Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/519

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GAG t’scaOon—14 Aug. 1821. Arrns—Vcrt, three barrulets, erm., Moadow, 00. Gloucester, in the peerage of Great surmounted by a lion, rampant, gu., murally crowned, or; in Britain; and a Baronot; 6. 14 Dcc, 1791; s. his father, chief, iwo plates. Greet—Out of a macsi crown, gold, a demilion, as,4th viscount, 29 Jan. 1808; ne. 8 Maceli, 1813, rampant, gu., charged on she shoulder with a plate, and Llizabeth-1l aria, oldest dan. of the lato lion. Edward holding in she paws a standard, quarterly, arg. and vort, the staR or. Swppoclrra—Two eagles, snugs expanded and inverted, Foley, and by leer (who rl. 13 Jono, 1857) has had, sa. Hello—Nec prore nor prctio. Sroi—Swanbosorne, Bucks. 5, lIaNnY-EnwAisn-llasL, 5. 8 Jan. 1814; lieut.-col. royal Town—4, Upper Ecriesson Stoves, J.islgrave Square. 4 GABRIEL aGAnR5EL, Sin THOMAs, BarS, of Edgeeosnbe Hall, in the en. of is. W’illiasn, h. 12 Sept. 1820, capt. 83rd regl. 4. 1849. Surrey, an alderman of the city of in. Edward-Thomas, rol. royal huron artillery, CR., 5. 28 Dec. London, and a JR for Surrey and Middlesex, 6. 5 Nov. 1811 an. 8 Oct. 1844, Illary-Dutton, oisly child and heiress of Charles Poarson, Esq. of Gssildhahl, in the city of London, city solicitor, asad baa had issue, i. Mary-Pearson. is. hlsisn-W”ilsoo. it. 10 Aug. 1917. TTS. Jossie-Croll. iv. Iloster-Carolino. Sir Thosuao,a merchant of London, was elected alder- sn. Csrohiao-Jjarriat, as. 4 May, 1847, to Standish, 41h and asian for the ward of Vintry in 1857, sheriff of London and Middlesex 24 June, 1859, and was Lord Mayor iv. Fanny-Cisarlotto, m. 11 Feb. 18b3, toW. Tosulioe, Esq. of London in 1866—7 ; when, under his presidcnee as chief magistrate, a naagssifieent banquet was given by the Corporation to the Sultan of Tnrkey The Sian nn Gauos is named on she Roil of Rattle Abbey at the Guildhall; and when the Pacha of Egypt, ansong tlsoso who fungus as liaotiags, and appears so have derived and other royal and distinguiolsad visitors to the Normandy. Ranrn cx Garos paid his aid as tessant iso ropilc, metropolis were splendidly entertained by his lordship towards marrying sloe king’s daughter in 1100. Ilia son, Robert, at the Mansion House. Ho was created a Baronet 14 Aug. 1867. Cnsssros’nna Ganaint, Eoq. of islinglon, cc. Middlesex, 6. Lovol, by whono ho bait two sons, Ralph, she eldest, d. 1243, 1740; as. 1709, Alice Trowel, of Sohsm, co. Caisshrisige, and ci. whose son, of the samo name, d, 1279; and his 500cceasor, Anna 23 Aug. isoo, leaving by her (wise 4. 23 Dec. 1009) wills ether an GACOT, dying op. in 1287, the estates passed to lbs Do issoe a son, Tnossas Gassier., Eoq. of Brixton, cc. Surrey, 0. 30 June, Wss,maae us GAUOE, 2nd son of Robert, was made eonstahlc 1770; ‘a. 30 June, 1796, Sarah, dao. of John Wild, Esq. of of Casrmorthson Castle, by Ilnssv 511, in 1234, and received St. Savlo,sr’s, Sonthwark, and by her (who it. 19 March, 1860) from that monarch several grants of lands in South Wales and had issue, i. Christopher-Trowel, of Norfolk House, Stroathana, Surrey. continued to resisla at Cironcootor, so. Glooseesfor, notil usc 6. 14 llay, 1797, us. 8 3lsy, 1833, RaIls, dau. of John Thnraton, Esq. of Kensington, snd has issue, I Cireneostor), who had sss. Joan, duo, and co-heh’ of John Sad- is. John-Wihsl, 5. 7 June, 1801; as. 17 floe, lost;, Sarah-Ann, grove, of Sudgrovo-iu-llisordsa, co. Gloucealer; and dyisog dsu. of Williaas Wright, Esq. of Cricklewoad, Middlesex, and has issue, in. Ronjamin-Wilmot, of Stockport, co. Chester, to. 17 May, Ssa Joox GAOE, lInt. of Rssralosw, ro. Surrey, who acquired 1800; at. 29 Nov. 1838, Cstherinc, dsu. of Edward Gabriel, that seal, as well as Penslouraf, in Moos and considos’able salatos Esq. of Foiw-stroet, London, and has issue, iv. O’ssoauss, created a Itaronot as above. v. Jansos-Wild, of Trowbridge, co Wills, b,27 July, 1813; ut and ro-hoir of Thomas St. Chore (only son of Sir Philip St. Clore, 4 Sspt. 1814, Sarsh-Jans, dsu. of Edward Harris, Esq. of Promo, to. Somerset, and has issno. s. Sarah-Wild m, 2 July, 1833, to James-Randall Nash, Esq. Rot., 31.1°, for Sussex in 1377). He ol. in 1470, leaving two sons, of Lambeth, who 4. a. p.24 Fob, 1860. is. llarths, Mr. Gabriel, 5. 