Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/564

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On eves, BARON (Williatu-Thonsas Graves’l, Baron renast lbs body and Peters’ the oings by a ducal coronet, arg. of Gravesend, en. Loudouderry, in the peerage of ,ss’jsjsrtir’s Two royal vullores, ssings etese, ppr. Ireland; fs. 18 April, 1801; s. his father, as 3rd Seol—Thanekee Otsuss, Devonshire. baron, 7 Feb. 1830; in. 1st, 11 Aug. 1529, SophieTherose, dan. of (den. Berthier, and relict of (den. Count Brnyere. Lady Graves if. 2 Aug. 1833. His lordship at. 2udly, Louise-Adele Ilalene, and by her GRAY, BARONESS (Iladalina Gray), of Gray, en. has had issue, i. Thomas F.stwardJ’sgot, 1’. 4 Jan. 3937; cadet 91 N., peerage of Scotland, a. her brother 31 Jan. 1867. drowned by the upsetting ef a b,sat, 24 tug. 1949. s. CL CHIN ‘C COWARD, 9. 7 June, 1911, ii. N. i. Jane-AdOle. II. AdSie- Isabella, a. 15 Per. 1859, to Geerge -W. - C. rhssmishorlssims to llobert, Duke of Nesrmssiids’, who had fromo Sollan-Sysuons, Req. if lJliaddlewood, co. Devon. f See him a gr;ssmt of the eastlo ssud hssnour of Ci oy, in Pisardy, Braise’s Lose1 Pastry.) Iii. I.ouiea—Elesuosr. xv. tiaroline-Ellen-Oeergins, ii. 30 Oct. 3897. Itfiirztgc. Jaacrs Gaisers, Esq. (descended from an ancient Yorkshire Gms cv, seas smos sst WILLIA55 THE Comssurresso’s c’smopauiomos family), s. Slim Ilordinan, dan. and co-heir et Sir in amos at the lsattls of liastissgo, and is rooerdrd in the John lienlinan, Rot, of dtannington, and ‘1. leaving, is1i Issssmeelay survey as lom’d of msiamiy snanoro amid lorsioloips ims oils.’, I laureL. s,ho e,, STies Moore, amid had iss,,e, tro,n which Gnsy seas fathor of itmeo.eno cc GOAT, is-ho flomsrished in descends Iho present Sin tjisanrss-hnuse Cia eves-tiAssLe, ths reign of Kisig ttssxuv t. lie was falhsr of ANoaImnTmL hart. (,‘,, I/iris lisle.) IL ‘r,mo,IAs, rt s-lm,n pri’se.ntly. The yssiiiipi it soIl, ltn.eas-Amomieem. TR55N so (‘,e.srro, ef Thankeo, t’ernwa]l, 5. imi 1214. Ills older lsmsstlser, Jouv mn GaAs’, had ss son, 9. in 18815, s,. let, in 171 5, Slice Warns, which lady 5. 0. p. in lisessa on Goav, who ss’sis high hi favour svith King 1719 ; ansi Dolly, in I 733, Ethal ieth, rico. of I Ru cot Rudgell, Hmcsmaau I. ansi King Juoa. us GnAv, who wssa P. Fl, • sf lit. Themrss’s, n,’ssr Exeter, iii’ whomsi lie hail tsvo pnshalsly l’srssther of henry, was made lord high chancellor eons, WILLs iii, sic sf the niartr rs ui Chancery ; and Tsmna, is llnxvrs, Req. who, bring l’recl a naval officer, wsss mssade Archbiohop of York. henry de tiray had several distsasgui-shosl hisuoslf sipon several oecso.iosso, hut parti.