Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/545

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0- 0 R is. WTtL5AN GORDON (Sir), of Aflon, the let baronet. iii. John, 3rd Gordon of Carleton. 1. Margaret; or. in 1082, Sir James Holtorn, of Slensirse. W’illiam Gordon of Eariston was slain at Bathwell Bridge, 23 June, i079; and woo a. in his estate hy his oldest son, Alexander, aftersvards Sin ALEXANDER, the 2nd baronet. The 2nd sun, I. Sin Wsau.sass GORDON, of Afton, Part., 5. 1074, sought at first tan fortnne nbroasl. ito joined in 170 the army of Frederick, the great Duke of Brandenburgh, and won for m. Anne, S. 1670; so. 1697, John Noibson, of Corsuck ; and sf fifteen years engaged in constant srtire military service. 1761, having had tu Inns (who ii. in 1708) 000 san and one Subnqnently joining in the projected descent of Illonmouth is. Story, h. 1681 ; ns. 1701, Edward Goldic, of Craigmnie; and Argyle, he landed on the west coast of Scotland wtth use latter, 27 May, 1685, while Monmouth boiled on the sooth of England. Sir W’ilttans made Lie enrope after the fatlnrr of mis. Margaret, t. 10-37; n. 1706, John IitcCartney, of Placket; these expeditious, and rejoined tise Prussian army lie then formed part of rho Prince of (Irange’s nsore sorcensfisl expedition, iv. Janet, 5. 1692; as. 1713, Sbihtiam Slarttn, of Kirkland; landing at Tortay with that prince, 5 Nov. 1688 Sir William Sons again actively in the field when W’JLLJAOI lit, was “with heroic constancy contending against the superior farces Sir Aloxansler as. 2ssdly, 8 Starch, 1098, the lion. ttarion of France.” Indeed, three ‘lays after las marriage lie n’ns Gordon (5. 1678), dan. of Atexanuter, scm Visrossot lcennsmsre, called to embark for Flandors, to take the fold with his by n-tons (n-ho survived hins till 20(1cc. 1748) he had issne one negimcnt (the 25th); tIme French king having laid siege to sun and one dau., Narsur. He fought again at Stoinlrirk in July, 1692, and m. 55’illiam, 5th Gordon of Culvonnan (isossu. sun.); 5. 1706; remained on the Continent till 1698, being in all King SVILLIAn’o battles, dawn to the peace of Ryswick in 1697, and attaining the rank of blent-cot, tIe nas freqosently woundeel s two of these wounds being gssn—st et, lie was obligod to tako nose a less active sphere. He enjoyed, for them, pensions to the value of £182 a-year. hr was atluwed to rotain tIne valsso of a company in his own regiment, ansi he was made Geeernor of Fort William, in Scotland. lie was, mcrr— over, honoosred, 9 July, 1706, with a Scotch baronetry, witls remainder thereof, failing heirs of his own body, to his brother Alexander, and the heirs of his body. Sir IViltiam ‘ii. 26 Feb. 1692, iltary, stars, of Sir George Campbell, of (‘cssncck, bet by thia lady (who snrvived htnn till 1733) he had no issne ; and n’hile her ladyship’s estates n’cut to her sister the Countess of Starchmont, Ihe title of baronet, and bin own estate of Afton, went, nt Isis death, in Dec. 1718, to his brother, II. Sin ALnXANOER Gonworo, of Enrlatws, t. 1620. This gentleman’s nause is conspicuous in Scottish history. tie escaped to lTollnnd nfter the battle of ftolhwell Bridge and in his absence was (19 Feb 1601) declared