 1cm a san, I Jehn,, es lIar;’, dams. ef Dassiel Kelly, Esq. ci nan, Cusetsa, tIne 8th amid Isresent peer. Cargins, sssd lies I ss-a slasns., llary—Endly, and I lsrriet—Jane— Ct’e,stisss—1 April, biN. .4s’insa—Ersna., a chevron, sa. Creel— Vienorin, n,. Ins Cnsisl lI,slslss. Gcerge, essr ci 11cr llalesny’s counsel, and assislant—bsrrisler ss-arrior, hssbited, ssimsmscrtisg ss-iih isis dexler Isand a battle-axe, ci hiss cc. nsf Lssngiardn t. 23 Ncr. 1721; ciii Feb. IsiS, hcnd dessse-as-ds, and hearisng oss his sinister arns a shield, Anna. dna. of Placid Jeisas, Esq. of lb’ssf,s’l, in liealh, P7 Ndany, nil pisr. ; sinister, a female figure, vcsled, snd seerf flescing, his ss’ifc, doss. cf Tlsccplsilns Sisawe, Esq., assd leit isssse, org., all spr. .JIsiIo—llaie men guam fondant. Seal—French I Arthnr, tsar-st-law, 1,. 1 Fats. hal; ins. 12 April, 1637, Park, en Italconsuscls. Easily. dae.sf ilassillosi Gorges, Ess1. of KilL’rcse, ee.llealls, assd Isas 155555’, C earee—Ilaissillan, Arslssss’, and Ilarace 2 George-tosses. noise a. Frances, dais. ci ‘l’heaplsilsss tielien, sssssl lssss Ksise. I Thceptsilsss, s . asssl isas issue. ‘I fl,’bert. en. I Anna ldeeeased),svife ci Sir Tlsensas Pies,, cesninsader lt.N. 2 Frassces. 3 Sidssey, 5. V. Itelsert—Ilenry, ci Itssblin, pasnlswr inn line hease ci Presets, llssrtais, snisi Cs,. noIse s,. iss 1758, CIsarl si Is, doss, ci Jabs: iteyneil, Es,1. ci C.sslle—liayisell, Wesssssestls, sad had issue, 1 Arslsssr, ci llistntiss, svlse 5,,. 1827, Esssily, class, sad sets heiress of Clsarlrs-Altseri Leslie, Esq. ci Itatlyhay, is lisa ca. ci llcssaelsass. assl my liar (sslsss s - lenslly, 1934, Rae. J.-C.-W. Leslie) left as his dceesse. Bards. 16-12. ta-s scsss, tiehcrl—Cisrles— Leslie Faesseh, Esq. sssw ci Ilallyt esy, cc. liasssglsan, assl Clsarles-Allsert-Laslie Fs’essch s and Isco slaos., lletea-f’lsoalcste, s,. Is Jsssses illake. Esq. of Creg’g Csstlc, ssssl Albes’tinsa-Can-clisse, sss. Is Jasees Eyais. Esq. 2 ilielsard, ssssjar—geseusl, is. henrietta, doss. ci Hasssit loss Gerges, Essi. 5sf Ksllss’ese, sad 1. tssil, e.g. 3 henry, s. 1st, s dsssi. ci Piers (lesle, Fog. t’y e-lseai Isa Rssbiusoss), of Wrest, eu. Bedford; Earl of Ripon, Cu. mad a dasi., Selissa nssid 2sd15-, Elissstemh—Slary, sloe. ci use Ytsrk ; Visconut (ioslcrieh, of Nocton, and Baron ittglsl lies .Abrslsasss Brewster, by solsaiss tie left sin asic Graiatham, of Grantham, eo. Lincoln; and a Baro. ss’ss, Jsslss—Alsr,slsnsssi—Bs’s,ss sser Fressels. 4 W’illiass—,ielse, s 24 .tsise, 1857, Harriet, dans. ci Janses ust; High Steward of hull ; 1. 24 Oct. 1827; a. hii Cassifeilsi, Ess1. (‘s e n’s-, CssAsLrssosT, F. ssr), ssssl has least father, as Earl of Ripoms and Viceotsat Goderich, 28 issssa, I Cssslfs-ilsl, esspt. stash regt.. t. 27 11cr. 1839 2 Jan. 1859, aud his uuele, as Earl rio Grey, Baron Aelhar-Ptehert. I. 2 Starch, IsdI 3 l’errgs’iue-ltaiulassd. Grantham, and a linerouet, 14 Nov. 1859; con. 8 itssh regt , 9. 4 hay, 1844; 1 Alirad-Crelson. 24t1s sags., April, 1551, hlennietta-Anss-’l’hcodosia, late lady of 9. 21 Slasvli. IsIS; I llssnry-ltielssrd, b. 2 Nov. laId, ,I. 4 Nov. IsIS; i Wiltiaas-Algerscs, 9. 2 Nsv. 1831; tin laadchasuher to the Priueeoo of Wales eldest 7 llasslas, 8. 