Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/456

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ELI Creich, co. Fife, relict of William Scott, of L’roxholme, ancestor of the Dukes of ldncclench, and had left bone, i. done (Sir), of lllackharany. from whom descended the 1.nnilatt in a cltariet, preceded by a groat concourse of Mrunnn qf Bl’,cbtocooy, Jlao,lidg, lJacray Hall, t’i’sugszle, dee. Ii. Andrew. sin GIDEON, of whom presently. iv. William (Sir(, co. life, whose son, 1 William (Sir), of Clermonl, ere:iled a B coccI of Alice Broils, 1 Jffly 1625, was ancestor of Sir Tosses Murray— v. .lotnrs, wino ssltoittcd the rank of a general it, Ilte arnty, Polteney, tWit., Itt’., and of Sir john Iltirray, a hone.— gets. io the arnly. a. Elizabeth, ni. to Jastro P.arthwiels. of Gleogoll. ii. Agnes, 1,1. to Pairiek Itorrar, of Fainhill an,l Philiphaugh. ni. Mariete, sa. to Jaaaeo l’riagls, of Wisitebank. The 3rd son, Stat Gioeow Iluansv, received the hsins,ur of knighthood in iCES, was appointed treasurer-deputy of Scotland in I ft I, and a lord of session isa 1811. ttis lordship ,f. in 1621, leasing a sun, PATnIeK Ilutenav, Eeq., who was created a Barenet 16 May, 1525, end elevated to the peerage 15 March, 10-11, as honey ELIeSANK, of Etlrick Bored, es. B’ Ihurk, with romahi’ler t,i his heirs male whatsoever. Tile lordship was keeper of the king’s castle of (‘aerhsvcrerk, an,t in 1547, he was one of the nix peers who epposesl the delivering np of Cttoon,ois I. to the partimcnt of Et’gtsnd. He iii. let, Margesret Tfareilton, hy whozn ho had a esos, J chit, who d. young; and flttdly, Elizal,cth, elgn. of Sir James Dnndas, of Arnieton, and hy her had issue,’ I. Pawesctc, his successor. Ii. W’illia,n. III. Tltemas. i. Elizabeth, is. to Sir Archibald Stirling, of Garden. lIla hrdohi so. lrdly, Agnes Niohils’ n by whom hr had lie i,. twice, but left issue only by hit 2nd wife (Anne, dun. a sell, Thomas mid 4ihly, helen, dan. of Sir James Lhidsay, hy whom ho hid, wilt, 1w’) daits., WALTER, who setlled in Ireland, and ni .,tane, sister ef Edsearil Iteoller, Vioeeunt Gainsey ; and it. in 1095, leaving a tots, Witlin,o, who s. Mary, ilau. ef (Sliver Grace, of Sha,oganab, nose Ileaceflolsl, but ii. 5.5. iii 1696. George, in the army. Tile lordehip ‘7. in 1640, and was a. t’y his drIest sets, I’ovntcn, 2nd 1 ‘aeon; wise ei. Fl] sal ‘dl’ daio. o John, let Earl if Traqnair, and wan a. at loin di mice, ‘a 16,11. by his non, ALnxaNuen, 3rd haren. This in Id eec roe i Acre, ,l,ste. e,f Alexaniter Ijnrtlat, arctnhielei p if (1 teegew, atul widow cf Alexander, 7th Lord El1ihitint, ‘II, iitisl hoT, with other leone, AERNANnER, his successor. Ilary, e. to Jalen, 211,1 Earl of Crenoarly tle’tcn, ii. to Sir John Mackenzie, of Coal. His lordship dying ill 1687, wan e. l’y his nm, ALEAANDe5, 4th baron ; who 51. its tells, t’llizalseth, dan. of George Stirling, surgeon, of Edieshtergh, ata,i 11. P. for that city, hiy whom he had issue, } eacceesire barons. iii. Gideon, Di)., prrhenslary of Pnehant 1 a. in 1746, Elizabeth, only elati, of don. I tivid Monleliete, daron do St. llyiielile, neil mail two eons, I AEEXANnER, onto e. no 7th hiaron. 