Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/541

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000 000 Agatha, youngest dan. of Charles Hanbsiry, Req. of Sloe 3Liizcac, Farm, lialstoad, Essox, and hy her (who tI 19 Nov. 1867) had issue, Jona Goocir, Esq. of Beorlo’, co. SofikIls, I. 11 Aug. 1746, I Phi]ip-’-horlsek, in holy ordors, b. 14 March, 1839. its. Barbara, elan, of Miohael Loogrislee, Esq. of Walibottlo, I Agaliss, so. April, 881, to Williasi-Ilenry Lisseronco, Novilsosoborlootl, and 4. 24 Fr],. 1119, having by her (svho oBicer 9th Lasrors. 1. 15 1 ssoe, 18 i 9), hail, with other issooa son, 2. Molly, ci. lb Stay, 1133. Jonre f7oorn, Req. of Bedliogton. Northumberland, who Iii. Thonsas—Lescis, rrsr—a’lsssis’:sl RN., 0. Il A nI, 1807 0). was 0. 17 March, 1193, Ia. 23 Dec. I $03, Anna, clan, of ‘t’lsonsas Hensy Cardoet a 0151 5,5 Il of the lIon I angridge E q of N or astIr 0100 13 no and b Is_n (ss Ito d 5. Sept. I 93]]) hail issue, nis an y child, Thoiisas-.SIiei lark, 24 iN cv. 196:1) base Issue, eats mander lt.N., b. 17 Oct. 112], a. II A ri], I $6, . Titonsas-Loegridge, of Team Lodge, lallwcll, Galeshend— Catlierisie—l.yclia-Maelcrnzie, class, of JtiIi is lasses, Eoq. of tslioo—’fyoo, 0. I Nssv. 1808, “c.,SS April, I o36, Il cohn is isa, Cambridge, a capt 97mb cogs.. anti has 550°. Jahis—Sher— 2ssd duo, of Robert Oraife, Esci.. ef liverpool, and has had look, 0 II lIce. 1867; Assae-Geargitsna-Shrrloeb and issue, Frederick, 0. at Nice, 7 Oct. 1073,4. 29 Nov. 1964] Katherise—btariea-Sl,erlack. anti 3lary, sa 10 April, 1961, to liol,rrt-lts by Redmayoe, I. ltaesaisne-Aona—Staria, so, 1 Feb. 1832, to And row Lawson, Es I’’ son of lilIes ttedsasayssc, Lsq. ol Rrathay I lall, Winder— Esq. of .ildt’c’ronghs Lodc’c, es, ‘erk, and ‘1. .5 Nov. loSa osere. asd Isas issue. ii. Charlotte-Matilda, stc, 17 Jcsee, 1131, to the 11ev. Stephen is. Joho-V)rvl, of Frimley, Surrey, b. 29 June, 1812, m, in Clisseid, rretor of Wrontisam, eo. Suffolk, and ci. Fl Aug. June, 1741, llannab-Fraisres, dais. oh Elias-ltobinseo Hoed1832, eoeh, Esq. of l])rssinglsase, asid Isas issue, Williasu—Isavid, iii. Georgiana-Anne, m, 30 Slay, 1838, to the Rev. Philip 0. 7 March, 1342, Dorotboa-llaryanise, a. 23 Feb. 1865, to SeIsolficld, vicar oh Gaulceby, cc. Lincoln. William EnraghL Esci., of Sheffield, 00. York. Sir Thomas-Sherlock ci, t9 Dee, 1931, and o’as s. by his eldest ‘ sit moited m tns1sls1ose_ lrpt. 1820, m. 22 son. . Jnl, 1862, Clara, bIb dan, of John Fenwiek, Essi. of North VI. Sin Eosoaen-Snens,oen, sometinse STY. for the eastern Slaclds. division of Snfib)k. lie nc. In, 23 Jan. 1128, Louisa-Anna- v. W,ihiam-F’rederick, h. 10 April, 1123, us. in Dec. 1852, Maria, 2nd sian. of Sir t3eer1’e—Bevstosa I’resseen hart, and by Rnsma-ili ci .t. sian, of Capt ,Tamors—F. hues, RIG. Service, her (ss ho sI, 24 Felt, I $17) hal issoc, nnd has Isad issue, Artlt’sr—Fres!eriek—Speiscer, 0, 6 J csee, I Sob, 4. Ii has. I Sssl ; Itsigb—F’nltharie, h. 11 Oct. 1062 s. LonisaCalhernse, ii. sts,iss. Its Dec. 1848. Ade’aide - Aagostn’, Edith — btando, ci. an infant; Ada“, Floreeee-Jase-Clsntlotte-Gisa, rr. 23 Dee, 1932, to else Barbara. d. 7 S’eb. 1883. Rev. Fslssard-bhorliosrr Clissold, of Vrenthaas, ro, Suffolk. 5. tiarbara. H. Anea-Longridge, 4. maos, Fl Feb. 1133. Ho no. 2ndlv, I Starch 1830 hlarriet 3rd dan. of Jaases-liope ssi. Jaise-T,onEs’islgc. Vere Esq. of Craigie, en. Linlitligow (who vs. 2ndly, June, iv. htsvy-Ann, at. 31 STay, 1953, to the Rev. Alfred-Cony lvm,igtlita, of TaCIt, and has issno. Ilad, John St. T.eger, ksq., a maJor 14th Dragoons, who died v. Frveees, as 23 April, ISIS, to the Rev. William Lning, 20 April, 1168), and by lien had issue, reelor of Lssgly, ea Slaffevd. I. Fnsvaes-Sneeeecn. 7th and present bare. SIr, John Gooeh si. 28 Aug. 1833. Is. Fssaaems-Roseov-Saeenasen-LaMsanT, 0. Slept. 1130. Hi. Alfred-Slserlecls, 0. 2llsrc. 