Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/407

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D 0 W ordered that, to perpotuate the event, tso shonld bear as a ‘h’hensas, 9. 30 Slay, 1778; in holy ardors; ,5. 8 Jan. 1430 crest, a densi—Saraeen, with a lion’s paw in one hand and a ring hors, who 5. 1 7a1. in the other. Prone this valiant soldier directly descended Catlserioe, ci. sic, cc. 9 July, 1321. another equally gallant warrior, Sin Nieiionoo DAUNAY, wise hasi sssnsnsons to parllaissent, Joisa.Cisrssvorness—Broyex, SlIm viscoasst, so co soas ercaltch a 1st Enwone Ill., among the baroos, but not afterwards, owtng peer of Great Itrilain, 9 Jane, 1796, as J4 ‘cm 11’ rwa”y si to hts absence tn the lsoiy woe agntnst the infidels, svhaneo he C’,,eied’, cc. lord’ 9. 15 Nov. 1764; s. 31 Bee. 1315, I.essisa— brouglst a very rich and cartons medal, lie ,t. 7 Eowoon 111., SIarhs, ‘lass. of George W’clstc,t, Ess1. of .tpslcy, bnl by lice, ssls,s leaving two eons, John, of Shevieck, us. Cornwall, srlso was macto a ltniglst barmsy of Dawssa y c’sptred ; wisile sla” viscc;scntcy ot Ihaseao, Banneret by Ensvoen ill., at the hassle of Creey. Sir John with tise baronetcy, ,tevolved sshson his brotisee, left an only dan. and bets’, ESIMELINE, who ,i. Enwoon WILuass— hloany, Ills visceaal, in holy orders, reetur ci Couevrsov, son and Iseir-apparent of htngls, 2nd Earl of Seswsy assd Tlsormanl,v, cc. York, 9 20 atssg. 1772; wIse c. Devois. Tssosess. The yosn ger son, Tnoasss DAUNAY, at. Elieaheeh, dad, and heir of John lsa,l issue, Nesrtocs, Esq. of Snaitls, cc. Yorle, asssl settled at Escriek. From h’ayae, of hlesiiegt,rougis hail, acne York, ls.18 Nay. 1815. this onion lineally derived SIC Guy DArNAY, ltnt., who ss’as teatosl at Cnwick, eo. Teds, Viseosnst Dosone st. 24 Slay, 1846, and sras a. t’y Isis solo, lescp. Deasy Vii, and ltea’nv VIII.; and it. llserc 10 1532. lie Wss.a,saar hleauv, 7th visrosnab, 9. 19 Slay, 1812; sa. 20 July, ,;c. Joan, sisler and heir of John Darrell, of Sessny, and seas 1343, Siary—Isabel, Ills dan. of Ike Ilon .asad ttight 11ev. s. by his sen, Sse Jena DAUNAY, Eat., of Cosvick, sheriff of Yorkshire, in Richard ilagot, Lord Bishop of hail, an’s Wells, asa,i Icy lice tlse SIlls ileasty VII 1. This gentleman vs. Dorothy, dau. of (‘oha a. 2udly, 6 Jan. 1363, Stdnvy-1.ovesea 4_any, Es,1,) Isad, Richard, Lord Lattmer; and dying 2 Starch, 1153, ss’aO a. by llrou-P.ieoascn, present peer. his eldest san, SIC TnoasAs Dauatr, ltnt., of Sessay and Coss’tek, wbo Alan-Charles, b. 13 Jane, 1317; 5. 3 Shards, laSS. cc. Edith, oldest slots, of George, Larch D’Arcy, of Aston, and Eastaee-Otenry, 9. 