Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/54

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ABE JAMEs HAMILTON, who bad declined assuming the title ii. Gland, I. 1 Nov. 1767, 5. in 1808. of barenet, at the decease of his grandfather, 1679, but I. Rarriot-llargaret, ii. 30 April, 1663. was known as Captain Hamiltan. This gentleman was in cr. Katharine-Elizabeth, vi. 28 July, 1605, Geocgo, 4th the military service and confidence of JAMEs II., hut iii. Maria, if. sari. 21 Jan. 1614. espousing the cause of WILLIAM, toek a distinguished part at the siege of Londenderry against his royal master. Creslisos—Baron of Paisley, 1587. Baron of Abercern, Succeeding to the Earidom of Ahercorn, his lordship, in 1601. Baron of Hamilton and Earl of Ahercorn, 10 July. virtue thereof, took his seat, in 1766, as a member of the 1606 iii the peerage of Scotland. Baron of Strobane, 1617. Scottish Parliament. Ireland was, however, the usual Viscount Strabanr, ‘cc., 2 Dec. 1701, in Ihe peerage of place of his residence; and of that realm, 2 Dee. 1701, Ireland. Viscount Hamilton 1706. Marquess of Abercorn he was created Barer, Jfeaolro,lle cad Visreool Sirotoor. and Dukr of Aberroro in thr pscrage of ireland, 10 Aog. The earl so. in 1686, Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Sir 1868. Robert Reading, Mart. of Dublin, by whom hr had issue Aroio—.Quacterly; first and fourth, gu., three cinqusfoile, nine sons and four daus. Of the ours, five ii. young or pierced, ernoinc—for HAMILTON; oerorsd and third, arg., a Moos.; the 6th, Oeorge, H.P., so. 1719, llridget, dan. assd stnp, with sails furled, and oars, sable —for the EARLS 05’ heir of Colonel William Coward, of Wells, ci,. Somerset; ARRAN; in the point of honour, over all, an escutcheon; az., the 7th, Francis, in holy orders, cii. Dorothy, don, and coheir charged with three fleurs-dc-lio, or, and surmounted by a of James Forth, Eoq. of Rcdwood, King’o County; and French ducal coronet. for C’HATELnERAOLT. thc 9th, Charlrs, B. P., woo a comississioner for rxaminlug Cr-sot—Out of a dural coronet, or, air oak, fructed and the Public Accounts. Of the daughters, the eldest, penetrated transversely in ibe main stem by a frame-saw, Elizabeth, ci. lat, William Brownlow, Rag. of Lmgan, arid ppr., the blade inoccibed with thu word “Through,” the 2ndly, the Count dr Kearney ; the 2nd, Mary, m. Henry dappsi’Iero—Two antelopes, arg., hrrned, ducally gorged, Colley, Eaq. ; the 3rd, Philippa, or. lot, the Rev. lienjasnin chained, and hoofed, or. Pratt, D.D., and 2odly, Michael CouncIl, M.D. ; and the JJvlIaes—” Through ;“ and “Sola nobilitas virtue.” 4th, Jane, heroine the 2nd wife of Lord Archibald Hamilton. Scars — Thridingoton Ileuoe, Portebello, Edinhurghohire; His lordship d. 26 Nov. 1731, and was o. by his eldcot eon, Ilarenscourt, Nrwtown Stswart, rr. Tyrone, Ireland. JAMEO, 7th carl, F.R,S., P.C. in England and Ireland, Teiea Jf,ii,e—Clreeterficld Ilonos, South Andley Strest. who ci. iii 1711, Anne, eldest dan. of Gel. John Plumer, of Dlakcsware, ro. licrts, and had issue, I. JaMes, 6th earl. is. John, rapt. RN., vi. Ilarrict, dau. of the Right lIon. James Craggs. secretary of elate, arid widow of Richard Anny, SIR W1LLIASO, of Felix Hall, Co. Essex, 6, Eliot, Eeq., M.P. of Port Eliot, cc. Cornirah], and had a in 1779; c. his fathor, as 7th baronet, 21 July, son, JOHN-JAMES, who inherited as 9th earl. its. George, canon of Windoor, re. Elirabetli, dan. of dau. of tho Marquese Wcllesley, frnm whom he Licut.-Geo. Richard Onelow, and iF. 26 Nov. l,o,, having divorced by act of parliament, 25 June, 1816; she had issue, 1 Osorge. S. rena. in 1762. 1 Anna, re. to the Right Rev. P. 11. W. Cornewall, PD., ft. 1842. Sic William ci. 0- . 15 April, 1868, whon bishop of Worccetcr, and S. in 1793. 2 ihlary. 3 Harriet, if, uoo’, 4 Elizabeth, or. in 1793, to Glynn Wynn, Ecq., and S. HART. of Atb,qsis.) in 3643. 5 Rarhacl, 6 Jane, vs. lot, in 1731, to William Plumor, Esq.,M.P.; rapt. lt.N., so. in 1717, Bary, dan. of James Gordon, Esq. 2ndly, in 1625, to Richard-John Lewin. Eeq., RN.; of llaore Place, ca. Hertford, by whom (who 5. 