Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/424

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DUN DUN PIERCE, 01 Eallydroghid, who so. Ellen, dan. ef Gerald .Ssstlon’ and requiring the attorssey-gcsserai for Ireland to fiat writs of Bailykyroe, and had (with too other sons, Pierce wise t’f error for the exosmnatsoss of the recordo and proeeso of l.a. p., and William of Castletowo, sehose lice is extinct), the outlawries, to confess the errors therein, and to consent snehlesi son Edmssnet of I sir gtshtsitenr’iissli flue level sal tt mee f Hi I ii hip 0 o Jeslv 1 00 so lot l’sroen, who o. as 5th lord, it Aug. l,9f, Ellen, slost, °f th late David 0 Csesisell, Esq. Walter and Thomas, who boils 5. witlsoot issne. of Cork, hy whom (who 5. 10 ilareh, 7817) he had (with ass eldest sass, Edward, who 1. ass infant), lhis lorrlehiip a. 2n’Ily, lhai’g.u’et, d,sts, , F H’ ss’ ‘ugla O’Iiriess, s. TUrOBAOO-FITZWALTrR, lssesenl peel’, is. St. Johss, I. 21 Jssne, less; tsiglt—stserilf co. Dsahlia 1056 James, of GreII.agls, co. Tipperssry; arIse es. Lady Ellen Butler, Os. lot, 14 Feb. 1832, Anne-2taria, osdy child of Walter-Areeeleelsse Bssrke,e Esq. of Gssrtsssissona, cc. Galwsy, sad widoso of James FitePatriek, Esq. of Slsidssle, in the same eo.. and by Iser fsvlso 4. 7 Nor. 1009) lsas had isssse, S James-llenrs’-Edward Areedeekne-Iisstler, 0. in Paris. 3 Jtsly, 1030; asssssicst, icy royal licence. i is I 067, the sssr— name asid as’nss of Aaernecassr in adslilion Is, sod before Ilsesse of ltatlrr, as Iseir general of use Arredeckssee of’ ftortnosssona s s. 20 .lstne, 1867, limos, dan. of the late Josepis I,oeke, Esq., NP. for Ilenilsss. 2 Charles-Areedeetne, 5. 6 lIce. 1o43; .1.1 Nov 1065. 0 3laria-llosalinsla. 2 Easily-Mane, 5. April, 1002. Tie so. liodly, 9 Dee. till, Atssse, seidose of Rotserl-fieoc’s,’e Parnther, Essi., rifle brigade, ol siralton otseel, ttond Orect. iii. I lenry Buller-Joisssstoae-islnnrn, of Corehesel, and Aoelsea Cssstle, en. Osssssfries, [1.0,., nitsjs ‘r Iltnssfriesshire nsilili.a, assd late 21.P. for Canterbury, 0.25 Assg. 1509; s’s. 14 Slay, 1834, Isalsella-Siargaret Slanro-Jolsisstone, only dan. of the lots Sir Alexansler 3lanro, of Nss’ar, es. Iloss, and has itad, I Henry-Alexander, 0. 7 Dee. 1077, SIP, for Canterbury. 2 hlngh-Ileelor, 1.27 Jaa. 1011; d. 12 llareh, toil. I lsabellaOlargarel-Alieia-Eleaoor, 5. 11 Feb. 1044. SIr. Itestlrr assssmed the stss’aaisse of Jonasxoar, Isis ss’ife being niece and heiress of (len. Jehnstone, of Corehead 5 he since has talsen the further surnaase of Stnxco. iv. James. of Lamherton Park. Qaeess’s Co., high-slseriff, 1057. asssl J.P. for that co., 0. 