10 Nor, 1848, and his 4th son is tho present Wscnsaao Gaon, a. to Rurstow’e. Prnsloural, aftor,oards so celebrated Sss Tuossas Gssssss., Dart. t’o-cotioa—14 Aug. 1867. As—,ns—Sa. on a pile, or, ion billets, vorss, being sold, this Wilhia;n formed a scat, where his heirs four, thmc, two, and one, of the field. Crest —On a mount, xert, a ho,ar’s hoad erased, sa., billesty, or. JJollo—ln prasperis ii sac in advorsis spera. Seat—Edgsrosnbs Hsll, Surrey. OASiS, VIsCOUNT (Sir Honry-Hahl.Gago), of Castle St. George’s feast, knight of the nsosf noble order of the Garter; Island, co. Kerry; Baron Gage, of Castlebar, eo. Mayo, as she u-inning of Rnlbegoe (76th lIexax VI 11), he was in joint in tho poorsgo of Ireland; Baron Gage, of High his majesty’s cansp; and for suasdry services thsro with Sir 469 GAG Sussex militia; sit. 31 Aug. 1840, Sophia-Selins, only dan. of Sir Charms Knightlcy, start., and has (with other issue, who ii. young) Ileary-Clsarles, 1,. 2 April, 1814; and Selina, no, 22 .Jnly, 1862, to Cosvenoliah Taylar, Esq. of CIsylincli, Shropshire, 1821; sit. los, 17 Jan. 1810, Arabella-Elieaboth, only cluld of the lato lion. Thos.-Win. Gags, and by her (who ii. 8 Nov. 1860), has, Williano-llcnry Sf. Quintin, 8. 12 Feb. 1815; Francis-Edward, 5. 13 Oct. 1808; 3lary-Csnil-Eliaabelh; sad Gsorgiassa-Kliaabssh. lie at. 2ndly, 18 Nov. 1802, Ela-Henrietta, dais, of James Maxse, Rsq. sad Lady Caroline ltlaxse, and has had, Frederic SI. Cloro, Is. 7 Dcc., 4. 12 Dcc. 1804; a son, 8. 8 March, 1808; Ella- Berkeley snd lilabel-Maria. a. Ehiaaboth-Ma,4s. Os. Anua-Maria. present Viscount hurt, ILl iwago. isis nassto frons Ohs seionory of Gangy, near Eonen, in was a strong adherent of ICing JooN in his wars wish sloe barons, lb ob5aiosed Thornton and Langester, in the bisisoprie of Durham, by noarriage wills Beatrice, dan. and heir of Jlobrrt Cliffords. Glooeoslemuoire. From hiss this salant Gaoes derive; and they dcalh of Joas GaME, or GAOE (only son of Julio do Gauge, of cirra 1440, was s. by Ins son, in Sussex and Rsorhinghansslnrc, with lots wife Eleanor, dan. ICut. of Igthaas, by Margaret, solo heir of Sir Nicholas de Lorayne, Rut, of Enratowo, and graesdsau of Sir Philip St. Ciore, of whom John was ancestor of the Gauss of R,uhloa, es. J5”orthasaploso, whilst tlso elder, as the property of sloe Sidneys, and tIme tlsome of Wailer’s still rouse, at West Pine, on the manor of lieightou-St. Clsro, wlsio-h had rome to his moflser’s family by the marriage of John do SI. Clere (who it. 1327) with Iselda, sole heir of Thomas do Aldham, of Iglhano and Ahdhoaon, in Kcnl_ 35r. Gags sa. Agnes, sister of John Rolncy, of sidney, in Sussex, LIP, for shoal Co. 1419, and dying 149, u-as s. as Pirhe, by his son, Sia Jona Gaer, KG., a ,iistingoishcd soldier and stalcsman, wlsoso services arc tlsoss 1 ctailcd in usa usno-iesat 115. by isis 3rd son Robert. ‘‘ Sir Jalsos Gage, ldnt. who was, aflor isis father’s sb-ads, in ward to W, SlalYa,’,l, looks’ of Rssckioglsususs, and after his nsosrriage to soy s,aolhcr, daa. of Sir Rirkard Gssbdcfo,r,l, waa pseferu’ed by Ihe saint duke to llessv VII l’s service, and dis— tingoislsod himself tot the siege of ‘fcravessr, sac tlsercnpuo niade eaptaiu of time castle of Calais (usually called Guysnos), shortly afler was seal for Issume, and luoiglolcd, assd nuade of time privy-council, rice-chuasnber ala, and captain of use gaas-do; feur years afbor, far services dune cii Sloe bor,lcrs of Scotland, at lsss rctos’n, was nsade casupsrollcr of Ilse hauoelsosl,l, sod ohasoreilar of she Dnelsy of Lancusler in one day. In a feor days afscr he was saade ranslable of the Tower of I,ondoO, and, she next commission ailS Cloarhes, Hobo of Sosifolk, lord-lieutenant of G A 0 E.