Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/405

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DOU CHARms, 8th baron. This nobleman isc. lot, Islary-Toihot, f,a HonesT (author of the Peer:’,,’ nsc, 1 Ii raneispe as’ Scot sister to George, 11th Earl of Shrewsbury, by whom (ssloo issn,O, ss’lso s,s. Ilsidee, but l,a:l iss,se icy Isis lcs’t 55 if,, ci. 18 May, 1753) he had one eon, CHARLES, his successor, lie Mnrgarei, eldest dan. ef Sir James Maeltennld, East. of dineDenaish, s’s. lnsily, Ihe widow of Gen. Siordaunt, and by her (who d. is Sept. 1757) had, JonN-F,vELyN-PIEIsnEpnNv, who a. his half-brother. Anne, os. 12 Dee. 1792, to Edward-Thoreton Genid, Ksq. of s. J:sr,es, sc. to Kessneth, a ‘‘‘singer son of Ds:aaid lfaekenain, llansfield-Woodhescse, Notis, and became a widow, 11 Fob. 1837. She ,i. 2 yeb. 1832. Eliaahetls-Lncy, ml 31 ay, 1793. to henry-Berkeley Poriman, Esq., eldest see of henry-William Portman, Esq. of Bryanstene, en. Dorset: she ci. 31 hay, 1818. Frances, so. 12 June, 1731, Robert Knight Esq. sf Barrels, co. Warwick: else ci. 18 Dee. 1842. His lordship ‘1. in 1804, and was o. by his eldest son, CUAELEO, 910 baron; t. in 1753; who ci. seas. 2 April, 1819, I. Sm ItraNETu Mseanaass, a in rIse arsny, 0-na whon the peerage devolved upon his half-brother, JOHN-EvELvN-PIERREPONT, 10th baron; t. in March, 1771. child ansI Iseir of Robert Ass’iren’s, Es,1. of Ily cisc, in it scsI, and Tisis nobleman os 6 Nov. 1795, Elizahetls, dan. of WilliansJohn, by her (who 1. 24 Jan. i847) had issue, 5th Marqness of J.otisian, by wisoos (who si. in 1822) Ilesrav Acorns, 2nd han’eol. Ise lsad no issnt. ilis lordship, isavi:sg eonfornsed to Obe Kenneth, licut. 58th regi.; 0. 14 July, 1609; and ‘I. at Ceylon, church of England, took his scat in the obese of Lords, lie Aiexn:cder-Dnssglas, an officer in the stole, t. 22 Dee. 1811 ci. 9 Dee. 1026, when the honones devolved upon isis hiessnan, E,lscard, 0. 11 March, i819; ci. 9 Nov. 1830. COL. Doisn;sa, tlse present poer. (Refer to iossse of 71cc Lyedocl,, 97th regt. 8.28 Oct.. 1518; ,,s.26 Jnly, 1-345, l.nnrn 7th baron.) t’reafsoaso—Rarsnet, 10 Jane, 1615. Baron, 30 June, 1615. A,’s,se—Az., tee billets, fear, three, two, and ens, or; on a Donald, b. 7 July, l52i ; sob Ang. 1847, lfseily-Jane, ‘llh elsief of the seeossd, a slensi—hoe, ramp:sni, issoani, sa. Crest—A faleoner’s right-hand glove, fessewise arg., ilsoreon Iserelsesl a falcon, wings isseerled, ohn org., beled and Inked, or. Rachel, es.23 Feb. i513, to Capt. Seodgr:iss, late 96th mgi. Sopperfers—Tsse faleone, whsgs inverte,1, arg., leg8sd and Sir Kenneth ,1, 22 Nov. 1833, and n’as a. by isis eldest son, beaked, er, boRed, too. JIoiisCio else Din voole in yogis. Seats—Grove Pork, ne:sr Warwick: I’steriey house, L’oeks. in thk nrnsy, t. in 1s07 cc. in 1835, Mcsrlls:s-Ehizabrih, ei’lest DOUGHTY, BAI1T., see TICHEORNE, BAI1T. DOUGLAS, 3[AssQunoo 09’, see HAMILTON, DUKE OF. guards bine, eeplsesr of Sir T.-T, Fulier-Ehelt—tcroice, tlarl, DOUGLAS. El DOUOLAS, Sin ROBERTANDREWS MACKENZIE, of Glenbervie, no. Kitseardiuo, 6. 19 July, 1837; late a capt. 57th s-ogt. a. ceo 3rd baronet, at the decease of hie father, 1 Nov. 1843. Ititttagc. THE Hex. Sin ROBERT DnnnLAS, 2nd son of William, 9th Karl of Angsss (ace HAMILTON, it.), obsainssi fresn isis father the lands of Glenbervie; wlsieh Sir Robert was a. at his decease by his eldest son, WILLIAM DnnnLAe of Glenbervie, whn was created nne of DOUGL vs Sm I 0cc s 1 r ti of t a: n’s Peith a the original Jb’srsss’ia s.f _S’se,s Sesths, wills a grassi of 1600 Hsut.