Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/498

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FIT Selina, as. to Henry Gaily-Knight, Esq., barrister-at-law, ot Gooduaston, Keut, 21 April, 1829, and was oreated Lnngald, 0°. KnIts; and if. 2 jan. 1022, leaving a son, the BARON FaTE WALTER, by patant, dated 17Apr11, 1868. present Henry Gaily-Knight, Esq. of Firbeek and t.angatd, formerly SIP. for Notrs. (Ose titmice’s Lssrtesl fWesstso). Catiserine, ni-in to fiiebarst fiatensan, K;q. of ltarliagton Stall, in Derbyshire, and had a son, Sir 1-tegh Italeman, Boson htotrsonr, Rsq. of Grove, ca. Middlesex, aurutorof Earl. Mr. Fitalserbert seas a. tsy Isis eldest son, I. Wrnnsaai FITZ5IEOBEBT, Ksq. of Tisstngtan Italt, who was stars, of Ste Jssotinisru Lerven, Ret. Mr lsnrchaaed the estate erealed a Baronet, 10 Isee. 1103. lie sss. 14 (let. 1777, Sar,sh, ssf Goodrsostors Irons Sir Thomas Englram, Ksrt., rehore too only doss, of William t’rrrin, Los1, of the island of Jansaica, by erected a ssranstou-hoisse, and was .‘. by his oldest son, wtsens (solso ii. 10 179:,) lie had tim sans. Sir Willians, wlsa seas I. Bnos’sc hhoirsor.a, Esq. of tlosdmseslaue, who war created reeorrler of lire tsororsgts of Derby, ,‘. 30 daly, 1791, and iras a. a hlanimna, 10 April, 1718. Sir Draok so. lot, 1707, Marg.oret, by isis elder son, 11. Sin Arcrssosy-l’nomssrs, t. 21 july. 1770, relsa if. ssssos., ssn,1 Margaret. Ife s’s. hnslly, Olory, dan. ssf Sir Thomas 2Apr11, 1792, when the lithe deratred sspau his brother, Ill. Ste liEvoy, t. 4 Assy. 1723; s. his brother, as 3rd hart., osoly sm-a-lying son, 2Apr11, 1790; si. 27 Dec. 1802, Agnes, 2nd dan. of the Isle 11ev. 11. Sin hinosse. This gentleman is, Arsnc, dan.and on. Wsllians Baresford, and by her (also if. 20 Nov. 1 063) had neir of Sir Ths’nsas l’alnosr’r, hart. (olse iss. after his dcooasn tssae, WiLLiAM, present baronet. Iliehard-Itenry, is. 20 Oct. 1809 ; major late of the riflebsdgade; Otssy’, 173:1; ssftor his ds cessse, ists sart’ ohihel asset successor, Os. a Oct. 1841, Ellen-Stargarel, antydan. of Jonrrs I tI. Ss BROOK, was bin-mr. lIe s’s. 1761, P’aussy, dair, of Plelsbaro, Esq. of Toloil Place, Kent. Alteyne, t. 0 3tay, 1610 in lsssly orders, rector of Warsap. plsor t’orrlcr, Esq., md Frances. bia wife, slats, of Money Eons ; i’s. in 1041, Asgclissa, 3rd dats. of rise tale ,lasaes )hhldsssay, Rsq. ‘f Graces, eo. Essox, i’y Mary, his wife, Haffessders, Esq. af Lassgfssrd hail, Nalts, amsd Tessteedra, sister ansst essdsoir ssf Hrssjaa;ins hllitsinsay, Exnone FsTz— Reef, and 1. 13 April, 1 off, leaving isaac. of nlsaas ihe IV acorn (osr Itunco’s Ba c,.ssssst ssa’l Rxiissct Peecssgo), anod by eldest sass, Hrrt’eol—l tasiends’n, Os - iss Era’ Zealanst, 27 April, her (ri-ba if. Iii March, 182;) had isrosa, 1860. Miss jasset Jlaohrasm Kssax. Anthony. 1’. 