Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/485

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FEI Jtiltcngc. I. ANTHONY FARRINOTON, Esq. (son of Col. Charles Farrington, m. 9lary-Elisahaeth, as. let, 23 Get. 1800, the laIr Capt. Richard of the artitlery), entered early tots the army; and having at tamed the rank of a general officer, with the command of the let battalion of royal artillery, was created a baronet, 2 ttee. litS Sir Anthony i. in IDE, Elirahrth, dan. of Alexander n. Fraucee-3laria-Carsltne, a. 19 1tareh, 1863, to Edmnnd— Colden, Esq. of New York, by whom he had isser, a Cisarles-Calden, a capt. in the 33rd foot; rn Caroline, ilan of Philip INland, Esq. of Cork, and left issue at his decease, I CHARLES-HENRY, 2nd baronet. mm. ttrNwy-3l.errnms, who inherited as 3rd baronet. i. tlarriet, is, to EGos-Ceo. Walter Clitib. mm. Elizabeth, si. to the latr James Gilbert, capt. BA. tsr. 3tory-Sophta, in. to 1tajor-Gen. Loftus Owems, and is, stock of Isenbigh, It has been settled near Blackburn for 3 Feb. 1860. Sir Anthony is. 3 Nov. 1823, and was .s. by his grandson, 11. Sin Cmm,eiim.m-lleany, t. 26 April, 1791. This gentleman W5LL5.eam I”ESLDEN, Req. of Feniseesrles, eo. Lancaster, lIP. dying coo, in 1026, was s. by Ins insole, Ill. Sm tlraav—3Len’esN, a lteot.-esl. in the army; who iii. Felislen, Req. of Wttlan, by liargaret, his wife, dan. and 1st, Clartssa Claringbole, by irlmoes he had us issue; an’l 2ndly, co-heiress of William Leylanil, Eaq., ‘end brolher of John Laura—3laria, dan. of Charles lirunsley, Es,3. of Madras, t’y Feilden, Eaq. of IJslhugton Ilahl, ache sereod the office of whom (mrho ii. in 1808) ho had, Lanra-Eliuahelh, o.. 22 Pet,. imtgh-eherill of Chealmire in 1003, and isbn e5. aged 90, 13 1832, to the Rev. T.-E. Allen, who is. a chaplain in the March, 1039 (see Buenos Lna’leii Ceisli’y), was created a service, in 1811, leas-tng issne their son, the Res’. l-lcnr3’— htaronet, 20 July, 1046, lIe seas t. 13 llarrh, 1712, and us. William Allen, BA., ii. of Bath, 19 Sept. 1663, and their only 10 3lareh, 1707, ltary - Hasightas, dais, of time late Edmund surviving child, Itary-Hayley, was ial4 May, 1864, to ThsnsaeGeorge Jackson, Req., meusher of lice llenee of Assenmbly at Jamaica. Symens, Faq. of 3tynde Park, ca. Hereford. (Foe and had three sons and six damma., viz,, Burwo’s Lood’,l Oealry.) Sir Henry ri. lrdly, Jane, dau. of WmLLmaam-IIENRY, present baronet. Roger Corry, Esq., by whom (who it in Oct. 1829) he had, I. iloxnv-Ax’rnoaw, present baronet. ii. Relward-Ilolmes, in holy orders, rector nf Landeross, Isevon, as. 1st, 8 Sept. 1840, ltssabella-llaria, dan. of the late Rev. John Edgecembe, and by her (asho it. in 1849) has issue: John-Leyland, hi. in 1821 as. S Oct. 1891, Ehiza-Whighamn, 2ndly, in 1049, Soj,bia-Rlizabetb, dan. of the late Robert Walker, Rsq. of Allshinglon, Devon. mis. Chsrles-Loftne, it-in infancy. iv. Leftns, ii. in infancy. v. Charles-James, 40th regt. Madras native inlantry. I. Jane-3lary, as. in 1030, to the Rev. John Warren, BA., Georgiaoa-Amrlia, cii. to Daniel Wil3s, Rsq. of Ifalsnead Hall, rector of Bawdrip, eo. Sumemet. m. Ilenry-W’arren, bin 1039; ii. 14 Dec. 1802. mm. Mary-Sophia, e,, in 1036, to the late ltajnr John Comberlege, lIam-ia-Leyland, so. to the Rev, Robert Hereby, MA. 41st Bengal native infantry, and had issue; their eldest dan., 3tary-Chaelstte,was as.atltuesoorte, india, 9July, 1867, Sir William Feilden it. in 1050. lo Sidney Smith, Req. iii. 9targaeet-Anne, a. in 1940, to Edmund lionit, Rsq., late t’vealisa—2i July, 1848. of the Iheagal medical service, and now of liath. iv. Ehirabeth, 8. ass, in 1549. v. Olaria-ttarriet, ii. in 1840, to Ihe Rev. G.-H. Evans, MA., chief, and a remlrose,i n base, lhree leremmees, or. rector of Wondehester, Gloneestershire. Sir Ilenry-Maturtn,who as. 4tlsly, in 1834, Sneanna,dan. of Robert hmoldimmg ins its month ar ed rose, mr. Iiekewieh, Req., ii. 4 Get, in that year. His widow as. 2ndly, in crest, a palm lice irith sealglsts suspended to the branches, witlm 1939, Major F.