—.ms— s,,mse, larly as leader of the ]drinsh van hi the decisive and glorions i. iloorox,5 of Rotherfield, whose niale hoe ssded in lt000rt, c’ inflict 1 ss’twcess .9 dnst, a] Earl Ii Dive and the French fleet, I Jsuse, iTs’ 1; tsr is hicis gallant Decries he was elevated Is hi. Ihiehard de Gray, oisose principal seat seas at Codnor, in the peerage sf irelamssi in the J01 following, ls’ the tille of Iserbyshire. its seas ancestor st his t,oosls they of Codner, Louts G e.ees s, hr rio 0,1 0,”’ coo’1, so. I.soslo’’Srs’s’9s. Ills sshose osale line failed in liii’ reign of King ltemsny VII. 1, selship is. im 1771, Eliz’sl retis, i isis. ansi cs heir ef William — Deere Williams, Esq. st Chaslleigh, in tlevrsnshire, lsy whose King hiosao Ill., ssmist 5. in hOe SOIls year ssf lust king’s reign. he hail, is ills other iossme, ‘mcci se-Nsmsxn, Ins saccesesr. Elizatelh-Anne, es 1 i53. W illhmn Pagseeil, Req. of Kilnsos’e. Anne Elisaheth, es. 13 Jan. 1803, te Sir Tlsoinsss lIars, hart. scsi ,O. 11 .Sl. N33 lilargarel-Anne, o, is Caplain Neshass, RN. Ills lordship 1. 9 Eels. 1992, asid seas s. liy his eldest eon, Tnoss as N’ son, 2nd tsar’ mc; 9. 39 Slay, 1773 ; . 27 J,imss’, Gsoy. East of Kent. The elder line ef this great tansily 1803, Mary, yr ssmigeoi ‘hiss. sf llenry, let Earl s’t Uxhridge, failed iss thessry’, Karl of Kent, selso sI. ssillssot isssss, in 1639, amsi l’y’ her fss li’s l. 29 .usnl, 2033) he ILsi issue, WILLIA5I-’I’isosmAe, present lo’r Gcergs-A,sgssslos-Fr, slcrick-t’lnrence, /s. ]l6; rI. 194]. Henri -iiiels.srd, 0. 9 oct. 10101 or. 21 Gd. I 043, Miss lIenrirtla Wehlesley, ae,l has, Honry-C.vril-l’ercy, /s. ii Sepi. Csiltos sissies list they s,ere isis hrotlsers. It svoold seem from ]8d7 Wilhans-Speneer.l°ngst, 9. 21 Feb. 1949; Claude- else cisronology that Walter, at all events, most have been brother 514 CRA Thomas, 0. 21 Sept 1999 Algeenon-Syslncy-Grorge, 0. ii Oct. 1832; Adolphus-Edsoarsl-Pagsl, 8. 11 July, 1850 Aognsnis.Edgar, 0. Ii Oct. 1999; Adriasi-Edwsrd-Gesrgs, 0. 4 amy. 1090; ]lenrictra-Jsnc-Csrshne.Florence; Geergiana-l,euisa-Aliee, s. 20 Aug. 1s69, to Edsvarsi-C. Parker, Ess1.; ansi Slalsel Mary-Blanche. Ashsll:hisms’t dssarsl-Psget, 0. 26 Jan. 1821, late rapt, in lbs as issy ; us. 7 Apmil, 1558, (‘arohne,Snd doe, of Ca1ss.Wrefsrd, 11.N., amid has (‘ys’il—Edss arsl-Csilhbesi-liare, 9.1 s Jesse, loll; a dan., C S Nssr. 18513; ansi a das., 0.26 Feb. IsIS. Jsne-Anne, or. in 1r29, to Capt. J.-W. Cnllsbert. t’orsslise-Eorlh, os. 10 Jan. 1a44, to Slajoe-Grn. hugh-Percy Isis hen, of Sssarland Park; who ii. 5 July, 1949; sOs st. 27 Oci. 15551. Lososa.Khisabeth, saSS Aug. 1827, Is Charles Henenge, Esq., of the life-guards. sssn of Tlsonias—b’iesrii—l losseage, Ess1. asssi the Hi n. ,Oraisclla t’ellsamos, 9th die, of Charles, 1st Lord Varisoroogh, and 4. 30 June, Ili0. Asagosta-Cham1sagiie, is. II Slsirch, 1831, Is the Hon. and Her. W’illians-Too’ry Lasv; acid 1. 