Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/502

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L L E The younger son, PHILIP FLETCSSrR, Esq., was grandfather of RiCHARD Forvraen, Esq., whose san, MAJOR PHiLIP FLETOTIER, a. en 1114 at a very advanced age, I. hlsrnann-JeinN, the present baronet. leaving issue, I. Jo oa, his heir. ii. Philip, surveyor-general of Ihe pree-inco of Ulster; so. In. Jamee-llndge, es. 27 fIr1. 1529, In George Rroadrirk, Esq. Idare’, dae. of the leer. Mr. ‘pwigg; and ci. in 1755, having Sir llirheard tecastualed his gaihsnt career hefnre San Sebastian, had issue, 1 Philip. d. ,‘rtc,,. 2 Thames, billed at 1)ellingen. 3 Itirlsard, whose. Anse_Eleaner-Sralt, does, of Arriecliald A ‘a,n—Sa., 0,, a crass, escgrailed, erm., between four plates, Edn,oessto,ee, Eeq. ; and d. in 1 752, lraemssg a son, Philip, M.D.; t. in 1757. 4 Edward, of I.isls,erce, in hely orders; who B. in 1777, on a reeehi,ce, or, a wrraile at laurel, vert. leaving by Jcmc Sfssrray, Ins wile, three sane, Philip, of 1,isiairn, is hole orders; I’. lee 1751. Edward, i’s lbs RICa’s civil service ; Ii. in 1763. (Sec PrunE’s S solo? licnIv). dances, bin 1765. I. Elieabrth, iii. lo lluenphrsy Pearson, Esq. The elder son, Joiia PLETCUEn Esq. of (‘lea hail, en. 1st, Slary, dan. of Evan Chri’rian. Req., by evl,ons lee lead nil snrviviseg ioseee ; and lndly, Tsat,eila, dace. ascIi re-heir of John Senhon,e, Esq. of 7’7etherhali, ro. Cnmnberland, by wham he lead, Philip, vepi. in tile army, (t, in 1742. Jahe,. also rapt. lee she army; 4. in 1743. George, ra;d. of grenadiors; hilled at Ilesebec, in 1759. Lowtlevv, lime. it.N.; tool at sea in 5731 ilnarty, lice 1st baronet. Chaelvs, repl. of marilees ; ,l. in 1703. Grace, i.e. to Wiittiane ‘I’aylor, IDsq. Jaesc, 5. ta ‘l’honeas Benson, Esq. The 5th son, 7. llnnv PLETrnEee, Esq. of (‘tea Hail, having hrmn engaged is’ Germ:ieey,” by Slary, his wife, date, of the Rev, dances in tier sea-wirier of the 0d India 5”anepaay, aied sseiesrqseontly Hate, ccli’, held lice livisag of Clsilhane, and other rhnrch chosen a meeceesteer of ito court of dirrrtioo, w erralod a prefrrmesst ice SCent, haviseg adeptrd lien profeosiess of arms, Baronet., 20 May, 17°2. lIe ii. in 1765, Catherine, daee. and esstee-est tbo service as cars,rt in Elliott’s light-dragoons, sale iceir of liosery I,inlot, Esq. of Saeetlewntor, ro. Suosex, by aced was hireeesst at the battle s’f Ernsdt,rd, pasaiseg tbroesgh whaeee he lead a so’, sad lees., llraesy and Catiearinc. .Sir Shreery vscrioio gradea. lb diatingssiehed hinesrhf iss Isedia as ml. ropreseniect lice cc. of Cssseeboriaeed i a Iearliameeet far thirty-fear of the 19th ligict-draqos’sss, eesed evess ,eceisoi is, ee,mneand at years, frees 1765 in 1507. lie it. 10 3larcle, 1007, and n-as e. by the rapt,ere of Sariccgaiatasse. Ole seibseqsseistly attained leis son, hi. Sma Hearsy, wise ea. 19 Siemh, 1501, Feances-Sophia, 4th and i, tsn; v-as created a Haroeset. Sir John so. 29 dan. slate, of Thnasas Wright Vaugiean, Es1. of Waadslooo, by whasn 1751, Heliecra-dnliacia, dase. of Uhearleo Harkc, Roq., acs iso had sscrviring isaser, Husay, late baronet. John-Philip, is. in 1515. Sir Ilonry B. 10 Aug. 1521, and ,ras a. by his son, Ill Sin lOeaev, b. 15 Seal. iS07 who cc. 26 done, 7934, 3li,ooda, sis. 15 Nov. 1015, Lient.-irn. Sir Jaeeph Feller, Easily—Maria, 2o,i ‘lace, of (iresrgc itrewser, Req., farnerriy G.C.hd., coi. 73s1s rein., and a nsrmber of the board of snoneber of caesnrii, ldoesshay. assd had lessee, I. hinany, present harosre. is. Gmerge.Phsilip. 5. 1537; it. 1843. sue. Edward,tt.hl.N,, Ii. 1541. iv. Jacccrciot, 5. 1546. v. Philip, 5. 