Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/37

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GARTER’S ROLL. [Correcteel to the 31st December, 1868.] ROLL OF THE LORDS SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL IN THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTIETH PARLIAMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. MEM. —According to the tfsctge of Parliament, when the house appoints a Select Committee, the Lords appointed to serve upon it are named its the Orcter of their Rank, beginning with the lily/test; asset to, when the house tenets a C’onemiltee to a t’onfcrence seith the 6’onssao,ss, tie Lord highest in Rank is called first, and the rest go fort/c its like Order bot whets the IVhole hloaoe is called over for any purpose within the House, os for the purpose of prsseeeriing fort/s to Westsssissste, Hall, or upon any public Solemnity, the Call begins invariably wit/s the Jnnior Baton. I His Royal Highness The prince of Wale,; 2 ills Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert Duke of 04 Arthur Algernon Earl of Essex. Edinburgh. 3 Mis Royal highness George Frederick Alexander CIsarles 00 Walter Francis Earl at Doneaster. (Duke of Bucclench Ernest Augustus Duke of Cumborlant and Tcviotdale. (Kiog of Rsssws’er.) 4 LIsts itoyal Highness George William Frederick Charles 87 Anthony Earl at Shafteobury. Duke ot Cambridge. 5 Archibald Campbell Archbishop ot Canterbury. o William Page Lard Ratherloy, Lerst C/sooesllor. 7 William Archbishop at York. O Richard Cisenevix Archbishop of Dublin. o George Frederick Sa,uuel Earl da Grey, Lord President of 74 Willlaas Ilenry Earl Fanlett. disc Council. 10 John Earl at Kimberley, Lord Psiey Seal. 11 Henry Duke ot Norfolk, Essrl Moss/ui of Eeglanrt. 12 Edward Adolphuo Duke of Somerset. 13 Charles Henry Duke of Richmond. 14 Wiliiam Henry Duke ot Grafton. 15 Henry Charles Fiteroy Duke of neaufort. 76 William Ameius Aubrey de Vere Duke of Saint Alhans. 17 George Godelphin Duke of Leeds. 18 Wrnlam Duke of iledford. 19 William Duke at Devonshire. 20 John Winslon Duke of Marlborough. 21 Charles Cecil John Duke of Rutland. 22 William AlexanderLotsis Stephen Duke of Brandan. (Duke 55 Charles Earl of Taukervile. at Hamilton.) 23 William John Duke of Portland. 24 William Dregs Duke of Manchester. 25 Henry PeDsam Alexander Duke of Nesreastle. 26 Algernon George Duke of Northumberland. 27 Arthur Richard Duke of Wellington. 20 Richard Flantagcnet Cassspbell Duke at Buckingham and 92 Bertram Earl of Aslsburnhan,. Chandos. 20 George Granrille William flake of Sutherland. 30 Harry George, Duke of Cleveland. 31 John Marquess of Winchester. 52 George Starquess at Tweeddale. (Elected tor Scotland.) 33 Henry Charles Keith Marquess of Lansdawne. 74 John Villiecs Stuart Marquess Tawnstsend. 15 Robert Arthur Talbot Marquess of Salisbury. 36 John Alexander Marquess ci Ilath. 37 James Marquess at Abereorn (Duke of Abercorn). 38 Richard SIarquess at Dertterd. 70 John Patrick Marquess at Bule. 40 William Alleyne htarquess at Exeter. 41 Charles Marquess ef Northanspton 42 John Charles Marquess Camden. 43 Ileory Marquess of Aaglesey. 44 George Horatio Marquess ef Cholmondeley. 41 George William Frederick Marquess of Ailesbury. 