Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/39

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ROLL OP THE LORDS SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL. xxxvii 310 Frederick Lord Caltharpe. 311 Theobald Fitrwalter Lord Donboyne. (Elected for 490 Frantic Alexander Lord Itintaro. (Earl of Einiaro.) Irolojod.) 312 Charles ilobort Henry William Lord Carringtors. 313 William henry Lord Belton. 314 George Lord Northwiek. 315 Thomas Lyttlctan Lord Lilfard. 317 Thomas Lord Riblslesdale. 318 Edward Lord Dorooony (Elected for Ireland.) 315 Lucius Lord inchhein. (Elrctcd for Ireland.) 320 Cedwallader Davis Lord lilayoey. (Elected for Ireland.) 417 William Henry Lard Leigh. 321 John Covendish Lord Kilneaine. (Elected for ireland.) 322 Robert Lord Clonhrock. (Elected for iceland.) 323 Charles Allaneen Lord Ileadley. (Elected for Irciand.) 420 Thamnas Spring Lard tfonlragle of Brandon. 324 Edward Lord Crofton. (Elected for irolond.) 325 Eyrc Lord Clarina. (Elected for trcland.) 326 Henry Francis Seymour Lord Moore. QIaeqnees of Progheda.) 423 John Lard Oxenfoard. (Earl of Srair.) 327 John Henry Wellington Graham Lord Loftos. (Marquees 423 John Lard Congletan. of Ely.) 328 Graeville Lereson Lord Coeyeforl. (Earl of Caryefort.) 420 Penis St. George Lord Dnnsandlo and Clanoonal. (Elected 309 George itolpb t.erd Ahercremby. 330 John Tleomae Lord Eodesdalo. 331 Iterate Lord Rivers. 352 Angostus Frederick Arthur Lord Sandys. 303 Georgo Augustus Fredoriclc Charles Lord Sleefficld. (Earl 430 William Itonsy Forester Lord Londesbarongh. of Steeffield.) 334 Tleomae Americue Lord Erekine. 335 George John Lord Mont Eagle. (Marquees of Shigo.) 336 Gearge Arthor Hastings Lord Granard. (Earl of Granard.) 436 Edward Burtenshaw Lord Saint Leauards. 337 Hruegerford Lord Ccewe. 338 Alan Legge Lord Gardner. 339 John Thomas Lord Manners. 340 John Alexander Lord tlopotoun. (Earl of Hopotoun.) 341 Frederick William ttobert Lord Slowest of Stewart’s 44h Edward Lard Belper. Court. (SLsrqueee of Londooderry.) 342 Richard lard Castlensaine. (Elected for Ireland.) 343 Charles Lord LIeldrum. (Marqueee of Hugtly.) 344 Janees Lord Roes. (Earl of Glasgow.) 345 Willtaoo W’illoughby Lord Grinetead. (Earl of Enniekthlen.( 416 Frederic Lard Chelnoeford. 346 Williane itale John Cherlot Lord Foxford. (Earl of 417 John Lord Clsaostan. Limerick.) 347 Francis George Lord Chnrehill. 349 George Francis Rohort Lord harris. 349 Reginald Charles Edward Lord Coleheeter. 330 Whliam Schoenberg Robert Lord Eer. Qdarquess of 430 Charles Morgan Robinson Lard Tredegar Lathian.) 331 Francis Natloaniel Lord Stinetar. (Marquess Canyngham.) 433 William Lord flraagbam and Vaux. 312 James Edward William Theabald Lord Grmanda. (Marqneee 434 Richard Lard Wesebary. of Ormondo.) 353 Francis Lord Weenyes. (Earl of Wemyas.) 354 Robert Lord Clanhraesilll. (Earl of Radon.) 355 James Lord Kingston. (Earl of Kingston.) 350 William Lygan Lard Sileheeter. (Earl of Langford.) 317 Clatwoothy John Eyre Lard Oriel. (Viscount Maaseroono.) 400 James Lard HamTagill. (Earl of Caithncss.) 358 henry Tloamas Lord Eavenewooth. 339 Hugh Lord Delansere. 360 John George Weld Lord Forester. 361 John James Lord Rayleigh. 362 Robert Francis Lord Gilford. 363 Percy Ellen Frederick Wliuiam Lard Penshurat. (Vieeamit 441 Charles Stanley Lard Lhonck. (Vistaant STanch.) Slrangfard.) 363 Ut(ek JaIm Lord Sosnerhill. (Marquess of Clanrirarde.) 466 Edward George Earla Lyttan Lord Lylton. 306 James Lard Wigan. (Earl of Crawford and Balearres.) 367 Thomas Granvlilo Honry Stuart Lord Ranfnely. (Earl of Ranfarly.) 368 Goorgo Lerd Re Tabley. 369 Edward Montague Stuart Granvillo Lord Whameliffc. 370 John Henry Lord Tonterden. 37i John Lard Pirmimet. 373 William Henry Aahe Lard Heytosbury. 374 Archibald Philip Lard Easebery. (Earl of Raeehery.) 373 Richard Lard Clanwilhiam. (Earl of Clanwliliam..) 376 Edward Lard Skelmersdnlo. 377 William Samnel Lord Wynford. 378 Williane itenry Lard ltiimamaclt. (Earl of Email.) 379 Arthur .lanmos Lard Fingall. (Earl of Fingall.) 380 William l’hilip Lord Seftan. (Earl of Sefton.) 