27 3larels, 1953; 1 Gesreisia-tlarriet; 2 dau. of Capt. Hemsry nssd Lady Itisry Vyner, and l.cssisn; I Adela; 4 Ids-Charictee; a Flerenec-Clars; I gransl.dans. of the late Earl de Grey, and has had, Evs-Augsssls. I Leuisa, ss. se ttayssnend t’elly, Essi., heat-ed. 2 Elienbetts-Atieia, ss. to the late lieu. George ltssrlecek. vs. ‘tVilliass, ,f. coos. vu. SI. George, ‘l.a. p. I. Jasse, so. lst, Ia Ilasial Kelly, EN. ci Cargiss t and Ssdly, to dernfieisl, sand the West 1-liding, nvas appointed h’nder tine lien. Sesnerset ltsstter, inretiser of lisa Earl ci Kilkeany. Secretary of War in J’sae, 1859, and Secretary of ii. Alseis, s,s. 1 POP, Ilasulscu fissrges, Esq. 1sf Kslbrcsa. iii. Anne, so, to Dries rd, lssd t,eest Cnstlessinisse. iv. S rasees, sss. to Wsuiam lietloy, Esq. ci Oak Pert. He was a. by his eldest ss,n, Asaisun Feersen, Log. ssf French Park, NP. for Itosessinman ANTHONY Gnnv, 0th Earl of Kent, of the ancient assd irons 17s5 ts, 192a, svhc se llieesseo dntcei 1 Oct. historic hssuse of Grey, of Norman origin (see Buns’s 1794) liargssret, Iso,. nsf Esim. Costello, the representative R.elis,cl Fees-agO, nose grasssifather of of the Naisgies, Iasrsts MeCss,telia, en’. Slayc, l’y Mary, his Anrsionv Gnny, 11th Earl of East, who as. Mary, only svifn, dasi. sf F’rssscis, 71st Lord Atheury, ansi lssd, i. An’rsina, isis Isair, 1st Ls cit ste in’egssc. ii. Joins, 2nsl 5,arsss. Hi. CHARLES, Isle eatst. 81st fact, 3s’d Loan see Fnsywn. iv. Willism, 5. ci Cuddal,sre, in India, ssssss. v. FivesTspssy Qlse El. lion.), ofLough Erriti, P.C., liP. fssr fl°ilhe, with nemabsder to her inane, msde and female, by ‘5, Hoscssnsnsss, and remand ci ib nnttitin 9. 7 Dee. 1801 tlse Essrl sf Kesst. The esnly can of tints mas’i-iage seas, 314 1) E G ss.21 Nay, till, Clsarlelln-Ensnna-Geas’gissa, dnu. sod ca heir of stse hiss. llessry-Grey Bessssei, by Gertrude— Feanees his ss’ife, dna. of Lord Wilhmsm ltassdil, and has Isad issse, Arihur-t’cntke-Augustus, t. 27 Aug. li-IS, st. 3 cuss; Lesdsa-Esisssa-Cnrisnnde, ‘ci. Ii Jssie, 1968, to Cap- lois George-lI. Itridstcs t nssst .ugussa-Sarsh. ,.Slnsry, in. Is Isaniel Kelly, Rig. of Cargiss. is. Lsutsa, si. the late ‘esi. Williams tligby, arehd. of Elphin sss. ltssieiet, so. to Os’en Lleyd, Esq. of Lisadnrn, cc. ltnsss’sssssssssss. ARTHUrI Fasneess, Esq. sf French Pnsrb, hiP., who sync scent ad Bares de Fs’cyssc, of Artagh, in the peerage ci the Chrisfcphcr hlclierssenstt, Esq., sued d. u. p. 29 Sept. 1110, i. CnAnesn, present pear. mm. Joins, 9. 1853, isi. Wiltisisn, Is. 1a14. iv. Aetlner, t. 1857. V. Eishnrd, 9. 1817. vi. Robert, 1. tile, 1._SIssy. A smetphiiss, emheseosl, tslsr. Ssspjssrbce—Dexter, an ancient Irish DE GREY. HE GRET, E.tttL (Sir (leorgc-Frerleriek-Samuel I. Fennrr.srx-OLsvnss, Piscsssl Contend, 5. 29 Jan. 1552. i. Mary-Sarah, S. an issfent 3 July, 1818. liii lordchip who was formerly H.P. for Hull, Hsmd. State fur War in 1863, and subsequently for India5 amid retired in 1866. ltImicagr. lass. ansi heir of Jehn, Lord Lucas, Barlss of Shenfleid, no. Essex (a dignity created 1 Joe. 1644, which became extinct with the Snot hssnos, is, 1705), which lady was elevated to the peerssge, 7 Stay, 1663, sn Be’s’cneae Ls’cse, of’ fI’ssslseell, cc.