2 David. ni. in 1781, Ehizal elh, Mb dan. and es-cole af the Plan Thensae itarley 1 and ‘lying in 1784. lnfl, DAviD, reclar Of lieatntdiin titian, cii I hereford; si. 1028, Frances, dan. of Jelen Portal. Esq, of hireelclk, haste, and mae, David — Martineer, major, late 64th regiment, I. hi May, 1832; i,i .le’an. bill, l’l,i, dan. of the late Capt. Fenton, of Un,lcrl,attl,e, Yorkshire, tilt’, far s. Barbara, ‘a. lo Sir hansen Johnstone, Dart. Itedileretield l E]ehanh—ltarlev, rentits. tiN., 1’. 1623; Aleaandee’Willtim, lt.It.l.fl.S., h. 29 Jan. 1810, killed 14 Sept. 1517, at line Delhi gate dttrittg the siege of Delhi t Francis-ttedncy, ii. ISIS; ltzrli,ner-Ecelvn, 5. Iv. Janet, ,e. to Sir ltolsrrt Murray, hart. e. hlzry. 10411 Elizahrtb-Clnra, ‘ii. 1851, to lteliert—,bclsn llapkine vs. eletcn, Ii,. to Sir John Stawart, hart. of Grandtully and Esq.; Lanisa-Saphic, ci. 1 May, 1800, the 11ev. Ileginnlih— Whitehall Itargesnote, ynttngesl anti of the Rev. William ISis lordship if. in 1715, and wan .s. by his eldest nota, Iltnrgcetsn, of Vann, Surrey ; and Agnee-Adeliza. Elizatictlt, is. 1610, Ia Flear.Adm. William it Sltirreff. titarla-Clara (svbo 5. 29 Jan. 1865), so. 1819, to Sir Edmnnd-ttstngerferd Lady North, widssw oh William, Lord North and Grey, and Leehinere, Part., wha 1.2 April, 1956. rinse, of Gonaehitus rho Young, L,srsl of Elmeet, ef tho bunco LenTen, ot. to Sir John-Chandaelteedc, Itaet,; and et 1521. of Tan Horde, reeciver-gon. cf the Utntod Prevtneeo ; lout it, iv. Aleannder, an officer in Ihe arnty; who incurred the reaenlment wiih”ut inene, in 1779, when the honeurn devolvod eipen of tite ttsasc of Cannmsns, fur bin conduct at the his t’rotber, Westnnineler denies in 1719; a and refacing to solicit the forgiveness ef Gte house, he was tastatnitletl l’s Ncsrgate. end closely confined during the sehide session of 1751. At the riiyal teavy early its lifa, aeeeanpahsnd Lot’d ‘bnnen in his * At the great contest for Weetntiitster, in 1759, Itt’. 1lnrrny tOo to. lnsihtelhn, dart, of George Itackenzie, 3rd Earl Greenrit-tie tank an active part in favour if the anti-esittinterial candidate. Peter Legh, high-bailiff of W’eelntineeer, preferred to the Iloane of Cemtnont a cetnplaint, 28 Jan. 1711, that tilr. Stormy, en Maria,0 who us. Eds-ard Ilay, It eq. of New boll, broihee- to Gte tItle of the previonn hay, enceteragesl a nieh ta proceed to George, 0th llarquena of Tsreeddale, and ,l. t Get. 1159. aetn of violence againet ltim t ansi to break dose the doors of the vestry, naying, seith imprecations, “W’illl nobody knock the dog down 3 Will nobody kIll tho dng 9” 406 ELi prorogation of parliament, Mr. htnrsay smat, af coarse, libe rated; nttd proceeded, accompattied by t.srd Carpenter and Sir George Vanilepot, in lilt coach, and the sheriffs of people, fro,n Newgate Ia Lord Elihank’e hitune in Ilonriellantreet, a standard being carried before hi,n, inscribed, lhurray attd Ltherly.’’ lIe was aftons-ards ot,hged, however, to srithdrnsr into France, to escape the feeriher vengeance ‘if the house, lint seas recollect frostt cello by letter nn’ler I lie iieivy_sntl iii A veil, 17711 attd 1. eon. In 1177. anil asgsoirod lugli reliettatiisn as a cootttsatnling officer in Conaila, of sehieh lie svas appointed governor in 1761. (iceeral Ilurray se-un snlssei1nonely ihintingetished by his galtatti, though titsnaccennfcd slefeiocc of llinsrca, in 1761, agaluet tIre Isne do Crillott, at the head of a large Spanish and Fretich f,iree. Crilisa, despairing of success, en’leavcitred