382 WHians Sydney Lord Clenoonte. (Earl of Leilrim.) 383 George William Pox J,ord Roesie. (Lard itinnaird.) 384 Thomas Lord MessEs. (Olarquoss of Headfort.) 385 Whuiano t.ord Chawarih. (Earl of Sheath.) 386 Charles Adolphns Lord Dunmore. (Earl of Demmare.) 397 John htabarl Lord ttawdon. 388 Fox Lord t’anmuro. (Earl of Dalbonslo.) 389 Augustus Frederick George Warwick Lard l’nltimaro. 390 Edward Stostyn Lord Slostyn. 39i Honry Sponeer Lord Tonsplemore. 392 Edwaod Lord Cloncnrry. 393 John St. vincent Lord Do Saumaror. 394 Lsseins Bentinok Lord itunsdon. (Vie000snt Falkiand.) 393 Thomas Lord Densoan. 396 William Frederick Lord Abmngor. 397 Philip lord Dc LIsle and Dadley. 398 Alexander i-tugh Lord Ashbnrton. 393 Edward itiehard Lord Hathorton. 490 Archibald Brabaaan Sparrow Lord Worlingham. (Earl ef Viscanni Sydney as Lard Chamberlain I (Has. uS and 183.) Goeford.) 401 Willinne Frederick Lord Straihodon. 492 Ed;rord Borkeley Lord Porinsan. 403 Thomas Aloxandor l,ard Lovat. 404 William liateman Lord Ratoman. 403 James SIolynenx Lard Charlemont. (Earl of Charlemoni.) Principal Seerelanies ef Slale and as t(Ises. 238 and 283.) 407 George Pansanby i,ord Lismaro. (Viscount Lismaro.) 494 itenry Cairns Lord Hosemare. 409 Robert Shapland Lord Caress.. 410 Clsarles Frederick Aslsloy Cooper Lord Dc Jlauloy. 411 Arthar Lord Wraltesloy. 412 Sadeloy Charles George Tracy Lord Sudcloy. 413 Frederick Henry t’aul Lord SIethoen. 415 Edward Jahn Lord Stanley of Alderley. 410 henry hard Smart de Dories. 418 ileilby Richard Lord Wonlook. 419 Chants Lord Lurgan. 421 James Lard Seatan. 422 Edward Arthur Wellington Lord Keane. 424 Charles Crespigny Lard Vivian. for treland.) 428 vi000rAhoxanderLard Elgin.(Earh of Elgin and Elocardine.) 429 Frederick Temple Lard Clandobaye. (Lord Lalftrin and Claseboye.) 431 Samuel Jones Lard Oresatane. 432 Charles Robert Claude Lord Trura. 433 Jalsn Cam Lord liroughtan. 434 Lord de Freyne. 437 Richard Henry File-Hay Lard Raglan. 434 Gilbert Hessry Lard Aveland. 433 Thomas Lard Eonnsare. (Earl of Kessneaoe.) 440 Hithard Bickorfau Pemell Lord Lyons. 442 James Lord Talbot do Slalahide. 113 Robert Lard Ebury. 414 James Lord Skene. (Earl Fife.) 443 William George Lord Ctmesham. 448 John Charles Lord Stcathspey. (Earl of Seafield.) 372 George Lard Leconliold. 449 William Talton Lard Egerten. 431 Robert vernon Lard Lyrodeu. 432 Itenry Lard Tauntan. 433 Frantic William Fitahardinge Lard Fitahardingo. 436 Henry Lard Annaly. 437 Richard 3lonckton Lard hinughtan. 438 John Lard Roinihly. 433 Tleomas George Lard Narthmbraak. 400 Thames Lard Clermoor. 462 William Sleredytls Lard Meredylh. (Lord Alhlumney.) 463 Edwin Richard Windham Lard Kenry. (Earl of Pan- raven and Sfonnt-EarI.) 463 John Lord Itartismero. (Lord lienniker.) 467 William George Hyltan Lard Hylton. 468 Hugh henry Lard Stratlinairn. 469 Edward Ganlams Lord Penrhsyn. 470 Guetavus Frederick Lard Eraneepoth. (Viscount Boyao.) 471 Danean Lard Calonsay. 472 Hugh STat Calmont Lord Cairns. 473 John Lord Kosteven. 474 John Lord Dmsathwaita. 413 Brook William Lord Fitawalter. 476 Williamn Lord O’Neill. 477 Robert Carnehis Lard Napior. 478 Edward Anthony Jolon Lard Gormanslan. (Viscount Garmanstan.) 479 0Williom Page Lard Itaihenley. (In another plate as [test Ci rsoce lion.) There is a vacancy in the representation of the Peem for Scotland, caused by the votos for the Earl of Kehhie and the Lard Hello being oqnal. * It will be perteived that this nunshor is in excess of the total number of Lards Spiritual and Temporal. This discrepancy is tansod by the following Lords boing twsee named in the atoll: Lord Halisenley as Lord Chancellor and ) (Eas. 6 and 479.) as Lord Ihatlserlry . . Earl da Grey as Lord President and as ). (Mae. 9 and 146.) Earl do Grey Earl of Ktmberloy as Lord Privy Seal and ) (Nos 10 and 173.) as Earl of htimberley Lard Pansonby as hard Steward and as )- (Mae. 237 and 276.) Lord Fausanby and aa Vsscaunl Symismey . . I Bistsap of Bath and Wells as Eislmap ci (Iths. 221 and 303.) Bath and Wells and as Lard Auckland 8 Lord Sandridgo as one of bIer Majestys ) - Lord Snndridge