Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/51

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AEERCORN, DUKE OF (Sir James Hamilton, K.G., This family is said to be doseended from Sir William de P.C., LL.D.), Marquess of Hamilton of Strabane, co. Hanscidon, one of the yonnger eons of Robert do nellomont, Tyrone, Viscount Strahane, Lord Hamilton Baron of Strabane and Baron of Monnteaatle, in the peerage oeli at the court of Enwassn Ii. in o’Imirahou of King of Ireland; Marquess of Abereorn and Viscount Eoseav aauce, received a blow from John do Spencer, Hamilton, in the peerage of Great Britain; Earl of which led the following day to a renronater, wherein Spencer Abercorn, Baron of Paisley, Aherbrothick, Ahercorn, the year 1121. acing closely pusvued, however, in his flight, Hamilton, Monuteastle, and Kilpatrick, in the he and his oorvaut ehangod clothes with two woodenttero, peerage of Scotland; a Baronet of Ireland; Duke and taking their saws, were in the act of cutting through of Chatelherault, in France; Hsin MALE OF TE an oak tree when his pomoero passed by. Perceiving his HOUSE OF HAMILTON ; lord-lieutenant and custos servant notice thom, Sir Gilbert hastily cried oat to him, rotnlornm of the co. of Donegal, colonel of the ‘‘Through t” whirls word, with the oak, and saw through Donogal militia, and major-general of the Royal it, he took for his crest, in commemoration of his deliverance. Archers (the Queen’s body guard of Scotland) through tradition, Dot it is difficult to reconcile with chronological late Groom of the Stole to H.R.H. the Prince Consort; 5. 21 Jan. 1811 ; s. his grandfather, as the 3rd Earl of Leieeator, through his younger son, Willism. 2nd marquess, 27 Jan. 1818, and was created Duke Otoreovor, on the doath of the 4th earl, the groat poserosions of Abercorn and Marquess of Hamilton 10 Aug. 1868; its. 25 Oct. 1832, Lady Louisa-Jane Russell, atotors; and Simon do Montfort, the husband of the oldest, 2nd dan. of John, 6th Duke of Bedford, KG., had in her right the title of Earl of Leicester. This could and has had issue,

I. JAMES, ifcst-quees of Jdeosilfen, H.P. for co. Denegal, 8. who loft male iosue to inherit isis rights. It is more probable 24 Aug. 1838, Lord of the Bedehamber to HEll. the of the younger sons of Itohort, 2nd Earl of aeircster, who wao Prince of Wales.

ii. Claud-Jehn, late M.P. for Londonderry, late capt. the oeo of Robert do nollomont, tat Earl of Lotroster in gren.-guards, ADO. to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, England, and Count of Hellcat in Normandy, by floe dan. of 8.20 Feb. 1841. in. George-Francis, H.P. for Middlesex, lient. Cold- France. Without attempting to trace the exact lino of descent of stream guards, 6. 17 Dcc. 1045. iv. Ronald-Douglas, 8. 17 March, 1840, ci. 0 Nov. 1007. the ittustrtoua Scottish houoe of Steen ilton feom the groat v. Frederick-Spencer, 8. 11 Oct. 1850. vi. Ernest-William, 6. 5 Sept. 1858.

i. Harriet-Geergiana-Lonisa, so. 10 April. 1855, to Thomas Georgo, their origin from that usaguifloent Norman race, through 2nd and present Earl of Lichfield.

ii. Beatrice-Frances, es. 25 May, l024, to George-Frederick MArcy, who flourtohod there previous to the extinction of the Do 2nd and present Earl of Durham. in. Lonisa-Jane, me. 22 Nov. 5030, to the Earl of Dalkoith, of their fasuily. They carried tho same arma with thrao rldeat son ei Walter-Francis, 5th and preoent Duke of of the Earls of Lrieeoter, with tho difforenco of Tuner Buceteuch. iv, Katherine-Elizabeth, ma. 20 Oct. 1858, to William- ancient lorda of the manor of Hamiltosi and rho Hamdtona Henry, 4th and present Earl of Mount-Edgeumbe. of Scotland boozing for their anna vnaeo cinquofoilo, ermine, v. Georgians-Susan. vi. Albortha-Frances-Anne. on a field, gnleo ; whereas the Do Hellomonta, Earla of vu. Maud-Evelyn. His grace wae appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland bore ONE ciuquefoit, ermine, on a field, gulea. in 1866, and was raised to the Marqneesate of of this great family. lie lived in the reign of ALsxAanrn Hamilton and DUKEDOM OF AnEncoaN, 10 Aug. II,, King of Scotland, and he io oaid to have so. Isabella 1 1868, in recognition of his ve- able administration of tbo Government of Ireland during a critical and difficult period. He resigned the lord-lientenaney in 1868. He was served HEIR MALE of the bcdy of the 1st Duke of Chatelberault, by the sheriff of Chancery in Scotland, 13 Jan. 1862, and, as ench heir male of the let dnke, asserts his hereditary right to the original title of Duke of Chatolbcrault of 1549. Note—The Duke of Abercorn, the Duke of Tluekingham and Chaudoe, and the Earl of Vcrulsm, are the only members of tho peerage who enjoy distinct peeragcs in the three kingdoms. Ihincagc, 3rd Earl of Leieester, which Sir William do Ijameldon’s son, Ste GiLsaicT lissiloTox, having expressed mm foil and hamilton sought security in Scotland, about This is the account which has been transnntlod dates the descent of Sir Gilbert do Hamilton from of the Iloetse of Bohlomout devolved on his hardly have occurred, if thooe ladioa had had a brother that the ancestor of the family of hamilton was ouo hugh, Count of Vorsuandois, sea of Itexay 1., King of aiid powerful stock of the ancient Do Dellomouta, Earta of Loiceoter, there aeema to he ito doubt that they derived tho lorda of the manor of Hamilton, in the oo. of Loiceater, Bollomouts, and who aro cossaidored to have boon a branch einquefoits inotead of oar, as a noark of cadoncy. The Leiceoter, and their ancestors, the Counts of Reheat, Sia GiLeonr ne HAMiLTON srao tho immediate ancestor B