Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/440

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ED E 1. RonEaT-WELLE000Y, lOP. for Wootininstor, late rapt. tot lifo-guards, to. 20 Jan. t834; so. 20 July, 1667, EinitioIleaujotats, youogor dan. of Lord Anoaly, and has a son, 6. 2s Juno, toss. H. Thomao-Oooego, rapt., 3rd nec. of tegation at oona, ii. 6 Feb. 1842. ui. Norman-do t’Aigto, capt. goon. goards, I. 22 April. t840. iv. Atgoono’n-llonoy, officon rifle Loigado, I. 2 July, t046. v. Riol,arol-(’eoit, to. 27 Jan. t54a. ,. Vfctoria—Chartotto. ii. Atbootioo_Era000s—Etizaboth. This tioltlon an ia 3rd oon of hubert, lot MARQUESS ii. Calloerine, so, 1170, to tlae host 31ev. John Ilooro, l).D., OF WON fIt INhT5ZR. Far Macago, soc WnsTsuaaTna, JtAOQI’essATn OF. Ao’sosr—Az., a garb, or, a n,ullot far olifforonco. C,’oot—A toothot, sealant, or. 5Ojspor/e,a—Oo either side a lattoot, rognardaot, or, cottarod, issue; but by lion 2no1, ssills Doretisea, only daos. anol heir of an., ohargesi on Iho oh,ooldor with a ooouttot of the second. ,lIsll,o—Virttu n,ou stesnnsa. Scoot—Moor Pack. Itickmanswortts. Itorts. Tows Fd’,n.,o—33, Park Street, Grosveuor Sqnaro. E D E N. SEDEN, SIR WILLIAM, of WTeot Anokiatid, co. Durham, and Maryland, N. Amorica, 8. 31 Jan. 1803; a. his brother, as 4th hart. of Truir, 24 Duo. 1814, aod his consin, tho late Sir Robert Johnaon-Edon. ii. Maria, as. 1st, Ii Nay. 1500, to Prodorick.Willtana, 6th Earl I’iart., as 6th baoonot of West Anekiand, 4 Sept. 1844. Ho as. in 1844, Elfrda, youngest 101. Calloerino, oss. in 1503, Iso Itoloerl-Eden Dunconobe-Shafto, dau. of Col. Irenoonger, and has iv. Sonmoline, sss, in 1008, Tl,onoas Nortlonooee, tog. of Clove, had, Rohort, 8. in 1847, ci. 4 April, 1856; WaLLLLM, is. 1849; Morton, 8. 25 Jttno, 1559; a son, 8. 26 Nov. a’. Eleanor, Os. in isis, to Iho Rev, Thnmas-Fnrnoas Wilson, 1862, and five daus., of whom, Caroline ci. 29 Fob. 1860; Blanche, ‘1. 10 Aug. 1865; and Rono, ci. vs. Ilarniel, as, in 1016, to Roohert-Kaye GrevHte, tog. of 11 Aug. 1865. Sir William is onstos broviuna of the Cottrt of Common Pleas. IL 111CEC. lloaeav no EDEN, 6. tn 1413, seined of three meesoages and 11 Feh. 1511, the son’nanse of Jons’snv, in addition to and before ton axgaiogs of tand in Preston—on-Toes, hotot of the t,tshop, fee that of Roan. lie sO. 00000, 1 Sept. 1044, osod 0-as 0. in tbo title erspoto, by heights service. His olescon,taot, ItoaLaT EnON, Esq. of West Aoookland sod Wioslleslono. father of Joux Enna, Faq., who a. Catherine, dau. of Sir Thomas Laton, Riot. of Laton, 00. York, an,t dying I ff5. seas o. by his son, 1. ltonon EDEN, Req. of Wool ,uaktan,t, 31.0. for Tlorhano, 1. thoanav Enov, Esq. (2nd son of Sir Robert Eden, 3rd baronet created a Baoenet 13 Nov. t072. Sir llet,ert ,g afargaret, dan. Mosrylanol, a-as created a tlar050et itt Sept. 1370. Sir Robert os. asot heir of ,Joton Laontotono, Eset. of floe city 0,1 1 sorhaon, ty so twin Caesstine Costveri, sister and oa-locir ta the last Lord Ealti— (sobs 5. 