Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/538

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GOD is. Indly, Peregrine Courtenay, Esq.) he had no issue. S1r i. WiLLIAM, lilt successor. John ci. 1 June, 1777, and was 5. by his eldest son, VII. Tun Rev. Ste Srrrises, who ci. iu 1771, Jlsry, only em Mary, cIsc. of the Eer. David Cope, rector of Kffialiagt, dait. and heir of Diehard Ileuwet, Esq. of Farnicot and dying in April, s7eO, was e. l.y las posthumous coil, VIII. Sin Sirpainc-Ricisateit, & to Slav, llsli 11 April, l10ii, 31 ary, dn’l last, of lltoI,,ird Al,lioorth,, Intl Lord Dray— brooks, by whom (who ,i• 1:, 31 iv, I vi4) be tact ioouo, Srnpana-iticnsen. the present U iroi,et. Hessy, MA., t. C Sept. late, in holy orders, hon. cmos) of St. Aespis, rural dciii and rector of Ilawarden, h-’Hntsl lie; em. 11 Oct. 1145, Larinia , 2nd dan. of Wtllians-Hezsry, 3rd Lord Lyttelt,n, ant niece of Earl Spencer, aid by her iv. Aalhtsay , ç willmoat male issse. (who ci. 3 Oct. 1850) hao ha’), 31’oy ; Ilonera, 1. 18 July, 1059; t’otlmsrine, ml. Fob. 1551; all Gertrn’lo. Cathorine, a. 25 July, 1859, to ties Right lion. W’illiam-E. i. Letiria, s.. to Gesege Drew, Esq. Gladstone, SIP, for Sooth L aeashire. Nary, ,l. 25 July, 1920, to George-William, present Lord SIr. Codfrey ‘lying in 1792, was e. by his eldeit son, Tyttellt’n, and ci. 17 Aug. loll. Sir Stephen 5. 5 Slareh, 1015. csais. —20 Slay, 1601. A n.—Arg., an erle, diopk’.yed, with two heads, sa. This pmmrhi’snsettt, i. 15 Aug. 1701, Agnes, only daes. of William baronet quarters, arg , tines brandi, ragnl?, sa. , fired, ppr., hlleniterbasset, Keg. of Elm (im’ove, co. Ferry, by whom he with an escutcheon sf pretence, al’g., charged with a Unman heel aiim ivi p issue, leg and thigh, cooped, sa. (supposed to hare keen borne origin ails- mom the nanie ef Iheir ,s,ieest,mr, CtLaais Teoun— ii. Williams, us lisle orders, rector of Eenmnore, eo. Ferry; Boo, the latter w’ rd being Welsh f, ‘r Rio,’?,’ Leg). Cm’e,l—On a wreath, an e mgle’s hie,md, er,moed, in the beak a prand, raguld, sa., lrsd, ppr. Re Jlalrn. Seai—Hawarden Castle, cc. Flint, GODERICH, Viecosger ace Die GREY, Roar. GOD FREt GODFREY, ,Sia WiLLltaI.Duy. CAN, of Bnslmfiolel, en. Kerrv, 8. i. Letitia, a. to Norten Charles Sharlelli, Eeq., a capt. in she 31 Ang. 1797; mis. 14 Oct. 1824, Man-Theresa, 2nd dan. of the it. Agses. late Johia Coltsistann, Esq, of Fleok Castle, co. Kerry, and had issue, I. Jonre-Frr.sioe., late heist. 2nd dragoen-gitards, 0. 1 Oct. vi. Elizabeth, a. to Jacob Hark, Esq. of Cork. loIs; mdc. lAne. 1050, 3l.n-y-Cordeia, (‘5513 surviving cmlii Sir Wilhisna ‘1. 21 Jan. 1017, and was o. by his eldest son, efThm,s. White Sealt, Req., late of Claphaco lie see, T.ttlington, Of. Fast Jmnis, 0. 17 Jitme, tlmil ; who mm. 28 Nov. 1716, Snasex, and Lao, William-Cecil, 0. 21 Jnl3, 1557. Ele.ns’,r, eh’lest d,ma. of Js,bs, Cr,mmis, Esq. of Cromore, co ii. William-Former, late heat. and fooe, 1. s Jsm. 1111. iii. Henry- trtbmmr, 0. 11 Slay, 1054. is’. t’banles George, ii. 1516, deceased. v. Alfred-James, lient. 24th foot. 5’,. Cocil.Edward, vii. Elmemdbnry. i, Christina, is. 1 Aug. 1010, to Illrhard Wood. Faq,, late Jsmes-ttcnrmae, t. 4 Jane, IsIS; i’m. 30 Mercb, 1843, llsry, 11.11.31. eonsnl at lianmascus, and now 11.11.11. consul- heabells, elslest dan. of the 11ev. F’. R. Sfannsmcl, rector ol general to the Bey of Tunis. ii. Helen isabella, Sit’ William 8. as 3rd baronet, on the decease of his Agnes, S. Cots, father in 1841. 