Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/366

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u E TI DId HOGHTON. ots HO0BT0N, Stit HENRY, of Hogiston Tower anti Slary, dan. of John, Viscosmt Slassaeeone, and by hoe (who it. Walton Ic Dale, co. Lancaster, in tho coinmiosionof the peace and a deputy-lieutenant for the counties of Lancaster and Cardigan, 6. 2 August, 1821 ; .e. U. hisses, his heir. his father, as 9th baronet, 19 July, 1862; sa. 1st, iii. l’hihp, ‘ohs so. 1st, SJon. 1724, Elizabelh, don, of Themas 14 August, 1845, Louisa-Josephine, 4th dao. and if. io March, 173i) tore dons., Elizabeth ansi Mary, c-hod. co-heir of the late Joeeph Sanders, Esq. (which marriage was dissolved by Act of Parliament in 1849), and by her has issue, CECiL, b.5 Feb. 1e43. He si. 2ndly, 1 July, 1851, Aline, 3rd dan. of Sir Henry-Jervis-White Jervis, of holly Ellis, co. Wowford, Bait., md by her (who ci. 29 Bee. 1852) los has iv. Skollington, ii. snos. 5 Fob. 1768, aged 80. Aline-Siarian, b. 8 nec. 1552. Sir Henry sso. Srdly, 6 Sept. 1854, Ellen-Ann, only i. Story, ‘1. naso. child of the late 11. Harvey, Esq., and Las Elmer-Isabel, Ii. 14 Slay, 1s60. Sir Henry served the office of high-sheriff of Cardigan iv. Slssrgarot, so. SlAng. 1716, to Samuel Watson, Esq., and shire in 1849, and by royal liceisce, bearing date v. Elizabeth, s,s.14 Feb. 1715, Ia Thomas Fenlon, of ltuuslet, 6 August, 1862, lie and the other issne of his father, Sir Henry Ilold-Hoghton, were anthorised to resume vi. Lsicy, s’s.8 Feb. 1721, Tlsonsos Lutwidge, Esq. of White— the ancient patronynde of their family, by aosntning anti nsing tiss surname, of BE HousiTox in lien Sir Cisarles, c-ho was thrice SIP. for Lancashire, si. 10 Jene, of that of HOUHT0N. 3Liticat. The family of no H000Tos isof great antiquity, and in point B.urt. She ii. 23 Feb. 1719. lIc sss. Sudiy, Elizabeth, u’idoc’ ef precedence the second in the basonetage. ‘d’Aeioe nrsssr, Baron of Penwortham, eon ef Rsger de of Redford l and. Srdly, Snoanna, eldest dan. of Thomas Butternorth, Itosti, or Basset, joint lerd of Blackburn, fes,js. n’is.LiAN TUE CoaQrEasa, gas-c with his slanghn’r in free marriage to liamo issue, the title devolves], at his donsise, 23 F’eb. 1708, sspon (the Pineerna, a dh-ect descendant of Jlerveius waiter, ohs accoasisanied only son of Isis brother Philip, by isis first os-ife) his nephec’, the Cesrseoa to England, two carat-ms of land in Vi. Ste ilossay, b. 22 Oct. 1728; is, lit, in 1761, Elizabeth, litton anti Eehilstane (Itocten and Eccieston) Teota de Neeili, nisly dan. amid heir of William Ashnest, Esq. of hiedhnghaiu ole. Of the issue of this marri.sge seas DsLLra Dc ilecooc, Castle, co. Essex, by chain (c-ho 1. in 1762) he had an only seho (hIts of King SToe000) gave ten marks of gold that he daui., Elizabetls, ‘ohs sss. lb Jnly, 1783, Leo-is dlajcndie, Eaq. nsight has-c to wife I lie scislose of fiesltry de Favaee, svitls her Sir IIessr3 so. Sndly, S Jniy, 1566, b’ouny, eldest dan. and co-heir iassd aosl the custody of tier seis till he aught lie knighted, and - of Daniel Piooth, EssI. of ilutton Oiall, es. Essex, by c-hem that afterwards he might held limo said lassul of the sat] Wiltians. (u-ho died in April, 1503) he had, hlesay-Poirir, 7th baronet, ‘rhis Witiaa de lloctoo svao livisug sit liocton, or iloghtoss, in the ousd another son, Slajns-General Dossiel Itoglston, u-ho fell at 12th of ST000EN, a.o. 1147, and the property has eesoaisseul souls ihe bottle of Aibusera, 16 Slay, 1811, chne gallantly leading his Isis stesceisdants to the present tiase. The 5th in descesst from Wihins sic iloctoo scas Sic tticnaen of Preston in parliament for thirty years 1 Ic U. 9 Mar. 1795, DO iloonvoss, knighted 16th Enwaou ii., mid represented the - osssl was o. isy his iou, cc. of Lancaster in piarliamesst in that king’s reign. This Sir VII. Sie Hesey-Poitse, sonsetisne SIP. for Preston and col. Itiehard Os. in 1313, Sibilla, only shier suit heisess of tienry of the led royal Lancashire militia, h- 12 June, 17sf1 so. 13 do Lea, 8th in descent from ivo ‘iaylboys, Count of Anjosi and Nov. 1107, isnsannah, only dau and heir of Petor Brooke, Baron of Kendall, wisose wife, Lucia, oras sister oust heiress I of