Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/462

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ELP Crest—A lady from the middle, well attired, holding in her dexter hand a tower, arg., and in her sinister hand a branch of laurel, ppr. Suppsrl cs—Two savages, wreathed about the head and loins with laurel, ouch carrying on his exterior shoulder a club, all ppr. iJofle—Cause caisol t. Scat— Carbcrry Tower, llnssclhurgh. ELPIJINSTONE, SIR HowARrs, of Sowetby, en. Cunsherlaud I. 9 Juno, 1801 ; m. 30 Sept. 1829, Elizabeth-Julia, yossogest dan. of tho late E.-Jeremiah Curtois, Esq., in. Ponnsss,by—Ilaslslpl,, 7. ysmsng. M.P. of Windmill [fill, cc. Sussex, iv. Timsosas, tsssl-captsin P,.N.; a. Isabella, dau. of — Jones, and has had issue, I. Howoan-WannonToN, t. 20 July, 1030; so .4 Ang. 1000, v. llsberl-I’hilip, capt. 5tH.; ci. in 1822. Conota,sce-3lary-Alex:snlra, 3rd doss. of Johss-Alexauder vt. llswasn. vii. Mulyneux, 1015. lfasskcy, Eng. of Balrosobe Place, S,ssocx, and has iss,sc, ,. Antis-Maria, ,l. young. Howann-JonN, 0. 00 May, 1061, a eon, 0. 17 Oct. II. Aona-Charlotte-llaria, s,s. to the late Ste Francis ltartwell, 1060, and a dan , Censtance-Juhia. si. Hessry-Cnrteis, 0. 14 Sept. 1011 ; if. 20 Jais. 1030. i. Julia, or. 33 April, 1005, to Cul. W.-D.-1’. l’atton, iv. Calhicrine-Saral,, a,. to the 11ev. S. Rue. late 74th highlarsdsrs, oldest son of Thomas Patton, The 0th son, Lag. of Bishop’s hail and Stoke Court, co. Somerset. rsss,,,rand,,,,l of tl,s royal cogineers, CS., having ernsinenlly L lIlt BflC. Bonne-r, 3rd Bars,, Elslsiasrone, ss. Margaret, dan. efoirJahn in Eg3-pt, arid slrsrhrg risc whale of tins Penisnsrrlar ss’ar, Re., was Druosmend, and had issue, I. As.enwocn, who s. as 4th lord. it. James (Sir), of lrscmocl,tie, who was appointed a lord of tluwoen, present baronet. Session iu 13sf; casstituled coo of tire eight coamsissioners Fanny, a. 6 Sept. 1530, to William-Slsslecs Smith, Esq, of of she Treasury called Oclucirese, in 1913; appointed secretary-sf-state is 1090 sod continoing to rise in the llrrrcict, so. to tire 31ev. Williaun-Tss’iss Turner, lilA., rector of king’s lhvaor. the lands l’ctsnging to the Cistercian Abbey of Baloserinsch, to Fife, were erected into a temporal Luuissv ri,. Ist, 1 Oct. 1612, to Lirul.-Cal. Robert Anrtruther, tardslsip in favsur of hinrsrlf, his Iseirs mats, sod heirs of table and pruvisioo, by charter under the great seal, dated 20 Feb. 1003-4, and Its lesk Iris seal accordingly as a peer in Sic Ilurrant ,t. 25 April, 1540, and scars, by his son. psrliasnent, by the title ef Lw-it But o,riso. Ills ler’dstrip was erentuatly tried anl convicted of treason, fee having, in his capacity of secretar3- of slate, oblairred sarreptitisasly the C,’coti,,n—3 April, 1515. Acsrs—Acg., guIle-dc-sang, en a oigoahisrc of his rayal master, Losses Vt., to a tester addressed chevron, cnnlrattled, sa., betrversn three bears’ heads, erased, gu., to Pope CtnsiEsT VIII., soliciting a cardinal’s hat for his tss’a ascsrds, pisr., panurrrels rind mills, or. l’s” st—Girt of a mrrral kinsman, Dro,aines,d, bishop of Vales,,,, lIe did not suffer, eros-si, go, a ds,oi-scunsan, astce,,ths, halrhcd; in bee dexter Isosrrver, tinder the csnviction. From this nobleman we pass Irand a srsard, erect, p5sc.. lsomnrmrrrl arssi hilt, or; in the sinister, to his descendant, Artlsur, 0th Lord Balmosrina, Ihe stanch but ill-faled adhercot of the lsam,sc of Smart. TInts nsblessan engaged in the risings sf1715 and 1713. In the latter, he was made p,isaner after tire tattle of Coboden, and executed for high treason 50 Aug. 1740. tmt. Jonts. The 3rd son, Jour, Eu.rmssNsmNe, of Baherton, lefta son, RaveLo ELrummvsvave, who settled at Orkney, and had tire taos, Harry Etphiarstone, a capt. in tire Danish gnards, stain in tattle and liosssnw ELrnssssvossms, page to Prince Itenry, oldest son of JAMEs VI. its left an only surviving son, Joins Eernnsvoan, of Lspoess-Waas, who left, wills other issue, Robert, of Lopssess, sleward-justiciat’y, high-adosiral, and chansirerlain of the Isles of Orkney and Zetland, and a cut. of militia; and JOHN ELrnsNsToNn, whose son, Jour, ELrnmssTae, of the royal navy, or. Anne, dan. of Hum and Logic Elplrinstone, Co. Aberdeen ; Is. — W’ifliaa,s, Esq., and left a son, JOHN ELpnnssTassE, a capt. in Ihe British navy, and adesiral thu late Licttt.