Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/480

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PAL FALKLAND. Si ç5 FALELAND, VISCOUNT (Sir T,neins-Benlin ek Cary, Trinity C”liege, Dublin; he was afterwards of St. John’s P.C., CCII.). of FalkIand, en. Fife, in the peerage of College, Cambridge. At the age of nineteen, he inherited Scotland; Baron 1-Inneden, of Seutterekolfe, en. York, tho fortune of his maternai grandfather, and thus became in the peerage of the United Kingdom; 8. 5 Nov. pooseascd of a landed estate of ahont £2000 per annum, 1803; a. as 9th viscount, upon the derea e of his with considerable persooal property. His lordship, after father, 2 Much, 1899. m, 27 Dee. 1830, Amelia the decease of his father, retired to his seat at Great Tcw, FitzClarenee, sister of the late Earl of 5[nnster, and and devoted lumseif entirely to hteratnre. Previously to by her (who d. 2 July, 1SS) has issue, Lue,us-WIm.taM-CnAeLee-Auousrus-Far.neatcE, Master eonrt; hot so eos’n as actual rebellisn comnsenced, he as ef Felt-lead, capt. in the army, ,ieputy-licnt of Mirth strennonsly snpportcd the royal eatise. lie attended the Biding of York, t. 24 Nov. 1031 e,. 11 May, lSuS, king it Edgebili, at Oxferd, and at the siege of Glonceater, Sanah-Chrietiena, only dan. of the late Major Henry- l,ut a view of the c,danitties bivsstght upett his renniry, and Peach lteighly, of Tdlieote, cc. Warwick, late judge the still groater impendiag evils, etitirely broke down his advecate-general of the Madras artoy. His lordehip in. 2ndla-, 10 Nov. 1850, Elizabeth- death as s relief in the field of battle. Preqnently, when Catherine, Dowager Duchess of St. Albans. lIe was oillitig amongst Ins frieodo, after a long silence and deep created an Englieb peer 15 May, 1832. lie was sighs, he w,,nl,i cry aloud with a sbs-illl voice, Piece governor of Bombay from 1848 to 1853. lLtncagc. SIR Jonte Caav, Ent. ef Cockiugton, ce. Devon, a baron 20 Sept. t 64;:, be received is nsttsket-shst wound, and falltsg of the Exchequer in the reign of Ricnxan ii., left bane, from ins horse, hie body n’as net found until the next JOHN, bishep of Exeter in 1419, and an cider son, his heir, msrning. Thus Falkiand died, the generous and the just.” S,a ROBERT C.sav, Hut., who, ameng other feats of arms, vanquished an Arragonian knight in Smithfield, and Lerd Clarendon, speaking of Palkland, says, that be was a as a reward fr,r his valour, received the honour of knighthood, person of sttch pnxltgi as parts of learnhsg and knowledge, and the permission to adopt the ar,oorial ensigns of attd ,,f that inimitable sweetness and delight its conversatint,, his defeated rival, namely, On a bond, three roses. The gallant gontloman si Margaret, dan. of Sir Philip Conrtcnay, of Powderham, co. Boron, aod was s. by his oos, SiR CARv, of Coekington, who ci. Christian, dan. the edious and accursed civil war than that single loss, it of Wilhsm Orchard, Esq., and was father of SIR WII,LIAM C’aov, Rot, of Cockington, who, fighting time filled the office of secretary ef state to Cnaacee 1. Tie for the House of Lancaster, at the battle of Tewkosbury, ii. Letitia, dan. 4 Richard Morrison, Esq. ef Teoley t’ark, was taken ptiooner in a church, whither ho had fled for eo. Leiceste,’, and was e. by his eldest sen. sanctuary, and notwithstanding a promise of pardon, anffeted TT’ucev, 3rd viscount. hits lordship, after the Restoration, decapitation. Sir William m. let, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir William Panict, and had a eon, ROBERT, of Cockington, ancestor of the C.savs gf Terr of being concerned in Sir George IJ,,sth’s rising for the Abtey, in Devon, whose late rcprooentative, HERRvGEORGE restoration of Ctsanres hI. Lord Falkland was anthor of Caav, Esq. 6. in 1640, and of tho Caavs of Tie Marriage lDghi, a comedy. He si. llargaret, dan. of Foliates JIse,w, now repreoenled by G0000E STANLey Canv, Eoq. (See Roawe’s J,sek,i Oceiry.) By his 2nd wife, Alice, dan. of Sir Bsldwin Fulford, Rot, of his eldest