Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/467

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ENN 1. Charlotte-Jane. ii. Florence-Mary. III. Alice-Elizabeth. iv. Jane-Evelyn. His lordship ‘a. 2ndly, 5 Sept. 1865, the Hon. Mary-Emma Brodrick, eldest dan. and co-heir of Charles, 6th Viscount Midleton, by his wife, Emma, dan. of Thomas, 22nd Lord Lo Desponcer. Ltitragc, The first of the family who settled in Irelsod was, SIR WILLIAM CoLe, Rut., who fixed his shods, early in the reign of Jsuss I., in the cc. of Fermanagh, and becoming an undertaker in iho northern planlati n, had a,e assignment, in 1611, of one thousand acres of cachaatsd 111. W’illismn-Slontgsisrry, Soon of Waterford; d. 1804. lands in the county wherein he resided; to which, in 1612, cv. Artbnr-hicnr5-, 5. 28 June, 1760, liLt’.; S. tsaR. 1044. were added three hnndred and twenty acres in the same a’. leenry, S. yoantr. shire; eighty whereof were assigned for tl,e town of En,iiskillet ,. Sarah, vs. in 1720, to Os’rn Wynno, Eeq., 21.1’.; and S. , aud that town was then incorporated by charter, II. Eltesbeth-Asnr, em. ut 1788, to Colonel Itichamat Slagennit consisting of a provost and twelve burgesses, Sir William Cole being the first provost. Sir William raised a regiment. which he commanded against the rebels, in 1643, with important Sir Arthur-Chat’lcs Slagennis, G.C.ll.. Itritish envoy at success. Ha ‘a. twice; let, Sneasosh, dan. and In. Aitee, deceased. heir of John Croft, Esq. of Lancaster, by wbom he bad two iv. Florence, is. is 1707, to Tllsney-Towniey tlstfonr, Beg. of dans.; and 2ndly, Catherine, dan. of Sir Lanreooe Parsons, of Birr 2nd baron of the Irish exchequer, by whom he left v. llenrietts-Franrct, vs. in 1805, to Thiemsa—Fitilip, Earl de at his decease, in 1653, two sons, SIIcoAEt., his successor. Jsl,a, sfNewlsod, 00. Dublin, SEP., for Fermnsoaghsl,ire, who The earl tf. 22 Slay, 1903, snd was a. by his son, was created a Ilaronot in 1f60. Sir John ‘a. Eliesheth. dan. of Joha Chicl,eslor, Esq. ci Daugaasoo, and seas 5. by l,it of the United Kingdom, as Be rots Criisele,,et, 11 Aitg. 1616, oldest sell, S,a AETHnE. who seas elevated to the peerage in 1715, as His iordthip is. 15 Oct. 1005, Charlotte, 4th dan. of henry. Earsa llsnelegls, sf Beaelsgk, hot d. without Istlee, in tat Earl of Uxbridgc, and by her (who el 215 Jan. 1017) had 1754, when the henceero became canaci. The elder son, Sea Mscns.cL CoLe, Knt., SIP, for Eiiniekileo, s’s. Alice, Ilenry-Acthtor, 5. 14 Feb. 1809, LIP, for eo. Fernesnagll, dan. of Chidley Coote, Eoq. of Kilhestcr, and was s. by his only surviving child, Sin IlecEAcL COLE, lInt., who os. in 1671, Elizabeth, dan. Joha-Less’r-, late St. P. for Ennitkillea, 5. 2 Jsne, 1513. of Sir J. Cole, Bert.; and dying in 1710, was s. by his son, Jonn CoLo, Esq. of Florence Court, H.P. fee gnniskihlen, Lord Enniekillen, avho avss lord-hient. and enstos-rotnhorum who ot. Florence, only dan. of Sir Bonrohior Wrey, Dart, of of the co. of Formanagh, 5. 31 Match, 1040. Trcbiteh, lit Cornwall, and was a. by his eldest son, Joan COLE, Eeq. M.P. for Enniskilien, who was sic rated Cr,afioets—Bsron, S Sept. 1760; Viscount, 29 Jetty, 1776; to the peearge of Ireland, S Sept. 17f0, as Basset Msaof,flsressce, Earl, IS Aug. 1789—Irish hanaaia. Bsrsn (liltited ltingdomn ef Flsreaec Usurl. His lordship m. Elizabeth, dan. II Aug. 1516. of Iingh-Willoagbby Stontgomery, Esq. of Carcow, es. Perneanagb, Arms—Arg., a boll, pstssnt ts., snned suet ungoled, or, wilhin and had, with several dane. (of whom Flora- a berdure, of the second, charged scithi eight berants ; an a Caroline ‘a. William Irvine, Eeq. of Castle Irvine; and canton, tinister, per pate, gn., and se, a harp, gold, thringed Catherine ,tt. Richard Brosvoe, Eaq.), two sons, viz., i. WILLmsI, liii t,trrester 51. Artlior, ‘a. in 1780, Lelilia, San. sod heir of Claodi,et llau,ilten, Esq., oc ss’hirh occasion lee teok his tsrnatne ci emitter an ett-utcheon, gold. ltAanL’coa alter that of CoLE, asS left at Isle decease, I ClaudeWllliaic, 1.7 Jtely, 1761; m.l0 Oct. 1805, NicholsSepltia, dart, gold. eldcst da,i. ef Itichtard Chaloner, Esq., of Kings- ,3fslfs—Denm cole, regein eervs. fort, co Sleatle t sod d. 21 April, 1822, lesvicg ly her Seal—florence Court, Ettniekihlcn, co. Pennanagh. (salts to. luSty, in 1830, Joseph Pratt, Esq., of Cabrs Castle, ce. Cavaul awe soot, Arthor-Witteagleby Cole-Itamilten, ltsq., of theltrint, cc. ENNISMORE, Voocotney, Off LISTOWEL, EARL. ‘fyrsne; 5. 