5 Nor. 1810; os. 7 Oct. 1036, Emilia-Olary, only dots, of Sir Wifliom Filagerald, Ban., and Isas isssse, I Janses-Williasn-Fitagerald, 0. 10 Oel. 1077; os. 4 Stay, 1808, Ada, youngest doss, of the late Lasereoce Cssynae, bL.D., of Cansbrian, Heeoa, ansi has Isad issue, JamesWilliasss—Filss’eralsl. 1. osssl ‘5. an infasst in 1861; Asia— Emily; Synolda-Ellen-Lo l’etit; and Alexandria-Aaoyfiersdstine. 2 St. Jolsa-Gearge, 0.22 Oct. 1—52. I Emily -Sarah - ttitngersslsl, ‘s. 17 lIsa’, 1q10, to WalterThoroby Pehisam, Foss. of Cssond usd1. Slsrspshire t and Isas a sssn asssl lseir, Walter-Ilaraey—Thssrsby-Polham, 0. nt Nice, Oct. 20, 1867. 2 Isabetla-Grorgiar, bin Dresdea, Saxony; sss. Aps’il, ISIS, at Nice, en llessry—Williasss Otsi’enheas, Esq., late of Foypt, now of London, 3 ttosaliada-Etlen. a’. Edn’arsl (Sir. Ilist.). of llnrefield, co. hoists, 1.20 Oct. 1011; Enssassn fluTLr e, (called by canrtesy) Sth I’oran. His so. 1st, 16 Olarels, 1830, Enuna—,tsne, osdy elsilsi of lite lots Arllsssr Itoily, Esq. of Lonslms. aisd ssieee of Francis Bait3’, Esq., V.P.Ii.S.. and by her (sohss ‘1.1 Dee. 1,10) lsad one soil, Arrhssr-Frnneis—Bail’e, wlso ,l. ass infisist, 7 ,tan. 1841. He sss. ,1,ssrrs. ‘ s’sceessise sc ‘mmcl barons lastly, I [‘oh. 1844, Urassia—Elicolseth. dsstt. of the late ‘Vice— i’sroee, 5 ‘ . Aslissiral Lorsl hlessry Patslel, E.t’.B., soss of I 2hIs Slarsitsess Jossa. is Is’ ‘17’ orders. rsnsninal 1211s lsorots. of Ivinetsester, and had tsy Iser a soss, Artisar Panter, is. 21 F.’hnaost, 7, a. p. O I”. Slarrh, 1840. Sir Edn’ant svos liesitroant of the gentlemen. Ctxncoiar, wisa si. William O’Brien-Butter, Esq. of Itansogts, at-arms, from 1879 to 1045, ansI seas ioogistrsle and depistycc. Tipperary. asish host a son ssnd tseir, tiessressssnt aisd, in lob, Isiglt—siss rift’ of hauls ; tie st. 22 Oct. lltoaot’nsi O’Basra-ttrxs,oa. Es,;, of P.oosagls, whose son is 1850. tloe ;sresrnt Wis_osass O’htaioa.Brxs,rss, Es,1. es. Clsorles-Lennox, of Colon house. Ilssghs’, co. Warwsek, and nffirssrenor Place, hyde Pork. J.I’.osssl DL., Ingis-slseriff of Ilis lordship it. in 770. osssl was s, i’y the eldest sstt, W’ors’ickshire in 1s62; /s. 20 Es’s’. 1 813: s. 24 Ort. 1035, J,sasrs, (sis.isoissssl) ‘th l,ssross, sit whose ‘lecease, 5. p. irs I Eliao. esshy child and heir ef the tote Tlsonsss.t.issdsey llotloisd, I 7516, the has” ny dgrc’lved upon I’,io tars sets, r, Esq. of Csss’nwatl-terraee, Itesseat’s Park, assd by her (solso it. Ptrocr, (still by cossi’tcoy ssily) 10th harass. He,,,’,. Marl’s, 31 Dee. 1065) Isas isad isene, doss ft 5F H es sus sss 1 q (is is II Is sri 175 aIls I Lsndsro Holland 3 1 I C acesslentalls killed 07 a Es,1,, Ill’.). sd lw her telt, st his de.sth, 0 Aug. L52, sn fssll on the Great Gable. at W’oots’ate, Caasberland, 9 Fcb. ossly’ child, htc ssseeeoser, 1861, Psrocs ,-Etstec,xo-s ee.,s ott, (n. .rssissal) 11th harass, at sa’lsoae 3 Edward-Arthssr, 5,. 