15 April, iaSO. seas sat isis decease, 3 Sept. 1166, by his older son, Sic Jonas DAUNAY, Knt. This gentirasan ‘a. Elizabeth, dan of Sir Slarasaduke Tnnstall, Eat. of Tlsnrland, Co. Lancaster, Francis-Herbert, 9. II Bee. 1053. and was a. by lus eldest son, SIR TnoasAs DAwNAY, of Cewick, who ccc. Faith, dan. and Los’d Downe sb. 26 Jan. 1837. heir of Sir Richard Legard, of Ryse. The eldest son, Jonas Dowasay, Esq., s,c. glizabeth, dan. of Sir Richard t’;’talisssa—Baronet, 19 Slav, 1641. Vise,s,set, 18 Fel,. 1180, Hutton, one of the justices of the estsrt of King’s Bench, and A ,-oia—Arg., en a boscsl, eolised, sa,, Ilirce aisnaslets, of she had two sons ; the eider of svlsom, I. CucisTornen DAsrNAY, Rsq., of Cowirk, svas created a wceahlsod al,out Ihe tesscples. lIce. lssh’lissg its tiso dexter iiais’l a Baronet, by 000ssLea 1., 19 Slay, 1642, sohh remainder to his ring, gaul, storied, az ansi isa die sisustec, a lion’s gasala, erased, bs’otiaer. Sir Christopher dying without issue, else title de— os, armed, gss. valved, aceardhsg to use iiasiiotion, asposs his brother, 11. Sin Jells Dswaav, of Cosriek, SIP., for lIce cc. of York, ehsccged wills tiaree annulets, arg., slcicalhy crowned, af else last. in 1660, who was elevated to the peeoage of lrelan,l, as Via— .$aa;s—Daldecstsy Park anti Banisy Lodge, Yariashire; Ro”k- - couav Done, 11 Feb. 1680. Ills lordship satin Jones’s Irish liars throve, Sarroy. parliansent, in 1199; lie si. 1st, Eliza, dan. of J. Slelton; Sndly, S’ecrsc Jlaiesa—8, Rehgrave Square. Dorothy, dan. of W. Johnson, of Wihhosu, eo. Lincoln and dying in 1699, was a. by his only son, Itrany, 2nd viscount, SIP. for the eo. of York in the reigns of IVILLIAM 1Il Queen Asase, and Geonae I. His lordship cs. Mildred, dou. of Willisna Godfrey, Esq., of Thuooek, Os. Lincoln, and had issue, i. Jons, who cc. 10 Aug. 1724, Gharlohho-Loaisa, dau and heir of ttobert Pleydell. Esq., of Auspney Croels, cc. Gloucester; and dying in the Bfetime of isis father, left, I Ilevny.Prevnmo., saceessar to hts grandfather. 2 Jonas, 4th viscount. n. Henry, DPI., poel,eudas’y of Canterbury, ca Catherine Parsons. III. Christopher, so. 26 Ang. 1749, Miss RoundeB, of the cc. of York, and becasne a widower in 1769. iv. Geclfrey, sss. Rliza, daa. of Sir Thsnaas D’Aeth,t Bart. i. Mildred, ccc. in 1721, to Sir William }‘eulis, Bait. is. Dorothy, 1,5. 1st to tfabert Slsafioe, Esq. of Whitwarlis, Co. DowNsmsnE, 7IABQUEIe OF (Artlour’Wills-Blsso. Darhain; and 2ndly, to Thomas Eden, D.D., prebendary of deli _Ts’umlats)l.Saueiyo_RsctlOiBHill), Earl anti Vioo,sasnt Darhana; and ci. s.jt. The viscaisnt et. in Hay, 1741, and was a. Isy his grandsna, HESORY-PLeYnOLL, 3rd viscount, P.B.S., b. 8 April, 1727; Kilsvarliu, in the peerage of Ireland Earl of Hillsisc SEP. for ilse co. York in 1749 and 1711; lord of the bedrhausber rough, Viceotuat Fairf’ ni, and Baron I{arsvioh, in to Ills Rsyal Iligisness the Prince of