46 George Thomas John Marquess of Wcstmeath. (Elected 110 Wlilians henry Earl of Mount Edgeumbo. tar Ireland.) 47 Frederick William John Marquess of Dristol. 48 Archibald Starqueos at Ailsa. 49 Richard 3larqaesa of Westminster. 50 George Augustus Constantine Marquess 0t Normanhy. 51 Charles John Earl of Shrewabary. 52 Edward Geaffrcy Earl of Derby. 51 Francis Theophsilus Henry Earl of hlantingdon. 54 George Robert Clsacles Earl at Pembroke and Monsgomery. 117 William Richard Earl Annesley. (Elected for Ireland.) 55 Wiltam Reginald Earl of Devon 56 Charles John Earl of Sssffolk and nerkahire. 57 Rudolph Williasn liasil Earl at Denbich. 58 Francis William henry Earl of Westmorland. 59 George Augustus Frederick Albemarle Earl of Lindsey. 60 George Harry Earl of Stamford and Warriageou. 81 George James Earl of Wincl,ilsea and Nottingham. 62 George Arthur Philip Earl of Chesterfield. 03 Jsslsu William Earl of Sandwich. 85 William George Earl of Carlisle. and Qucenaberry.) 65 Earl of Berkeley. 60 Slontagu Earl of Abhsgdou. 70 Richard George Earl of Scarbrough. 71 George Tbo,nas Earl at Albemarle. 72 George William Earl of Coventry. 73 Victor Albert George Earl at Jersey. 75 Slsolto John Earl at Storlan. (Elected far Scotland.) 76 Cospatrick Alexander Earl of home. (Elected for Scotland.) 77 George Earl of Haddington. (Elected for Scatland.) 78 Thomas Earl of Landerslale. (Elrcled for Scotland.) 79 David Graham Drammand Earl of Airlie. (Elected tar Scotland.) 00 John Thanston Earl of Leveu and Melville. (Eleceed far Scatlaud.) 01 Dnnhar James Earl of Selkirk. (Elected far Scoiland.) 02 Thomas Jahso Earl of Orkney. (Elected for Scotland.) 83 Sewanis Edward Earl Ferrer,. 51 William Walter Earl of Dartmouth. 86 Meneags Earl of Ayleatord. 87 Francis Tl,omaa Dc Grey Earl Cowper. 88 Philip Henry Earl Stanhope. 89 Thomas Augustus Wololeuholme Earl of hlaeclc,field. 00 James Earl Graham. (Duke of Moutrose.) 01 William Frederick Earl Waldegrave. 03 Charlea Wyudham Earl of Rarringlon. 04 Isaac Newton Earl of Part,mouth. 05 George Guy Earl Srooke and Earl of Warwick. 08 Augustus Edward Earl of nuckinghamahtre. 07 William Thomas Spencer Earl Fitnwilhiam. 95 Dudley Francis Earl of Guilford. 99 Charles Fldhip Earl of Hardwicke. 100 llenry Edsvard Earl of hiclsester. lOt George Jolsn Earl de la Warr. 102 William Earl of Macncr. 103 John Poynta Earl Spencer. 104 William Lennox Earl Eathur,t. 100 Arthur Wills Dlundell Trumbull Sandys Radon Earl of Hilloborough. (Marquess of Dosvnshairo.) 100 George William Frederick Earl of Clarendon. 107 William David Earl of hlansfield. 108 William Earl of Abergavenny. 100 John Jaoaea Hugh Henry Earl Strange. tDuke at Athol.) Ill Hugh Earl Fssrtescue. 112 henry Howard Molyneux Earl of Camarvon. 113 Henry Charles Earl Cadogan. 114 James Howard Earl at Ilalmesbury. 115 Stephen Earl of Mount Cashell. (Elected for Iceland.) 116 Henry John Reuben Earl of Portarhtngton. (Elected for Ireland.) 118 Jolm Earl at Erne. (Elected for Ireland.) 110 Willia,ss Earl of Wiclrlow. (Electesi f,,r Ireland.) 120 George Charles Earl at Lucan. (Elected for Ireland.) 151 Somerset Richard Earl at ilol,uere. (Elected for Ireland.) 122 Francis Earl at nandon. (Elected for Ireland.) 123 Francis liabert Earl of Eosslyn. 124 George Grimoton Earl of Craven. 125 Arthur George Earl of Onslow.