Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/386

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o E V B E V 0 N. e DEVON, Easer. OF (Sir Willians-lieginald Courtenay, P.C.. U CL.) and a liironet Ii. 15 April, 18117 os. 27, Dec. ibdO, Lady Elizaboth For ceene, dan. of Hugh, 1st Earl Forteacue, and by her (who ii. 27 Jan. 1s67) has had icatie, s. WilliamReeinalrl, an officer of the Royal South Doven yeomanry cavalry, 8. 22 Oct. Iac2 ii. 21 Nov. 1521. ii hugh, 5. in I Sal ii. hr Isil. sir. EuwoD-BarDwrie, Lois? Ceerleasy, 31 P. for Exeter, Li 7 May, 151??. r, Agnes-Elizabeth. His lordship, who was H.P. for South Devon from 1841 to 1849, secretary to the Poor Law Board from 1852 to 1858. chancellor of the dnchy of Lancaster, from 1806 to I 267, and is precident of the Po..r Law Board, e. hi father, 19 March, 1859. It (iiczir. The Ceeerrwavs, one af the most ilhistrioua races v. John, H.P. for Devonshire, leap. leLenARn Ii. araenget the English nobility, deduce their paternal descent vii. Peter (Sir), 16.0,, staodard-bearer to EDWARB III., frase AToow, who descended from BanEalue, hereditary Count of Sens, who d. AD. 536. Tins ATHON having fortified, during the reign of ROBERT Ike li-icc, the town of vns. htnmpbi’y. Cearleocy, in the Isle of France, thenes assumed his Hugh, Sod Earl of Deron, 5. in 1377, and was e. by his sernasse, Me ReGiNaLD RE 000aTeNAv, who a HAwI5E, dan. Cr grandson, granddau. of Robert de Abrineis, who was e. by his eldest EDWArD, 3rd Earl of Devon, commonly called Ftc EGoS SOD, ROBERT RE COORTENAV, as feudal Baron of O.akhampton, of RICHARD II, as a naval officer, under JonN of Usual, and Viseaunt of Devonshire, and governor of the castle af Exeter. THOMAS of ll’badelec5n, respectively; and was appointed, in This Robert, in 1214, was made governor of Bridgnorth, in the 7th of the same monarch, admiral of all the king’s dset, Sbrapshire, and tine following year, sheriff of ONfordshire, from the mouth of the Thames westward. In the next year, and governor of the esatle of Oxford, when the king (JOHN) being thc,s EaRL )lAsiauAe,, his lordship avas retained to committed to him the coinage of tin iii Devonshire and serve the king in his Soottisb wars. Ho m. Baud, dan. of Cornwall. lIe na. Mary, yo’ingest dan. of William de Thomas, Lord Casnoya; and dying 4 Dee. 1419, was s. by Eedvere, surnamed Vr.asccae, 6th Earl of Devon; and dying his only surviving son, 26 Jniy, 1242, was ,. by Lie elder son, JOHN DE COURTENAY, as feudal Baron of Oakhaespton; Richard, Lord Taihot, and sister of tbe renowosd Earl of who ci. Isabel, da,,. of Hugh de Vere, Earl of Oxford, lord- Shrowsbury; and dying in 1-522, was s. by his son, high chamberlain of England; and dying in 1212, was s. by Tiunsios, btb Earl of Devon. This nobleman eensmeneod his only son, Huaa DR CounreNar, Baron of Oakhansptou. This for several years in the French wars of HENRy Vl., with fo,s,ial lord is. Eleanor, dan. of Hngh nb Spencer, the elder, whom be sided on tine breakiog out of the sisihappy conflict Earl of Winchester, and waco. by his elder sons, Huase no COuRTENAv, Baron of Oakbasupton. This Cunrtoneys ever efrer adhered, with despesate fidelity, to nobleman having disliugsished himself in the Scottish wars the hirn ROSE, la 1145, a dispute regarding precedency of Enwaan I., was one ef the three hundred persons of arose between tbo Earls of Devo,n and Arsnodel, which uvas emiaenre knighted hy that monarch at Westminster. Ia decided by parliament in favour of the latter lord, owing to the reign of Enwaan II., he was created a Knight-Danuerot; his fenidal possession of Arundeb Csstls. The Earl of Devon and was fifteen tOnes s,smmened to especial treaties d. 3 Fob. 1455, in the Abbey of Abiogdsn, upon his route irs parhasnent, as a baron, within the first eight years of to Londoo, as a mediator, with other noblemen, botwssn EDWARD III,, and tsrice in the 9th of the same monarch, the king aud the Duke of York. Ho m. Lady Hargaret by the nasoe of hopE de Csarlroey, EARL vs