-E. 3lanntng, Bengal Army, who is deceased. Ceealisn—2 Dee. 1019. Aeass—Rrm., on a chevron, gn., Ooxomen, R. nr). between three leopards’ faces. sa., as many bombs, or, fired, ppr. .Seal—Femsiseowlee hall, near Blackburn, Lancashire. b’s-cal—A dragon, wings elevated, tail nssved, vert, beaanlS, gorged with a mural crown, arg., and chain reflexed over the back, or, charged on the body with two galtraps feseewnys, of the last. .ilJslle—Le ben tempe viendra. FEILDING, Viocouyr, see PEARleR, EARL. FRILDEN, SIR WILLIA3O- HENI1Y, Bart. of Feniseowlos, en. Lancaster, DL., J.P. for that county, lute capt. 17th lancers, and late major of the Duke of Laueaetee’s Own Militia; 5. 15 Nov. 1812; no. 15 Jan. 1835, Mary.Elizaheth, Jan. of tlse late Col. James-Balfour Wemyss, of Wemysa Hall, no. Fife, and has, I. WILLIASI-LEYLAND, J.P., late of the 13th light-dragoons, m. Cmm.ens.os, 0. 17 .ean. 1889. i. in Nov. 1831; ci. 16 Fe-h. 1060, Catherine-Jane, oldest m. SnsanGeergiraa. mm. Rdith-Helen. dais, of Rdsrard Pedder, Rsq. of Ashtou Park, Cs. Lancaster, Sir James, who served With his regiment, the grenadice and has had issue, 1 William-Henry. hi. 8 March, 1066. 2 A eon, hi. 12 June, 1868. 1 Edith Hanghton-W’emyss. 2 Blanche-Amelia-Mary, iS. so infant. 3 Ada-Isabel. mm. Henry-Wemyes, paymaster 18th huesars, late 42nd highlanders Sin Jnsmma Feesonosoam, Knt. of Kilkerran ; but mu eOnsrqneuce and 14th regt., capt. in the army, late assistant- adjutant-general in the army of the Confederate Slates of lands of tOilkerrama were alienated, and the f:mnnly snilbred America, b. 1838 ; ma. 27 Dee. 1864, at Greenville, S. considerable m’sverse of fortune. nmmtih retrieved by Carolina, Julia, dau. of the late David 3teCard, Esq. of I. Jeors Fv.anrmeex, son efSimmmon Fergeisssn, of Anehmnwmn, S. Carolina. an. Jsanghtsn-Montagn-James, HA., 1812. iv. Arttaur-Rdsvard-Ceeil-3IcDuff, 0. in 1849. 435 F E R Newolsem Fodder, 7th and 10th hueears, eldest ion of Edward Pedder, Esq. af Ashlon Park, cc. Lanenstee and 2ndly, June, teei, to Maegravc-,i-Iortau Briseo, Essj., eldest son of Sir ttobert Rrieeo, L’art. Juxion Whtllokes; Req., youngest eon of the Rev. J. -W. Whitlaker, 16.0).. vicar of illaektaeirn. lu. Elanelse-Harriet-Juanrta Ororgtna. ILl ISCEflU. This fanstly claims, by tradiltou. to be a branch of the noble immure limams three centuries, anil at present enjimys considerable landed property ima the eo. of Lancaster. for ilaekburmm, from 1832 to 0947, 3rd son of the late Joseph ltontague-Joseph, major 3rd Laneaslmire militis, hi. in 1810 as. 1st, 1540, llary-Anne. aisly dae amad heic of W’ilhiaua Valematimae, Req. of Sanalesbery, Lasmeashiro : erheicis lady of. isa 1019; he as. Isdly, 20 fmct. Info, Alice, 2nd dan. of James Theenae, Req. of Ben Air, (inernsey. dan. of the late Jas. Rennedy, Rsq. of Aneaats. ltary-Ihammglmton, wife of the 13ev. J.-W. Whittaker, 0.0 5. Catherine-hiargaret, as. to James Ilosier, Req. of Hasldsilt Castle, es. Lanark. Lancashire. F,’aneee—h4liza, ra, 1st, to lime late Andresv Itamslton, Req.; and lndly, 14 Jan, 1085, to John Raebieg, Req. Caroline-Ileid. Are’o—Arg., on a: esar, enticed, ar., between tae’o martlels, in teal—A nolimalele perched npon a hazel-branch, flame-led, jtlistsss—3’irtimtio prwmnimimn bummer. The fanmilv has ar.ethaee time alhimsive mmmatlo, ‘‘ Crrseit tao pendere virlmms ‘‘ (ace aisle FENTOUN, VIscouNT, see KELLIR, EARL OF. FEROTISSON. THE RIGHT Roy. FEROU500N, SIR dAllas, P.C., of Kilkerran, no. Aye, late MR for that shire; late nndem’-seeretary of state for India ; appointed governor of South Australia in 1868; 5. 18 Navels, 1832; a. Isis father, aa Otle hart., 18 March, 1819 ; an. 9 Aug. 1859, Edith . Christian, llnd dao. ansl co-heir of the late Marquess of Dselhonaie, nod has, guards, in the Crimea, avae Wounded at Inkermau. ILuIrar. The Isuds of Rilkerran were gm-outed by a charter of Bonunr I. to hi’ergus Fes’gusaen, from wham they descended in of bin adherence tn the cause nf I., the the yoongest son of the abeve.nsenliOned Sir John, who havmng acquired great reputation and its aecompanuneni, opulence, 2y2 FEILDEN 4.