Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/558

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GRAHAM. GaAnxar, Sin REGINALD-HENRY, Sir nellhmghana ,i. 15 JnIle, 1000, and wao .‘. by hia son, Ste of Norton-Conyers, co. York, lato 1;eoueAon-HomeaY Gnanau, the 01k and present barr. captain rifio-brigaelo, served in the A rssm—Or, oit a chief, ia., three escallops of 1110 field. Crimean campaign of 185.5; 1’. 22 Creoi—Yno srioga, acislorseil, or. April, 1835 a. his father as 8th ,Seal—Nertso-Conycrs. co. York. haronet, 15 June, 1866. Liitcagc, The Gexii.swe ci’ A’o,Ia,, Gooy ,o (of whom we are about to treat), the (ltas;,atja s,J2’Ie, tied the Gisn.taio s/JfilJcscby, descend ir,oa tin- tine e’ ‘Clinton ancestor ; n;,aselv, Site Then son I o.sii.s_si, who was ereatc,J a Baronet in I 12;) (a 1.1 itansal of H’s), and whose tii,I son, I. IRoner i’ hr .STIAtI, Req. ‘‘F Norton L’onyers, co. York, _______________ and late of tho let lifo-gnarde; was advan,e,1 to the oaine rank, 7 Nov. 2662, in c,,nsidera— ii,oi ,,t I Ito sit, low he had rendered to the royal canoe during tlso civil w,,r, Sir lliehard ‘a. Elizabeth, dan. of Col. Sir thielceoter Forteseno, Knt. of Bronoisken, he Ireland, by wh no he had (ivitle ether issue, who ‘7. us n), Clnehe,ier, ribs .o. ahss ‘C rim, and ,i. ,. , cud jssiiria. lIchens, tills a. hR father. Ilicliord, triton’. ‘i dan. of William Clmlancr, Eoq. of Quitboroegh, I. Rmenann-Jaoire, I. 21 Feb. 1019. cc. York. Elizabeth, ill, it, Sir Robert lte,Iirick, Dart. Sosan, c,. to the l;ev. Tic. Younger, dr;,o of Soriini. Mary, cc. to at. Trowick, of Neceea,tte, ntcrciioi,t. Jane, si. to lbs 11ev. James Macgrave, rector of C ransdea, in iv. Sibyl. a’. hTilda. Cami,ridgcshirc, Iri soc of Sir Richard 7.losgrave, P,aot. Anne, on to V. Ilcoketh, Ecq. of Ilofford, koncaohirc. Sir Richard svas a, by his ard and oldest surviving osn, IT. Sin Resin son, whi had iseen isoge of h’snonr t,s ef Charles, lastYisasunt Preoten, and wifo of William, Lord Janco IT. lIe s. lit, Frances, clan. anti heir of I lenry Widdnicgtsn of Blanlency, dying in 1757, without issue, Tlcllinghoin, Eoq, by whom he had (with a 3rd ton, Riehar,l), dcvioed her estates to her eensima, Jlsoi,tteoeinat, l,io ouccosotsr;and Riasisaois, successor Is, l,is Tun REv. Rsoonn’ Gnauaom, PD., grandson of Sir George brother. Sir Begins,lsl s. 2ndly, Anna, dan. of Sir Panel Grahano, 2nd baronet of Rob (eec lOot tills), svha is. Frances, Foulio, Dart. Tie 1. 