2 doily, t 7311) he boot, seilti olloer issue, ,00nN, his soic00500r. Ttos’noas, IOU., 1oreheodary of Durhano ;ao• the tton. Dorothy, (a’tth another son and dao.), an elder sass and soeeessar, Downer, 2nd daos. of ttenrv, Vises,osnt Desene. and retiat of Ii. Ssa Famsoases-MoaToN, who ooo, in 1792, Anne, dan. and tt,,herf .Shafto, Eoq. of Whilwortlo, 31.1’. and d. op. 3 Marcia, heir of Janoee-r,not Sosntho, Esq. of Noon Rand-street, by whom Etioatetho, a. to Otatiloose Whitfsetd, Esq. of Wtoitflelot, in (who ,l. ioo taos) he loasl inssoe, lsooi’tsans. Ilaoooah, so. to James ltiektoton, Esq. Sit Itotort ‘7. in March, 1720, and was o. by his oldest son, tt. Cia JoHN, lit’, for lion Ca. t Indian,, who no. It Jan. lit 1, Caiherioso, stan. of Mark Shafto, Rsq. of Wisitworti,, and dying in 1 Tb. seas a. by his only son, In. Sos honesT. This gentleman so. S May, till, Mary, yssnosgest slau. of Wihlians Tiavisoso, Rsq. of Ileamislo, by whom Ion hoot finite, i. ,To,n so, his ss,000ssar. n. lionLap, “ho, toeing gnvernor sf tloo province of Maryland, was created a baronet 10 Sept. I fist. Itis geaostsooo is the prosrnl Sin WILLIAM Rssnv, of West A owkta,sd aool liar’ land. is,. WiLLIAaI, elevated to the licensEe, as hansoN AU0ET.aNn 1.5’’- ‘ho’- ‘tiaoisoo.) iv. ‘t’hnonos. at W’not,le,lan , ilep.—aooth t,or s’t tdreoossiaio I toe. Olortoo, C. 10 hto, 1S00, hieol.-gen. in the ornsy so. IS Jan. pilot; as. Maclana. dosoo. of Aettaor tones, Esq., and load issue’, I Tl,oinas.os. 4 Jan. 1010, Frances, lao,. of the I loso. .Jo,lon Itislosey, by hos seite, Cal tseriosc, ‘loin, of ‘fhoooas, 0th Foot rof SVs,stsoieoth 0 foil 5. leaving issue. 2 Jnhoos, lienl,—gen. iii [toe aresy. coil .1.1 Ito foal, CII. so. .tvsse (oslo’, 0. 18111, only olaoo. sot -St, Idol t’aidwodt, Clii bars of Caslle Caldwelt. a 1 ‘aron,’hcs- s’alin’’t its 1535. 3 Arthur. assislaot—cooni,tr’otler of floe Eacloeqoseeo as. Frances, ‘side’s of W’ilh,ini ilao’ing, Rio1., and don. of JehaPnoetett CIoo,rtee, b. 1 July, 1508; vico-ndnsirol RN,, CR,; appointed Thanopsion, 5,1,, aoo,l loosa issue. 4 I tency, a’loooiral, lh.N 3130 ED E 3 Robert, in lion. RiCo’s service; ‘a. Frances, dau. of Rosvtand-Ecorton Waeburion, Req., ansi has issue. I Mary-Anne, sos. lot, to John Spaiding, Esq.; and 2adty5 to henry, lit Lord Itrougham, and d. l’s Jan. 1800. 2 1 sara, “‘to Ihe late Admseal Sir tirahasn Moore, G.C.E., of Itroak Farno, Coldonm, Sarrey, brother of Sir John iGnore, the been of Carnnna. Their oaty child, Capt. John Moore, t’ .11 , U.N., aidc-do-eanop In the Queen, 6. one,. 20 Jan. 1800. v. MoavssN, erealed Loan ltoNonv. (Sec lions i. Dul,’itselta, ‘a. to illattboese Iloll, Esq. of Woolsingham, N,,rtloo,onl,ertansl. (Sc ituaso’a Loso,,ls,l Gsnslo’os.l Arehist sloop of Canterbury. in. Obey, a. Itiehard Rieloardata, Pt)., rhan. of St. Paul’s. Sir Robert of. 21 June, 1711, and sona a. by his oldest non, IV. Sla JonN, 8. 