son, Fulford, Sir William left soother son, Tnoaiaa CaRv, Esq., who ta. llargaret, 2nd dan. and coheir official situations during the reigns of Cnxatee H. and of Sir Rabert Spencer, by Eleanor his wife, dan. and Wict.saai ill , htet incut-i-ed the displeasure of tIre House of ce-heir of Edmund Daaufsrt, Duke of Somerset; by her Commons, which resolved, If Jan. 160:1-4, that t’iseoont be had tsvo sane, Jona. WILLIAM, who oi. Mary Robyn. sister of the nnfertsasate of isstsiug and huestowing the king’s money, was guilty of a Qneeo Anne Eele3m, an-i was ancestor of the CARTs, high miedemeaos,r and broach of trust, and that he be Lords IIa,ts’lee cad Esrie of .flecer.’ snd of the Caavs, comsnittod to the Tower. His lardship a. Rebecca, dan. of Earl., of itIa,,casslt; for an ecconnt of whom eec BURKE’e Sir Eowlsnd Lytten, of Enelsworih, Herts; and dying in Extinct Peerage. The eider son, SIR Jonai CARv, Ret., Is. Joice, sister of Sir Anthony Luctcs-HENRv, ath viscount; who ml. 1st, Dorothy, dan. Denny, It-nt , and left issue, SIR Enwaan Cmv, Rut, of lierkhampotead. otooter of the Jewel-office to Et.IZAOETn an,l JAMES I. This gentleman ta. ii. Geaege, a general in the arosy; to. Isabelia, only dan. Catherino, dan. of Sir henry ltnevett, and widow of Henry, Lord Paget. by whom he had a son, SIR lTEtcRv CARv, it-B., wl,e was elevated to the peerage of Scotls,,d, 10 Nov. t62i, as Ytseouav PALRLANn. His ierdohip was constituted Loen-Lseuvzyxxv OF tercacen in The viscount t,,. todly, Laura, da,t. si Arthur Dillon, end 1621, and continued in office seven years. Tie es. Ehrabetb, sister of tl’e Viscounts (Charles attd Rcttry) Dillon, and of only din. an,t heir of Sir Laurence Tanfield, chief-baron of Arthtsr, archbishop of Narbonue, by whom he had atm only the Exchequer, an’i had issue, 430 PAL Lucius, his sneceosor. Lawrence, kiliod fighting under Sir Cliarlss Coote, when he defeated the irish at Swnrds, in 1642. Anne, ci. to James, 2nd Earl of home. Amongst the papers of the viscount, who was a man of letters, was found, and printed in 3660, The History s.f the meet osferlseole Fs’iece Euwman I 6., with cheice pshlico I ots,rs,otieas 051 1,101, cod lie uehappgfeoeuritee, Gereestee sad Spisicer. his lordship is remarkable fir an investiou to prevent the countsrfeit of his signature—that of aetfnlly concealing within the writing the snccessive years of his age. He 6. in 3633, and was s. by Isis elder son, Lucius, 2nd viscount. This sminent person was born at Dunned, about tho yesr 1610, and carried by his father into ireland, when that nobleman was appointed lorddepnty, in 1022, where he received pst-t of his education at the breaking out of tbo civil wars, be was member of parliament fir Newport, and a strennous oppotient of the lordship’s spirits, and ihiugh no reilitary man, he songht declaring hinsoclf i,,e,q,able of living in oite]i a slate of perpetnal grief and anxiety. Tina extreme nneasiness seems to hare hnrsded bite on to destruction. i’uttittg himself inte, the first rstsk of Lord Pp-sn’s regiment, at Newbury, and of so flowing atud olsliging a bnmattity and goodtsess to mankind, and of that pnmi ire simplicity and integrity of life, that, 61 there were no oiher brand upou must he tnsst infatisotus to all peeterity. This birdehi p at one represented Artmdel iu parliament, and was nominated iced-lieutenant of the eo. Oxford. lie was committed to the Tower during the usnrpatiun, upon suspicion Anthony Tltmgerfeurd, Esq. ; and dying in 1662, was e. by Arernuyv, 4th vieceuutt. This uohleman filled some high Falklaud, eac of tie members, by Iseggiog and receiving £2,060 fmm hia majesty, et.ntrary to the ordinary method 1604, left issne, a dan., Frances, te. to John Vilhers, lot Earl of Grandiose, and a son and stlceesosr, of Francis llolineux, Esq., by whom he had issue, t. Loctus-Comaces, his of Arthur Ingram, Esq. of Earrahy, co. York, hy whom be left isause, I glieabcth, an to Jcfferey, 1st Lord Amberst, and d. 22 Nay, 1610. 2 Catherine, te. Ic Sir J,,hn Russell, Part.