3 Jssty, 1047. deeesss” oa.,, its 77a6, the dignity reverted to his sissele, 4 Cecil, 0. 10 Feb. 1845. Tstr Rsoss H, a’. ours hlou. .7 siN itTLnis, Ill1,, assst I Etlen-Carolssse, a,. 19 Dec. 7 us, In Altestey-Dsssglstass estl li is p ft sl Ihsltlls, sins Lest I qellestsan fIll B LshsDqsfhsowns orer FlaIl ‘0 arseickshsre. a 1 sb h ss 5 5 i5 ssss I the I tsus a f thse I hits cls f Elsea Ensil I Aptit ISIS t s las s s I l,slkerell Esq House, sin ro,,rri, I °lI.,gia, dais. cf ‘lIsa, ‘ahsl lisssler, E.g. only son of the Des’. Dr. hlotIserell, of Weslemsd, Hssnts. of Wllfs ‘sI, c.’7”. lIe Int’l no iesu’’, aisd upssms his ‘ 5, Ilossihinda-Eteassor, s,s. in Jesse. 1810. Ic John Slorshall, doe’ iso’s, 7 31. e’ 10.0. Fog., lietst.-eol. in the arsny. oisd sl. Isis a’ideae 19 Jmse, 1009. J,oais’a Ii r , see,, I Iths hsso,rs Drmsnssx No, tIm ,heseost,lgtst _________________________________________________________________________________ and retsreeetst oth’c ‘F Fda’ ar 1 Dsstler, ‘f Cl’,rs , lrsh o’.ss Else Aaeenreears were of baronial rank in Ireland lemis. of Jasneo, se’i l,,,rsh I Intl o ‘p550 , (safes , tss tIe’ 7’s esssger Ena’Aan I. sad Ensracn 11., ar d n’ere onnsnsons’d to parliament alsslsiress , .f use Osid ossr’ ‘is), ,so—ssissed tlse tstls’, assd so as e,,ss as hearoiss 1st’ ttsose nseisnrctss. ‘I’tselr primseitsat seat ss’ns in firsaaeel there in isy thse rorera,sl 0t the , sstlaarris ‘a arhinls Li.! Else c’s. of Nilltesosoy. s,issrrnsnsesa soas gis’ess by Ccossas’aLL affected the 1 esr’ sw, l’s ttse 5 suet sf ICing’s Desis’hs iii Ire— to a descenslon t of lies ltillsenny fosssily, end tossed in re— lan’l, its II iels,s,’lnsas terns, his 1827, l’y rirtss 5 cf a rssy:sl gtsiar seecession to Nirlsolas dccc deetsne, Es,j., ehe Isead of Isis was’rant slsstc .1 at Windsor, 06 Oct. in tb,st year, sssitlesrieing Isouse, saiss drysse,l his eetateo sa the coon ties of Kslkenny, 5 .ssta’ay, an1 Glare. to Isis neldsese and hesr—al-lssss . hobert Bnrlse, Essi., ropresenhsshis’e ssf tlse anths’ss I lsessse of ths’t cc s.f Assmssipls. Tlsis iadr as. 2nslty (after his lorshstsip’s death), ilsilsert Rol,ert ttsirke 555. Slssrr Areesteeksse, nmsd sras fss 115cr, is lee eshiso, 3ts,ere, Essl. of Slsossssoa Grace, Fing’s Cossntr, barristor-,sl-lasr, ofWslls’r Aeeedes’lsne-Psseke, Esq.,sslsose only cinIsI, Anne-Maria, and d. widow of that gentlesssan in Atsg. 1850. I sss,the lIon, 51. Jsslsn Butler. 