3Ltltcgc, Coo. Joas Gooeesev, of I,ndlow’s regiment of horse (a Sir Jnhmt was ,s. at his decease, in 1811, by him eldest son, the member of the ancient fanmily of Ge, Itrey, of Ilomesy, Co. Kent), ol,t dned tsr his terriers tim Irelasid, dnrhig the Cm’cetie,m’—17 Jane, 1793. liebellioms of 1841, a grant if 49s0 I rich acres of find in Are,o—Arg.,.’s griffin, pasmast, ivings indns’sed, sa., belts een the e,c, Ferry. ,-nmd settkd in kingdom. He is. Silos liavies, an,1 wss ,s by his wily son, WioLcast Gonrativ, Ecq. if Dnobflrld, en, Ferry, and oi Cecil—A griffin, 1mnssant, en., helding a sceptre, or, in the Knsckgraffisn, em. Tipper,n’y, who m,i. Deborah, only child of dexter fere-pass’. Alderman Luke Lon tImer, cf tIme city of Dnhlln, and wae o. at Isis ‘ieeease by Ins el,leot son, Joins GoDFREy, Dcci. of ltnshfleld, This gentleman si. Iterrv. ‘lists estate, eonsisnmmg of six lhmmmiasmn,t three hundred Fbihippa, dmmn, of Anth, ‘im’ Chearnley, Esq. of .llumrncourt, end thiril -nne acres, scat granted l’y letters patent, besrfng en. Tipperary, and had isone, William, so Elizabeth, dan. of lIme llsy. Richard Downine, 1641. Sir William l’ethy,ia his Reflechie,o. s,’ Mothers a,mml i’Imimsgn bitt ml s. j,. ;rmtbe,st male issue, leaving three dens., AralceE,,, Deborah. and Anaa-llaria_Anmel)a lice eldest of schema Francis Drew. Esq., 31,1),, of 31 eanus, em,. Ferry, and Sinceliup Castle, eo. Walerfsrd. Jous, stsceemor to Ins faihmer. Sir. (iscifrey A in 1712, amid was s. by his son, Jews Gonraer, tlsq. of dnelmfield, n’bm, i. Darl’am-,m, dos. of the htev, SIr. Ilallmwciy, by his wife, Darbam, dan, of Thomas, Earl of Conyngsby, and had issue, 458 GOD w. Luke, in itchy seders, i).D., rector of Shiddheton, en. Cerle, eo. lCerry, and had lismie, I John, a lieut.-cet. is hIss army, Sm. Leticia, dan, of llajor Fisg, en. Fennanagh. 2 henry, EN., deceased. 1 Mary. 2 Ilortiars, mm. to Arthur, hat lharqsmess of Denegal ii. 2011cc. mclii. 3 Plnlhipb.a.l_eiitia, ii. is George Croekshank, Esq.. eldest ccii of limo Sloe. Alexander Creoksltaek, sometime one of the )cssnees of the cones of King’s Beach in Ireland. ns. Edward H. l’lnllhppa, ,,m. Is Fraecis Forbery, Esq. I. Winriaat t.,it’Fstt v, Esq. sf Dnshfield, who was created a Daia,arr ‘F list nan, 17 June, 1703. Sir William, wise reps-s s nte,t the I csrtmngtms of Tm’mdoe and Belfast in the Irish 1. Jons, hid icaronet. mm. Liter, dan. ut site Very Rev. Edward, LL.D., archdeacoss ef Ardfert, eldesi lirehlier of the lion. Ihoberi Day, semciehinme see of the jashleem of ebe ceart of King’s Bench in lrel,s,ni, sail Isaml taste, I fldcrarsl, 0. 18 April, IsIS. I hlam’bara, em. Ia James llicksos, Esq. of Lassdosvn Heists, cc. Ferry. 2 Agnes. 3 Tamey-Stergaret, ,o. let, ho John Coiry, Esq. of Stitltosra, eo. Ken’y sod lndly, to the Thor. Charles-Peter Thomas, eo. Carlow. iii. Luke, late a mmma)orin the army, mci. Sasanna, dan. of Sir ltarr-—i ‘millet Shercdmlhm, Part., and list lss-o ilsmus., Elizabeth (SIrs. ttsrises, of Dmml’lin), amid isabella. tmnisy. iii. I’hilhippa, si. in Diehard Frauklsod, Esq. of Ashgrove, cc. Cerh, t,at’rister—si-lcmw. iv. Armt’rlla, mm. to lime lIes’. John Day, recior of KiBalaglm, ee. Eerry. v. Slargaref, em. to John Slaheny, Esq. of Dromore, Co. tfem-i-y. Antnins, by wh’,m he ba’l issue, Wim.Lixai-Dr,ccaa,presenh barenei. Johut. In bob’ orders, cleceasm 0 Henrv-Alexmsn,ler, to. Mary, only dams, of James Weed, Esq., cc’. ,Shigc’. and had iseoe two dasss., Dera sod Slsry. tlelert, t. 6 Get. NIl: ,l. ossi. Casde lslaimcl. lhicband-I’rankiand, 0. 10 Starch, 1810; 0. ease. Anise. gleaner, ,s. Is the tIer. John-Godfrey Day, reeler of DrmnlandS, en. Cork, and is deceased. present Imarenet. three lions’ lo’ads, erased, go. Jlsllees—,-God fried. Dens et libertas. Seel—Kikotemnaim Abbey, fomtei-ly Iteshsfield, lhiBfosvn, cc. slate SO Jmsoe, 19 CHARLEs Ii., Is Sla)sr John Gedh-ey, ancestor of tise prcseimh icarermet, foe Isis sers ices against time rebels in ii lids ui,i, cells mimic doisatton ‘‘by no means ass esuivaletst fsi’ the ncaj er’s services.” GODOLPIIIN, DAEON, see LEEDS, DCKE.