1851. Creelise—l3 Nov. 1866. cv. Fredvrick-Williaai-Sherloelc, ci. yoeng, Slay, 1117. As’sie—Per pale, arg. and ss., on a chevron, between three m. Elieabeth, talbssts, passnisi, tsoo escallops rsscsnterelsasgesl on n chief cull. Isiana-Anne. ,s,. 22 Slav, 1866, to Alfred Thlerse, Rag. of grailvd, gn , a wheel hetscees two leopards’ laces, or. CatIon, cc. Norfolk, a capt. 72nd regt. lied—A tishisni, lice lab, sa. and avg , gorged with a wreath mis. Ilarriei-Saplisa. of oak, and restiog [lie dexter foreleg no a selseel, or. iv, Clsariotle—llanlda. 71 sea—Fide et virtote. v. hsabel—Ediils. See i—Ciesvcr l’cohc, near W’inslsor. lie Edtvsrd-Sherlock d. 0 Nov. 1876, and was a, lsy his eldest Ti,sv,c Ilanae—Fulthorpe lioooe, Warwick-road, Slaida-hdlI. son Sin Enwaen-Snestoes Gooco, rIse 7th and present hart. Gsvafion—4 Nov. 1746. Ar;as—I’er pale, arg. and so, a chevron, between lhree ci t, ‘t’ws’t O.h5’? HoLvoAlts - GOODRICKE, Sin albots, slalant, canoterchanged on a nlnef gules, three leopards’ heads, or. Grea] —A talliot, sttmtant, per pale, org. and on. Jllohie—Fide ci vis’tote. Seol—hh000are H;dl, Suffolk, GO 0 OH. Goocrn, SIB DANIEL, Baronet, of Clewos’ Paris, in the county of The family of floevoAsra has for mere than two cent inca Berko, H.P. for Cs’icklucle, DL., pessesoesl conaiderable landed pm’ap.aety its the cc. Warwick. _________ is. 24 Aug. 1816 ; tts. 22 March, Jonss Hetynaice, Esq., o’he resided in the mansion-house of 1878, Margaret, clau. of tise late Morlen tiaget, and essjssycd esiales iii shsat and the adjoining Henry Tssnnes’, Eoq.. of B(slaopn, parishes, pnrehssed in 1640, feons Sir Robert Sherpeigh and , , ‘n’eonmooth, assel by Iser (svho ci. Jane. his seifc, the manors of Slorton tlagot and Nelberoleod, 22 May, 1868) hao joene, s. Hesev-D.stsioi., 0. 30 Doe. 1141, us. three soon, namely, 23 Nov. 1065, Mary.Ecleahl, dan. of H. John, whese only dan. and heiroos (to reborn he gave an Joseph -Itodney Croslsey, Rsq. of estate in Sparnol, called SI, (0105’s), Eiioabcth TIolyoake, ns. Epping, Essex, and has a dan., 6. 2 ‘l’Isosssas lIorhseley, Esq. of Sietehiley, gs’eat-gmandfathev ef April, 1119. is. Chavles-Folelserpe, 6. 31 Jan. 1945. in. Alfrcd.WiIIiasi, 0.2 Slarch, 1816. iv. Frank, an olBeer in the 4th hoesave, 0. 20 Joty, 1917. I. AnnsLongrislge, so. 2 Assg. 1139, to Frederick Nesvton, The eldest son, Esq. of Wostbessrse Terrace, and hiss issue. is. Pemily-Jane, as. 10 Oct. 1830, to Wilidana Penofos’ct, Esq. s, loon, osayor of Wanrick in 1699, svhmo Os. let, Slioo Soannoah of Queen’s Gardens, and has issne. Sir Daniel Goods, a civil engineer of eminence, Sesannah, ilse scife of— llopkios, Esq. 2nslIy, Elizabeth was first elected H.P. for Cnicklade, in 1865 while Iiaphsins, sisler of isis dao.’n Issssltand, aol. baa) msg no issue on hoard the “Great Britain,” engaged is] the seish advoseson and one faram, stecord)ughy, on the decease attesnpt to by the Atlantic I.. able nf that year. For the snbnvqnesst snecess of his efforts in laying that cable, and time one of 1866, he ss’as created n baronet, SIr, Hopkins, and reniained selsasalesl lions Ihe hlalyeake 15 Nov. ] 866. Sir Daniel has been chairman of Holynake, Esq., who pnrchaacil it in thatyear. the Great Veatern Railway since 1865. 491 GOOD RIO K E. _______ hARRY, of Ribatone Hail, cc. York, and of Seuelbey Caatle, Warwick- shire; capt. 90th light infantry is’ 1836; e. his father as 2nd burt. 29 Dec. 1865. IL titriogr. together svilh the advowsen and a farm. lIe cc. and had 5. Tssosmas, Robert Berkobcy, Rsq. of Spelehley. us. William, ehirce years a stndeist at Baud College, Oyferd, and aftersesseds, for twelve years, resident member of Lincoln’s lnn, Ole tO. a, is. Toonias IteLveana, Esq. of Slorton Bngot, in. and had lnsne, Green, and had tsco Sans,, Rhinabelli, sehto isp,, and by her, he granted, in 1706, to hon braihses’, l’isasitas Shopkins, in fee, the reversiOn of Ihe nsaner af Novena Bagot, of Sir, Holyoake, that hart of Ststrton Tlagot devolved open possessions until restored 10 the family in 1770 by Frauds is, Wsetsaas, os sehom presently. iii. Thomas, wha 5, a. p.