-gen. Ill tics army, late governor of Jo;’. ci, nncl acres of land in that colony, 30 Slay, 1625. Sir Willians cc. inepentor of militia, nol. PStls loot, nisic outed S Jssly, Janet, does, of Alexander Irvine, Es:j. of Drain, and was a. at 1834, Lieut.-Unvcmnor of Use Cape of (loud llss}se his decease by hh only son, S,n WILLIAM. This gentleman 5,. Anne, da:s. sod heir ef sse. lot, in 1SIO, Ann, nnly dass, csf Lici,t.-Col. Idssckwos-tis, James Danglas, of Stony-Patti and Airdil, n’ilh whom iso acquired an accession of peopnrty. lIe d. in the reign of Barb., and by Iser (ss iso ci. 1331) l1:cs Isasi 5 tIe, CHAncre II., and was a. by his only son, Sm BOEERT, a gen. officer in Ihe army, and eel. of the i, IIss’ard, Is, 1812, ci. in hosi. cm. RoresT. b. hiM. Scotch Royals, which he cenamanded at the bathe of Steesskirk, mIs. Ar issms, liesst lila., is. 1145. in 1692, e’here 1cc fell; and dying n’ithout mate isss,e, I. Anne—i’eueieps’. II. us1 ss—’y. the title deroived sspen his cousin, THE REV. Sm ResEnT Donns.As, D.D., and rector ci Stepney. the late Rssbert Lang, Esq. of Moor Pas’lt, no. Sors’ey, Sir Robert rI. in 7790, and was a. by he eldest eon, SIR ‘WILLIAM. This gentleman, who was a lawyer of great sv. James, is, 1859. iii. hhary. me. Jesnie. cmnilsenes and learning, wan chosen, in use year 1726, provost V. Rose. vi. Enmma. of the city of St. Andresrs, and was annnally re-elected for nineieen years. He sss. Eliesebeth, dao. of John Dongias, Es,1. of Garvald, and d. srithent issne, in July, 1764, when the title t, sf5l.esLEs [Seunexs, Essi., an esssinenl w,vssl sTeer, said elevel red upoh his breiher, ‘355 DOT] ss:snsely, m. ALEXANDRa, a physician of great emilsessee wh,s s Is she baronetcy of No, a Scott:,; and :l.. p. - Ess1 . of Kileny, on Foss, and Isasi inane, I Knssnsvn Staeanz,r, 2 tlonald ,Oiarlccuaie, as. and had isssss. 3 Alexnsder Mackenale, of Bes’iestuss, hlants; sc. and hal isasse. 1 Janel, so. to the Roe. Dr. Snsdgrnss, and ‘5. 1352 Jasset’s elsiest sosc, crenied a Baronet in 1631. IIL’,n, is Dee, hal-i, lt:,eharl, only in 1830, and had issue lie ‘1. 6 Slay, I old. ,Snsannn, yenngest dan. of the late I,ieot.’Gcss. Sir .trelsibnld Campbell, has-i., G.C.B. and d. 15 May, isS9. dan. of the late hugh Kennedy, EssI., sf Caifra, co Desen, and isas isss,c, Slsnlso—Sloekc,saie, t. i )ee 1 yb ; Kenneth— Nig-el, is. Nssv. 1071; Kissily—Mackesizie. II. Sis ResenT Annarwe, 2msd hart. This gcnllrnsams, a mnjor dne of Joslsoa Rouse, Ee5., ansi had issue, tiesnav.Acoanwa.9jAcKsce,E present basyssel. Itsassoysi, 0. 17 Oct. 1342. Elizabeth. s.f Aug. 10.1, to Capt. F.-O.-A. Feller, royal hsrce Sir rtobert-Aedren’s ci. 1 Nov. 1843, and seas a. by his see, ltesEov, ihe prcsemsl bns’nnet. (‘s’cotiocs—30 Sept. 183i. .1 rsssa—Qnarheriy: 1st and 4fh, arg., a Isoart.. gsm., saspersaBy creweed, or; on s Chief, az. ihree seniela of Ike held; 2nd and 3rd. arg., a cross, cossuler—esssl,altled, so. f’s-eel—A salamander in flasnes, ppm’. .0ss)spssrtrs’s—Dexier, a sac age, wrealised abeni the head and weist wills lassrel, assd lsolshissg a i,ssl ems, orcef, i’lsr. ; o:essler, a stag, ppm’. aitiresi and neguied, or. Jfetfe—Jansais arribre. DOUGLAS. is. 1805; a. his f:sther, as 401, barossst, 9 Nov. 3501 elsis t solO s,f Adsssis’al his’ .1. ‘1’. Desnkw-orth, lie es. 2uslly’, ‘21 Oct. 1 5.511, Louisa, y’snngnet dun, of and by her has leslie, T ts be sleseended Iisssally frocss ihc Douglas of i.oelsleven, a’aa 2A2