2o May, 1720, a,sd was’, by his eldest son, dan. sf Sir Reginald Graham, of Norton Cenyers, and had, III. Sin Ilctornuiisst, who ii. u’,.,. II April, 1710, whes, I. Cuonos, o’hs . o. p. leaving an only dan. is. is JohnW’,slsb the title devolved tsen his brother, IV. Sin Rs:o;waon. This geittlemait to. a dasi. of Cs]. iii. h’orgui, rector ef Kirleondresra-ampon—Esle, isles so. Jehsnnii, Orahans, of Pickill, co. Yorle. aisle-do-camp to John, Duke of Maribor’ ogle, I ‘y wh,sm lie bad ionic, 1. Rcrnrcoi,Aom, his soecesser. II. ileginalsi. capt. in use roved macises, rib a a;. a dan. of Ceo. ,laclemao, of the rot-al iliacilies. cmi. itlilehell, a’l;niral ll.N., selis, /. 5 Tlarcl,, 1705, baring a. tel, anolber dan. ;‘f (ice. Jacleman oo,l 2i,sltr, St i,slloria— Rcesccca P,owalcr, isv the loiter of srh,on be left, 1 John— lie was,, by his eldest onrvivtng son, Tiduingliam, a capt. in lice 15)-al marines, and 1 Maria. Sir Reginald dying 4 Nv. 1755, was 0. by his eldest son, a Daronet, 15 Jan. 170:;, Sir Jnntoo so. in i78o, Cothorine, V. SIR Its Li.lNnmi.s?m, whom. Elizabeth, dan. of Benjamin eldest dau. sf John, 7th Earl of Galloway, by whom (who Hudoon, Eoq. sf Bridlingte’n, ci,. Ysrk, and by her (svho if. sl. in Sept. 1036) he hod issue, in 1767) had a 0555 and two dano., IlroLlssouaoi, lit, snece550r. Catberiee, :. to lleary-l’roncis-Folke Grevilic, Esq. Elizabeth, a. to John Smith, major—gen. in lice arniy. Sir Rotlinghano svan high-sheriff sf Yorkshire in 1770. lIe iv. George, rogisirar—gen. of isirthis, dcotlis,omod msrrtageo, ci. ill I 7tes, and w;so s. by his only son, VI. Sin Ilconitsati mm. This gentleman se. Priscilla, dan of t. Elizsbeth-Pranceo, S. in 1010. Sir Charles Whit,vs,rth, Knt.,an’l ototer to Charles, Earl Whitworib, ii. Elizohetls-Anne, m. 4 lloceim, 1016, to tlio TIer. Wihhions i’y whoon h, h;,sl, BcLLIvnRAu-hle:nesAon, 7th hart., and two dano., Prioeilla-Fihzaheth, ss. 1st, to Licnt.-Csl. mix. Catherine-Mario, 5. 12 Slay, 1011. Ssnsan-Gei’rgo Newport, end lndiy, to Lienl.-CsI. Doffing Iv. Caroline, ni. 1021, to Sir Wilh-sd I.ow,oe, Dart., n-Iso ‘I. ham-John Smith; and Caroline, is. ro Algonson Greville, v. Gsergiana-Sssau. Esq. SirDcllingham 5. 11 Apr. 1786, and was c. by his son, vi. hIan’ictt-Anne, m. 10 Joly, 1032, to Capt. yrederirk VII. SIR Bsa.rIsnnaor-RantNAI,n, who was 6. 2 Nov. 1709, and ss, I ol , 10 Nov. ISle, Henrietta, lrd elan. e’f the late vu. Cleorhells, m. 26 Jnmmc, 1020, to Sir George Mnsgrsve, Dart. George (‘herb, Eoq. of West hatch, c’s. Essex, and by her (wits 0. ISis) hasi issue, hieginalsl-Rcllinghaas, 1’. o Jan. 1012; ,t. Slay, 1020. Oeorge-l;rllinghaas, 0. lola; ,t. 1525. Gedfcey.Yhessler,’, 5. 1511; 4. lstIT. Harcici, a. lot, 10 Oct. 1023, to Lient.-fien Sir Fivslerick 0 Jn2’, 1010, Famsny-Callander. yonug-est dsin. of Colonel and Aib,rsrlb, ,s,h, of the tails rrgl., by ohe,sai (ohs ‘1. lAng. Lsdy Elteatooth Callsm,,Icr, of Craigfort]o amod Ardkhngloes, 1050) she has liosl issece, Emily, so. to the lIon. (icorge and hod issue by her (who 0. 