Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/473

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ESS ARTRUR CAPEL, Esq. (only son of Sir Henry Capel, by Theodogia, sister of Edward, Lord Illontagn). This gentleman H.P. for the en. of Hertfard, in the Lang Parliament, was created, 6 Ang. 1641, Borea Oopel. ef Hodlimo. Attaching himaelf zealously, at the breaking out nf the civil war, to the canec of the king, he fell a victim to his loyalty, and was beheaded in Old Palace Yard, 9 March, 1618—9. His l-atdahip to. Elieaheth, dan. and sole heir of Sir Charles Morrison, Knt. of Caehiobnry, Herts, and had issne, Anvnuo, his oueceseor. Henry (Sir), RE., lord-liont. of Ireland, created brew Capel, of Tete/ceebot’y, in 1692, a dignity that expired with his lordship in 1096, Mary, Is. lat, to Henry Seymour, Lord Beanehamp; and dndly, to Horny, 1st Unke of Beanfort. Elizabeth, is. to Charles Dormer, Earl ofCarnarrsn. Theodosia, is. to Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarondon. Anne, is. to John Strangs’aycs, Esq. of Molbnry-Sandford The baron was a. by his eldest son, Anrnua, 2nd baron; who was created Visrsant Ma Idea it. Thomas-Edward, flea. in the army, 5. 24 March, 1770; and EARL UP THE COUNTY OP Essox, 20 April, 1661. This nobleman was, from 1072 to 1677, viceroy of Ireland, and en. William-Robert, in holy orders, H it., chaplain to the after his recall, was first lord-esnisssiasioner of the Treasury. Me was snbseqnently aeensed, with the celebrated Lord Russell, of being concerned in The Fenalie Plot; and being committed to the Toa’er, was found there, 12 Jnly, 0661, with his throat cut. His lordship ns. Elizabeth, dan. of Algernon Percy, 10th Ear] of Northnmberland, by whom he had, to reach matterity, one son, and a dan., Anne, m. to Charles, 3rd Earl of Carliele. By his son, ALOERNON, 2nd earl, he was succeeded. This nobleman was an officer in the army, and served in Flanders, nnder King WiLLexas. In the reign of Qneen ANNO, he was constable of the Tower of London, lionr,-gen. in the army, and col. of the 4th regiment of dragoons. lOis lordship Is. llary, dan. of William, 1t Earl of Portland, and by her (who afterwards m. the Hon. Conyers D’Arcy) had issue, WiLLIAM, bio eucce550r. Elizabeth, m. iat, to Samuel Holyneux, Eoq., who d. in 1729; and lndly, to Nathaniel St. Andre, Eeq. Mary, is. to Alan Brodrick, 2ndViocsunt Midleton. The earl d. 10th Jan. 1709—10, and was a. by his only son, WILLtAN, 3rd earl; who ne. in 1719, Lady Jane Hyde, Fntncia-George Smyth. Eaq.; and a. a. p. 4 March, 2853. eldest surviving dan. of Henry, 4th Earl of Clarendon, by whom he had four dens., Caroline and Jane, d. young. Charlotte, at. to Thomas Villiars, 1st Earl of Clarendon. Mary, at. to the Hon. John Fnrbeo, an admiral, son of surname and arms of CONINOsBY, en inheriting the estates George. 3rd Earl of Granard. The countess dying in 1724, his lordship at. 2ndly, 3 Feb. of hio grandmother, the Countess of Conhigsby. His lordship 1756, Elizabeth, dan. of tVriotheeley, 2nd Duke of Bedford, of St. Helena, and widow of Edavard Stephenson, Req., by and bad only a son and 2 dane., who lived to maturity. whom (who if. 16 Jan. 1030) he had no issue; and Sadly, He d. 8 Jan. 1743, and was a. by his son, WILLIAM-ANNe, 4th earl, 5. 7 Oct. 1712; at. let, 1734, 14 April, 1030, Catherine, dan. of Edward Stephens, Esq. Frances, dan. and co-heir of Sir Charleo-Hsnbnry Williams, of Leadwell, eo. Oxford; but d. a. p. 23 April, 1839, and KB., and granddaughter, maternally ef Thomas, Earl ef wae a. by his nephew, ARTHUOt-ALOERNON, present peer. Contngoby, by whom (who 3. 19 July, 1759) be bad leone, Geowox, his heir. Elieabeth, at. to John, 3rd Lord 3lonoan,sod cl. his widow, 23 Feb. 1034. His lordship to. Sadly, in March, 1767, Harriet, dan. of porters-—Two lions, or, dncally crowned, gn. JIalto—1’ ide Col. lEaden, by whom (who d. in 1921) he had, i. John-Thomas, 5. 2 March, 1700; is. 2 April, 1792, Caroline, Town Ilsnae—2t, Cheaham Street, Belgrave Square. eldest dan. of Henry, 1st Earl of Uxbridge; and a. 5 March, 1919, leaving issue, 1 Aavnca-AL0eRN0N, anceeesor to his uncle, as 0th earl. 2 Algemon-llonry-Champsgnh. 