Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/403

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Doll Tue earl 3. 14 Sept. 1851, and was o. by his son, RceaiAau-J0IIN, 4th earl, P.C. who had been an officer in the 9811s Iaot, anti wha was sppointed lieut.-rol. Sooth Tipperary nsilitia in 1819; and was vice-president of the ilnarsi af Trade in 1858, and president of the sante Board in 1859; he was 8. 4 April, 1823, and es. 7 April, 1847, Thsmasino.Jaeelyn, eldest dan. and heiress of ilse late Walter Steele, Esq. of Sloynalty, en. Slonaghan, by Slaey.Sephia his wife, dan. of tlse lion. George Jacelyn, and had, Jnssx-Luau-Guoaex, preseni peer. WALTER-FRANCLO, 5. 22 Ang. 1849. Patrick-Maurice, 5. 21 April, 1855. W’illiam-Granville. 8. 21 Sept. 1859. tilory-Sopisia. Odargoret-Franees. His lordship 3. 22 Feb. lSf6, and was o. by his oldest sois, s. Lancelot, ii. i’ilot. in 1706. JonN.LUKE.GxoaoE, 9th and present Earl of Donangtsmore. as. Ony of ltossh,d, who it. in 1781, leaving, by Mary, his DORCHESTER. ISoncnrSTEo, Banow (Ossy Carleton), of Dorchentot, Faq.; and it. 4 Feb. 1000, leaving isv hor (svith a dan., llaria, co. Oxford, is. 25 (let. 1811 inberitesi as 3rd baron, at the deoease of isis cousin, 3 Jnno, 1826 iv. George, hoot-cal. in the army, Is. 23 Sept. 1781; killed at 1us. 12 June, 1837, Anne, dan. of W.-J. Wanobr’pe, llergen-op—Zocsnc in lot 4, lessviog issne, ity llo,srirtta, doss, of and by her (who ci. 7 Juno, 1861) hac had ineuo, s. Ilenrieula-Anne, Its. 14 Jone, 1804, to Francin-Paynlsn PigottCooant (now Pigolt.Carletoa). Esq., late capt. lflh lancers, eldest son of tlse late Francis Pigott-Conant,ltent.governor of the Isle of Sian, and nephew of Mr. L’aron Figelt. (See Boans’s Landed Gcislry.) si. Slaria-Georgiana, Os. 4 Jnly, 1665, to Timotisy Pouterstonlsaugh, Esq., late I 311, hnssars, of the College, Kirkossrald, Cunshesiand. (See Ilcane’s Laa,teil fleniry.) Tiitsrztgt. The original fancily boro the ancient Saxon nnnse of Cearlton, vas. Rsenano, MA., in holy orders, rortos’ of r7ately-Scesve, and were settled in Cornwall ahoot five rentnries before the Nonnan Conquest. A brands of the family went and setiled in Csnnberland, and emigrated in the eeigis of CHAR5.en I. Is Roasfad, in lreland, and from it is descended the present Lord Dorelaester. Another branch settled in Shropshire, and also in s. Maria, a. ia 1010. to tvilliam, 2nd Lord htolloo, and sI. his the reign of Cuanens I. emigrated to Darling Hill, en. Tippeeary, Ireland. One of them, Guy Carleton, became Bisisop of sa. Frances, as. in 1s02. to the Rev, John Orde, ann it. 1812. Bristol, and aflerwards ftishnp of Chinhester; and several of his lordship ,t. 10 Nov. 1809, ant ss’aa o. by Ins gmndson, ihe family distinguished tlsesssselves in use wars of that epoels. AmsvsauR-llLNnv, 2nd baron; 5. 20 Feb. loOl ‘5.155 u.S Jane, Tn retnrn to the Rsssfad branch. Lsxcenor C.M5LET0N, Esq. of Rossfad, near Enisi hess, son 1820, cohen the barony descended to his eonsin, Ocx, ihe present and heir of Lancelot Carleton, Esq. of llranspton Poet, in Gsllesland, Cnmtcerland, sras slain in the service of Itiag Cs’cutisss—2l Aag. 1780. CISAaLE5 I., leaving by Slary, Isis wife, dat,. of Wihlia,ss Irvine, Arass—Erni., on ci hens1, sa., three pheona, arg. Esq. of Castle lrvhse, ea. Perneanagh, two sons, I. LANCELOT, his heir. as. Christopher, sf Market Mill, co. Formanagh; m. Anne, shirt folded abssve the etttoco, arg., aad veotest aver, ga., the dan. and heir of the Rev. George Ilacuilten; and 0. about hanet grastusig ais ars’oss its head sinister, 1soisst stosrs,soards.lihsr. 1716, leaving issne, 1 Alexander, d.a. p. in 1743. 2 George, of Slarket Hill, cit. Catherine, dan. of John 4(etls—Qnonslam his viei,sins arsois. Creighion, Esq., and lied issne, John, ii. o. p. Alexander, of Dablin, bar-at-law, its, and had isaac. 