-Goneral Sir John-Hsmom Maxwell, in the Russian service. A,la,irat Rtphiostone cansn,anded the Dart. of Sprisrgkell, asrd has hod isnne, dccl of tine Czar at tine bathe of Tcltcsnse, and sncceeded in destroying his tslldel eppanenls- Its so. Ansetia, dau. of Jol,n s,. JuoN-St,oxwrtA. commander RN., 5. Is) Starch, 1630. tVarburton, Zsq., San,crsct heral,l; ,sad sl. in 1389, leaving, inn. Rohert-Elphhnstane 1 - s. Jonsi, a post-captain fl-N.; sf. in 1801. is. Samuel-William, a captuin in the tlossian navy; s. Cathetine, v. James-Edward, 5. 3 April, 3040; if. I Slay, 1031’. dau. of Adnniral Ilrawae, and dying is 1789, left A.s.txsNnan-FnANcms, a capt. in ll,e Brilisis navy, and a noble in Livonia, claiming to be I,ric to the title of Balsmnerino, were the attainder removed ; Ii. 1703; os. May, Tun Hose. Sin Slew TlaLnvassLs, of North Bemn-lek (3rd 1619, Ametta-Anne, dan. of the tale A. Lobach, Esq. oi ross of James, 1st Vharaosst Stai,’—sse that slfgssby), was Cunsenhoff, near Riga, and has Isad issus, 1 John, capt. E. I. service, 0. Feb. 1923, n,. and has issue, ersated a L’aresssl ef JCsru Scotia, ins 1095 (see D.sanvanpLsItoasiLToN, 2 Nicslai- Willians, deputy -comnsnnissiansr, l’unjanb, b. it Dcc. 1923; as. 1600, Georgiana-Ifenrietla, yeungest 412 ELP dan. of the late Liennt.-Oen. tIne 311. lOan. Sir Georgo Arthu,, tlart. 3 Percy-Aagrntns, capt. Banabay stuff corps, t. 27 Sept. 1828; s.s.21 July, 1599, Margaret-Agnes, dan. of the late Arelsibuld Ilogle, Essi. of tlilnsars lull, 7t.ti., and niece of Sir Alexamnder Bsgle, Rot., and has had issue, AlexanderI toward-C,,ttseart, 1. ysssng A rtliur l’srcy-Arclnbald, 0. at Slilligunns, It July, 1003; Archibald - Olas-ard— Lobucl,, 0. at Milliganns, 0 July, 1065; Mary-Ellen-Margaret ; ans,l Amelia. 4 1 tssrard-Crrasfsnrd, CR., eapi. RE., and tirnl.-csl.; Victoria Cross. K,siglst of ll,c Legisa of Ptanour, Gaverner to lI.1l.It. I’rince Arlhur; 0. 12 1.1cc. 5523. 1 Ilosalic, deceased. 2 Catl,erim,a-A,nelia, ma. 19 Starcls, 1803, at Leghorn, to Willians ltacnansara, Esq., Assist.-Surg , 4tln drag. gds. 3 Anselia-Ause, a. 15 Aug. 5860, te Capt. Angus Ilall, 08th regt., eldest son of Cal. Ilall, of Nillean. Argyle. 4 RIlen-Victesia, ,s,. at lDresJen, 12 July, 1863, to Capt. Arcltibald-Il. Bugle, iON. Esg.; and ,t. is 1911, leaving two duus., Isabella, as. to the 31ev. J. Stone. Amelia, ss. to CsI. ihillascay. Sort.; and ,t. 0 Juire, 1009. sin. Janc-Alicc-Aasrlia, is, to the Rev. John Dymoke. Ilusraxn, 5. 4 Maccl,, 1772, m-ajsr-gen. hi the anny, and col.— distinguislsed lsi,sssrlf at tIre toting of tire Cape of Goad Hope, created a Baronet, 3 April. 1813. lIe s,r. in 1503, Prances, eldest dan. of Julrn Wacbuclsn, RH., by wham (svhu if. 24 Aug. ISIS) Ire had isaac, Causer, ca. itsmrl, arhu it. in 1h03. Ore, Sussex. of Thirdparl, cc. Fife, scho d. 1093; and 2ndly, II Aug. 1061, to Andrew lisnas’, Esq. of Itanrhlsn House, Lcamnngtun. an olive brands, sect. Jlslfo—Srnnpsr paratos. .Ssul—Occ Place, llasthsgs, Sussex. EL PHI N STONE. D.ILRTMFLE.UOnN-ELPBINSTONE, Sm JAMES, of 20 Nnv. 1805; ns. 27 April, 1836, Mary, 4th dan. of Robert, 5.17 Oct. 1637; if. 10 Starch, 1030. nv. Grasnse-ttsphsirnn, twnna 5. 12 Sept. 1041. n. Slary-Usron, sO. 23 Star. 1050. Ii. Msrgarst-Dut’nstt. 3LIiicagc. Burt.), asnd ha the tame year appointed lardprealdent of the Court of Souaions, an office which mad ELPHINSTONE.