guilty of treason, amid adjudged to saFer eleatis when takon ; si-bile forfeituro of his estates was decreesh. Its ivan sometime sftern’ardn caphsrcd on board ship, and on 21 Aug. 1603 ordered to ho beheaded in virtue of tine old sentence. P,sst an there seas a wish to pnt sonne qsnestiasnn to tins, the execution o’as deferred; nnd he scan reconsigned to prison till a point of sonse dteulty, connected inns his examination, should be answered ins London the question being, “Whether osse under a sentence of death could be put to question by torture.” To which ansn’er n’as made, “Yes, as to any ensues after condensnaticu” (meaning s. Grizoll, 5. 1703 ,‘r,s. 1721, Alexander, 5th Gordon of the condemnation of 1680) and it n-as accordingly resolved to examine Islam upon events of irhich he nsight he cognisant, for the period of three yearn and a-half, between Feb. 1680 and Sir Alexander Gordon of Earlstan, ii. 10 Nov 1726, and n-as o. Aug. 1663. The exansinatiun is given in Bislsop SpraIn Rye by Isis cuss, hIossno Plot, with which he had, an it camo oat, been unjustly Ill. Sin Tnossoe, 5. 20 Get. 1605. Ito contested the county charged; and of irhich he doelared his ignorance, when in 1727, ivith Ileross of heron, h,sst iras dcfratcd by 7 votes. believed to be on his death-boil, 7 Ieee. 1633. His state of tic as, 1st, 20 Jan. 1710, Anne. eldest dan, of William Boick, health did not admit of his being put to tIme torture usore than Esq., and had by her (n’ho if, 8 April, 1751), n’ith olbers that being exannined with thu instrssnsentn before his eyes. Ito sian died before nrtsissing majority, detained a close prisoner thereafter snccesnivcly iii the Castle n. Thonsas. youagor, of Earlston ; 5. 1717; as. 1777, Catta— of Edinburgh, on the Bass hock, and in Blackness Castle, till 9 Jan. 1669, srhen tho Revolution released hiso. During his nearly nix years’ tsnprisonnsent he spent pnrt of his tisuc in seaud carving-, amid executed some pieces, curiously descriptive of his tisnos and fannily. lIe had a good canto in heraldry, which formed another amusement. Re hail, on coming of age in 1671, introduced the henaut into his coat of arnss, as indicative of his maternal descent. lIe as. tsr, 16 Nov. 1076, Janet (5. 1693), eldest dan. of Sir Thomas Hansitton, of Preston, ttnt,, is. Archibald, 5. 1719, entered thin navy in the “Selebay,” and by her Iwlso 11.26 Fob. 1696) ho had, with others who died belore straining thoir majority, m. Tnoamas (Sir), 3rd tsnronet. mm. Robert, b. 1608; oi. 1719. the widow of Robert French, Esg. and 5. 1790, having had inane by her, an only rhild, Janrt. sit. Archibald, collector of exciso, S. 1691 ; sa. 1721, Janet v. James, of Jamaica, Se, 1779, Clsristiana, dan. of James dan. of Sir Thonsas bong, of Rosobank, and sI. 1704, having had issne by her )n-itls one dan. Margaret, t. 1724, d. assist. l77a), one son, Gilbert-Gordon, ol hIalIealhn, 5. 1722; ns. Stargaret, dau. of Capt. Stowart, of the honse of Plsysgilt, and re, in 1789, having had by her (with three other daus. who S. ssassi.), 495 0-OR I Gtlberl., S. wasa. in 1763. 2 Archibald-Gordon, of Italtoatha, who m. SIlas Anne Possnonby’, and lsssd lassie shroe sons, Gilbert, si-ho si. sons. 1849. Archibald, om. and e1. in 1847, leaving inane. John, susan. 