353 DOll Christoitisor, of Staekel lull, solo, so. I foisrio;la—.7faria lan of Col. C, csghtess, ,uol had three das,s., his es—heirs, vie., Ilenrietla, ii. vim. Vinrea; ta. Story, 01: to Ilrnr3 t’etaley l.’Estrange, F.s,;. of Dora. town, Kings (‘scanty; anti her 2isd son, Chriots,pticr L’Estraoge, having inlsertled, throngh tier, the Carleton estates, assumed the snrasnne of CARLETON. 3 Lancelot, ASS., whose son, Alexander, seas a banker ci the City of Londoca. Tue eldest soil, LANCLL0T CARLETON, Esq. of flossts,l, higli-sisorit! of Feracnnagi , about the year 1693, and for ttoeogal in 1686; it. attenl 1693, leaving by Slary, Ins ssife, dais. and heir of John Callscart, Faq., six sans, nansoly, wife, dais. of Slajor liroek, three das,s., 1 STory, so. to Philip I’ereeval, Foci. of ‘I’eracple IIss;se, eo. of Sligo. (Ire Ituaeo’a Least it C,,; i’s.) 2 Sarah, is. to .3. Cooper, goq. of Tansie Fort, cc. Sligo. 3 Jane, st. to Col. henry Richard—so, of Ihirit lull. ass. Cssais’roeness, of whom osesen liv. 2nd, ac., a fosao, betcroen three stags’ heads, erased, to chief, iv, Charles, ii. ws,v. org., and a slomi-lion, s’asupaat, in bate, or, far lInus; lid, an., o gai’b, or, belsvrro three wolves’ Iseads, erased, avg., far NixoN. v. John, it. in the tsar ha Spain, (‘rests—Got of a daseal coronet, a denci-eockatrteo, wissgs elevated, vs. William, lieut. in Csprs dtogoons, it. ssoas. sir. Ssppss’ters—Twe eoakatrieea, n’ings elevated, or, csllared,sa., The 3rd son, combed and cvattled, go., and each charged on the breast wills Casessroriisa CARLETON, Faq. of Nesvry, lrolan,1, is,. Cathtriae, a cvroath of laurel, vert, JJofto—Fortitor geril criseons. Seal dan. of Henry Plait, Faq.; anti tlyieg about 171.8, left, William, rapt. in the arm)-; Os. oust had isssie. Lancelot, st. sntso. Gn, of whons presently. Thomas, hiest.-gsv. of Ness Frssnsssiek; .:s. and had sine. Caliseriste, sit, hot it. o. 35, Anne, so. to John Itolioss, Esq. of l’hslshin. Conolly, SIrs. Cranford. Thin 3rd son, ftsx. SIR Gus CARLaTON, ICR., in consideratien of his nasicent services during the first .tatoriean sear, was elevaled In the peerage, 21 Aug. 1786, as It.teoa Doacnosrea, ej’ Perrisoslet’, ro. ttrfesst, having previously otilained a pension of £1,000 per isnnnsn for his asvn life ansi thin lives of hits laity assd tn-a elder soas. hits lordship so.23 slay, 1772, Slaria, dan. of Thonsas, 2nd Fart of Fffissglsaei, aod had, a. Gny, b. in 1773; ii. ‘taos. tic 1703. as. Thencas, b. to 1774; it. i’aco. in 794. na. Christopher, hieot,-eol. in she aunt’, 5. 23 July, 1775; 55. 9 June, 1797, Frisehlla-Starilso, dais, of William Itelfard, cohn was lesi at sea with her snoiher in 1811), ARTnCR-HENRT, 2nd baroii. Henry Iting, Faq. of Askhasss li_sn (sohenc he is in Oct. lSOS and s-ho s’s. 2s,dly, htear-Adsssiral Jasnes Mamansora, and beenoce again a ssidoo’), I Guy, present peer. 1 Maria, os.13 July, 1937, to the 11ev. Janceo King; ond tI. 5 May, 1941. 2 Henrietla Priscilla, vs. Oct. 1830, Is 11.4-Smith, Esq. 3 Georginna, sss.l May, 1831, to ltobcrt Flag, Esrp; .‘sod st in 1637, leaving wills oiher issue, llearieita-Jane, so. 19 Feb. 1537, henry Cerloti, Esq. of The Hall, Weas, Shropshire, and has a son, henry Gay, b. 13 Feb. laOS. v. Chnrles, t. 1780; 3.1799. vs. Dudley, 8. 1790; st. 1820. 1Jan15, b. 10 Feb. 1792; sst.2l duty. 1820, l’raaeea-Lsssiaa, 2nd dass. ansI rn—heir of Essaet,;a s horton, Foil. of Calico hail, eo. Derby, and tsy icr (ci ho ‘1. 21 Pet,. 1064) has issne. 1 DL’OLET-WiLNOT, 8. in 1922, lieut.-rol. Csldslreasn-gtaarsis, ci. 27 July, 1834, Charlotte1 dan. of Lord ltrsnghisn. 8 slaria-Lonisa. sstdow, 16 Nov. I 064. peer. (‘rest—A dexios’ as’asc, onst,asvod, anti sssskeil to time elbow, thin Ssiispertosv—TsvO beavers, ppv.; the dexlev urged sesits a moral coronet; lime oissisusr, wilts 5 naval coronet, bells or. Scsi—C reyssohl Ihill, near Odiham, hlaors. Cs’c:itiooo—llaron, 16 Oei. 1783; Viseonnt, 7 Nor. 1797; Earl, 290cc. 1500—Irish hanonra. Visreunt, 14 lone, 192I—t’nilcd ltiogdom. Ai-ssso—Qoarterly: 1st assd 4th, per pale, go. and ae., alien, rampant, between eight ersas-eretslsts, arg.,fssr Hexri,a,rsax; —ltnaeklofty, Clonmssel. Toiea IIsi;ss—02, Sontts Andley Street. 2 a