Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/553

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G-OU lie ci. 5 Sept. 1790, and was s. by his eldest son, ARTHUR, 2nd viscount who was created EARL OF Gosroen in in-chief of the 60th rifles, is. 3 Nov. 1779 ; use. iu Feb. 1806. His lordship us. in 1774, llillicent, dan. of Liout.Gen. 1807, Frances-Maria, dan. of Gets. Edward Stephens, Edward Pole (see POLE, BAaT), by whom (who d. in 1821) R.A., and by her (who ci. 15 March, 1863) has had, iso left issue, AacuIaALD. Edward, CE., lient.-rol. in the army; ,l. score. 24 Jnly, 1922. Olivia, Os. 14 March, 1797, to Brigadier-General llobcrt hernard-Sparrow, of Brampion Park, co. lltLoungdon, who sI. 1800; she 8. 12 Feb. 1063. Their only child, Millicont, was vs. 8 Oct. 1122, to George, 6th Bake of Manchester, and sT.21 Nov. 1848. Mary, us. 19 Fob. 1003, to Liesst.-Gen. Lord Williasn-1i.-C. Bentincic, G.C.B.. brother of IVillians, 4tls Dole of Portland; and 8. in 1843. lifillicent, so. 12 Sept.1926, to the Eev. J.-Ilsort Barber, 31.A. Ills lordship cl 14 Jan. 1807, and was o. by Isis eldest son, ARCIIIRALn, 2nd earl, G.C.B., and formurly governor of Canada; us. 20 July, 1809, Mary, only dan. of Robert Sparrow, s. Letitia-Mary, us. in 1816, to Edward Supple, Esq Esq. of Worlingham Mall, Saffolb, lineally descended from Thomas Sparowe, of Somsrsans, living An. 1410, and by her II. Gertruds-Ssphia, so. in 1837, to A-F. Arbuthnot, Esq., (s’ho rl. in 1041) he had issue, AaenseAs,n, 3rd earl. Mary, us. 9 July, 1030, to the lion. James Bowitt, now Viscount sri. Jane-Ellis-Mona, sa. 1840, Lt.-Col. G.Ilainss,E.I.C.S. Lifford, and sl. 23 March, 1800. Millicent, ma. to Ilonry-Bence Jones, Esq.,.l.D. Olivia, ci. 22 March, 1802. Annabella, tl. 26 July, 1840. The earl was created a Peer of Ihe United Kingdom, as Lord 1846, and further advanced to the visceunty in] 849. Worlingham, 13 June, 1830. Me sY. 27 March, 1849, and was He entered the army in 1794; and after serving s. by his only son, AEOHSEALn, 3rd earl, E.P., wlso had, previonsly to succeeding, obtained his majnnty in the 87th (then Prince of been created a peer of the United Kingdom, 10 Sept. 1047, Wales’ Irish) regt., which corps he commanded at as BARO5e Acnasoo, of Glencairny, co. Armagh. lie was t. 20 Talavera,Barrooa,Vittoria, Nivelle, Cadiz, and Tarifa, Aug. 1806, and ue. 22 June, 1832, Theodosia, only dan. of for his conduct at which (particularly the latter), John, 10th Earl of 3lcath, and had, AaomlnALn-EaAuozoN-SpAisasow, present earl. EnwARO-ARcH1EALD-BRAEAEON, capt. Coldstroasn-guards, I. a chief, containing a representation of the breach— in 1944. Gertrude-Emily, so. 20 Feb. 18Sf, to P.4.-S. Foljambe, Esq., granted him. He became a majer-gen. in 1830, and M.P. for East Retford, eldest sun of George-Saville Feljambc, went to India in 1837, in ccmmand of a division of Esq. of Osberton, Nstts. Mary, sa. 27 Feb. 1062, to tlte lion. L.-W.-H. Powys (ocr the indian army, whence he was ordered to China, LlLroan, B.) Edith. Katherine, so. 22 July, 2062, to Capt. F.-W. Dencombe, gron. Canton (for which he was honoured with the Grand goards, son of Admiral the Hon. A. Dssnoomnbe (see cole, Cross of the Bath), and during the whole series of FEvER5stAas, E. of). The earl rf. 02 Juno, 1064, and was s. by his eldest son, operations, which were concluded by the signatnro AaoniaALn-RaanAzotc-SFARaow, the 4tls and present EARL of the treaty. For these services he received his or Gosroan. GOUGH. Gouoa, VISCouNT (Sir Hugh Gougls), of Goojerat, Edward Croker, Esq. of Datlynagarde; ansi ci. in 1841, in the Punjaub, and of the city of Limerick Is. Thsmas-Bnnbnry, in holy orders, dean of Berry; m. and Baron Gough, of Chinkoanfoo, in China, and of Charlotte, 2nd dan. of the late John Iilesmfield, Esq., Maharajpore and the Sutlej, in the Eaat Indies, iu the Sir John-Blsnmfisld Gongh, K.C.I1., is a Bent.