Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/414

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DRYDEN. DuvDttN, Silt Hsasiv-Eowann° Tite tiniest tots, ‘— Lpton, MA. of Cauous-Ashby, 11. Sm Jotsx—Enss-.orn, d. sttst,t. 29 Sopt. 1919, attd seas s. by C), ,0tj CL Northampton, b. 17 Aug. itis brstitor, ‘ t 1818; a. his father, as 4th bart., 115. Ttsr Rrv. Sta lirxav, vicar of Assbrosottrn, to. Oxford, 17 Nov. 18:57 ; vi. 21 Jan. 1865, and uf Look Wootiou, co. Warwick, P.O Jnly, 1707; ts. 31 Jsly, Francos, eldest dats, of the late 1517, Elizabelis. dan. of the Roy. Jaunt llntctsinson, of Woodicail 11ev. Robert Trederoft, rector of Colonel John Jiotcicinson, of On-ihorpo, governor of Nottingham - Tangnsero, Ssisse and has a dan. Ccsstic), and Isad, ‘1 (8cc soof, PitCIIELL, PT.) Liitcagc. The first member of the t)r’r,lra ftcntiiy scpoa record is, Wiot.i.sss Damox, or DR0005N, svlsoce grascclsots, JOHN Davnsy, cc Elizabeth, clan, of Sir Jolcn Cope, Itct., and Ehnahctit-Sbatih,ia, sc. 31 Star. 1559, chic Baron t°rodorickW’ilhiasn-Asstchccs scat c. by his eldest cots, Eoasstuo Davnrx, Esq., who was sheriff of his to. of Northaoctclc cs in the reign of Es.sz000Tss, sect soot created cc ttarostct Sir llenry ct. 17 Nov. 1557. Ills ssidnso in Nov. 1651. If Nov. 1619. lie a. Fras,eos, scroad sicus. and co-heir of Pro tiocs—S Slay, 1795. A ross—Az., a hots rasntcatst, and in William Wilkes, Esq. of Ilodnoli, in Warcoickoisire, ascii Itad 5. JOHN, successor to Ins father. 51. Without of Farn,toss, in Nortlsasnitonshirc, a .a dan. of scsslaississg its use dexter gastsb a dtcisere, or. Vo icccbto. .Scect— Cave, of Loirostersisiro, and Isad a son, I Jonx, whoo. isis cousin in the estates anti rcpresosctation DUBLIN, E., see nub, ROYAL FAIIILY, Patc of the fatuity. sit. Erasmus, of Tichsssarsls, to. Nortl’anspton, cc. Mary, dan. of the ttev. Jstsn t’ickoring, ts.h)., acid Isail, with fasts., four cons, vts., I ,Jsssstc DRTDcN, cite cclobratcd pool. Tisic ossst,scnt person seas hots at Aids inklo, in Northasssptos, in loll. lcroosght up at Ys’cslnsinscor School, and ihenco eiccte’t scholar of Tritsits- College. Catobri’lgo. in 1010. to his srriitogs,’’ oars Congrcs-c-, ‘‘ I stay veoture to statr, in general to-nut, liszt its attic lostic writloss its our language so nscscts, acid so various sssattcr and in so variOttt 155551— ners, so well. Another tithsg, I stay say, coos very icoessliar to ltitn svhich is, titot Isis parts did not decline wiih icis years t hot that 1st was att icaproving srriher to lIst last, evon lo tsrar 70 years of age, improving cs-eta its fire assd asagissalsots as well as its jndgosctsl.’’ t)rydon cs. Lady ltiizaljoih tloscar,l, tints. of Thot,sas, Earl of Berkshire, assd ci. in I 7ff, Isasing itasi issue, Citatles, cr155 b. 04, 4,5. John, s,ho lived at Rtsn,c, and held a situation of rank itt site icaisai court. lie svas a poet, asnt svrote a pins-, called Ski Hs’oS,to -/ hio,,cr,, t’,’rf’ot.t, lIt 5. ‘cit - Enasstrs, seho e rentuatly because rrprescnialiro scf list family. 2 EaasMrs, who s. itis noidtos’. I liectry, 1. at Jamaica. 4 James, wits left ttvo claus. (ilouccstcr, ),crd-liesst. of Oloncostor, and late capt. Sir Erassscrcs tirydess coos o. Isy Ins eldest ssa, Sss Jones Bnvnsx, the ‘mci baronri frost whom see pass to as Sri eat-I, 2 Jnnn, 1853,-sit. 24 May, 1849, John, the son of the poet, Sts Esxostcs Jisvssx, Lice 5th t,as’ossct ; soho 5 occcct. at ILP., of Saroden, no. Oxford, and has issue, Cacsoos—Ashhy, in 17 ii, and coat o. by his nicole, Sss Esosazrs Dss-urx, lice flit tsaeonct; stun us. Elizabotit, 5. Cs,sntiattce-Eitttly. 31 ihiCiiC. dan. of Mr. Edward Marlis, of the city of Wosinshasior and islet, sri lit ttro daus.,a test, 5. Ens-san, svlco 5. brfore Itis falitor, leaving by isis wifo, Ehzabout Sin l;eoaaa tlrcsr, Nat., stseriff of London in 1620, and cubsz Alien, gracsd dan. of Sir Tisons:ts Ailos, Kni., icier ohioo, qnotstI ntc aidenittan, stat croalcd a Baronei, 29 Nov. 1029, and I Jtsnv, ssscccssor to Isis grandfather. a ttorftl, s-it’) to. Mary, dan. of — l’cibber, Eoq. of Cirosscosier, bled istststettse sceattls ; ats,t aithsccnsg-h he loot more tisass £69,000 and loft fottr fans., ELszasoTsi, of seisons presently as solo lcoir of tiso ftsnsiiy. Maria c. lo Wiihstn ihan,taa-, l-kt1. of Interests. t’tsihppa, SIrt. Stccio. .tncce, ct. ri-el - Sir Erassuns Dryston stat o. by itis grandson, Stts Jutsx Dsvnrx, 7 nIt baroscri at srlcose Ieceasc, o. p., the of Itvland, at Viscsd’ai Doucstc, sssd ntsde one of tue innigtsts of Icarotseicy expired, tstsd use 051-dec clcsoised tcposs isis tstecc, Erszatcrxn Dos-noes, cohn s. 14 Juno, itoi, 1. Jones Traxas, Phq. (itrolicor of Sir Gregory t’age-Tttnsor, snisecs isis Ilonosos reatcsl, bitt his estates d osconcioti to lice ossly han.), srtto ttssrunecl, ha- sign—sstatsrsai, Gte sssrttatsto and as-tscs dan. cf his younger broiher, Ilobert Dneio, Ecq. of Litblo Achton, of Dsynsx only, 15 Dcc- 1791; and n-as cronird a baronet ELtzAsnTtc Drrsn, u-Ito c,. Edwss’d Slots-Ion, Essu. of Jtot’etots a May, 1795- Sir Joint servod tise ofitro of sheriff of the co. ond Eng-Iclon, in Slaffordolcire, and bast a son, Nc’rcisatttpton in 1792, atsd t’ecoivect use lss,tonsr of lrnigitctsood SIA-rTnnsr-Ducsn Mooarues, wlso was created, 9JOno. 1720, Ltrit in iho foilosing year. lie sl. 16 April, 1797, leaving, by Ehza3154 Done5 Bursss of Jltrtlscs, co ,Shagsrst. lIe ca. Arabeila, olslest DUO I tilt, Ins wife (u-ho cc. 2ndiy, 6sf frey Scitsicy, Esq. of London), fire sotss ant focn- ctarss., viz., A -,,ss—Qsiat’leslv’. 