10 May, 1810’s. 23 done. 1802, ElizabethMnrlho, n. M’snm.naor, Iris sar’eess,ir. only dan. of the 1ev. Wilti,snr home, rector et in. Itenry, t. I done. 1769, who assonied the surname of ttareaing; and if. II Stay, icoa. jahn-Enight, h. 27 Slarcls, 1820; os. 0 Aog. 1000, Arabrltal’enetape, 3rd dart- of the tale Willianr While, of Shrrsbs, ra. Dnblia. Solina, as. 12 Ang. 1830, to Francis Wright, Esq. of Lsnton 14011, Naftioglsamsbiro. Marriet-3tooia. Franeos-Hafela, as. 1:1 Nov. 1841, to tbe Rev. Godfrey-Il. Arkwright, 3rd son sf Robert Arkwright, Eoq of SuItors Hall. judith. Arrgsssta-Trssbells, sa. 11 March, 1821, to Jsshmr-Gay:Nervt ass, eldest soss af Sir Revuonl-Abel Afleyne, tlart. Sir henry 5. 1 Juno, 18Mb f’ccssf toss—ID Dcc. 1783. Arasa—Go., three turns, rampant, or. Gaol—A cutot arnr in arnsoar, erect, tlse hand appearing iv. ltas’riet-Slar;’, tsr I Osid, tss tire lIen. Gessrge Stoare, 3LA., elenchesh witlairs tire garsothot, sill tsr. .M”sfts.s—hiag Jr sorveray. Or I silt sacs’a. S’eaf,s—Tisstuglsso Italt, near Ashibaarne, Dtrbysl’.tra and Sir Hrossk 1. ho Sr1st.. 1791, aasl roas a. Isy bis eldest son, ‘West Farleigh, Kent. * For a fish acrarssit of use shesrersl af Ibis Ilarssay lsy- ri-rh I, nnttoo far Fnirihrgrs of the hlssase at l.ords, sable hr conooiittee, frem rhe oroar family of tladolyrfe or Ilatelilho, os-c Dunce’s oa use lath of ,bsriy. 1814, rraooirnsaimsly rasslved, ihat ‘ the Dacssser sit rrssd AbUser Ps, cage, Issol sat lissss.—li ENJAST5 s SIrs is— barony is noro in slsryaaee hseia’eee nbc prliitauer, Sir Rroah— ams, wlsaso elsias to ihe ttaeoay of Fliarralier roar eslabtistsest Wtlliam D,’tslyra. as groisdoan arid iseir of Darsse b’aumsy Bridges, to 1669, and wisase issrme bocassre e oomstarsttv extimsol, had a aed tire drseoadssmsls lit any) of deraisus Bake.” Tire raards mtsrer, Star, rotsa sa. ttonry Mfldssaav, Erg, of Graces, ssneh hsrd trsserled lit any’’) siomo part of lIme resolution, llmsrs iotimatisrg issae, 1 Olary, so. to Charles Goodroin, Fag., arid ,t. s. is- ; 2 hirer-, considerable dnaht raheiher oay doseendoots of Jombnaa Duke so. to Tlssnsas Gardiner, Erg. of ‘l’ohestsary-, Essex, and Isad, remain, 448 FIT 3Lfitcar. the Inssjsrest, descended from ssn ancient family, ss, Mary, dau. of Sir Robert Star-sham, Dart. (and sister of Its ‘bert, lit f,ssrd Dosnssoy), and bail Itasson, his sucrossar, Halos, Earf, Ha 5. 16 March, 1727-8, and was a. by his IL,, Hssss, Charles F’ettdtsrg, son of William, 3rd Earl of lien- high), ansi died during his shoriffolty for the en. Kent, 23 Edward Fowlor, Esq, of llraces, on. Essex, s’,n of Cbristoi Bsooo; Os, I duty, 1790, jane. 2nd dais. of Sir ThomasPysss hales, Dart.; sf21 Sept. loS-a, baring had issue, I Drasds-lieary, b. to 1729, harrister-st-law; if. in 1829. 