-gsn. and peerage of the United Kingdom; and a baronet; K.P., G.C.B.,G.C.SJ., P.C.5afield-marshalintheas-my, in. William, msjor 60th regt., lost off Klnaale Head, 1822. 508 GOU colonel of the Royal horse Guards Bisse, an,i colonel- s. Guonne-Svursstsss, of Rathronan House, near Clonmel, dop.-lieut. eo. Tipperary, 2s1.ItI.A., F.L.2., FOB., late captain in ths greu.-guards; 0. 10 Jan. 1916; us. 1st, at Florence, 17 Oct. 1940, Sarah, 3rddau. of Lisut.Col. Palliser, of Consragh, co Weaford, which lady d. a p. in Aug. 1841. He mu. Sndly, 2 Juno, 3846, Jane, 2nd dou. of the late George Arbutheot, Esq. of EldsrsIlo, Surrey, and has lsad by her, 1 mom, 0. 27 Aug. 1849. 2 Hugh-George, 0. 25 July, 1202. 3 Hugh-Rudolph, 0. 1 Jan. 1856. I Frances-Anne-Mary, 8. 25 Jan. 1152. 2 Eleanor-Laura-Jauo. and 8. 25 Nov. 1892. son of the late Sir W. Arbuthnot, Bart. iv. Frances-Maria, so. 27 Sept. 1844, Lieutenant-General Sir Patrick Grant, GOD. His lordship was raised to the peerage in A pril, at the eaptnre in Saldaulsa Bay, and dssring the campaign in the West Indies, and the Brigand war, ho had an honourable augmentation to his arms—of to take command of the British troops employed there, which appointment he held at the attack on baronetcy, and was honoured with the thanks of botls houses of parliament. Subsequently, he became consmaneler-in-chief of the forces in India; and while Cs-csfisa.s—Ilaronet of Nova Scotia, Sept. 1828. Baron, in that elevated position, eomsnanded tlse army in 20 July, 1776. Viscount, 20 June, 1783. Earl, Feb. 3806. person in the campaign against the Mahrattas, which Bas-on Worlingham of the United Kingdom, 33 Juno 1035, concluded with the victory of Maharajpore; and the .Arao—Arg., an eagle, displayrd, with two heads, sa., first and eecond campaigns against the Sikhs, which beaked and membered, or on a chief, vert, two mullets, or. were ended, respectively, by the actions of Solsraon Sesppsrforo—Dcxter, a leopard, ppm-.; einistei, another, and Goojerat. For these brilliant aelsievemente he was rewarded witls a barony and viscountey, and geaes—Gosford Castle, co. Armagh; Worlingham Hell, thrice received the thanks of parliament. JOHN Gonna, of Stratford, es Wilts, was father of Tat REV. Henu Gounn, rector of Alleanning, os. Wilts, who us. Jane, dan. nf — Clifford, Esq. of Clifford Hall, in Devonshire, and had several sane. The 5th, Tat Rev. FaAacss Gouna, is. in 2594, was consecrated Bishop of Limerick, at Cashel, 17 Sept. 1626. ho 8. In Limerick, 29 Aug. 3634, and left an eldest son, BALm (or Renoe,Fa) Gounn, father of Rena Gonna, who so. Rebecca, dan. of W. Milisr, Esq. of Ballicasey, co. Clare; and their eldest son, Gzoaoe Gonna, sa. Elizabeth, dan. of B. WaIler, Esq. of Castle Waller, co. Tipperary, and was s. by his eldest sen, Gconns Geunn, Esq. of Woodstown, es. Limerick, of the city of Limerick militia, who us. Lstitia, dan. of the late Thomas Bunbstry, Esq. of Lisnovach and lstoyle, co Carlow; and ci. in March, 1837, having had issue by her (who 8. in 1829), I. George, major city Limerick militia, sn. Sarah, dan. of leaving issue. and sister of Lord Bloomfisid, as,d has issue; their eon eel, of the 2nd dragoons. Baron Acheson, of tho United Kingdsm, 10 Supt. 1847 Cs-eel—A cock, gn., stand’ing upon a trnmpet, or. regardant; bath collared and chained, or. llfolfs—Vigilantibus. Suffolk. Tomes Heseso—SO, Groevener Street.