Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/390

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0EV plc the wife of John Cecil, 5th Earl of Exeter, and a son, his Charles Cccii, 8. 14 May, 1852. mm’ in 1684, Spencer-George, 5.5 Jan. 1859 WILLIASI 4th earl; who was created 12 May, 1694, iiethei’ son, 8. and ii, Edith-Sarah-Elizabeth. Jlarqaeeo of Harlioglen and Duso no Brvosssiioz, and Alice-Beatrice, 4. 1857. installed a knight of the most noble order of the (larter. Mabel-Beatrix, it. 27 June, 3861. Ills grace was lord-steward of the household. He ia. Mary, Eri-lyn-Eenly-Oeorgiana, 2nd dau. ofJamee, Duke of Ormonde, and had, I Elizaheth-Geergiana-JIarsjei, es. let, 3 Feb. 1817, to 05 jlham-Lernard llarconrt, Esq. of St. Leonard’s, BILLIAMSIai pores ci Hart agles E sri of 10 estmor i Harconrt France) whe 4 25 James wh dan Fizatctl is Ri hard Chandler 51sm ii6des Lq indlaug Park i cot iliza EIlb:t s. ic Sir JsEn Wcntwiirth, Dart. Alice; and 2ndi’,30 Jsue, 1825, to liajor-Generai lie grace d. 11 Aug. 17e7, and was e- by the cl’lest son, 2 anil.llay, sit. 28 June, 1842, to John-Frederick WILLIAM, 2nd duke, E.G. This nobleman, its. ilachel, Vaughan, 2nd Earl of Candor. dau. of William, Lerd Russell, and sister of Wriethesley, Gcnend Csvendish, as. ladly, 18 June, 1810, Frances- Duke of Bedford, sod had, with ether issue, Susan, widow 01’ lion. Frederick Howard, sod sister ef W’tuaas,JIsrsces ci’ Hii’tiegfee. John George, Earl •of Durham. and by her (who 4. 21 Charles, father of Iheansi Caa’aoziien, the eminent chemist Asic. 1540, has hid issue, and philosopher. I Francis - William - Henry, farnierly in the Foreign Rachel. is. to Sir William Morgan, lID., ofTredegar. Oihce, 8.6 Pci. 1820; iii, 24 April, 1856, Lady Ehoer Elizabeth, is. to Sir William Lewther, Dart, of biker Sophia Diana Filcgibhon, daa. and eo-hcirof Richard, hall. 3rd Eari of Glare, and by her (who was divorcedfrom WILLIAM E.G., 3rd duke, lord-stewsrd of the house- him en his petition) has, hold in 1729; ci. in 1718, Catherino only dan. and heir of Iteginald4lichard.Frederiek, I. 25 Feb. 2957, Alfred- John Iloskins, Req. of the family of Heekhis, of Oxted, eo. }dei-ud-Jhn. 0. 19 June, 1855, sod Ernest-Lionel- Surrey by whom (who d. in i7l7) he had four sent and Fission,, F - Fob, 3565, 2 Heury-Charles-Lamhitin, 4. 6 Oct. 1819. ree a .,., 3 Charles-Williaio, in holy orders, 0. 24 Sept. 1822, is. WiLLIAM, his successor. l..t, 27 Oct. 1247, Felina-Susan, eldest dais, of Earl Ceerge-Angnstns, if usia, in 1798. L’eauchamp. which lady ii. 29 Oct. 1148. lIe sa. lndly, Frederick, 5. is 1729; ficld-mss’obsl, and eel. 34th foot; 25 .Inne, loGs, Slim Cockbnrn, and by her hats eon, if. e isis. 51 Oct. 1485. 8.24 Oct. 1s64. John, 4. usia. 18 Dee. 1796. 4 George-Henry, 8.9 Jan. 1824, its. 16 Oct. 1848, EmilyCaroline, so. to William, 2nd Earl of Besoboreugh. Victerine-Eliesheth, only dan. of the late Sir Wiiliam Eiieaheth, ci. in Sept. 1741. to the Right Hon. Jehn Pen- Rninhold, Dart., end has issue, seniiy, speaker of tise house of C’omnions in Ireland, Wdliani-Hcney-Aiexsnder-George-Delmar, 8. 1849. sod was mother of William Ponsonby, crested Lord Pon- Emily-Frances-Ide. sonhy sf Itnokilly. and of George Ponsonby, sometime 1 Caroline-Fanuy(Hon.),snaidofhonour totheQneen. Rachel, ia. in 1748, to Horatio, first Earl of Orford, IV. t’uaeLas-Cosarrosi, ereatedDAsoec Cuesuaw. (Sec I/sal Ills grace was constituted lord-Bent, of Ireland in 1737, and e. Anne, is. 25 Oct. 1825, to Lard Charles Fitz Hey, P.C., continued in that gererunsent nnttl 1714. He ii. 5 Dec. 1755, who 1. 17 June, 1505. and west, by his eldest eon, ii. Care’.ine, it. 9 Jan. 1887. WILLIA2I, E.G., 4th duke; t. in 1720 ; who bed been Dorothy. sit. in 5766, to William, 3rd Duke of Portland, called to the Ronse of Peers (13 June, 1751)10 the father’s .nd if. in 3794. Darouy of Cavendish. i-lie grace is. 28 March, 1741, His grace, who was lerd-lie’it. of Ireland in 1755, 4. 