2 Ttsossras-l’ynr, 8. in 1890. I jane. 2 Mary. 3 Amelia. sir. Drools-Edward, 1,. in 1779; si. in 1809, Itarriel, 2ad dan. of the tale John Foote, Es’1.; assd dying in ld22, left by her (soha 1. Oct. 186-1) P.raok-Eda-ard, in holy orders, rectsr of has, es’s, s’s. lteslSsmsl , so - irs dan. 1043, I.assisa—Aone, 2ast start, of Sir j. Ootsomn, Ba’:. saa,l artier iresso. no. ttrssusk—Jot’m,. in liii- sse,tors, 8. iii 17-21 ssm. irs 1918, Char’— lalte, slsssn. sstSir 11. Itarslcy, Bail.; asssl ,5. tsr 1012, nj’. r. F,srsa , s. tss I.rsois I ‘sos’, t’ss;. in. Sssjstsia, s. iss 1781, Is’ tVtlharsr Des’des, Essi. no. F:tizatsotts, s,. iii I 7;t I, to Ed a sri Aisrteo (afterwards Rssigtst Log.), ‘f B oslssser’olsasss t’ssris, c’s. ltesst. rector at Wrothassi, ro. Rent, etshesr son of Ia’. John 3taare, Arelnbislrssls at Cansterbary. IV. SIR Discs, sc-Wrs.m.n,ors, tbe firmer of which Cbriotiarr ssams’s lie oaossnaaed by act ef parliament; h. 00 dime, 1767. Sir Drosk m. 1st, 14 Aug. 1900, Elcssnor, eldest dan. and eeonstmsal css-tsetr of johms I”aoto, Esq., a tsanker in London, by wlsosn (who sI. 20 Jaa. 1096) he had bane, Baooo-Wrccnassm, ists successor, rrcatod FsTzroAtToo. Psoassra-Oeosoe, ho hroiy ordem’s, rector at ltiasslsuey, b. (let - 12, 1502; sss. 10 Nov. 1032, l.oaisa, dau.of Charles t’lsaphin, Esg. of Ptaakuey, co Lincoln. Elosseor. us. irs A1sril. l°29. to the Rev. 1-tours’ Western Fhaoilore, rorior of Esrsirsoosl, Not; s, sass of jsslstm Ptamptre, Erg. of Fredoille. in Nominglaa, 11 eat, and has issue. The lsoreuet sss. hndly, 10 Doe. 1809, Domsthy-Ehiaataetis, oldest dssu,uf Sir thenry Ilawloy, Dart., irhiels lady ,i. 17 Slay. hold. Sir DrooL 1. 21 .pril, 0829, amid was a. in Oslo baaonotcy isy his oldie son, tlissson-WrLLIAOr, nose Loon h”rozwALTea. rm’ith ofirer tssise sr-isa 5. o.js., limo dossa.. Lacy, ssho si. in 1722, Sir Dictiarsi lloeou, Start., Isut Itseir issrse is extinct t amid FITZiVALTER, BARON (Sir Brook-William Bridges), Jenrimsso, ortso is stssted to hovr sss. ,loims Jors’pls, surgeon, and of ‘tVondham’Walter, in the on. Essex, and a Rainsset, hor’o brash an only stan., Jensrimssa, roife sf10, slserl Dsmko, r000hhers draper, af C olohsosioi’, also, it is asserird, so l;lest mr Anaeriea; late III.P, far East Kent, MA., 8. 2 Jssne, 1801 3 Elizabeiha, s. Ia Eslsassrsl Walrrsssss, Erg., smsd sO. op.; 4 Frances, ass. 4 Jrsly, 181-I, Fanny. oldoat don, of tise late us. to Ci srisiolslsr r F’osoier, Ess1., salt is, irs 170h, leaving is son, Edsansnasl Fsrrs br, of tlrocea, ratio s’s. Ehiaalsrlis Pafeshsahl, Tewis Cago, Es1. of Ililgate, 10 Bersted, Kent. ansI sO. ho l3’l, Iroming a dunn. assd bun r, Fanny, rshle of Sir ills lnrelslriis, wbss is nun of the oo-lseiro, if not the htoaak Rodeos. Barr. of Gossshmsosmoo, sad sssotiser of ttso late Sir sole loeir, to the amreient Barony (by writ of sumlImBs) hirools—Willi,srrs tlrisges, tiarL. rolnorc soil arsd Ireir, She Brook— of Fitzwalter,° o. isis fsstlsrr as 6th hart, of William hlm’islgrs, 711, lsas’t. of Ooadmmeslaa (nose Lard Fitza’alfor), presesird Isis lselitiOe to rho (‘morons in 1841, as heir to the Barony bs’ ron sf Filassalter. Ilis claim caaae before Ihe Coos— F I T Z W A. L T E It.