374 Earl of l’lsom,’ssd, lsy wlsssrsa ha hasi, with ether ehihdrois. dats. at Walter, Earl of Oiaaonde ; snsl had (wihh a younger son Wsshtei’, trIes 1. s.p.), ‘fhsossias, of Fiheotsoell, osho ‘s’ Ellen, dae. of h’hihip Doper, Esq., sash tsad CU 0017’ sOn, Cetnst iliclsas’sl Itsssler, an olheer iss foreign service, arhis, sl,.s. ys. at Bearisstehis, is Ilelseasio, in 1686, and wish lsisss Ibis lhse of Gretlssssh and htficoisiselt becoisse extissct, l:nn’.scn, ot Clsire, co. Tthslss’rarp’, who s. Ehisobells, dass. of SIr. Aldenisian Niehslsss Dsslsl’tn, of the city of Wates’ford, and Isad, seills olIser isstse, an eldest soss, Jasies BrTLEa, Fog., wlto s. tassel, doss, of Captain Jolsss Casstseelh, sad had, a’itls other isssse, an eldest son. Enasassn Dnxera, Esq., the 2ad of Chore, wlsose eh,test sest, tise Stost hler. Jasstes lhtttler, 1)0., AreIsl’ishiols sf Castiel, 51. sal’s. 1774, otsd seliose second son, Stienar.m. ltrxLre, Essi., ‘s. .alas’y O’Leary, sad s? 10 Aug. 1716, hearing on only son, Jasirs DeTLOB, Esq. of (‘s’agnsgowm, es. Cksre, who Bridget, ‘lass. ssf Itarltss.dssmew Skeelsy, Fsq., atsd 5. 227101’, 1734. heas’imsg an only son, Jsascs, who e. 50 17th Loss Deanoxac, Ills lsrdslsip was s. at Isis decoaso, 1624, lay his grssssdsoss, Enamor’, [SrrI lsarssss, wbso as. tot, 51 :srgaret, slats. atssl hseir of Thossiss”, Lurch L’sshhr ; asssl On rIly, Elless, risiss. of Gerald, Earl of llesmssoms’h he 1. 17 Plot’, I riD, lsssvissg hart by his first wife (with 6am’ othser souse, who sI. e. p.) sims eldest east ar,d ossec005sar, J.oasrs, 4th btss’ass, whss sss. Elleis, rlats. ssf Pierce, 5.’inosttsst Ikerrin, oath had ass sssily elsild, lIargssret, 55. to llarnssby, L,si’d of Upper Osiesry. Lord Dmsboyase, having laeesa hmphieatesl in tlse relselliass of 1541, aras sastlawod ; and dyiisg e. p. m. in If,s2, wsss a by his consist, Pirncr, 0th harass (refer to 2ssd son of 2nd lard), who s,s. f’athanhne, dais. sf Sir Thomas ltosrly, Bssrt. Thie Lord INssslsoysse was likewise osstlowed, lasst ssot till after hio rtealh : Isa i. 7 Slay, TShsO, assd was s. Icy hin only sass, Jasars, n’ho, but f,sr tlse onthswries, wossld Isave heeis title I,’arass. lIe as. Ehizol,eth, dass. of Sir Psoslnsussd Es’erarsi,,,osal bsol tnas soils, Pirnor, 7th bor’i ,‘asseh Eassuxu, 8th 1 rd he 5. Jan. 1701, and wasa. lsy his older sets, Pseecr Buas.ras, whs, sssnssnsesi the title as ttIs laaron ; assd dyimsg sssass , saaso a. l,sy hio tars ‘tlser, Iordslsi7ss,s,.tsssse, ,‘l’ssi. sf Oltrer Grace, Faq., elsiet rcmeiss— 1 irssrsoar sf ibsa f’’sssrl of Exciseqiser in brelansl, assd lsstd fassr sate’ an’l a ‘Lii’ , nc,,