DrvnNsurno, Beanforl, Sad dan, of John, Marquess of Somerset, and was being the last earl in order, as having been that year only s. by Iris eldest ssn, restored to the dignity, in right of his great-grandmother, Tnonas, 0th Earl of Devon. This nobleman inheriting Slsry, dan. of Wiitim de Redvere, Earl nif Devon. His the political principles, with tho honoors, of Iris deeeasod lordship or. Agnes, sister of the Lord St. John of Baeiog, father, was a strenuous upholder of tine Lssirastr-iaea in. and was e. at his derease, irs 13-10, ho his eldest son, HUDR DE Cusnnrmeav, 2nd Earl of Devon, who had no. in ton Pield, he was beheaded at York, by order of RDSvARD 1325, Margaret, rlans. of Ilnsnphrey Boh’,n, Earl of llereferd IV., in April, 1452. Ills lordship was subsequently attaintod, and Essex (lord-high.eeustable of England), arid las wife, end the hononrs of lbs hosioo thus became eclipsed; but his the T.ady Elizabeth Plantagenet, dan. if EnwAinn I., by next hi-other. whom he had (with nine clans.) eieht sans, viz., s. Hugh, commonly called Hagh t’osrrleaev Ic File, one of part of tbe estates. Engaging, however, in the Lsneastriao the gallant eeldiers of the martial reign of Enwann Ill., rluars’el, with the zeal of mis predecessors, ho was himself a participator in the glories of Crecy, and an OrigiLnal attaisatod, 4 Bay, 1466, before the king and justices at knight of the Garter. He was summoned te parliament, Sam-nm, and beheaded, with the Lord hhnogerford, en the as BARDN COUnTENAT, 5 Jan. 1371. His lordship m. same day. Elizabeth, dan. of Guy Brian, Lord of Tor-Brian, in (The gneater part of the Conrtenay estates having been Devonshire, and sister of the famous Guy, Lord Brian, 386 I) E V 16G., standard-bearer to the king at Creey; and dying in sbs lifetime of his father, left an only son, Hugh, who no. Matilda, dan, of Tbomss holland, Earl of Kent, by Jean Plantsgenet his wife, the celebrated FaiR Slain no KENT, granddau. of Enwaan I, (and mother, by the Blsck Frhiee, of Rsenaan II). Hugh Courteisay ii. in 1377, a few yearo after hia father, and before Iris grandfalher, leaving no issue. His widoav ‘a. Wslerau, Earl of St. Pol, ii. Thomas, H.P. for Devonshire, S. before his father. sri. Ens’aen, of Godlingtou (who 2. also before hie father), on. Eiaeliue, dau, and heir of Sir John D’Auney, Knt., and had issue, 3 Enwaao, successor to his grandfcsther, as 3rd earl. 2 Hugh (Sir), of Tlaeeomb. as. lot, Elizabeib, dau. of Sir WGliam Cegau, arid widow of Sir Folk Fitrwarine, bnl by her bad no issue, lie ci. Sodjy, Pbilippa, dau. and en-heir of Sir William Aresdekene, and bad an only dan,, Joane, -a, let, to Nicholas, Lord Caresv; and Sndly, te Sir Behest Vers. Sir lTngh Ceurtonay ss. Irdly, Iland, dan. of Sir John Beaumont, of Sbrrwell, in Derartehirs, by whom he had (with a dan., Margaret, on. to Sir Thsobald Grsnvsli, Kut.) a oo,s arid heir, Ruon (Sir), of Doeonnoek, who os, Margaret, dan. and co-heir of Thoraae Carnnisow. of Csrmisucw, and fell at Tewkesbciry, leaving two suns and four dens., EDWARD, created in 1485, EARL OF DEVON. Walter (Sir), svho d, sinai Hand, so. Sir Joins Arundell, of Tolverne, of which marriage. Elizabeth-Lydia, wife of W.-H. Shipinard, Esq., was soulor co-heir (See ARUNDEL OF Wan- noun.) Ellealioth, m. John Tretburffe, Esq. Isabella, iii Willians Iiiabnn, Eoq. of 1-lall,Lauteglos, Cornsvall, Florence, m. John Trolawuy, Esq. iv, Wiliiam, archbishop of Canterbury in 1381 5. in 1396. vs. PuLse (Sir), of rowderham Castle, of whom hereafter as ancestor of the present Earl of Devon, eonotahle of Windsor Castle, governor of Cable, and chamberlain to RICHARD H. 5. naia, hi 3409. Eec-i. This nobleman served to the bsginuiug of the reign HUOH, 4tb Bail of Devou, KB,, who no. Anne, dau. of his military career at the age of oixteeo, and was engaged between the houses of York and Laneaoter; and the tereote, arid falling into the hands of the Vorkists, at Tow- HuoR C000TERAT (7th oarl, but for the attainder-), finding favour with the new king, hind rootoration of conic