Asthey halt, eo. h’alatine of Lancaster, Esq., assd relict of of Eutsvin and 3torear, Earls of Northnost,ria. lbs son, Ste Anon no ttoooeoy, hail letters of protection fnxn Henry, lie had hIcsev, only son and heir, and a dais., Fanny-Elizabeth. Fiske of Lancaster, iso going abroad iii company with John, Sir htcnry Pisihip U. 27 Nov. 1835, ansi u’as 0. by his soo, Earl of ttiolsosond, 33 Eowacn Ill. lie med 9th tiecoasu Ii., Viii. Sia hoses, S.23 Jan. 1799; -Os. 1st, 23 May, 1S25, toatiitg Sic lliooasn no ttoonooa, uho, 7 licaco IV., founded a Mary, ssife of Prince Eontace Sapielsa of Poland) eldest coheir chautry hi Ihe church at labchestcr, and died it lleeeo V. I is was succeeded by Ins grandson (isis son, Sir william de Lancaster, Esq. By royal licence, dated 15 Feb. 1S25, he c-ac I loghten. lsavissg diest in Ins lifehiase) Sic Iticossu ne asitbos-ised so take the ssiroome of Rsiul in addition to and before lt000Toa, who was knighted 22 Ilesey VI., and died 19 that of lioghton, and to hear the arms of Bold, quarterly, c-ith Enwoen Vt. His son and successor, llcxov Ileonvos-, ltsq., was father of Isy her lie isusd issuso, WiLLiAM llooovoe, Essj., u’ho dieul 17 ilesov Vti., leaving Sic Ricnaen llssaisTos, Rut., who died 1 gtizasoTi,, atsst was u. Chiacies, 5, 10 Nov. 1823, hate a captain in the army. iucceeded by Ins son, TooMas Iloonvos, Esq., who 0-as slain at iss. ttichard, 5. 20 May, 1028. Lea hail, 32 ELiz000rti, Isavingoc. Anise, dao. of henry s, Story, 1s, 7 June, lOla; sus. 12 Nov. 18-16. to Lieut,-Colone itighley, Esq and was fattier of I. Sic Tiicnxais Heo,rcow, Rut. of Hoghten Tower, crealed ii, Dora, 5. 12 SepI. 1826; os. 10 Nov. 1857, Priestley Birch a baronet 22 Istoy, tell (upon the institution of the Ordorl. 316 This gentlcmao so. Katharine, doss, of Sir Gilbert Gerard, kul. of Bromley, co. Stafford, mailer of Use Rolls, by whom lie had fivo sons and eight dons. Sir Itichard represented the co. of Lancaster iss parliament, and ontortained King JAMES I. of Iloghton Too-cr for several days no Ins progeess into Scot- load in 1617. lie sf. in 1830, and scat o. by his eldest son, hi. Sin G, ooeev, c-ho had provionsly, 21 July 1606, receirod tIm lssseoar of knighthood, ansI subseqssently dislioguishod himself in the s-anhs of Ihe cavaliers, lie so.’Stargaret, eldest sIan. and co-heir of Sir Itoger Aston, Rut,, soasier of the Great W,snlrobe to King JAsies I., by u’hom he hod four sons and four dons. lie diod in 1647, and usa o. by his son, ill. Sic tticoaeu, 2SF. for co. Lancaster, u-ho us. Sarah, don, of Phihp, 1st Earl of Chesterfield (soho ii. Slay 1698), and had several children. lie d. Feb. 1671-8, and u’as his son, IV. Ste CnAeLos, SIP, for eo. Laneastee, nba so. in 1878, 30 4sril, 1732) he had, - i. John, ii. nail. t. 21 yoars. Seloler, Esq. of Desslsaus, in Lancashire, and had by her (c-ho ssssssu.; and a son, iiesnv, ss’lso o. his uncle as 8th baronet. SIr Philip ]loghton si. lndly, Slargaret, dan. of Edward BigLy, Esq. of Siiddhotou, and had by her (suho died in Feb. 1795) one sian. only, viz., Anne, is. 28 b’eh. 17-14, to the Rev. Ilnmphrey Shuttle- worth, vicar of t’rcstoss ansI Kirkham, and was nsotlser of PnsLso-Nicnt’LAs, bishop of Chichesier. She U. Nov. 1783. v. Jaoscs, ml. young. U. Cordctia, sis. to Bobert Davis, of Tack, Esq., and U. 5 Feb. 1768. in. Anus, -Os. 5 Oct. 1721, to Sausnel Crook, of Coppnll, eo. Palatine of Lancaster, Esq. ii. 1715. co York, Esq., and ml- 15 May, 1733. haven. 1710, ausl svas s. by Isis eldest stirs icissg son, V. Sin lioaav, SIP. foe I’i-eslon. Tins gentleman so. 1st, Mary, doti. of Sir Wihiosss Bsnglstou, of Lao-ford, co. Wacss-ick, oust relict of l,ord James Rsssseil, younger son of William, Flake of 2lossclsesler, Esq. (schss if. 16 Oct. 1772), bust having iso slivision agoiost the enessiy. Sir henry represenled Ihe boroughs Thonsas-Towisley Parker, Esq., by u’hom (wise U. 8 Dee. 1512), Ilorotlsca, 2nd dasi., and (on the death of isce eider sister, suf the late I’eter-Patten Bohul, of Bold, 00. Palatine of those of hisugist-en. Lady Bold-lloghton U. 7 Dec. 1840, and 0. Ste theses, present baronet. John-h re-land Blackbusrne, of ilohe, ca. Lancaster, cud U. SO April, 1855, leaving issue. Esq., and has issue.