1 Johssnna, uenni. 2 Patricia, is. in 1794, William litnule. Lord Panmsnre, and predeceasesi lsisn tim 1821 ; havirg hail isssso to hss lordship, Fox, present Lord t’asssnus’c, and otisors. dais ant ii. in 1723 ; Isaving had to lsisn (slso S. ins 1751) one isis, JoIns, and 5 tree dams. and ii. in 1715; having had to hsmn (who survived her till 1722) two sans nod tn-c Onus. and ii. in 1727; Isaving had to hhu tao dass. sosssctinso knovcn as Gordon of (lreenlnw ; Iso as. 1740, lnabel-SI’Cnlloch Gordon, hoP ens of Csslvcnnnn and olson Iser snccession, in 1750, Iso assumed, Isy virtue of Ilse entail, (subseqssentlv nsade imperativo hr Act of l’snliasssent us 1770), rIse sole nause and designation of Gunnux sf Pal— vu-sisal. By chin lady he had (n’ich lhreo d,sas. that S. ss,s 555.), I Alexander (Sir). Otis Gordon of Cuhvcnnnn. 5. 1748; grandfather of the present Wihliasss, 8th Iordon of Cnl— v conan, 5. 1800, who su. Agnes-Marion, dais, of John, 4th blyslop of Lochend, co. Itis’euslheighr, and of Alexaader tiordun, the present vrell—bnowss snensber of tise lnstitsstioa of Civil Eegioeors. (For fsmrllser pas-ticsslars of this family, see lsssnr’s Aos,’fcul &‘ossfs-y; Brawn’s Iltaotrafls,-s,a ,‘ lfrnar’n Vu tssliessi.) 2 David, of ‘fisroavograege, 5 1750; entered the 67th rogt. of toot. ansi ssslsseqssen ny volssnloorod isslo Its htsiovian service; and foil ‘sss,l. in battle, at Bucharest, 240cr. 1771. 7 Ilobert, of Threavegrango. 5. 1757; entered the navy; hint fell into bad health, and retired. ITo survived till 1071, and Ihen 1. -suns’s. 1 Marion, 5. 1747 ‘n. 1st, 1779, W’ilians Kirbspairicic, of Iaeherry, w Iso ul 22 Slay, 1778. She s 2ndly, 31 Starch, 1783, Alexander, by courtesy, OtIs Earl suf Nslhsdabe, (a hitbe attainted in 171.5), n-Islet genclensan (otherwise known as Abcteandor-llerries Slnxn-ell, of Slunshes) ii. 28 Juno, lSlSs she survived till 1-Ills April, 1879; having had no issue to either ofhor tashandn. 2 Isabella, Ia. 1779, James llntmoain, Esq., soidow-er, tise maternal grsudtather of Fbetelser, present Lord Grantloy and uI. in 1830, having had to her husband, two sons and to’o dasss, - Carleton; and 4. 1740, having had Is him (vs-ho si 1742), Alexandor, Out Gordon of Carleton, and others. rinc, only child of Daniel Campbell, of Slsawfield and ml. v.p. in 1707, having had by her three children, 1 ‘thonsss, 5. 1739; 5. sums. 1766. 2 Daniel, 5. 17-12; ii. ii s,,si. 1702. I Catharine, is. 1770, Slajor-Gen. Ahen Stewart, of Afton (taeieg got the Afton estate by Isis mam-riago). and had 10 hsrss, one sum, Alex. Gordon, n-ho 5-. siuos. in 1787, and four daus, 28 gaas; n’as nsade prisoner; and 5. nose. v. p. at inrosr, 11 Jnnc, 1745. - mis, Jolla (Sis’(, 4th baronet. sv, Francis. 5. 1720; entered the 60th foot, was ta-ice made prisoner, being the Inst time snasn,scred in euld blued, in 1703. He Seas ss,s,s, Scarlott, Enq.; and si, 1794, lsavirg had issue by Iner, 1 boa (Sir), .5th hart. 2 Fraeeis, 5. n.,ss. I Wihlliasn, sss. Anne-Cam, dan. of —Sloseat, Esq., and Isy her (n-Iso survivod till 1849) had, Jona, ma. Caroline, dan. of rho late C.-7t. TeNse, Esq., Id.F, t and had one son and two davis,