Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/420

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D U N A L L E Y. OMNIP’á DIJNALLET, BARON (Henry Prittie), of Kilboy, cm above, lived to sttatttrity. He ,,t. lrdly, henrietta, dan. of Tipperary, in the peerage of Ireland, 8. Jan. 1807 hfstgh Rose, B’q. of Kilravoek, h3’ wlsetn he left, at his ito. 10 May, 1841, Anne-Maria-Louisa, only dan. of 111. Sta Ms NaaMtN, 6. 25 April, 1751; osLo ti. ito 1187’, Con;elius, Viscount Lismore, and has issue, Janet, eldest last. t,f Gnttrge Mackay, Esq. of Ilighouss, and 1. Iisxttv-O’Cat.LAGtIaN, 6. 21 March, 1831. s. Eleausr-Mary, tl. 34 Lice. 1547. to Conselia-Elizabeth. Gzosnr, his heir,presenl peer. BolteR, 6. 12 A1e’il, 1001. Lsnisa, ct. 17 Sept. i 505, to Gordon Duff, Esg. of hhateon, and His lordship a. his uncle, as 3rd Baron, in 1854. ‘I. Isis srid,ss-, 10 .Ttttsc, lad. (Ose tlrszt’s Lemsit 1 G’st try.) kincagc. The fosmder of this family in ireland was Sir Benjamin, on the death of his eotssin, the ith and restered C0L. Ilennv Ptnnsc, n-ha had a gnntt, or sonfinnation, Baron of Duffiss, in hs27, a. te that title as 6th baron. from t’n.tstLrs II. of Dnually Castle, and ether estates, in the co. Tipperary. The grandson ef this gentleman, (‘s’ealistts—tlaron. SLice. 1650; Rarsost, 1756. Aeosc—Qnarterly: HENRY Partvtr, Eoq., sustained a siege of twenty-ens 1st assdltlt, gu., a lion, raospnst, org., within a bsrdtsre, days in his castle of Dunalley, against the disbanded of lbs last, charged srilh cigist rates, of the first, for Dessast soldiers of the royal army (Janca 11.) after the battle of Tssd atsth In, or, three etsshions, pendotit, letoesgewise, ssitlsin a double treosttrs, flery-eountsrilsry, gu., foa Itatenoorn, sil solihiss a ijurdare, vairy, or, and gil ft-sal—A ss ord sod key, the Doyne when the besiogors at length entering, Mr. Prittie was dung headlong from the top of the castle, but in saltier, ppr. .Sttppa,’leez—Tses srlld men, each holdistg a club miraculously escoped ntthnrt. Ma ss. Elizabeth, sister sf erect, and wreathed round Ihe head and miss with heaves, ppr. Charles .tlcock, Esq., and by her (who d. in 1701-2) hadiosuc, ________ IlEtesy, his successor. Richard. Priscilla, a. is Mr. llasrkslsaw. Elizabeth, a. 1st, In John Foley, Eq. of Dsllyvcltin, in Radnershire t and Zndly, Is John Rayley. Esq. Ilosora, it. Is lbs Very her. Williata Gore, dean of Dosvn. DUKE, SIB JAMES, Eart., late M.P. Catlterino, ,e. 1 April, 1705, to the Very Iles. William Per— for the city of London, Ii. 31 Jatt. coral, dean ci Emly. Judith, The rIder son, of Londonand Middlesex in 1836,asad knighted 7 April following ; was Ilzsnv Pain-jr. Req. of Dmtalley Castle, o . 1701, Elizabeth, elsitsen au alderman for the ward uf onl3- el,,n. and heir of Col. James Harris’ ti, to’ t’lotsghjttrdau, Panringdon Without in 1810; served M. P. for the so. of Tipperary and 7. in l73, leaving isstte, Ilrtizy. Elizabeth, tt. to Edward Creker, Esq. of Iiaoleiglntnwn, in and was created a baronet, 30 Oct. Ihe cc. of Limerick. Catharine, a. 1st. to Sir Richard MooSe, han. and lndly, to 1849; ho sit. 30 Oct. 1862, Jane- Sir henry (‘asetrhislt, of Dos et’idge I loll, ca. Derby. Margaret, ci. to Lost reses Clutlerlterk, Etq. Esq. of Aberdeen Park, llighbnry, His only son, Ileastv PRLTTIe, Enq. of Dtmalls3-, M.P. for the co. Ti1). psrary ; to. in 17:15, Doborah, dan. of Benjamin O’Neale, archdeacon of Leiglilist, attd relict of Johts Bayly, Esq. ci Dohsborongh, and had issue (his n idaw died 3 Nov. 1060), 1-isazy-SanLeta, his successor. Deborah, a. 22 Sept. 1732, lo 01. lienbnry, Rsq. of Kilfezele. JORN Dear, of itlontrsse, NB., suerebant, ci. in Aug. Elizabeth, ot. Jan. 1703, Is Peter holmes, Rot1, of t’eterfield. 1121. al. 64; bs a. lii Jats. 1751, Elizabeth, dan, of Titomas Catkes’ioe. Ilorilta, to. 1 March, 1 717, to Thomas 01’, ay, Esti. sf Castle Tait, ef MustIness, anti by iser (who 0. 