to es’rrspt the gallant Scot, and offered hitn the sum of one naihlioto etcrltng for the netreender of Ihe fortress. tnilignznt at ttte ottentpt, General hlarray immediately addreeseil the folisereng letter to the duke “Fsrc SI. J’Siliji, 16 PcI. 1761. When your bras-c a;teeetsr scan denired Isy his sovereign ta asnasnittalo the Ihike Sc tiaisc. he netumned the aneerer snleirhs you nheerlih leave done, shea yeti se’eee charged to aneoseiteale Ihe elearaclsr of a man eeleoen birth in as itlue— trioeen as v,,or osen, ta That of lire I Inc in Getien. I mu have no furthee ceneninuiention snith yeo hot in arms. If 300 leave say leetntatttty, tray et;el clothing for your esnfsr— tteeealc priaserere its ny lineneenion ; bsavo it at a dielatoce, to be lakett up for tlietn, because I will ednsit of no contact for the fctl’au’c but earls as is hostile to the most inveterate degree.” To tills the Italic retitled _“ Your lotler restores each of eec to oetr places; it confirtue ate in Ihe Ingla opinion I have otways lend of you. I accept yorer last prelieaut with pleaeore.’’ af A I,raluates Witleana, Eel1.) I Jz’nos-l’atrieh, CII., a nsujee-genrrol, 6. in 1762u et. 1093, Elioahirtlt. slate. suf E’leeai’il tlosehsrortls, Esq. of Frenlesvnter lh”ttse. Isle sf Slight, by Ilte 115w. Catherine hloteuee, bin wife, ‘loot, of Leonard, Lent Lord IOoleeaee, and ii. 1814, leaving, Jnttooe—Ederurit-Fcrgnetn, MN., tit. in 1610, Kathseeino— ,lanr, dseu, of Ji ‘Ittu Slotegheter, En1.; neal it. 17 Icily, loll, leaving Jeeiece-I’eflcney, rope. tiM, seho ci. 1162. hlenriella-V ictot in, only den. ef the tale Arthur—Deawne Elakisliste, Eei. t Geiirgina—llaria, ci. 1854, to Major Ysitog, lt.A.,ateih ‘5. 1212 t sied itntherine—Etizntietle, a. 1825, tc Tliontae Itahon, b;sq., capt. MA. Fuiltenry, a rapt. ia Ihe arRay, ci. Plies Itachenny, and by icr (cr150 ii. 1850) hens a non, Pnlteney-ttenry. Charles, capt. 7Cllt fool, ci- i814, Aune-htitehell, eldest doit. efblah,crt Scoll, Enq., and il.s.p. 1842. Ilenry-t’alriek, it. 0,11,1. loll. Dznulae-Ahexattdcr, ‘ii. Ilary. seidow of J. Simms, Eng., attil metes a eon, .latnes-Pntrirk. George-Stan, heat. RN., 1. 12 Aug. 1887. Catherine-Anne, ci- in 1020, to Gets. Sir Charlea-Rsutledge fs’llisnnell. llarniet-Elizahcth, a. 14 July, 1934, to the 11ev. Itenry I teihges, rector of Aipheotestotre, Eseex. liary—Jidtztetia, ss. let, 10 Jotly, 1834, to the lzte A. Nose— Ion, M.iI.; and 2odly, in 1848, to Wm.-Frnncie hlarvey Esq. of l’srl,roale Ileath lloeass, Ilsetn. Joae-Sneoao, if. teissi. Aug. ls4l. Elizabeth. Ceirsls’iia-Maria, iii. Ic MaccIt 1801, to Major—Ben. Charhea ‘f rs,lli4ie, 5. colt of Sir .7. Trellepe, than. I C,,r,lelia, a. he 1801, to Due ltnr. lhettry itodges. 2 Williana.Itina, is,. 1813, Janees, last Lord Douglas, and if. 25 Eel’. 1566. I Anee-liarriet, t, 1850. General Ilnrray ‘I. in 1791. ss. Elizabeth, it, stt. alone. i,. to James Ferguson, Meg., one of the lords of Soesise, in North llrststrnl antI ii. in Jan. 1793. ,i. 25 Dcc. ieOS. Pnvte,co, Stha Leie’s,e, ; seho in. Ilaria-Margarethi, Dowager C tosser., 0th hsarssoa. Ills lordship basing entered the zircnnttiavlgntery voyage, ated attained tho rank of admiral. (attaointeul lit 17-lit) S’y u’heeu he had twa dons., lealielha.n These ladies assumed thn aslditienal surname of MACEENSIn - an tolitrtting tee Cromattie nntaten.