2 Oct. Charlotte, Baroness Clifford, of Laneshorengli, only dan. 1764, antI was .i. by his eldest eon, end heir of Eichard, Earl of Burlington and Cork, (by WILLIAaI, 5th duke, E.G., who inherited the Barony of which union the Barony of Clifford, crested by writ of Clifford, of Leneehoreugh, from his mother; 8.14 Dec. 2748; CnAnLEsl., in 1628, came into the Cavendish family,) end is. let, lJnne, 1771, Georgians, dan. of John, Earl Spencer, had issue, by whom he had Isaac, WILLIAM, Jfariueee of Ifardngloa. WILLIAM-SPLNtER, Jlorieceo of Ilarliaglsn, 6th duke. Richard. d. curs, in 3781. Geargiana-Dorothy, iii. to George, late Earl of Carhele; and GLonoE-AuousTus-hIeonv, 8. 33 March, 1754, created 10 4. 8 Aug. 1851. Sept.l8ll, EAOLOFDUaLINuTON, and Baron Cavendish, of Henrietta-Elizabeth, is. 24 Deo. 1889, to Granvdle, late iieighiey; ia. 27 Feb. 1752, Rlloaheth, den. and heir of Earl Granvuile, and i/. 25 Nsa’. 1562. Charles, 7th Earl of Northampton, and by her (who 4. Her grace dying in 1806, the duke ci. again, 19 Oct. 1809, 7 April, 1855), had issue, Lady Elizabeth Footcr,uidow of John Thomas Fester, Req., 1. WiLLIAM, 8. 10 Jan. 1715; is. is Joly, 1807, Loidoa, anil dan. of Frcderiek-Ananstns, 4th Earl of Bristol, hut eldestdau. of Cornelius, lot Lord Lisruere, anti if. e.p. that lady (who cl. 20 Starch, 1124) had no issue. His grace 14 Jan. loll, heaving by her (who if. ls April, 156.), if. 29 July, 1811, and svas e hr his eon, and 7th and WILLIAM-SPENOEa, Olh Jinke, E.G., lISA., and LAN., George-Henry, liP, for birth Derbyshire, ii. 31 DCL., P.C., Lord-lieutenant and enstos rotnlenm of Aug. 1150, to whens and his sister, a patent of Pro- Derhyabire, high steward of Derby, 8. 25 Slay, 1790, 4. eedenco, granting the rank of a Duke’s children, was aaiii, 17 Jan. 1818, when the Berany of CLI010an fell into accorded In He os.4 July, 1535, Louisa, youngest abeyance betaveen his sisters andeo-beiresses, the Csnntceece than. af Henry, 2nd Earl ol Hareerood, and has had of CAnLI5LE, and GSANvILLE, nnd the Dnannoaa, with the Henry-George, 68th Lt. Infanti-y, 8. 24 Slay, 1816; other honours devolved en his grace’s cousin, WILLIAsI, 4. 9 Nov. 1155. EAOL or DuaLIooToN, as 7th Duke of Devonshire. Jamse, ca1d. ES., 5. 15 Nov. 1138. C,’caliess—Daron, 4 Slay, 1085. Earl, 2 Aug. 1638. Mar- Arthur, hilts., 8, 1211cc. 1841; it. 11 March, 1958 qnrss and Duke, 12 Stay, 1694. Ran of Burlington, 10 Sept. Walter-Frethenok, nile bngailr, 0. 6 Nov. 1144, if. at Jell, Arias—la., threa bucks’ heads,eaboshied,arg. Greet— Agra, 26 N so. laff. A szrhieni named, ppr. Seypsrlrre—Two bucke, ppr., each Ahee-Leinsa, ii. 21 Jan. 1061, to (lie hlon. A-F. wreathed -oand the neck with a ohaplet of roses alternately, Egei’i’in, .,id san of Francis, lot Karl of Ellesmere. . arg. and so. J’/etfs—Caveisdo tutns, Seaie—Chatswsrth Susan-Henrietta. io. 14 April, 1168, to Benry- , Mouse and Herdwickc lieU, Derbyshire; Rolkar Hall, MitnRobert IIr.,nd, 1 ‘sq. Sic hates, B,) thorpe We -tmereland’ Boiton Abhey Yorkshire’ Compion 3 Richai I, ii... Jnly, 181.. (olIn his fethei death) bad Place Eastbonrne, Sussex; and Lismore Castle, Waterford, the rank hiuke eyeiuigcrei’n grinted(i, himInlOSS. Iroland. Town House—iS, Piccadilly. I Penny 1raised ti the rank of a Duke a dea. 1555’, sal July 1’37, to Frederick-John Howard, Esq, grandson of Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle. p I ía F,’ 0 0 N n. George-Henry-Csnipton, 8.1-1 Oct. 1784,4. 22Jen, 1801. III, ilenry-Frederic-Conipton, general in the army, ccl. DIcItSoy, SIB ALExAEBF.N.COIIof 2nd dragoon ga.srds, 0. 5 Nnv. hIss; ‘is. lot, 24 LIN’dWO B-Tn IOAI of Hardin - Oct. 3511, Sarah, den. of William Augustus Fawkener . - 0 - — Req., end by her who d. Nov. 1817), has issne, ‘ ‘ ham, eo. Norfolk a capt. Rio. I Svidiem-Heory-Frederiok, graom.IiIn-eitieg to the 6. 1 Aug. 1810 ; e. his brother at Queen, licnt.-coi. Chatewarth Rifles, 0. 31 Got, 1017; 8th hart 91 Slay 1868 ‘ as. 15 its. 39 Aug. 18-13, I.atiy Emily Lambton, den, of John , n’,. ‘ - George. let Earl of Durham, and has had issue, Nov. lSui, S iso a me ia- ero anebenry-F’rcderiek-Conipton, k 6 Stay, 1154. Beanelerk Ti himper. 34u1