13 Jan. 1S40, af. 01) tttsrav; Ondly, ‘rhemas Parker, liD., of Ballys’allv, cc. Clare. Margaret, is. to atirlisel llead, Esq. sf1 tcrns, Os. ‘fipperary. John, of Ilsoimse. M.D., a surgeon in the RN.; 6.1 Apri’, ltatttsttls, at. 21 Jtsste, 1163, Is Francis ltro’tke, Esq., brsther of tite Itight I ion. Sir Arthur lircoke, hart., of Colcbreoke, co. Permaoagh; and ‘7. is 1019. Mr. Prittie was a hty his sets, JIr.Nsv-SanLeta Patvvte, Dsq. of Duaally, 1. 0 Oct. 1742; Mary, at. to hiebert Monro, of Ilontnn,e, and ii, Itlareb, 1817, m. S Jato. 07(10, Catherine, 2nd datt. and co-heir of Francis Sadleir, Esq. at St’psvell ldall, cc. Tip perary, relict of Johst Ehloabeth, o,. 27 Dec. loll to Jolts hill, of lIce city of London, Bury, Req., and mother, Ity him, of t’ltarles-Widiasn, 1st Earl of Charlovills, by st-hom (who ot. 20 Feb. 1011) ho had, s. bleaRy, late peer. is. Franris-_tldbsrough, b. 4 Jane, 1770; 51. 1st, is 1000, Realise—Oct. 1540. Aeeia—Psr rherron, orm. and cc., in Olarfha, only dan. of Cook Ots-aj , Esq. sf Castle Ohs-sy, eo. Titiersry, and sri,loss of George HarlI ole, Esq. of OhmIc base, s mace withiss a cidlar, ipr., representing the macs sod Castle, tfneen’s Csttnty, by svhont (s, ho ti. in 1002) he had a dan., Mariha, who sit, in 1827, the lisa. and Very Rev. Robert Otatsdc, dean of Clogher. Olr. Prittie at. 2sdiy, if July, hsOa, Elizabolh, only dan. of the haic itigltt lion. George Pottsouliv, ssmr lime lord-chaoccllsr of lrslasd, by whuns (who 0. 11 Jan. 1840) he had I ifrasty, who s. his snele, snd is tiso present Lord Dtmahey.’ lEts lordslnp’s brothers and sisters have ebtaitsed a p56cm DUMFRIES, EARL OF, see MARQUEss OF fluTE. of precedence. 370 DUK DUN lie load 5fl0 son, Benjamin (who ci. without issue, in the hifotinso of his father), aud a dan., Et,sz.tsenn Dntessse, ss’hs is. lot, Sir William Gsrtltttt, Bat’t. of Gordotsstswn ; atsd 2ssdh’, tise lIon. Jaasns Oerstr.oraxr’, 2nd sets of James, 2ssd Lord Dtsffus, who assntncl the sstrssatne and arms cf DuNcan, anti being ereaterl a hh,irottet itt h7i6, becatne Sir James Dtsttbas’, of Hcnspriggs. The isotse of Sir James’s marri000 svere two sotis asod fs,tr ditto. ltio 2nd son, James, was killed at Carthagetsa ; anti the elder, 11. Sta WmtLsant, stscceedsd to the title attd estates. Tlsio gentleman ts. lot, in 1744, Ehizal,etht, dait. of .lexass— dar Dsmltar, Fsq. of Westfield, by wls,tss he had httst one dan., the wife f Capt. Thotisas lJntsltar, if Grange hill. lfe vs. dstdly, Jane, rlut. of David Sinclair, of Sotsthsdsttt. By these two marrtageo, Sh’ Wilham had tto less than twontythree ehildrett, not “tie of w-hssn, except the lady tuontioncd decease, in 1700, a dsss. Elizabeth, asad a non, Ity her (who tt. tO Marsh, holy) had issue, henrietta, ,,t. 20 March, iShi, ts Wilhans Sinclair Wemyss, Esq.; and si. I Nov. 1020. this lordship 0, in May, 1.541. Jfalle—Sub she. Ssul—llesnpriggo, Caithoesshsire. DUKE. 1792. Sir James was elected sheriff the office of Lord Mayor in 1818-9; Amelia, dan. of the late W. Bsnett, and has, m. Jatsea, 6. 25 June, 1561. 5. Amelia-Ilontagu. ss. Adelside-Duodas, Its. A dan., 6. 30 Dec. 1867. tintagr. had five sans and three dans., 17501 ii. 6 May, 1645, “cit. Alexander, 6.1 March, 1700; 0. an infant. Sss Jassrs, rrcated a baronet. Wthliatn, hient. RN.; 6. Ii Jan. 1701; ‘I. asia-in 1821. David, t. 23 Ilsy, 1500; ‘1. s,,. in 1515. leaving tsstte. merchant, anti had iss,se. She ‘I. 9 h4ec. 1555. Anne, to. to David Idegises, of tise lt.N., and isa, issue. ektet three feathers, era-h. ang., bets-eon Is-c olssplets, no. in collar of lbs lord mayor of the oily of London. t’i’esl—A dsmnigrypheo, arg., svingsd. no., in else beak a peacock’s feahhrr, ppr., sstltltnrting n. wend, also 11cr.. represenlitsg tisat of hiss said Oily of London . JI’ttts—Gradalim viacinsas.Srai—Laughton Lodge, Sussex. DUMBLANE, Vssllouliy, 866 DUKE OF LEEDS.