16 del. 1844. ltostrr-Charlolle, s’s. in Jan. 1822, to Edseard tloishouse, Esg., isroiher of Ion Ilronghton, n’ho ci. 16 Slay, 1854. lsahella-Lelilia, si. I June. leSS, to Slephon-Ronalsl Woolfe, Esq, only son sit the late I;ight Oh n .Slemdien Wonife, lordchief-baron of the Csssrt of Exeheqoer in Ireland. His tssrdohip, svhsi seas oue of tIm lords ssf the hedeharssber, a member cit parhissmeist, ansi rssnsplrssllrr of the household to tt. It. I]. the Isnke sf Cumtsorlassd, 5. 7 Feb. haaG. Creoiisss — July. 1794. A ‘is, s—Go., an eagle, displayed, or, dnrally eresened, erg.; on a canton, of the lost, nn anctssss’. tie. C’s ost—A denu-eogle, displayed and erased, so, encircled a’hlslto—Aslssila us’s soptat meseas. o II A Y. Forfar, ansl of Kiuafauns Caotlo, cis. Pertla, isa the IL tIlfitfic. The family of Grssy or Grey is deoconded from Hello, fromu whemsee his t s sotr’s’ity as.smnsierl thrir ssim’uamne, which was afterwards written Grssy s,r Iirey. The orthography is indifferessi, Gnsy haviisg hems the usual suods of spelling in aueieut limes ims Eisglausi, ;ss wsR as in Scotlamid. RcsLLn was tither sf Joima, lssrd st (tray, whose son, AN5cH EvIL CE the rssnuties sit Oxford inst Ilockisgisam. Aoschetil tie uc GaAs’, whss bad twss sons, both namnod JuaN, cue of svhs’m ssas masts Arehhish’sp ‘it Canterhesry, iii 1268. Ho wsss, ‘v Kimsg .I,smsv, appointest lorsd-ds1sat csf I relamssl, and isy Ring Jssssa’, in I in the 17th year of thsit khsg’s reigmi, Lorsl Grey of Relherfield, is lhs reign ef King Ricosos It. ,,lehs, from sohoni time nsost ithostrioos brooches of the hssssse sf Grey’ Isas e spesing. Ito seas Isigh isa the favour of lie seas father of Reginald. Lord Grey, sit W’iilen and Rolhs’n, wise had isscse, bun, lord Grey, of tt’itlssn and hissthyn, ssho s/in the hills year of Kiog EnsoAon II. lie had issue, I henry, Lord thre y, of Witt,sis. frsns srh,smo ‘lescendod a long line of I,orsls Grey’ sIc Wiltssmi, the last of whomss, Thomas, Lord Grey’ do Wilt,sii, 5. sstttscssat jesse. ims 1619, and Isis in— licrihans’e seas earriesl tsy’ Isis sister h3s’i’lgci, mIs Ihe family st Kgsrls’n, csvoled, in 1091, Earl of W’ilres ; 2 Roger, Lord hirey’ de Rutlsys, use asseeslor of use ihlostrieas house of Fsagdate shsles that R,slss rt of Relherfield, and Walter, orehtsishop of Seek, seers the sons of Ilonry ste Gray, sshGe of henry. C R .A f’sraf—A colt, passasit, arg., eoflared and lined. or. Sssjsps’s’Ses’a_’fsso srsslvss, sss’g., plain collared, amisl hoe ic— fleoe’t oser the tack, gold, simsd ehssegesl oss miss elssssslder seitti no escoleheen. flu. lhrreon a clarioa, or. atfsslte—Irsuusgss osn Ilectes, N, rsl—Stemie 1 ‘sirk, Stssltsirslelure, Sbsr’s Jloaee—li, Bm’ssiemi Street, ilerkeley Square. GRAVES, BART,, ,Scc SAWLE, BARS. GRAVES, BART., See STI:t:LE-l 7RAV5’S, HART. U II A -V F S.