Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/45

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PEERAGES IN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE. xliii Forroster Mao Donald Ormonde (IhOrmoudo) Leigh Elibank Kensington Wemyas (it. Wemyss) Wenloek Beihaven and Stenton Westeete (B.Lyttelton) Glaubrassil (F. Loden) Lurgan RoDe Ougley Kingston (it. Kingston) Monteagle of Brandsu Ruthaon Masoy Sileheeter (E.Longford) Seaton Kiunaird Rokeby Oriel (V. Masoereene) Keaue Polwarth Muakerry Ravensworth Oxenfoord (K. Stair) Boyle (it. Cork) Hood Delamere Vivian Hay (it. Rinnoull) Muneastm Foreoter Congloton Middleton Auckland Rayleigh (liunsandle and ClanMonoon Kilmaine Gifford I. eonal Fonoonby (K. Bees- Cloucurry Fenohuret (V. Strong- (Bellow borough) Cloubrook ford) itigin (it. of Elgin) Sondoo Waterpark I. Bloomfield Claudoboge (II. Bufferin Scarsdale Graves Somerhill (TI. Clan- and Clauoboye) Boston Brdport ricarde) Loudeohorough Level and Holland Huastingfield Wigan (it. Crawford) Overstone (E. Egmont) Carrington itaulurly (it. Ranfurly) Truro Vernon Hasemore Be Tabley Brenghtsu Bigby I. Hotham Whameiffe Be Freync Susadridge (D. Argyll) Cremerue (K. Dartrey) Fevereham I. Clerusout Hawke Ileadley Tenterden St. Leonardo Foley Teignmenlh l’lunket Raglan Bynevar Croftou If eyteebury Aveland Waleinghaua Ffreueh Rosebery(E. Resebery) Kenmaro (it. Keumare) Baget Henley Clanwiiliam )E. Clan- Lyons Southampton Langford william) Wensleydalo Crantley Do Blaquiere Skelmersdsie Belper Rodney Bufferin & Claneheyc Wynford I. Fermoy Berwiek Henniker (Lord liar- Kilmaruock (it. Erroll) Talbet of Malahide (13 Sherborne tiemere) Fingall (it. Fingall) Talbot) Tyrone (LI. Waterford) Ventry Seften (it. Soften) Ebnry Carleton (it. Shannon) Walleesurt Clements (it. Leitrins) Skene )E. Fife) Snffield Bunalley Reeeie (B. Kinnaird) Cheshasu Dorchester Claumerris Keulie (N. Headfort) Chelinsford Kenyon Radeloek Chaworth (it. Meath) Churetou Braybreeke Gardner Dunmore (it. Bnninare) Strathepoy (it. Seafield Fiehorwiek (H. Bone- Ashtowsa Hamilton )B. Del- Lecenfield gall) Clarina haven and Stenton) ltgerton Gage (V.. Gage) Moore (LI. Drogheda) I. Taihet Tredegar Thurlow Loftns (H. Ely) Howden (B. Howdeu) Lyveden Auckland Carysfort (it. Carys- Panmure (E.Dalhousie Tauntou Lytteltou fort) Peltimoro Brougham and Vaux Mendip (V. Clifdeu) Abererenshy Mostyu Wcstbury Stuart )it. Moray) Redeodale Templemore Fetehardingo Stuart of Garllea (E. Rivers Clencarry (D. Clencnrry) flougou Galloway) Saudye Dc Saumaree I. Athlne Saltcrsferd (it. Conr- Sheffield (it. Sheffield) Huusdou (V. Falklaud) Biiekburst tawn) I. ileudleshem - Benman Romilly Brodriek (V. Ilidlelon) Erekine Wenman Northhrook Caltherpe Mouteagle (LI. Sligo) I. Carew Barrogill (E. C.sith Carringteu Granard (it. Granard) .tbiuger nose) Bolton Crewe Be lisle and Dudley Clermout(B.Cl.rmont) Northwick Gardner Aehburtou Ileredyth (B. MbLilford Manners Hatherteu kmc) Bibbleedale Ropetoun and Niddry Worliugham (it. Goe Kenry (it. Duuraven) Kiugaale (F. Hopeteun) ford) Ilonek (V. Mouck) Trimleeten Stewart (If. London- Strathedeu Hartismero (D. lIenBunsany dorry) I. Oranmere and )Jrowne niker) Bunboyne i J Caetlemaiue Portnsan Lytten Louth Decies Levat Ilylton Inehiqulu Meldrum (LI. Iluntly) Bateman Strntlsuairu Bigby Ross (it. Glasgow) Charlemout (it. Charlo- Peurbyn Blayncy Grinetead (it. Eunie- mont) Colensay Sherard killeu) Kiutore (it. Kintore) Cairns Conway (H. ltertford) Foxford (it. Limerick) Liemere (V. Liemore) Kestoven Carbery Churchill Roaesuoro (D. Ressmore) Ormathwaite Aylmer Harris Carew Fitewalter Farnhsna Colchcstcr Be Ilauley G’Neill Lisle 5 Garvagh Wrotteeley Napier ef Magdala Clive (it. Powis) Hewdeu Sudeley Gornsanstou (V. GerIluigrave (IS. Nor. Kor (IS. Lotbiau) Meibucu manston) manby) Miueter (LI. Gouyeg- Stanley of Alderley H therley (Ncwberough ham) Stuart de Decks I, Rathdoonefl lisle—The foregoing list comprehende oil the peerages extant, excepting miuor titles that merge in superior ones of the same kingdom. It must be understood, however, that in many instances two or mere dignities ecutrr in one individual thus—the Duke ef Riebmeud is placed iii his precedency as an English duke, and also as a Sn ttidL sue, as Buke ef Lennox. The Duke of Leisistcr is asnougot the dukes los his Irish dukedom, assd amongst she vi-couuto in his Euglish vioccuntcy, &c. &c. Same lords, too, enjoy distinct peeragos of the same grade, inherited Irons different aucestors: cud in such caees both titles are given, each in its own order of precedence.