10 Snpt. 1740, sasnotinoe OlE. for the en. of Itoso’toaoos, Ho Os. tssice: toy the tot noarriage, seith t’athes’ine, dan. of Jo,lsn Thompson, Esg. of Nirby tlo,l1, on. York, he had no Peter Jnhnsen, Esq., recorder of York, he had the following, via., r. Roaaav, bite baronet. it. Manna-John, of Bea,nish Parh, ro. P’,svloano, is. 10 June, 1778, assumed, by sigu-nnoaual, 26 fIn. 1812, the surname of Das’soooa, and sl. osos,o. 25 Juno, 1841. i. hsnrotlsoa, so-ho 00. 1st, in [358, henry lilethold, Enq., and had by loins (soloo ‘1. 17881 three sons and one dan., I Hens’y islet hold, of Worlhhsg, an. Sussex. 2 Johso Olethoolol, svhso a. to Beannsh i’ark, aannmed, by royal licease, 1844, the surnanse and arms of tuna’ only. O Edward Itetholol, of Kensington, major in eke army. t Dorotloea Otethold. Sloe so,. 2ndly, Gesoerat Daniel Sedolan. of Alhlssioe, 53’ wlsooos he lsaol 500 issue t aaoi 2ndly, 1521, to Sir Willions-Johnslone Slope, 5h.C.l7.. svho 7. 1831. Esq . ssf W’loilse,oetlo t’ark. aa. Iloorloaao in [[even, ansi Ions iosooe. of Barley Flail, Yarksloire, and load isnooo eho si his widow, at Ibroges, 22 Nov. 1804. Wyasl000, atsol loan issue; their soso Chahonor, sos. 23 Aug. 1802, Dora-Aiono, dan. of the late Henry-_Stahl Grovillc, Enq. Sir John sl, in 1012, an’l u-ass, by his eldoat sea, V. Sos Ronenv, 5. 23 Dcl, 1774, who assnmool by sign-mannal, by his caosin, Sia WILLOAa5 EDEN, Earl, of Maryland. tcit of £1ThrnTail. of Went Aecklanil), a-too, being governor of the praeince of noore (eatiect in 177-1), by os’hom he left at lois decoase, in 1388 Faannaiea, his successor. WILLIAm.,, toresoot loareoot, Robert (hoe Itt. Rev.), 5. 2 Sept. 1804 (of Itodgefleld house laveosoassb t tlisloop of Moray and Ross, en consecrated in 1531; oistoointest, I Jody, 1507. Frinoas of the Epiaeepah Church of Scotland 5 so. 17 Sept. 1527, Emuoa, 3rd daso. of Sir James- Allan l’ark, one of Ihe )oodoces of the court of Comnoon Pleas, and has issue 0 his elitist son, Fresleriek, ‘so, 33 May, 1817, I,osotoa-Ann. c-ho of. ‘I ltareh, 1008, eldest dots. of Vice— Aoloosiral ttyote i’arkor : another of the boboloois’s seas, Olorton, copt. IStho foot, oss. 21 Otar, 1564, Praneoo-hllario, don. of N-C. Itarnardielan, Esq. of The Ryes. The tlisloap’a led don., Slice, a-as a,, 1 Dec. 1531, to George-Word Hwnt, Enq., MI’. thr North, Nnrtloamtdonohire, of Wadenhon Ilauae, Nortlonouploasloire 0 anol his 4th slaos,, Enooo,a-Sehina, seas oso. Ih Jnsse. 1861, lo floe her, Docres Glivier, 2nd son of Lient.Ccl. Otisier, of Otanor Itanse, I’otlerne, Wilts, 1534, Loniso-Aoo,e, dna. of C,enrge-Itabert Eyres, Esq. of tho ea. of Norfolk, and ‘7. at Demo, Nov. 1803, hosing had issues 1 Itoelon-f’orher, capt. BA., 5. II Olarch, 15330 oa.4 April, 1501, Georgisoo-Loniso-Jielon, yooiogosh don, of Col. Poster, It.A., and has issose ; 2 Charhes-Cahyert 5. 3 Nov. 1837, Sec. of tegatisos ot Drenden, so’, 10 Dee. 1502, Cicile, dan, of Oionsteo,r de Sinner,ssf Mertington, neor ilemc, Sss’ilnerlond, oo,i his’s anon, b. at Lisbon, 16 June, ISoolt 3 Fanny-EvelynMary. olerd ‘of the A’Insirahty 27 Juno, 1819, and resigned in 10000 as. dat, in 1529, Emma, 2nd dan, of Sir Robert Willis”