1st actd ills grassd qnsartors, quartenhy t. Josss-Ensvoan, his bolt, 2nd baronet. 1st and dih, or, Ihreo bars, wcss’y, sniulciss a bornlntrr, gss. for is. ltst.ev, 3rd baronet. sit. Lespold-Erasncss, in Isoip orders, P. 24 Nov. 1702 Os. 12 arg., nsuzzled, go., for Fonsrs; Sod and and grand qnartors, Jtme, 1 p29, Entily, eldest don, of lhtc Bev. It-F. Vavassur, ret-torotStos’-on-tho-l’oid, sndd. 21 Jan. 1940, leavings don. iv. Lcnspst er-George-Gregory, in holy orders, vicar of Am. seitsgesi. or. hrjs; t,ts cs—Iwo ssakesl scsvagrs, tacit snneatitccl brosden, Oxen; fs.24 Fob. 1791t 1. 22 Jan. 15ff. v. Csaries-licvilio, to 4 April, ]795 ,‘ icc. 2d Oct. i842, EhzaBarnard, sisossisler of eaoit a etcib, alt Idldr. JJ,,IIo — Itos giorttc redstit’ isis—i lasrtitostsdett, Siiti—Lsitsicsss; atsd Ectsrinsfot’tl, youngest fns. of ilso lale Capi. tteorge-Assgttstnt— p Sisol Intro, Il.N., astcl isac to fast., Carolino-Itolets Skottowe. i. Ehza-SIaeia-Castassf en, deceased. Is. llarniott-Ehiza, deceased. itt. Carolino-Jnlia-Elizss. sv. htlaitida, it. itt isfacccy. Park, ltcrts, ats,t of (lwthorpc, Notic (scf scls000 fcstniiy was lbrxav-Eusssnn-Lrcsss. present baronet. Aifs-e,i-Erassnsss,2l.A., h. 14 Oct. 1922, Isarristcs--at—iaw ; a. 16 Slay, 15-1t,Fnssnres-bsaicoiia, only dan. of site late ltev. JolonCisristiass Ccsrsrcss, rccicsr of ltas-ritsgtscs. Csssssborhand, and has issssc, Iiosss-y—Johsn—Lasvrosscr, to 21 Fob. iPSO; Arttssss’, 1’. 12 Apt’ii. 1552; and Ethseh-4Ias’ian. Pergicr Von t’ergtas, of use Poyal Wurtecnbns-giscts Infassiry. thief cs sphere between tsrs estoiln’s, or. t’c’rot—A desns - lion, Canons-AsItby, Daveniry, Noriltasaptonsldre. OF WALES. D U’ C I E. Prow., EARL OF (Henry-John Reynolds-Moretnis Pci, iicsa’uss Dsscio assni btut-otscn, ot ‘I’ortsvorth, co of tlso yconsen of the gssard; ii. 26 June, 1827; a. dau. of the late Jahnoo-Haughton Lasigoton, Esq., 5. ltaxay-lLoranaox-BnYNnLos, Lsrcb hifoncisa, b. 4 Marclt, in Isno yeas-s afterwards sc-as lord—mayor. Sir P,obort acosstsscs— by ltittg Cst.ostLac I., snicose tsatsker Ise had boost befos-o site breaicistg stir of site Eetsctlisn, ise is soOt to Itove diodi trorlis £490,060. lie u-ass, at lus decease by Inc eldest son, Sm Bsrtsoon, cnho d. itO did. I 655, ansi cvas s. by isis lcrotlser, Ssa Wsrrssss. ‘fltis genniotssau was elevated io the peerage lIce Balls at Site roronalicsn of CHARLES II. Its cdl. l5raurts, fats. of Francis, Lorsl Seytnocsr of Trocsbs’islg’o ; hot ‘5, ssitltostt icssst, D R Y C,-rettoct—27 Fob. 1625. Dse’ssssoecn; 2nd assd 3rd, an., llcrer bcsrc’ Iteads, eonpod chess, org., a lion ranspcsnt, sa., Iceacl. fcasts, attd tuft of isis tact of his Cold, for WiLosAsts. f.’c-oot—A stosssi—pogassso, ppr,, tssatscsl and abonst the Iseact and leists coins lansnolc, rsntl osor 1110 oxtenior Llanclito,Caermarthonshiro.