4 March, and Srdly, in 1626, to Robcrt Plumer Ward, Eaq. of is1o) he left at his decease, July, 1063, Oiloton Park. Shed. in 3631. 7 Cecil, 2od wife of the let Marquess rfAbercoru. 6 Isabella. a. to Lrrd Ororgo Seymour. iv. William, rapt. RN. I. Anne, oi. to Hem’y )lackworth, Eoq. His lordship, who wao a man of science, and author of Ben)amin CaIdwell, and had ioNic. Shed. 29 March 1858. C’nlrolotieoo nod Taller sri Ike Alirari ire Porn re;’ Loohloeec, Harriott, or, in 1917, ta the Rev, George Caidwell. 5.13 Jan. 1741, and woes, by his eldeet son, Jaaraa, 6th earl. This noblemaro was rrcalcd, 9 Aug. f’r’calies—7 July, 1641. 1766, a peer of Great Britain, by the title of risrores Ar,ec—Oc, two chevconel, between three trefoile, slipped, Hamiliea, with remainder, in default of male issue, to his Cre,I—An eagle’s head, proper. nephew, John-James Hamilton, and his lordship dying .9JeIIe—Tenax et fidrlis. naci., 0 Oct. 1769, that, with all the other honours, devolved lien’. Sonic—SOS, Hill Strert, Ilci’kcley Squacc. uprn him, tIre said Jonx-Jaaira, as 9th earl, who was created, 15 Oct. 1796, MArqoeaa or Aoocnona, and subsequently inotalled a knight of the Garter’. His lordship, who was 6.1736, ri. let, 20 June, 1779, Catherins, dan. of Sir Joseph Copley, Mart, of Sprotborongh, Yorkshire, whirhlady 5.33 Sept. 1791; Sndly, in 1792, his cousin, Cecil Hamilton, from whosi lie was divorced in 1799, and by whom he had an only child, Cecil- Frances, vi. in 1616, to William, 3rd Earl of Wicklow, and ci. 7 July, 1860; nnd Srdly, 3 April, 1666, Anne-Jour, dan. of Arthur’, 2nd Earl of Arran, and widow of Henry Hattsn, Esq., but by her ladyship (who d. 8 Slay, 1627) he had no issue. The marquess ii. 27 Jan. 1616, having had by his let wife two sons and tbree dane. viz., e. JAMEs, Viieeaal IIa,ailtoo, 6. 7 Oct. 1766; en. 21 Nov. 1669, Harriet, dan. of the lion. John Douglas, and grand- dan. of James, 15th Earl of Morton (hoc ladyship is, 2ndly, 6 July, 1615, George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, E.G., and ii. 26 Aug 3813), and left at Ina decease, 27 )lay, 1614, two scm and a dan., viz,, and was created a Earonet in Dec. 1849. He waa JAMEe, Duac or .eesrooN. Gland, P.C , vice-chamberlain of the houorhold, 11.10, for co. Tyrene, lient.-col. Deocgal militia, I. 27 July, 1613; iii.? .tug. 1644, Elizaheth-Emnia, 2nd dan. of otdm. Tue Rev, TnOaIA5 Aanv-Ruruearoarsr, son5 of the Ven, tjcanville-Leveoon, Earl of Carysfert, and haoiosnr, Douglas-Jameo, ii. 23 Sept. 3616. Louisa.Charlrttc. Emma-Prances. Mary-Stuart. Harriet. ci. 17 Slay, 1636, to Admiral William-Alexander re. of York, whrr-r Richard Abdy i-as reahrd at a very reniatc Bailiie Ilamilten, IcR. (dcc jooot, IlanosooTore, E. or.) period. Anthony Abdy, a hneal descendant ef lhr Yorkshire 4 ABD Earl of Abrrdeen, E.G., and el.29 Feb. 1612. in Great Britain, 15 Oct. 1700. Marquess of Hamilten frame gold. liBBY (EXTINCT). 1803; in. 3 June, 1806, Miss Anne Wellesley, natural vs. 23 July following, Lord Charles llontinck, and his baronetcy became extinct. (Sec Note to ANDY, Sore WILLIAM Sony, 6th Raconet of Felix Hall, WILLIAM, his successor, 7th and last baronet, Catberine-llary, vi. in 1613, to Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Fellowco, Rot., RN,, G.M., and 5. Oct. 1637. Charlotte-Anne, vi. 1 Dec. 1808. to Charles-Andrew Caldwell, Eoq. of New Graogr, co, Sicath, son of Admiral Sir ealilr. A BDY. Aeny, SIR TROScAS-NEVILLF, Part, of Albyns, co. Essex, 6. 21 Dee, 1810; in. 19 Oct. 1341, Haciot, a 2nd dan. of Rowland Alsten, Esq. of Piehobury, }lectc, and has issue, s, W1LLrAv-Nevir,rr, S. in 1844. ii. Authiony-Charles-Sykr,o, 5. in 1849. III, Itobert-Toirn, I’. in 1850. iv, Ilenry-Bradas, t. in 1853. r. Gracr-Enima-Tavnshenrl, This gentleman s. his uncle, John Rnthcrfocth Abdy, Esq., in 1840, formerly H.P. for Lynan Regis. P.tllcagc. * The family of .thdy, onc of canrideralilc aoligrdty, which has had no ices than five srpai-ete barooceriesconferred upon it, h pnrsemied to hove ilrrivcd its eumamnr from Abdy, to the