23 Nev. ‘SOOt vs. 10 11cc. 1831, EmilyCatticritte, 4th dat,. of the Iter. Charlee-Cobtto llcretfecti, and list tseae, I Wilttam-Cteetde, late capt. 50th cegt., 5. 8 Anc. 1633, ‘a. 10 June, 1858, Caroline, yOtIngestdau. of the 11011. A-ti. Stuart, anti nIece of ttsberl, 2118 Earl of CastleStoarl, and has, ArthoL 8. 1850; William, 8. 1864; and Isabel; 2 Claude, 8. 20 Nov. 1838; 3 Clssrles-lticliard, 5. in Dee. 1642; 4 Arthur-Henry, 5. is 1816; 1 John- Isaac, 8. 1811; 1 E,tetly-Itarriet, vs. April, 1838, JoInt Gordon Bescen, Etq. of Burt Ideate, eo. Denegal 2 Frances-Sephia; 3 Selina; and 4 Lctitia-Crsce. ltiehard Chatener, Esg., of Kingsfart, 00. Moult,, 0.1810 in. 1831, Harriet, das. of Cltsrles-ArllIen’ ‘l’hdall, Etq. ci Charletfort, co. Slesltt. 1 Lelttia, vs. in Aug. 1011, to Slsjor Stafford; B. 18.53. 2 Eltoabeth-Annc, ott. 1828, to Ilenry Slade, Esg. ; 5. 1040. I lssbcis, in. to Jantet Hoiwilton, Etq.; end 5. in 1827. Tie d. 30 Nov. 1767, and was o. by his eldest son, WILLIAM - WlLL000nnv; 2nd boron, who was created Viocosetf Esetiskihlcc, 29 July, 1776, and EAEL OF RamsMeLLON, 15 Aug. 1780. tIe 01. 3 Nov. 1763, Anne, dan. of a1brattb-Lowcy Corry, Esq. of Ahenis, co. Tyrone, and EBNE, EARL OF (Sir John Crichton, H.P.), Viscount sister of Armsr, Earl of Dolmore, by whom (who d. 1802) he Erne and Beron Eros, of Crom Castle, cc. Fermanagh, bid. i. Jona-WILL000IIET. lilt heir. ci. Oslhrsith-tOsdry, (Sir), C.C.B., a gen. in the army, col. of the 27 tIe fool, and Governor of Cras’caend sad Tflbsry, of the 8. 30 July, 1802; iso. 6 Jnly, 1837, Selina-Grisolda, island of Staucitiss, and of the Cape of Good llspe. Sir 2ttd dan. of tho Rev. Charloe-Cstbbe Borosford (off Lowry Cole received lbs cepeated thonkt of both hsnses of WATERFOEn, 11. OF), and has issue, parliament for hit eminent and gallant services dining the 417 ERN Peitinstelar scar. Born I Slay, 1772, lie vs. 15 Juno, 1015, Frances, 2118 duo, of Jalnet, ist Earl of llslnieobnry ; sitd S. 40cc. 1842, havingltsd, I Arttinr—Lstcry, S. 24 Ateg. 1817, col. late I 7th reel., CII.; is. 23 Nor. 1951, Etiasheeti-Itraaces, doe. of Vice- Admiral Vililert—Frascis H atlait, aItd list itsuc, Arthur— Willongtiby-Oeerge-Losccy, 5. 25 Nov. 18011; Ilcnry-CccilLowry, 5. 23 Oct. 1802; William - ,lohen - Lowry, 0. 26 Stsreh,1900; Hary-hirsncct-lowry; Florence-Kate-Lowry1 Haude-Gcorgins-Loecry; snd a dsu., 5. 11 Oct. 1860. 2 Wilttom-W’illeaghby, 5. 17 Nov. 1819, capt. 27th ragt. 5. 4 April, lo03. 3 Jsnies-llonrs’, 5. 15 Dec. 1821. I Florcnce-$lary—Gcerglisns. 2 Loolta—Catlierine. 3 Fraaces. 4 Ilenrielta. 11 lurch, 1823. sad S. in 1807. lIe 5. 0 March, 1831. ‘[heir 4th eon, Lisbon, r. Feb. 1807. Tesvnley ltatl, ro. Loutlt who 5.22 Bce. 1930; thed. I Mar. 1962, oged 53. Grey; and 5.2 July, 1848. Jossee-WsLLouoslay, 2nd carl, lIP., and ons of the reprstentative peero, 0. 23 Msrch, 1765 who avas created s peer issue. WILLIArsI-WILe.nuonsy, pretent earl. a hienh.-eol. in the army, sitS hate 7th heeeesrt, end late t2tls foot. Lowry-Balltenr, 5. itt lots; S. in 1815. Janc-Anne-Loitita-Florenee S. in 1831. of the field. Crosl—A demi-dragon, vert, laitgoed, go., holding ia lbs dexter clssr a SarI, or, Iseaded and feathered, arg., and in the Stsppsrfers—Two drsgont, regardsnl, vert, each holding a in the peerage of Ireland; a representative peer; lordlient. and custos rotnioruisi of the co. 1”erntsceagh; 2 E RN E.