0. 23 Oct. 1907; a capt. in the navy; m. 10 Dec. 1031, Caroline, 2nd dan. of Adm. the Hon. Sir Chao. Paget, K.C.M., and has had, Arthur-Algernon-Eladen. Ii. 1 June, 1037. Brownlow-Algernon-Adolphna. 5. 11 Aug. 1939. Edward-Charloo-Algorpon, 5. 29 llareh, 1940. Rcginald-Haudolph-Algeromt, 9. 31 May, 1041. Ethelred-Marmadnke-Algsmon. 5. 9 Jan. 1944. Charlee-Horatio-Algernon, 5. 5 Aug. 1845. llarriette-Csroline. Amelia-Carolina-Elizabeth. Georgtana-Frederica -Matilda. Elanehe-Jeose-Lonesa. 3 A.dolphno-Frederiek-CharlesMolyncux, 5. 20 June, 1013; to. 15 Dec. 1034, Charlotte-Mary, eldest dan. of Henry, last Viscount Maynard, and has issue, Arthter-AlgernOn-Adolphuo-Fredcriek-Pierce-do Capel, 5. It June, 1837; at. 21 May, 1067, Ftieaheth, youngest don. of Owen Owen, Eeq. of Gadl3-e and LlaagSgad, EVKR0LEV, VISCOUNT (Charles Sleaav-Lefevre, P.C.), Anglcaca. Horatto-Bladen, 5. 10 Oct. 4639; at. 16 Aug. 1006 Ads- of Heckfield, en. Hante, so created fl April, 1857, EVE Augneta, 2nd surviving dan. of Tbeophilas Hawkins Eoq. of Newton Abbot. George-Marie, 5. 11 Jan. 1845. Harriet-Mary, widsw ttf Visconnt Forth, eon of the Earl of Perth; and wife of E.-C. Bering, Eaq. ; tt. at Lima, 30 April, 1066. - Floreneo.Lt,nioa-Auiolia, itt. 6 Oct. 1859, to Francis Lilly-Neeil ltoadc, Esq., 21st fuailiaro. 1. Harriett-Jane, at. in 1817, to Itarid-Okedon ParryOkeden, Eat1, of Mare Critcholl; and d. 24 J itne, 1819. 2 Georgiana, et. lot, 1821, tt, Ral3,h Smyth, Esq. of Gaybrook; lndty, 19 J tue 1831. Fierce O’Brien Bntler, Es’i. of DuaboyneCsetle, Co. Sloath, and d. 15 Oct. 1033. S Doria, is. in 1021, to the Marqneae harms d’Eopinaaoe de Fantcnelle, m.d it. 30 Dcc. 1816. 4 Louisa-Anne, at. in 1827, to Connt Angneted’Espinaese de Fontenclle; cad d in 1042. 5 Horatio, at- 16 Oct. 1051, to the late Col. Count do Sep tenil; an’l wao accidentally burnt to death at tiashiabury, 33 hlay, 1864. 6 Jane, ttt. in 1933, B. Macloughlin, hID.; and d. 1849. 7 Mary. 8 Amelia, itt. 25 April, 1857,to Hon. Ilenr -S. Blackwoed. a. sat. 3 Feb. 1035. Q,teen, rector of llaine, Essex, and vicar of Wotford, Herte, t. 28 April, 1775 ; at. 7 June, 1602, Sarah, only dim, of Samuel Saltet-, Eaq.ef Rickmansworth, co. lierte, and a. 3 Dee. 1534, having ltad leone, I William, 5.21 April, 1804; at. 14 April, 1831, Jane-Anne, dan. ofTl’omao Clntterhnck, Esq. of MkkleSeld, ldcrts. 2 Henry-Robert, 5. 27 Nov. 1806; an officer in the rifle brigade; d. 13 April, 1047. 3 Edward-Samnel. I. 16 Jan, 1811; at. 5 June, 1838, Eliosheth, eldeot dan. of James Ilinnie, Esq. of llenterara, and by her (who ,?. 10 Nov. 185l( has bone, Arthnr-William, 5. 23 April, 1040; Edward, 5. 6 Sept. 1843; and Ada. 1 Jane-Selina, to. 9 May 1826, to T.-T. Clarke, Req. of Swakeley, en. Middleaex. 2 Lanita, at- 51 lIar. 1831, to the Rev. J.-C. Chatterback, ht.A., vicar of tong Wittcnham, Bucks. 2 Georgiana,ta. in 1029, to the Rev. N-F. Wodehouee. (Sec pail, WottraOcaa, 10.) 4 Ioabdie, is. 10 May, 1854, the Rev. A. Hawkee, MA., rectur of Rnohton, Northomplanahire. iv. Thomas-Bladen (Sir), vice-admiral nf the blne, K.C.B.; I. 25 Aug. 1776; is. in 1816, Harriet-Catherine, don, of ills widow a. 30 July, 1866. The earl a. 5 March, 1759, and wags, by his son, 000Roa, 6th carl, DCL., F.S.A., recorder and higheteward of Loominster, 5. 13 Nov. 1757, who assnmed the at. let, 6 June, 1706, Sarah, dan. of Henry Eazett, Esq. Creatiane—liaron, 6 Aug. 1641. Earl and Viscount, 20 April, 1601. Arma—Gu., a lion, rampant, hctwccn three crosscrosolota, fitchfo, or. Creat—A demi-lian, rampant, or, holding in the dexter Itaw a croso-eroeslet, fitchhe, gn. Sop- et fartitndine. Seal—Cashiobury Park, Watford, Herte, EUSTON, EARL, See GEAgTON, DUKE, E V E ItS L E Y. late M.P. fna’ North Hsnte, anti fur eighteen years Speaker of the Hnnoe of Cummtttae, 6. 22 Feb. 1794; cc, 24 Juno, 1817, Emma-Laura, clan, of * To this gentleman, and his brothers and sisters, tho precedence of an earl’s children was granted in May, 3539. - 423