Wales, and hiesst.eel. tlce peerage sf Great Britalis hereditary eonotahlu of the 2519 rage. of feot, which he commanded at the battle of lillisbanaugh Fort late hoot. 1st life gnardc: 8. of Ilinden, in 1709. Concoaandiog the same s-egilnent at lisa 24 I)ec. 1841 s. lsis father an 5th marqtsess, Cats battle of Campen, near Wesel, 16 Oct. 1760, his lercislsip soeeived Assg. 7868. a mortal ss-ossnd, of which ho ci. 9 Dec. eosning, wiseu the honours devolved upon his bretlser, Jonw, 4lh viseoune, b. 9 AprB, 1728; who ccc. 20 Slay, 1763, Ssn Mevsos DILL, hInt., acemsi ever to trolais,h as a osi lii.s’’ Laara, only dau. and heir of William Borlon, Esq. of Lstffeaham, I ofilcer, wish hhe Each of Essex, in 1377, Ic suppress (sNail’s 00. Rutland (by his wife, Eheabeth, dau. of George l’itt, relsrllisa and seas ssit’seqsscsilly appointed ens vcnor of 5 IcIer’ Esq. of Strathfieldsay, co. Oiants), by whom (01w 1. 24 April, Ccvi C.collc, an ios1sartaut fsrtress cml 51st portal, cs it 1,so’hrcie’ I 1812) he had issue, Jona -Cnnscrornrcs-TiuoToN, isis successor. William-Henry-Ptey Jell, ‘1. an infaat. WiLLiAas—h1EanY, in 1so1’ orders, aflersvards 6th vsseasssat. Slarmaduke, 6. 26 July, 1777; assumed the sns’nanse an,l as’nss magistrabe, ,l. isa F’ch,. 1421—70, aia,l soas a. by hci; eldest son, of LANOLEY, by sign.nsannai, in 1821. Ito ci. ems, at Wyke— l’even IBLL. Esq.; last soc paso lo isis yoicnrr s’,n, Assvncn, lssm Abbey, co. York, 1 Oct. 1891. D 0 W Tise s’isessmt ,T. 21 Bee. I 3rD, ansi seas a. hay isis oldest acts, iS. 28 March, 1387, had no issue Ice ‘1. 18 Feb. 1832, solsen the 4 Jcsae, 1311, Lydia, esaly dan. of 1hz late J’,lus I ecatheebo, Esq. of Conuinglen Csotle, and Icy her (cohn ,l. 18 Maceli, halo) WsLLIaas—lleaits. 719 Viscossat. Lvdia—Frauees—Cathertee, l,re,’so—Payez, rapt., Coislslreasss-gssas’ds, 9. 1 .tpcil, 1946. it scy-Cuticbect, b. 26 ,tolv, 1343. iViBiaua-I”tederiek, is. II Oel. 1351. Groffrey-Nieolas, t. 13 Dee. 1332. Alice-Isabel. Edith-Starr. field. I scsi—A tlesui—Saraeen, in ars,sosu-, recipe’S at lIme liii ghs. assd .3cppes-tcs’a—Two lions, or, gorgad, with o fease, eosised, sa,, .iI’slls—Tiuset podorens. DO W N SHIRE. of Hill,slaos’s ugh, Vizeount Kiiss’arlish, anti Baron Hihof Ri1tc7Ic. tlce Isarlsour ccl Lame from use Seois,, ,Sir Sloysts ro1,s’s’s,’scted lisa co. of Antrissa in parliccsssenl in 1617, otiS b,cs log ills— lissguisltcmt Isimself dscs’isse a 1’ ‘msg life, both, as ci scslchicr an,l a ss iso eveutssahly iishscritedl lice estates, n,oss ilca deissise ot h’ehec’s oialy sosa, Frasseis hhihl. tsq. of II ihi I hail, soitlaout asahe isuse. The said Sly Elizabeth, his wife, dais, of Sir Jolsis Eacborongh, Bart., AETnUR HILL, Eaq. of lhiPcterO’tgll, seas colonel of a rcgd nod heir of her brother, Sic John Narborungh, Bars. 857