Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/370

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P E L of Cal. Sidney, and great-niece of the last Earl of Leicetter (ore Prrresr-CnAaLEs (Sir), b. 11 Slarrh, 18051 created Baaea Dr. Bcaan’a E.etisel tied Door trot Fs’eesrgs) of the Sidney family, Ernily-Ehaabeth, tm. 26 Starch, 1826, to the late Cob. William by sehorn he had (wills jssnior issue), deny, who a.ssrsmrd the arlrtttiooat nrname soil arms of SmarT irpon inheriting the Peoshorst estates, and being rrealed a Baronet as above, ri-as cite late Sin dana SHELLEY-SIPSEY, heir anrl representative. hy nannse amid aroma of Smnr.ny. Ife sl. 14 March, iSIS, and seas n, maternal tIe scent, of the tteassnsonfs smut P1eriuetronsp’, ancient lny mb trims, Earls of Warwick; tine frisdlers rsn,t iiirlorys. Earls of Letee ster II. l’mmmemp-Crmaaea Smnxey, b. Ii March, 1811, wine had been and claimant of use llaroaies of 1st’ L’ t’te mmd Iae’, This created a Inarons of the United Kingdonu, as Loan nr LISLE and family ran rstahltcts legitimn.sts mteseent from the Coagtnaoo. d>t’nesnr, 13 dan. 1030, tIe ins. 13 Aug. 1821, Lady Sopbia Fitai’tarenee, Gstmndro,t, rise youssgest (lass, of that omo,maretn, i, - to It 1111am ito (c-Ito ml. It Atiril, 1037) had issne, Warren, lot Earl of W ,Lrren anit Sssrrey; ansit t Iso of that marriage, tIn mmlreit, so, to Roger ste ltrassrnosst. and tart i if Pnrcsr, present 5rer. Warwick, the baronet’s itire,’t anreetor. TIns’ Stiteseys, us ho are I lolnert-l ‘udle’, Ii. 20 Sept. 1829; €8 17 .&pril, 1830 of Norman extraction. lineally doseemtrtt fm too Sir 11 itliaou Adeiaide-,tngissta-W ithelmina, m, 2 Dec. IsIS, to the Heir. Sirtoey, Eat,, ehaanhertoin to King Itrvov II. .Sir William Sirtnev, to whom t’enahorat l’loeo was graoted by King tlrnealiae-Wr’Iiinglon a. S Jon. taco, to l’htlip Ferenval, Erg. Enwoon Vt., was ehamt,ertatu aost ote,vartl of ttse hoesarisold to 1.1 iamnlneth-l rederica, it 20 Assg. 1 aSh. King ilevoy VI t I,. anmt was one of rime’ eoeonarath ro at the Sislnlmio—t’tntliplsa. battle of Floditemr, in I 015. Itia sons, Ste I bury tidney. was I.ornl do I’Iale and Dadloy (,rlso was surveyor-general of thn lnonossryd soith the eonnrlenree and frienstahip of tonED VI., Dueby of Cornwall, tI.C.L., K.C H.) sI.4 Siarrh, tool. aott us as lord—presidtear of W’alo a attn lord-stoorfy if Ire land in tIre reign of Er in onE-rn, ‘‘ A orore exalted rtsaraeter titan that _4n’,nse—Itr, a idmeon, ar of Sir t{enry Sidney,” observes Jar, Zormeb, “is orarreli to be I’s-mt—-A porcupine. atalant, ar. quilts, collar, and chain, or, foun,l in tire votumare of hislor3 ft it r serves to tie helter .5 nne’oieleiot5exter a porrat inn, an,, qniUs, roilar, and chain, known, to mini we lieholnl lime brays ool,lis yr tIne ee0500untale or; amnriatrr, alien, qemene foarehdr, vert. general, the aDo ronnmseltor, the wise ls’givlrslor us title in tIme _ttmihi’— Quo fob voeanrt, recesses of rmrirah’ life he 5, as rio less e-ntiroalntr as a bsrslesnrt, a Oe’nbo l’ershmsrst Caatte, Tonbm-idge, Kent; and Ingleby father, arid a friend firmly atlarhed to time etneieelm rif England. Manor, Nan-thallorlon, Vnrkalmire. and adorning his chriofian to’otroeion try his lenuterarure’ and exemplary piety.’’ Ole mat father of rite alt-aeromjdishr,l Sir Philip Sidney, whons Camden deserilnes as ‘‘ the great glory of trio family, lire great isinlne of mankind, the asost lit ely pattern of virtue, and the glory of time world.” Sir henry Sislnr ‘s 2nd ron, barRY Smoxcy, was errated snecesairely, lny danro I., Bnnm’r-o .S lacy at’ f’ eu ‘rot, Vi rosrat Lists and [AOL ca Lmeoaawe, mint teas r. tmy his son, Roora-r, 2nd Earl of Li teesrer. This nsldeoians was father (he had feerr other sons) ef tIme erlebratod Algernan Siitney, and of Henry Sidney, created Earl of liomanry, and of Isarotiry, Countess of Sirndrrlarunt, the tact Wailer’s Sarhariosa, as iso, after tier hosisand, lfenrry Sprucer, tat Earl of Srindoriao d, sear slain at the battle of Newhmerry, t f43, .o. 2ndin, Rout. Snnythe, of Bounds, Kent, arid 1. lOsS. holier;, 2nd Earl of Leleesler, nO. 1677, and was a. liy his cubit son,, 3rd Earl of Lrireoter; who 1. in I f07, soil uvas .5. by tilt son, hloorax, 4th Earl of Leieeater. This nobleman mOm 1702, leaving four sons, three of whom enjoyed the earldom primagrnifesrrly, Cnnpor Psnmmoinmabvl, of tianfonel, co. Doroot, Is. 12 Sept. via., m.’. 5th earl. mn. doria, 6th earl. 1mm. Jorreys, 7th earl, who s,s. Elizaliolls Thonuaa, of Glamaargaoohirr, tsnnel hits laaml ioosso, seith olnonn ire Imami tong tousling dispotea on s. Vmeensam-Aanccy-Weao, sop officer rifle brigade, b. 2 aerormot of tier rniaeanrlnet, lint from us laanm he was not divorced. At the earl’s deeeasr, urilhant issue,5 in 1143, Sm. Ihtaimrire-dotrn-C.eorge, 5. ins 1545. tire peerage expired. The 3rd son of Robert, 4th ban of Lrieeoter, The tlon. Thomas Sidney, ‘f. 1725, and left iwo dana., one of m. .tlice-ilamhsara-Slaria, sl, S dune, 1a46. whom us. William Perry, [sq. of Turvill l’ark, be whom site ltmt a dais., Fliz.alietb-dane—Si,tnev, time ‘dash wift. of Sir sir. Mony—Alire. Ryoshe Simetley, bait., by uvisorn she was molher of I. Sir deny SnnLs.rv-Smnarv, of Penalmurat Place, ro. Kent; created a Baronet, 12 Dee. IsiS. lie oat Is. IS Dec. 1171 and His Inrdslsiji o. us 2nsd ban’on, 16 May, 1835. on. 29 April, 1799, tlenriotta, days. of Sir henry Ihunlohe, 4th hart., of Wiogerwortli Ilall, ro Derby (is baronetcy nose extiart), by whoor (wire ii. 0 Feb. 1 sit) lie luau issue, Ily a trial st bar on a ,vrit of right, at Westminster, Tnn Ihox. Wiser cur Faaxrms-Srnaenr Poaoosav (3rd ron of 11 Feb. 1 7sd, for Pen—h’rrat PPncs’. park, anti oorm f-co in Frede-rich, 3rd Earl of fleasbeeonmgh), Is. t’eb. 1757, sm, S Aag. the eonsrmty mmf Kent, it’ars rrsio d.’ ‘n lyne, Earl ‘f 1a14, Lady Ilartnaea—Astmlcy Cooper (co-heir of the ancient Loieooter, never wn,o rife 0-er 1 fer’m In0 so tIe, Ito’ s-ni Ehrnrtieih Barony of Manley), only don. and heir of tntheny, Stb Earl of Tlretnsaa, ann lh,nt site Is iii a chill, -a sri, Jnhrs Sydney, Sluaftrabmsry, Iny Ilarhara his uuife, dan. and heir at Sir John lie ,lnmrsndant at tire tn-mi rrfn sees lii I, winch dsnlmrs, there’ Webb, Bart. of Oldatoek Itnuse, Wihts,* and Stary his wife, dau. to the eye of time nw, seas to hi Ci nrioinlrre,l a legitimate person, air’1, as audi , well cmlii Ic i to the isrtseril;mrse,. r if tiso trout ,nro of Ibe f tinily, b,rt in r,’a1mrel t. lire inhserit snre mnf us’hern tine barony fell into abeyance ttetwee’n lois titters (Refer to dho erlniteo drm.seselrd by him, 1o f,silr.l I eotahlials a betfer ltrassa’a Feb eel troth Doi’io ann r d’eneogel, rigirt than tire teirns,it fir in nsoooslomn TI no (nmrrusreling ti i tire al-ri ernemuf ae the triai) arose fri’m i,io riot rme at that his father, Earl Jmnrelrne, bmo—ooaoe.t thorn ii io 1 e, mrrrrt riot as ,,u0r ire lift, which w.mothe frset, as opcrro’t by the tenant; sn’! further rantrnied that, even h,el he Ittnsoeoeel tlros’eof KLmreRETn, is,. to rsrerge Salvin, Esq., and henre demrended in fee, then by his avill the earl lion gieori tlnernr norm so a ilurd p uty. The event of this trial gndng to admit the legitimacy of the doro uad mist. embraces atr impnnrn ant qins. tin as his lire absolute cxli inrihuno ef the houiroiirs. —Boisoo. 3tm P E M e’leen and HenLEY. Wakefield, Raq.; and ‘8. 12 Aug. 1827, leasing an only child, Emily, who oat or. to E.-W. Stafford, Eaq.,.and 8. IS Aug Sir .lt,ha aoamrnued, by sign—nnanuat, in 1793, else additional smar— drIest nialer of the late Earl of Monster, and by her F.’t7.-ti. FmteClom’ence, nina took time anrname of Itanloke in f’ioahi’n,n—l7 don, lo30. TIE LYIN, Lorun, see WESTME.tTH, MARQUESS. PE MAULEY. Marrh, 1043. mmm. l’eottertck—d nnlnnm—Wibtirsor, 5. 20 .kong, 1947. is’. Ldueimr-f’tmarie’s-Wiilianr, b. 13 tle’t, 1101. mm. E,ninua—t’m-isetlla—Stoeia - ma’. Ibebemn—fi eraltuinuo. s. fliansa-botnlnel-Strmm’ia, jim See that at Die Earl of Rrssboroogh. PETER DE SlAs’LEY, last Lord Manley, KB., el, n-p. in 1410, ConaxonscE. uvlso n, 1sf. William Fairfaa, rf Walton, and had tausme, fm’oumu uvhiclm tine fanathy of Fairfax of Oilhng sIre inn. 2ostly, Sir John hligot. Tuosros Soeu Ire, Esq. of Easingusold, uvhooo eldest dao,, Slaay, is, sma dssnx W’enr, Fart., and seas mnothanrof Barbara, Countess of Stnafteshmmry, wluoao don, and heir, FAERAaA, so. thnc Hosu, W.-h0.-S l’ermsonima’, tat Loon DE liIoreEy, TIE Hut hey, flagoN (Charles Fronleriek-Aahlny’ 1813 ; no, 9 Aug. 1S:4S. lila gouoin, Maria-Juno Euro’ hotla, tlaun. enf .Jr,Iims-Willialni, 4th Earl ts( Beeshurough.