22 Oct. 15.17), Cadogan; aeel Eleanor her laehysl;ip teas se. TinIly, 20 It-b. I. Fannciiro-Urome, present ls;srenee. 1062, to the Marqness of hionegal. Jeasy, sleccaaed. Ellissr, sleceasest. Sir llolhinghani se. tndly, July, 1031, harriet, 3rd dan. of ni. Janoes-Slanley, con-ne. EN., 5. 12 April, 1030. the late Rev. Ilobert Cottam, MA., and had, ReuIieArtoTIrNRv, preoent hart. Gcoeoc-Fnonua, capl. Indian army, b. 10 May, 1826. Angiasta-Clenientina, ci. 21 Oct. 1827, to Tlajor Ednosnd iii. Helen, ,si.21 Aug. 1060, Is Lt.-Csl. Charles Raring, Cole]steenns-gsnrdi, de Feyl, of the Anntrian aerates, ohs el. in 1867. 508 GRA Charlstto-Ilarrict. Gerlrnde-Rhizabeth-Prioeilla, to. is 1883, Is Count Actlsor Dillon. Creation—li Nov. 1002. Ji,,tlo—Rcason conlents mite. Toiose Jlouae—2, John Street, Ilerkelcy Square. GRAHAM. lJ’ OnAnAat, STE FREDERICE-ULRIC, Bart. of Netherhy, co. dumberland, 5. 2 April, 1820; attaché to the onobassy at Vienna in 1842, high ohoriff of Cnmherlund in 1866; n. his father a-s 3rd baronet 25 Oct. 1861 ; tso. 26 Oct. 1852, Lady Jane’ i{ernaione St. lilaur, eldsnt dato. of Edward-Adolphno, Duko of Ssmcroot, and han had, ii. Iingk, 6. 11 Dec. 1860. itt. A son, 6. 28 July, 1064. t. Tisrgarct-Franeeo. I;. Vislet-Itermisne. iti. lichen, it. II Dcc 1061. Liiituit. Pun flute. CATRERICiE GRAHAM, surviving aunt and heir Weston, Tlsq. ti. JAMES. lot bnrenol. don. of ilsanplny Gals, Esq. acts] srsoo fatl,cr of Pergao—Jameo Crohsne, Eoq. 11DM. consul at Do3 omsoc, who m. Alethea, don, of W.—E. Jamises, Eosi. of Barcode, Csismt,em’lo,i,l, nod boo, Willioni Grshoss, Esq., ci. Dora, don. ef Richard-Hoary itsiland, Req. by Dorstbca, elsiest d;sn. of time lois Nathaniel Blamo,l, Esq. of Ilanslalts l’ark. Leallterliend, Ssrrev, amid hioll’ Cariser; Castle, Cesbireirccn, Kerry a,td has issue. I. JAMEs GRAHAM, Eoq. of Notksrby, who was created I. Ja.oiro-lloocxr-Geoson, Is,] boromiel. it. William, is Imoly orders. ml,. Chsrles, rear-admiral, TIN, a dioliegsmlslted officer, 6. 1722; 4. hONor, 1011. is. Ilsiria, yesngsst clan, of die tale Edsvar,l lfoosoll, Esq., orbs ‘1. in 1015. W’addilos-e. only some of lime Penis of Rip’sme. 12 Jnne, 1067. Slodou, K. I. soevice. mi. Catherine, 0. at Jorsey, 27 Aug. 1061. lIe 5. 13 Aped, 1024, and was s. by his eldest son, 11. THe Hlsur how. SIR Jeoiro-Ronenv-f;eunoe, a privyeounctller, C.C.B., LL.TI., who os-as 5. 1 June, 1702; and ci. Ii. iIakse—Reginatsl, in holy or,ic,o, reets,r of Artlauret, CuimoIserland, 5. 15 Feb. 1011 t as. 10 Jsenc, 1562, Agnes, 2nd dan. of Sir George Slnsgravs, Dart. I. Censiouco-llclena. Ii. Mabel-Violet, see. 7 Aug. l5l, In Wihliani-Esoocal, 3rd and lsreaemmt Lord Fcrcrsham. rhdeot son of Ilenoy-Bieghono Baring, Eeq. ia_F. (Re post, Nsevnssooo.) U it A