1045. vi. Jolsn-t.,cwllerr, b. 1051 I. Eceeily, if. 1543. ii. Fraesrss—Seqiieia, el. 1045. iii. Eititls. cc. Aclelaide-Slaria, ea. 30 June, 1007, to Itorace-Edward The general cc. Sndly, 59 July, 1005, Lad3- Denny, s-rhrt of Clespn,ase, Req. of Rorleaelstiton, Snrrey. v. Alice, 4. 1051. vi. Elba-Emily. Sir henry ci. 0 Sept. 1051. Creehan—20 Slay, 1752. Arias—So., a cross, eesgraihril, erg., beteveen foscr piaim, earls II. Sen Hnteay, who was b. 2 Sept. 1793, and ns. 30 Aug. charged wills an arrow of the first. (‘sect—A ieerse’s ieead, arg., charged with a irefail, go. M”tlo—Sharlis nan Cupidinis. Seal—Ashiey Pack, Watlnee-on-’fleanees. Seerrey FLETCHER, RAPT., ace oesk, BOCGHEY, RAPT. F T1E TOll ER., FLETCHER, SIR RICHARD-JOHN cv. Charles-C’,reenwosd,Sl.A., in holy orders, is. 14 done, 1530. of C’nrrow, go. Cork 8. 3 Feb. vi. CIcsrles-Ashshurnhaas, is, 10 bier, 1070, late heat. 9th 1805 ; a an 2nd baronet, upon yn. bvaiter-Cssnlirrneer,’-Lee, CE., 5. 24 l’eb. 1541. tian desnion of his fatleer, in 1813. ,, Elinshells-_telne, eo, to E,-1V. hlontsam, Esq., consulgeneral, Sir liiglcard was formeees’ly et captaiss in the army. 3tinvzosjr. I. LIEIsT.-COL. RICHARD PLrTrsrnR, of the royal engineers, lero sislet’s; the elder, ecife of Jehn Jtidont, Esq., heft issueS son of the Rev. Ririsard Fietclser, leaving disliicguished leisnself the yannger, Eliaahelh Poecys, it. on,es. 452 PLO ns risief engineer dserheg tlse Peninsular war, was crested a Raronet, 14 Her. loll, lIe so. Eliaabeth, elan. ci John Modgc, Req., M.D., of I’lynsouth, hy wisem he had issesr, is. Cnasss.eo-flsLAanO, is. in 1506. m. Eiizabeele-Slalioek. mm. harriet. of hlanephuti Stubtis, ro. Cork, n’ha if. in 1541. in Aug. 1813. (‘reatiose—l4 Mrr. 1512. earls charged celtic a pteeon, erect, an., a sevord in pale, ppr.; trial—Get of a ocaral crown, or, a isorse’e israd, erm. gorged critic a wreath of laurel, vrrt. ,srat—Carrow, co Cork. FL 0 Y V. FLOYD, Site JoHN, late capt. 3rd regt., 8. 1823; e. his fathor as 3rd barb., 4 March, 1868 ; ste. 1851, Thnsnaoino-Harrirtto, dau. of the Rb. Hon. Frederick Shan’, which lady rl. in 1856. iLIlIc7Igc. dunce FLOYD, Esq.,* b. 2d Prh. 1745, son of John Plnyd, Es;1., rapt. lot dyagoOss-geeards, ‘‘who died whilst servhsg the rassle of gencresh, aced the roiasselry sif the 5th lightihsagoasie, tscraene ftavemn,ir of tlresvoarnd ascd Tilbury Port, eminent merchant of Shadsas, by whom (who 5. 3 Fob. ISIS) he had bane, I-inane, 2nd baronet. general officers, (who it. he 1011,1 and has one dao., dohianaitehecca, eec. 9 Get. 1541. to Sir hugh -Henna Campbell, Part., Slarcheseeni Doasr, me. Rrrerirlr. Jells, ccc. lee done, 1520, to hl,e late llight Hon. Sir Robert l’eel, Bert., SIP., at Hivyton Sianor, co Stafford, and B. his ,eidow, 27 Get., 1559. PHyla, it. I Feb. 1502. Sir harry tleccc,y, Hart. of Tralee Castle, assd dma. so Creshte Slorgehl, Eaq. of Sieenmt SborgcII, me. Lineerick. Sir John it. 10 dan. 1515. Lady Floyd 4. 11 Her. 1844. Sir John was a. by Lie only son, ISdI, Mary, dan. of William Slnrray, Eoq. of Jamaica, and had, it I. Jona’, present baronet. mc. Wss.Lsaes-Sie-aaAv, 5. 20 Slareh, 1520. is,. Robert-Fret, rape. 2nd royal Cheshire rrgl. of nsHlia, 9. 24 Slarrls, 1020 ,‘ -i. 1st, 4 lice. 1532, Slary-Jane, only dso. of klenry Carew, Req. of Ayshford, Sidsnonsh, eshieh lady et. a. p. II Get, 1853; lee es. Indly, 10 Jan. 1558, Jane- Caroline, relict of W.-C. Mantgonses’y, Req. of Cievetaseda Mawlists, asid dais, of lime hale hileisarsi hlennarels, ihsq. of Y,irh, by echoes hr has issue: I ilmnry-Eobert-Peel, b. I Nor. I sas ; I Sarsli—hieatriec ; I Cosstesecr-Carshine. c’ ilescry-Itidnot, capl. laths reginersct; is. tO April, 1535. 1cm seers. vccc. Artheee-W’eiledey, RN., is. 0 Aug. lSd5i dat Gibraltar, 29 Ear. 1535, Tnbrea, Pee’sia. She 4. 10 Dec. 1541, leaving a son, 5. 30 hiri 1544. si, Slary-Carohifle. cmi, Florence. lie had one brollsar, Thomas, who died a Ileol. RN., and